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Flowering, the transition from the vegetative to reproductive phase in plants, is regulated by both endogenous and environmental signals. Exposure to an extended period of stress (such as low nitrate or NaCl) can also promote flowering in many species, but little is known about how these forms of stress regulate floral induction. In this study, we found that stress induced by low concentrations of nitrate or NaCl activated the biosynthesis of gibberellin (GA) as evidenced by increased expression of the GA biosynthetic enzyme GA1. Expression of CO and SOC1 were also enhanced, leading to an acceleration of flowering. The effects of nitrate and NaCl on the photoperiod pathway were distinct, however. Two genes related to the photoperiod pathway, CCA1 and LHY, were repressed only under low NaCl treatment, while expression was unaltered by nitrate. Therefore, we suggest that the biosynthesis of gibberellin (GA) may play an important role in integrating signals induced by exogenous stress to regulate flowering in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Floral initiation is orchestrated by systemic floral activators and inhibitors. This remote‐control system may integrate environmental cues to modulate floral initiation. Recently, FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) was found to be a florigen. However, the identity of systemic floral inhibitor or anti‐florigen remains to be elucidated. Here we show that Arabidopsis thaliana CENTRORADIALIS homologue (ATC), an Arabidopsis FT homologue, may act in a non‐cell autonomous manner to inhibit floral initiation. Analysis of the ATC null mutant revealed that ATC is a short‐day‐induced floral inhibitor. Cell type‐specific expression showed that companion cells and apex that express ATC are sufficient to inhibit floral initiation. Histochemical analysis showed that the promoter activity of ATC was mainly found in vasculature but under the detection limit in apex, a finding that suggests that ATC may move from the vasculature to the apex to influence flowering. Consistent with this notion, Arabidopsis seedling grafting experiments demonstrated that ATC moved over a long distance and that floral inhibition by ATC is graft transmissible. ATC probably antagonizes FT activity, because both ATC and FT interact with FD and affect the same downstream meristem identity genes APETALA1, in an opposite manner. Thus, photoperiodic variations may trigger functionally opposite FT homologues to systemically influence floral initiation.  相似文献   

Ovule initiation determines the maximum ovule number and has great impact on seed number and yield. However, the regulation of ovule initiation remains largely elusive. We previously reported that most of the ovule primordia initiate asynchronously at floral stage 9 and PINFORMED1 (PIN1) polarization and auxin distribution contributed to this process. Here, we further demonstrate that a small amount of ovule primordia initiate at floral stage 10 when the existing ovules initiated at floral stage 9 start to differentiate. Genetic analysis revealed that the absence of PIN3 function leads to the reduction in pistil size and the lack of late-initiated ovules, suggesting PIN3 promotes the late ovule initiation process and pistil growth. Physiological analysis illustrated that, unlike picloram, exogenous application of NAA can’t restore these defective phenotypes, implying that PIN3-mediated polar auxin transport is required for the late ovule initiation and pistil length. qRT-PCR results indicated that the expression of SEEDSTICK (STK) is up-regulated under auxin analogues treatment while is down-regulated in pin3 mutants. Meanwhile, overexpressing STK rescues pin3 phenotypes, suggesting STK participates in PIN3-mediated late ovule initiation possibly by promoting pistil growth. Furthermore, brassinosteroid influences the late ovule initiation through positively regulating PIN3 expression. Collectively, this study demonstrates that PIN3 promotes the late ovule initiation and contributes to the extra ovule number. Our results give important clues for increasing seed number and yield of cruciferous and leguminous crops.  相似文献   

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