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From early on in evolution, organisms have had to protect themselves from pathogens. Mechanisms for discriminating "self" from "non-self" evolved to accomplish this task, launching a long history of host-pathogen co-evolution. Evolution of mechanisms of immune defense has resulted in a variety of strategies. Even unicellular organisms have rich arsenals of mechanisms for protection, such as restriction endonucleases, antimicrobial peptides, and RNA interference.In multicellular organisms, specialized immune cells have evolved, capable of recognition, phagocytosis, and killing of foreign cells as well as removing their own cells changed by damage, senescence, infection, or cancer. Additional humoral factors, such as the complement cascade, have developed that co-operate with cellular immunity in fighting infection and maintaining homeostasis. Defensive mechanisms based on germline-encoded receptors constitute a system known as innate immunity. In jaw vertebrates, this system is supplemented with a second system, adaptive immunity, which in contrast to innate immunity is based on diversification of immune receptors and on immunological memory in each individual.Usually, each newly evolved defense mechanism did not replace the previous one, but supplemented it, resulting in a layered structure of the immune system. The immune system is not one system but rather a sophisticated network of various defensive mechanisms operating on different levels, ranging from mechanisms common for every cell in the body to specialized immune cells and responses at the level of the whole organism. Adaptive changes in pathogens have shaped the evolution of the immune system at all levels.  相似文献   

Previous work on mathematical models of cultural evolution has mainly focused on the diffusion of simple cultural elements. However, a characteristic feature of human cultural evolution is the seemingly limitless appearance of new and increasingly complex cultural elements. Here, we develop a general modelling framework to study such cumulative processes, in which we assume that the appearance and disappearance of cultural elements are stochastic events that depend on the current state of culture. Five scenarios are explored: evolution of independent cultural elements, stepwise modification of elements, differentiation or combination of elements and systems of cultural elements. As one application of our framework, we study the evolution of cultural diversity (in time as well as between groups).  相似文献   

Why do males and females often differ in their ability to cope with infection? Beyond physiological mechanisms, it has recently been proposed that life-history theory could explain immune differences from an adaptive point of view in relation to sex-specific reproductive strategies. However, a point often overlooked is that the benefits of immunity, and possibly the costs, depend not only on the host genotype but also on the presence and the phenotype of pathogens. To address this issue we developed an adaptive dynamic model that includes host–pathogen population dynamics and host sexual reproduction. Our model predicts that, although different reproductive strategies, following Bateman''s principle, are not enough to select for different levels of immunity, males and females respond differently to further changes in the characteristics of either sex. For example, if males are more exposed to infection than females (e.g. for behavioural reasons), it is possible to see them evolve lower immunocompetence than females. This and other counterintuitive results highlight the importance of ecological feedbacks in the evolution of immune defences. While this study focuses on sex-specific natural selection, it could easily be extended to include sexual selection and thus help to understand the interplay between the two processes.  相似文献   

The evolution of adaptive immune systems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Cooper MD  Alder MN 《Cell》2006,124(4):815-822
A clonally diverse anticipatory repertoire in which each lymphocyte bears a unique antigen receptor is the central feature of the adaptive immune system that evolved in our vertebrate ancestors. The survival advantage gained through adding this type of adaptive immune system to a pre-existing innate immune system led to the evolution of alternative ways for lymphocytes to generate diverse antigen receptors for use in recognizing and repelling pathogen invaders. All jawed vertebrates assemble their antigen-receptor genes through recombinatorial rearrangement of different immunoglobulin or T cell receptor gene segments. The surviving jawless vertebrates, lampreys and hagfish, instead solved the receptor diversification problem by the recombinatorial assembly of leucine-rich-repeat genetic modules to encode variable lymphocyte receptors. The convergent evolution of these remarkably different adaptive immune systems involved innovative genetic modification of innate-immune-system components.  相似文献   

Henrich [Henrich, J., 2004. Demography and cultural evolution: how adaptive cultural processes can produce maladaptive losses—the Tasmanian case. Am. Antiquity 69, 197-214] proposed a model designed to show that larger population size facilitates cumulative cultural evolution toward higher skill levels. In this model, each newborn attempts to imitate the most highly skilled individual of the parental generation by directly-biased social learning, but the skill level he/she acquires deviates probabilistically from that of the exemplar (cultural parent). The probability that the skill level of the imitator exceeds that of the exemplar can be regarded as the innovation rate. After reformulating Henrich’s model rigorously, we introduce an overlapping-generations analog based on the Moran model and derive an approximate formula for the expected change per generation of the highest skill level in the population. For large population size, our overlapping-generations model predicts a much larger effect of population size than Henrich’s discrete-generations model. We then investigate by way of Monte Carlo simulations the case where each newborn chooses as his/her exemplar the most highly skilled individual from among a limited number of acquaintances. When the number of acquaintances is small relative to the population size, we find that a change in the innovation rate contributes more than a proportional change in population size to the cumulative cultural evolution of skill level.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing election to variation in one adaptive (larval feeding rate) and one seemingly nonadaptive (pupation height) trait were determined in populations ofDrosophila melanogaster adapting to either low or high larval densities in the laboratory. Larval feeding rates increased rapidly in response to high density, and the effects of ancestry, past selection and chance were ameliorated by ongoing selection within 15–20 generations. Similarly, in populations previously kept at high larval density, and then switched to low larval density, the decline of larval feeding rate to ancestral levels was rapid (15-20 generations) and complete, providing support for a previously stated hypothesis regarding the costs of faster feeding inDrosophila larvae. Variation among individuals was the major contributor to variation in pupation height, a trait that would superficially appear to be nonadaptive in the environmental context of the populations used in this study because it did not diverge between sets of populations kept at low versus high larval density for many generations. However, the degree of divergence among populations (FST) for pupation height was significantly less than expected for a selectively neutral trait, and we integrate results from previous studies to suggest that the variation for pupation height among populations is constrained by stabilizing selection, with a flat, plateau-like fitness function that, consequently, allows for substantial phenotypic variation within populations. Our results support the view that the genetic imprints of history (ancestry and past selection) in outbreeding sexual populations are typically likely to be transient in the face of ongoing selection and recombination. The results also illustrate the heuristic point that different forms of selection-for example directional versus stabilizing selection—acting on a trait in different populations may often not be due to differently shaped fitness functions, but rather due to differences in how the fitness function maps onto the actual distribution of phenotypes in a given population. We discuss these results in the light of previous work on reverse evolution, and the role of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing selection in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

A key feature of the vertebrate adaptive immune system is acquired immune memory, whereby hosts launch a faster and heightened response when challenged by previously encountered pathogens, preventing full infection. Here, we use a mathematical model to explore the role of ecological and epidemiological processes in shaping selection for costly acquired immune memory. Applying the framework of adaptive dynamics to the classic SIR (Susceptible‐Infected‐Recovered) epidemiological model, we focus on the conditions that may lead hosts to evolve high levels of immunity. Linking our work to previous theory, we show how investment in immune memory may be greatest at long or intermediate host lifespans depending on whether immunity is long lasting. High initial costs to gain immunity are also found to be essential for a highly effective immune memory. We also find that high disease infectivity and sterility, but intermediate virulence and immune period, increase selection for immunity. Diversity in host populations through evolutionary branching is found to be possible but only for a limited range of parameter space. Our model suggests that specific ecological and epidemiological conditions have to be met for acquired immune memory to evolve.  相似文献   

Human cumulative cultural evolution (CCE) is recognized as a powerful ecological and evolutionary force, but its origins are poorly understood. The long-standing view that CCE requires specialized social learning processes such as teaching has recently come under question, and cannot explain why such processes evolved in the first place. An alternative, but largely untested, hypothesis is that these processes gradually coevolved with an increasing reliance on complex tools. To address this, we used large-scale transmission chain experiments (624 participants), to examine the role of different learning processes in generating cumulative improvements in two tool types of differing complexity. Both tool types increased in efficacy across experimental generations, but teaching only provided an advantage for the more complex tools. Moreover, while the simple tools tended to converge on a common design, the more complex tools maintained a diversity of designs. These findings indicate that the emergence of cumulative culture is not strictly dependent on, but may generate selection for, teaching. As reliance on increasingly complex tools grew, so too would selection for teaching, facilitating the increasingly open-ended evolution of cultural artefacts.  相似文献   

Recent studies of segmentation in the spider suggest that the ancestral vertebrate and arthropod segmentation mechanisms utilized the Notch signaling pathway and bolster the argument that segmentation is an ancestral feature of all bilaterians.  相似文献   

Mesoudi A 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18239
One of the hallmarks of the human species is our capacity for cumulative culture, in which beneficial knowledge and technology is accumulated over successive generations. Yet previous analyses of cumulative cultural change have failed to consider the possibility that as cultural complexity accumulates, it becomes increasingly costly for each new generation to acquire from the previous generation. In principle this may result in an upper limit on the cultural complexity that can be accumulated, at which point accumulated knowledge is so costly and time-consuming to acquire that further innovation is not possible. In this paper I first review existing empirical analyses of the history of science and technology that support the possibility that cultural acquisition costs may constrain cumulative cultural evolution. I then present macroscopic and individual-based models of cumulative cultural evolution that explore the consequences of this assumption of variable cultural acquisition costs, showing that making acquisition costs vary with cultural complexity causes the latter to reach an upper limit above which no further innovation can occur. These models further explore the consequences of different cultural transmission rules (directly biased, indirectly biased and unbiased transmission), population size, and cultural innovations that themselves reduce innovation or acquisition costs.  相似文献   

30个祖先信息位点的筛选及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李彩霞  贾竟  魏以梁  万立华  胡兰  叶健 《遗传》2014,36(8):779-785
摘要:目的 筛选一组祖先信息SNPs位点(AIMs,Ancestry Informative Markers),构建复合检测体系,用于东亚、欧洲和非洲人群遗传成分描述及个体种族来源推断。方法 以HapMap数据库9个人群的658份样本的分型数据为基础,从30个表型相关基因总共282个SNPs位点中筛选出30个AIMs位点,基于微测序-通用芯片技术构建复合检测体系,并建立人群等位基因频率数据库。使用这组位点分析HapMap数据库中658份人群样本,初步验证位点的区分效能;然后,使用研究构建的体系检验收集的5个人群194份无关个体的DNA样本。最后,通过Structure软件分析获取人群的成分构成以及个体的遗传成分,对个体样本进行种族来源推断。 结果 筛选的30个AIMs位点符合哈迪温伯格平衡(p>0.01),位点之间没有连锁(r2<0.1), 658份HapMap数据库样本和194份实验样本的祖先成分分析结果与已知结果完全一致。 结论 本文筛选并建立的30个AIMs位点复合检测体系,能够有效实现东亚、欧洲、非洲人群及混合人群的成分构成和个体遗传成分的分析,有效控制遗传连锁分析中由于人群分层现象带来的误差,也可以用于法医DNA检验中个体祖先来源推断。  相似文献   

Many animals use tools but only humans are generally considered to have the cognitive sophistication required for cumulative technological evolution. Three important characteristics of cumulative technological evolution are: (i) the diversification of tool design; (ii) cumulative change; and (iii) high-fidelity social transmission. We present evidence that crows have diversified and cumulatively changed the design of their pandanus tools. In 2000 we carried out an intensive survey in New Caledonia to establish the geographical variation in the manufacture of these tools. We documented the shapes of 5550 tools from 21 sites throughout the range of pandanus tool manufacture. We found three distinct pandanus tool designs: wide tools, narrow tools and stepped tools. The lack of ecological correlates of the three tool designs and their different, continuous and overlapping geographical distributions make it unlikely that they evolved independently. The similarities in the manufacture method of each design further suggest that pandanus tools have gone through a process of cumulative change from a common historical origin. We propose a plausible scenario for this rudimentary cumulative evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of immune defense and song complexity in birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract There are three main hypotheses that explain how the evolution of parasite virulence could be linked to the evolution of secondary sexual traits, such as bird song. First, as Hamilton and Zuk proposed a role for parasites in sexual selection, female preference for healthy males in heavily parasitized species may result in extravagant trait expression. Second, a reverse causal mechanism may act, if sexual selection affects the coevolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions per se by selecting for increased virulence. Third, the immuno-suppressive effects of ornamentation by testosterone or limited resources may lead to increased susceptibility to parasites in species with elaborate songs. Assuming a coevolutionary relationship between parasite virulence and host investment in immune defense we used measures of immune function and song complexity to test these hypotheses in a comparative study of passerine birds. Under the first two hypotheses we predicted avian song complexity to be positively related to immune defense among species, whereas this relationship was expected to be negative if immuno-suppression was at work. We found that adult T-cell mediated immune response and the relative size of the bursa of Fabricius were independently positively correlated with a measure of song complexity, even when potentially confounding variables were held constant. Nestling T-cell response was not related to song complexity, probably reflecting age-dependent selective pressures on host immune defense. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that predict a positive relationship between song complexity and immune function, thus indicating a role for parasites in sexual selection. Different components of the immune system may have been independently involved in this process.  相似文献   

The evolution of song repertoires and immune defence in birds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Song repertoires (the number of different song types sung by a male) in birds provide males with an advantage in sexual selection because females prefer males with large repertoires, and females may benefit because offspring sired by preferred males have high viability. Furthermore, males with large repertoires suffer less from malarial parasites, indicating that a large repertoire may reflect health status. We hypothesize that sexual selection may cause a coevolutionary increase in parasite virulence and host immune defence because sexual selection increases the risk of multiple infections that select for high virulence. Alternatively, a female mate preference for healthy males will affect the coevolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions by selecting for increased virulence and hence high investment by hosts in immune function. In a comparative study of birds, repertoire size and relative size of the spleen, which is an important immune defence organ, were strongly, positively correlated accounting for almost half of the variance. This finding suggests that host-parasite interactions have played an important role in the evolution of song repertoires in birds.  相似文献   

The riddle of man's ancestry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  



It is common belief that all cellular life forms on earth have a common origin. This view is supported by the universality of the genetic code and the universal conservation of multiple genes, particularly those that encode key components of the translation system. A remarkable recent study claims to provide a formal, homology independent test of the Universal Common Ancestry hypothesis by comparing the ability of a common-ancestry model and a multiple-ancestry model to predict sequences of universally conserved proteins.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the dimeric anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (AnPRT) reveals a new category of phosphoribosyltransferases, designated as class III. The active site of this enzyme is located within the flexible hinge region of its two-domain structure. The pyrophosphate moiety of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate is co-ordinated by a metal ion and is bound by two conserved loop regions within this hinge region. With the structure of AnPRT available, structural analysis of all enzymatic activities of the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway is complete, thereby connecting the evolution of its enzyme members to the general development of metabolic processes. Its structure reveals it to have the same fold, topology, active site location and type of association as class II nucleoside phosphorylases. At the level of sequences, this relationship is mirrored by 13 structurally invariant residues common to both enzyme families. Taken together, these data imply common ancestry of enzymes catalysing reverse biological processes--the ribosylation and deribosylation of metabolic pathway intermediates. These relationships establish new links for enzymes involved in nucleotide and amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Culturally supported accumulation (or ratcheting) of technological complexity is widely seen as characterizing hominin technology relative to that of the extant great apes, and thus as representing a threshold in cultural evolution. To explain this divide, we modeled the process of cultural accumulation of technology, which we defined as adding new actions to existing ones to create new functional combinations, based on a model for great ape tool use. The model shows that intraspecific and interspecific variation in the presence of simple and cumulative technology among extant orangutans and chimpanzees is largely due to variation in sociability, and hence opportunities for social learning. The model also suggests that the adoption of extensive allomaternal care (cooperative breeding) in early Pleistocene Homo, which led to an increase in sociability and to teaching, and hence increased efficiency of social learning, was enough to facilitate technological ratcheting. Hence, socioecological changes, rather than advances in cognitive abilities, can account for the cumulative cultural changes seen until the origin of the Acheulean. The consequent increase in the reliance on technology could have served as the pacemaker for increased cognitive abilities. Our results also suggest that a more important watershed in cultural evolution was the rise of donated culture (technology or concepts), in which technology or concepts was transferred to naïve individuals, allowing them to skip many learning steps, and specialization arose, which allowed individuals to learn only a subset of the population's skills.  相似文献   

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