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We describe a method to solve stereo correspondence using controlled eye (or camera) movements. Eye movements supply additional image frames and monocular depth estimate, which can be used to constrain stereo matching. Because the eye movements are small, traditional stereo techniques of stereo with multiple frame will not work. We develop an alternative approach using a systematic analysis to define a probability distribution for the errors. Our matching strategy then matches the most probable points first, thereby reducing the ambiguity for the remaining matches. We demonstrate this algorithms with several examples.  相似文献   

This study addresses for the first time the movement patterns of the globally near-threatened Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus in its most important stronghold, the high-altitude mountain ranges of Asia. Tracked individuals (n = 8) in the Annapurna Himalayan range (Nepal) foraged over a vast range of 60 715.9 km2 and our results indicated age-class differences in the use of space. Territorial adults showed very small annual home-ranges (K90 = 150.3 km2), whereas immatures wandered extensively and covered vast ranges of the mountains (K90 = 23 930.8 km2). For adults and immatures, these values are notably larger than the other two studied populations in the world (Pyrenees and South Africa). This suggests that the studied Annapurna population might exhibit lower breeding density than in the Pyrenees or South Africa, possibly due to lower food availability.  相似文献   

In neonates, rib cage motion on inspiration during rapid eye movement sleep is almost exclusively paradoxical. We wondered whether or not duration of paradoxical inward rib cage motion on inspiration during rapid eye movement sleep decreases in infancy and early childhood. Thirteen healthy infants from 7 to 31 months of age were tested during natural afternoon naps. Electroencephalogram, electrooculogram and electromyogram were all recorded. Airflow was measured by nasal and buccal thermistors, abdominal and rib cage anteroposterior diameters by magnetometers. Transcutaneous partial pressure of O2 was monitored. Diaphragmatic electromyographic activity was recorded using surface electrodes. The average total sleep time was 138 min ranging from 107 to 186 and rapid eye movement sleep time amounted to 15% of total sleep time ranging from 6 to 25. During rapid eye movement sleep, the total duration of paradoxical inward rib cage motion was measured and expressed as a percentage of rapid eye movement sleep time. We found that duration of paradoxical inward rib cage motion during rapid eye movement sleep decreased significantly with age (r = -0.66, P less than 0.02) which may be explained by the changes in chest wall compliance and geometry of the rib cage occurring with growth. We observed no decrease in transcutaneous partial pressure in O2 during paradoxical inward rib cage motion during rapid eye movement sleep in infants in contrast to that reported in neonates.  相似文献   

Comprehensive neuropsychological and electroencephalographic examination of children with dysgraphia and dyslexia demonstrated local EEG anomalies in various zones of the cortex in both hemispheres, mainly in the posterotemporal and/or anterior regions of the left and the posterotemporal regions of the right hemisphere. The character of speech disturbances depended considerably on the localization of the baseline EEG anomalies: disturbances of motor components of writing prevailed when these anomalies were localized in the anterior parts of the left hemisphere, while phonological and morphological speech disturbances were noted in children with local anomalies in the temporal regions of both hemispheres and in posterior association regions, mainly in the right hemisphere. Spectral and correlation analyses of the EEG demonstrated the features of the cerebral organization of verbal activity in children with dysgraphia and dyslexia, namely, weakened intra- and interhemispheric integration of electrical activity of different regions of the brain cortex, particularly temporal and posterior association regions, and predominance of integration based on low-frequency EEG components ( and 1), unlike children without learning disabilities, in whom functional integration of cortical zones involved high-frequency rhythms (2 and ). On the whole, the results of the study testify to an important role of systemic interactions between the regions of the cortex of both hemispheres in the formation of verbal activity.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 5–12.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dmitrova, Dubrovinskaya, Lukashevich, Machinskaya, Shklovskii.  相似文献   

Among the various possible criteria guiding eye movement selection, we investigate the role of position uncertainty in the peripheral visual field. In particular, we suggest that, in everyday life situations of object tracking, eye movement selection probably includes a principle of reduction of uncertainty. To evaluate this hypothesis, we confront the movement predictions of computational models with human results from a psychophysical task. This task is a freely moving eye version of the multiple object tracking task, where the eye movements may be used to compensate for low peripheral resolution. We design several Bayesian models of eye movement selection with increasing complexity, whose layered structures are inspired by the neurobiology of the brain areas implied in this process. Finally, we compare the relative performances of these models with regard to the prediction of the recorded human movements, and show the advantage of taking explicitly into account uncertainty for the prediction of eye movements.  相似文献   

Memory is critical to understanding animal movement but has proven challenging to study. Advances in animal tracking technology, theoretical movement models and cognitive sciences have facilitated research in each of these fields, but also created a need for synthetic examination of the linkages between memory and animal movement. Here, we draw together research from several disciplines to understand the relationship between animal memory and movement processes. First, we frame the problem in terms of the characteristics, costs and benefits of memory as outlined in psychology and neuroscience. Next, we provide an overview of the theories and conceptual frameworks that have emerged from behavioural ecology and animal cognition. Third, we turn to movement ecology and summarise recent, rapid developments in the types and quantities of available movement data, and in the statistical measures applicable to such data. Fourth, we discuss the advantages and interrelationships of diverse modelling approaches that have been used to explore the memory–movement interface. Finally, we outline key research challenges for the memory and movement communities, focusing on data needs and mathematical and computational challenges. We conclude with a roadmap for future work in this area, outlining axes along which focused research should yield rapid progress.  相似文献   

Convergence between cells which differ in both spatial and temporal properties create higher order neurons with response properties that are distinctly different from those of the input neurons. The spatial properties of target neurons are not necessarily cosinetuned. In addition, unlike the independence between spatial and temporal properties in cosine-tuned afferent neurons, higher-order target cells generally exhibit a dependence of temporal dynamics on spatial properties. The response properties of target neurons receiving spatio-temporal convergence (STC) from tonic and phasic-tonic or phasic afferents is investigated here by considering a general case where the dynamic input is represented by a fractional, leaky, derivative transfer function. It is shown that, at frequencies below the corner frequency of the dynamic input, the temporal properties of target neurons can be described by leaky differentiators having time constants that are a function of spatial direction. Thus, STC target neurons exhibit tonic temporal response properties during stimulation along some spatial directions (having small time constants) and phasic properties along other directions (having large time constants). Specifically, target neurons encode the complete derivative of the stimulus along certain spatial directions. Thus, STC acts as a directionally specific high-pass filter and produces complete derivatives from fractional, leaky derivative afferent signals. In addition, spatio-temporal transformations can generate novel temporal dynamics in the central nervous system. These observations suggest that spatio-temporal computations might constitute an alternative to parallel, independent spatial and temporal channels.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mittels Mikroelektroden wurde von den Ganglienzellen der Netzhaut decerebrierter bzw. pretigeminaler Katzen die Erregung registriert, die man bei zeitlich konstantem oder sinusförmig moduliertem Licht im stationären Zustand erhält. Eine Analyse der Spikeintervall-Verteilung zeigt, daß die Verteilungsfunktion invariant gegenüber den Reizbedingungen ist, wenn man sie über dem Zeitmaßstab der registrierten Zelle aufträgt. Die Analyse des Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen den Erregungen verschiedener Einheiten der Netzhaut, die mit ein und derselben Mikroelektrode registriert wurden, führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß zwischen diesen Einheiten weder im Dunkeln noch unter Lichteinwirkung eine statistische Abhängigkeit besteht.

This research was supported by the Office of Scientific Research, EOAR, through the European Office, Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under Contract AF 61 (052)-830 and by Impresa di Cibernetica del C.M.R.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of Italian population is described as regards the level of inbreeding measured through the frequency of consanguineous marriages during a long period of time in different geographical areas. Analyses of spatial and temporal variation of the different types of marriages between close biological relatives allow us to point out the major factors responsible for the availability of cousins to marry within a specific area: population size, fertility, mortality and migration rates and, in general the demographic structure, changing over time and greatly affected by variation in the socio-economic structure. A deepened analysis, within each consanguinity degree, of the various pedigrees differing in the sex of ancestors, give information on the type of migration (patrilocal or matrilocal) occurred in various parts of Italy, as probable consequence of differential type of economy (for instance: pastoral or agricultural in Sardinia). Moreover, a cultural factor of varying intensity could be recognized in the greater observed frequency of marriages in which the nearest ancestors are females, interpreted as a tendency to maintain family ties by mothers of consanguineous mates.  相似文献   

Two experiments used a spatial serial conditioning paradigm to assess the effectiveness of spatially informative conditioned stimuli in eliciting tracking behavior in pigeons. The experimental paradigm consisted of the simultaneous presentation of 2 key lights (CS2 and CTRL), followed by another key light (CS1), followed by food (the unconditioned stimulus or US). CS2 and CTRL were presented in 2 of 3 possible locations, randomly assigned; CS1 was always presented in the same location as CS2. CS2 was designed to signal the spatial, but not the temporal locus of CS1; CS1 signaled the temporal locus of the US. In experiment 1, differential pecking on CS2 was observed even when CS2 was present throughout the interval between consecutive presentations of CS1, but only in a minority of pigeons; prevalence of differential pecking was enhanced when CS2 duration was halved. A control condition verified that pecking on CS2 was not due to temporal proximity between CS2 and US. Experiment 2 demonstrated the reversibility of spatial conditioning between CS2 and CTRL. Asymptotic performance never involved tracking CTRL more than CS2 for any of 16 pigeons. It is inferred that pigeons learned the spatial association between CS2 and CS1, and that temporal contingency facilitated its expression as tracking behavior.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that IL-1beta is involved in promoting physiological nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. IL-1beta has also been proposed to mediate NREM sleep enhancement induced by bacteria or their components. Mature and biologically active IL-1beta is cleaved from an inactive precursor by a cysteinyl aspartate-specific protease (caspase)-1. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that inhibition in brain of the cleavage of biologically active IL-1beta will reduce in rats both spontaneous NREM sleep and NREM sleep enhancement induced by the peripheral administration of components of the bacterial cell wall. To test this hypothesis, rats were intracerebroventricularly administered the caspase-1 inhibitor Ac-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp chloromethyl ketone (YVAD; 3, 30, 300, and 1,500 ng) or were pretreated intracerebroventricularly with YVAD (300 ng) and then intraperitoneally injected with the gram-negative bacterial cell wall component LPS (250 microg/kg). Subsequent sleep-wake behavior was determined by standard polygraphic recordings. YVAD administration at the beginning of the light phase of the light-dark cycle significantly reduced time spontaneously spent in NREM sleep during the first 12 postinjection hours. YVAD pretreatment also completely prevented NREM sleep enhancement induced by peripheral LPS administration at the beginning of the dark phase. These results, in agreement with previous evidence, support the involvement of brain IL-1beta in physiological promotion of NREM sleep and in mediating NREM sleep enhancement induced by peripheral immune challenge.  相似文献   

Summary A discussion is given of considerations involved in forming a frequency spectrum of a signal such as human fixation eye movements, in which an impulsive signal (saccadic movements) and a noise-like signal (tremor movements) are present together. A method is outlined which enables the spectrum of each component to be determined. Results are presented of human eye movement frequency spectra and it is shown that the tremor movements alone are adequate to prevent the fading of vision under conditions of retinal image stabilisation.An interpretation of the observed frequency spectra is given in terms of a model, which assumes that the dynamics of the eye muscle system are linear and that the active state input producing tremor has a flat frequency spectrum. From this it is deduced that the eye behaves as an overdamped second order system with time constants of 0.002 and 0.02 seconds. The active state input involved in production of an involuntary saccade is shown to consist of an impulse function with exponential rise and decay.  相似文献   

Using a piecewise linear approach, individual saccadic eye movements have been Fourier decomposed in an attempt to determine the effect of saccadic amplitude on frequency characteristics. These characteristics were plotted in the traditional Bode plot form, showing gain and phase as a function of frequency for various eye movement amplitudes. Up to about one octave beyond the -3 db gain frequency, the limiting system dynamics represented by the saccadic trajectory of a given amplitude may be considered linear and second order. The -3 db gain frequency was used as a measure of bandwidth, and the -90 degrees phase crossover frequency was used as a measure of undamped natural frequency. These two quantities were used to calculate the damping factor. Both bandwidth and undamped natural frequency decrease with increasing saccadic eye movement amplitude. The damping factor shows no trend with amplitude and indicates approximate critical damping. When compared with the normal variation of characteristics for a given movement, the frequency characteristics of fixed-amplitude saccades showed no generalized trends with changes in direction or DC operating level of movement.  相似文献   

Personal radio frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure, or exposimetry, is gaining importance in the bioelectromagnetics community but only limited data on personal exposure is available in indoor areas, namely schools, crèches, homes, and offices. Most studies are focused on adult exposure, whereas indoor microenvironments, where children are exposed, are usually not considered. A method to assess spatial and temporal indoor exposure of children and adults is proposed without involving the subjects themselves. Moreover, maximal possible daily exposure is estimated by combining instantaneous spatial and temporal exposure. In Belgium and Greece, the exposure is measured at 153 positions spread over 55 indoor microenvironments with spectral equipment. In addition, personal exposimeters (measuring EMFs of people during their daily activities) captured the temporal exposure variations during several days up to one week at 98 positions. The data were analyzed using the robust regression on order statistics (ROS) method to account for data below the detection limit. All instantaneous and maximal exposures satisfied international exposure limits and were of the same order of magnitude in Greece and Belgium. Mobile telecommunications and radio broadcasting (FM) were most present. In Belgium, digital cordless phone (DECT) exposure was present for at least 75% in the indoor microenvironments except for schools. Temporal variations of the exposure were mainly due to variations of mobile telecommunication signals. The exposure was higher during daytime than at night due to the increased voice and data traffic on the networks. Total exposure varied the most in Belgian crèches (39.3%) and Greek homes (58.2%).  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in a butterfly population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C. D. Thomas 《Oecologia》1991,87(4):577-580
Summary The dynamics of a butterfly (Plebejus argus) population were analysed at two levels, (i) the population as a whole and (ii) sections within the population. Some sections of the population fluctuated out of synchrony with others, such that the variability [SD Log(Density+1)] shown by the population as a whole was less than the variability shown by each part of the population — overall temporal variability was dampened by spatial asynchrony. Since observed population variability depends on the spatial scale that is sampled, comparisons of population variability among taxa should be carried out only with caution. Implications for island biogeography and conservation biology are discussed.  相似文献   

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