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A quantitative physiologically based model of the sleep-wake switch is used to predict variations in subjective fatigue-related measures during total sleep deprivation. The model includes the mutual inhibition of the sleep-active neurons in the hypothalamic ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) and the wake-active monoaminergic brainstem populations (MA), as well as circadian and homeostatic drives. We simulate sleep deprivation by introducing a drive to the MA, which we call wake effort, to maintain the system in a wakeful state. Physiologically this drive is proposed to be afferent from the cortex or the orexin group of the lateral hypothalamus. It is hypothesized that the need to exert this effort to maintain wakefulness at high homeostatic sleep pressure correlates with subjective fatigue levels. The model's output indeed exhibits good agreement with existing clinical time series of subjective fatigue-related measures, supporting this hypothesis. Subjective fatigue, adrenaline, and body temperature variations during two 72 h sleep deprivation protocols are reproduced by the model. By distinguishing a motivation-dependent orexinergic contribution to the wake-effort drive, the model can be extended to interpret variation in performance levels during sleep deprivation in a way that is qualitatively consistent with existing, clinically derived results. The example of sleep deprivation thus demonstrates the ability of physiologically based sleep modeling to predict psychological measures from the underlying physiological interactions that produce them.  相似文献   

48 h睡眠剥夺对正常人双重任务能力和疲劳感的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li YF  Zhan H  Li T 《中国应用生理学杂志》2005,21(2):174-175,191
目的:观察48 h睡眠剥夺(SD)对正常人双重任务能力和疲劳感的影响.方法:观察6名男性青年志愿者在48 h SD条件下,单、双重任务操作能力、临界闪光融合频率(CFF)、主观瞌睡度和疲劳感的变化.结果:与基础值相比,单、双重任务成绩、CFF随SD时问延长而呈下降趋势,SSS分值和RPE分值相应升高.结论:48 h SD条件损害正常人双重任务能力并加重疲劳感,SD时间较长和复合生理节律低谷时操纵能力下降尤其明显.  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Sleep deprivation (SD) is known to modulate inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. How these markers change over the SD period have seldom been studied in healthy...  相似文献   

Serum and salivary cortisol concentrations were studied in 78 elite athletes engaged in different sports, by subjecting them to high-intensity laboratory exercise. The mean difference in the pre-exercise cortisol concentrations in the seven groups studied were more marked in serum (from 311 to 768 nmol.l-1) than in saliva (from 17.9 to 22.7 nmol.l-1, only one group reaching 40 nmol.l-1). Judging from the correlation coefficients based on total variances, the post-/pre-exercise differences in cortisol concentrations in serum depended chiefly on pre-exercise values, while those in saliva tended to depend more on the postexercise concentrations. The coefficients of correlation between that difference and either the pre- or postexercise values were -0.71 and 0.47, respectively, for serum, and -0.51 and 0.58, respectively, for saliva. This would suggest that salivary cortisol concentration might be a more suitable variable for assessing glucocorticoid activity in exercise than serum cortisol concentration, probably being less sensitive to pre-exercise emotional state.  相似文献   

The neonatal submandibular glands (SMG) of the rat contain two types of cells: Type III cells secrete a group of proteins in response to beta-adrenergic stimulation, and Type I cells secrete a different protein, called Protein C (89 kDa), in response to cholinergic stimuli (Ball and Redman, 1984). Polyclonal antibodies raised to Protein B1 (26 kDa) showed that the several proteins in the B1-Immunoreactive Protein (B1-IP) group are localized exclusively to Type III cells. Although we expected that antibodies to Protein B1 would label only the submandibular gland, we found instead that the serous demilunes of the sublingual gland (SLG) and the acinar cells and intercalated ducts of the parotid gland (PRG) were strongly reactive in both the neonate and the adult. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of gland extracts showed the major reactive species in the sublingual gland to have different mobilities than the B1-IP. On the other hand, reactive species in the parotid gland had mobilities identical to those of two SMG proteins. In the adult SMG, the neonatal Type I and Type III cells are not present, and the acinar cells are devoid of B1-IP reactivity; however, the cells of the intercalated ducts have components reactive with anti-B1 antibodies, and these do not appear to be identical to any neonatal bands. In contrast to the submandibular gland, the adult parotid and sublingual glands retain the localization of B1-IP reactivity in PRG acinar and intercalated duct cells and in SLG demilunes, and they show the neonatal immunoelectrophoretic pattern. This raises the possibility that the major B1-IP species in the adult PRG may be identical to transient proteins of the neonatal SMG.  相似文献   

Study of EEG in 45 patients, suffering from endogenic and psychogenic depression, in the state of rest, in mental and emotional loads, SGR, orienting reaction and night sleep before and after a course of sleep deprivation has shown that neurophysiological shifts in the cycle alertness-sleep have one direction. The weakening of depression was accompanied by rather unidirected alterations of neurophysiological relations, which testified to the normalization of biological periods of the organism.  相似文献   

The role of the transmembrane receptor Notch in the adult brain is poorly understood. Here, we provide evidence that bunched, a negative regulator of Notch, is involved in sleep homeostasis. Genetic evidence indicates that interfering with bunched activity in the mushroom bodies (MBs) abolishes sleep homeostasis. Combining bunched and Delta loss-of-function mutations rescues normal homeostasis, suggesting that Notch signaling may be involved in regulating sensitivity to sleep loss. Preventing the downregulation of Delta by overexpressing a wild-type transgene in MBs reduces sleep homeostasis and, importantly, prevents learning impairments induced by sleep deprivation. Similar resistance to sleep loss is observed with Notch(spl-1) gain-of-function mutants. Immunohistochemistry reveals that the Notch receptor is expressed in glia, whereas Delta is localized in neurons. Importantly, the expression in glia of the intracellular domain of Notch, a dominant activated form of the receptor, is sufficient to prevent learning deficits after sleep deprivation. Together, these results identify a novel neuron-glia signaling pathway dependent on Notch and regulated by bunched. These data highlight the emerging role of neuron-glia interactions in regulating both sleep and learning impairments associated with sleep loss.  相似文献   

Salivary cortisol has been increasingly used as a measure of stress response in studies of welfare, reaction to stress and human-animal interactions in dogs and other species. While it can be a very useful measure, there are a number of saliva collection issues made evident through studies in the human and animal fields which have not been investigated in the canine species. Collection materials and the volume of saliva that is collected; the use of salivary stimulants; and the effect of food contamination can all dramatically impact cortisol measurement, leading to spurious results. In order to further examine the limitations of the collection method and the effects of collection material and salivary stimulant on salivary cortisol levels, a series of clinical, in vitro and in vivo studies were performed. It was found that there is a large amount of inter- and intra-individual variation in salivary cortisol measurement. Beef flavoring of collection materials leads to unpredictable variability in salivary cortisol concentration. Using salivary stimulants such as citric acid also has the potential to affect cortisol concentration measurement in saliva. Hydrocellulose appears to be a useful collection material for salivary cortisol determination. Recommendations for collection materials and use of salivary stimulants are presented.  相似文献   

To characterize ventilatory responses to bronchoconstriction during sleep and to assess the effect of prior sleep deprivation on ventilatory and arousal responses to bronchoconstriction, bronchoconstriction was induced in eight asthmatic subjects while they were awake, during normal sleep, and during sleep after a 36-h period of sleep deprivation. Each subject was bronchoconstricted with increasing concentrations of aerosolized methacholine while ventilatory patterns and lower airway resistance (Rla) were continually monitored. The asthmatic patients maintained their minute ventilation as Rla increased under all conditions, demonstrating a stable tidal volume with a mild increase in respiratory frequency. Inspiratory drive, as measured by occlusion pressure (P0.1), increased progressively and significantly as Rla increased under all conditions (slopes of P0.1 vs. Rla = 0.249, 0.112, and 0.154 for awake, normal sleep, and sleep after sleep deprivation, respectively, P less than 0.0006). Chemostimuli did not appear to contribute significantly to the observed increases in P0.1. Prior sleep deprivation had no effect on ventilatory and P0.1 responses to bronchoconstriction but did significantly raise the arousal threshold to induced bronchoconstriction. We conclude that ventilatory responses to bronchoconstriction, unlike extrinsic loading, are not imparied by the presence of sleep, nor are they chemically mediated. However, prior sleep deprivation does increase the subsequent arousal threshold.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effects of sleep deprivation on respiratory events during sleep in healthy infants. Ten unsedated full-term infants (1-6 mo) were monitored polygraphically during "afternoon naps" on a control day and on the day after sleep deprivation. Respiratory events, i.e., central apnea, obstructive apnea and hypopnea, and periodic breathing were tabulated. Results for respiratory events were expressed as 1) indexes of the total number of respiratory events and of specific respiratory events per hour of total sleep (TST), "quiet" sleep (QS) and "active" sleep (AS) times; 2) total duration of total and specific respiratory events, expressed as a percentage of TST, QS, and AS times. After sleep deprivation, significant increases were observed for 1) respiratory event (P less than 0.001), central apnea (P less than 0.05), and obstructive respiratory event (P less than 0.01) indexes; 2) respiratory event time as a percentage of TST (P less than 0.002) and as a percentage of AS time (P less than 0.001); 3) obstructive respiratory event time as a percentage of TST (P less than 0.01), QS (P less than 0.05), and AS times (P less than 0.002). The present study shows that short-term sleep deprivation in healthy infants increases the number and timing of respiratory events, especially obstructive events in AS.  相似文献   

Naturalistic research methods have been developed to collect data in the daily environment, providing ecological valid measures. Recent reports suggest, however, that compliance with fixed time sampling protocols may be problematic and can bias results. This study investigated compliance with an intensive, random time sampling protocol for salivary cortisol and effects of non-compliance on cortisol results. Twenty female twin pairs and nineteen of their sisters were instructed to take saliva samples when signaled at ten unpredictable moments on each of five consecutive days. Subjects recorded collection times, unaware that compliance with the sampling protocol was being investigated by means of electronic monitoring devices. Samples taken < or = 15 min after the signal, according to self-report, were defined as adherent to the protocol. Samples taken < or = 10 min after the self-reported collection time, according to the monitor, were defined as accurate. Self-reported adherence to the sampling protocol was 96.4%. Verified compliance was somewhat lower, with 81% of all saliva samples accurately timed. Contrary to previous reports, inclusion of non-compliant samples in the analysis did not distort the cortisol diurnal profile. Intensive, random time sampling appears to have advantages over fixed time sampling for obtaining valid cortisol profiles when researchers do not have devices to monitor compliance. Results indirectly support the validity of momentary self-report data about daily experiences obtained with the same sampling methods.  相似文献   

Cortisol 3-(o-carboxymethyl)oxime (C3-CMO) and a commercially available biotin-hydrazide derivative were used to synthesize a C3-CMO-biotin conjugate. C3-CMO was converted into a N-hydroxysuccinimide ester derivative which in a second reaction step was allowed to interact with the hydrazide derivative of biotin. This simple-to-perform synthesis yielded a conjugate suitable for use as a tracer in immunoassays for cortisol measurement. Employing biotin as the primary probe in a competitive solid phase immunoassay allows for variable end point determination by means of commercially available labeled avidin or streptavidin derivatives. Streptavidin-Europium was used in conjunction with the DELFIA-system for time-resolved fluorometric end point measurement (TR-FIA) throughout the study. In addition, colorimetric end point determination (ELISA) using streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase as a secondary probe was established and evaluated. Both forms of this non-isotopic assay showed excellent correlation with a commercially available radioimmunoassay adapted for salivary cortisol measurement. The lower detection limit was 0.43 nM for a 50 microliters salivary sample. The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 6.7, 4.7 and 4.0% at cortisol concentrations of 2.2, 5.5 and 13.2 nM, respectively (n = 37), and the corresponding inter-assay coefficients of variation were 9.0, 8.6 and 7.1% (n = 50). The competitive immunoassay requires 1.5 h incubation time and shows robust and reproducible performance. The C3-CMO-biotin conjugate allows for sensitive and flexible end point determination of salivary cortisol levels in immunoassays.  相似文献   

There is increased concern about the effects of sleep deprivation on physician performance. We administered four standard tests of cognitive function to 23 university hospital house staff. Each physician served as his or her own control, and the tests were administered at rest, after a night on call, and after a night of sleep for recovery. The study was designed so that normal learning would minimize any deterioration in the post-on-call test performance. Statistically significant deterioration occurred in 3 of the 4 tests after a night on call. Even physicians acclimated to sleep deprivation on a regular, every-third-or-fourth-night basis showed functional impairment. The results have implications for patient care under conditions where house staff are stressed by sleep deprivation and prolonged fatigue.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of intensive physical exercise and acute psychological stress during high level athletic competition as reflected on the levels of salivary cortisol in elite artistic gymnasts (AGs).


The study included 239 AGs (142 females-97 males) who participated in the European Championship of Gymnastics in 2006 and 81 adolescents (40 females-41 males), matched for age, as controls. All athletes participated voluntarily in all or parts of the study, providing samples or data for each of the variables measured. Height, weight, body fat, lean body mass (LBM), bone age and Tanner stage of puberty were assessed and data concerning the time of thelarche, adrenarche and menarche as well as, the onset and the intensity (hours per week) of training were obtained.


Saliva samples were collected, the morning before training and in the afternoon shortly after the competition. From controls, the saliva samples were collected in the morning. Cortisol concentrations were measured using a chemiluminescence method. Acute stress was assessed using a questionnaire designed for the study.


No difference was found between morning and afternoon salivary cortisol levels in both male and female AGs (females: AM: 15.45 ± 7.45 nmol/l vs PM: 15.73 ± 9.38 nmol/l; males: AM: 10.21 ± 5.52 nmol/l vs PM: 9.93 ± 13.8 nmol/l, p > 0.05).Female AGs presented higher levels of morning salivary cortisol than female controls (p < 0.05). Both male and female AGs had higher degree of psychological stress in comparison with controls (p < 0.001, p < 0.013, respectively). Female AGs had higher morning and afternoon salivary cortisol levels (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, respectively) and higher degree of stress (p < 0.003) than males.


In elite AGs the diurnal rhythm of salivary cortisol has been abolished, probably due to the strenuous training and competition conditions. Female AGs presented higher levels of morning salivary cortisol and psychological stress compared to both male AGs and female controls. The long term consequences of these modifications of the HPA axis remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Salivary cortisol has been proposed a surrogate marker for free serum cortisol measurements. The aim of this study was to ascertain the diagnostic value of basal and stimulated salivary cortisol for the detection of adrenal insufficiency (AI) in hypotensive end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Basal salivary cortisol and basal total serum cortisol were studied in order to determine the accuracy of both biomarkers in predicting AI. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine ESRD patients with sustained hypotension were investigated for possible AI. Salivary cortisol was assessed at baseline and 30min after 25microg ACTH i.m. (LDTs). The dosage of salivary aldosterone was performed in salivary cortisol hypo-responders. Basal blood samples were drawn for steroids, renin and ACTH measurements. RESULTS: A clear separation between patients with normal and impaired adrenal function was obtained through salivary cortisol levels at 30min after ACTH. AI was detected in six cases (21%) through impaired salivary cortisol responses; stimulated salivary aldosterone helped to differentiate primary (n=3) from secondary AI (n=3). ROC curves showed that cutoff values for basal SAF < or =4.4nM and serum cortisol < or =232.0nM suggest AI (sensitivities: 93% and 69%; specificities: 86.4% and 91%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that ACTH stimulated SAF is an accurate biomarker for the diagnosis of AI in hypotensive ESRD patients. Neither basal salivary cortisol nor serum cortisol showed 100% sensitivities for the detection of AI.  相似文献   

Monitoring concentrations of stress hormones is an important tool for behavioral research and conservation for animals both in the wild and captivity. Glucocorticoids can be measured in mammals as an indicator of stress by analyzing blood, feces, urine, hair, feathers, or saliva. The advantages of using saliva for measuring cortisol concentrations are three-fold: it is minimally invasive, multiple samples can be collected from the same individual in a short timeframe, and cortisol has a relatively short response time in saliva as compared with other materials. The purpose of this study was to: (1) conduct an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge as a physiological validation for an enzyme immunoassay to measure salivary cortisol in chimpanzees and (2) characterize the circadian rhythm of salivary cortisol in chimpanzees. We determined that salivary cortisol concentrations peaked 45 min following the ACTH challenge, which is similar to humans. Also, salivary cortisol concentrations peaked early in the morning and decreased throughout the day. We recommend that saliva collection may be the most effective method of measuring stress reactivity and has the potential to complement behavioral, cognitive, physiological, and welfare studies.  相似文献   


To investigate the usefulness of the enzyme salivary alpha amylase as a biochemical marker of sleep deprivation in human subjects. Total 168 healthy school-going adolescents studying in 9th grade were selected randomly from morning shift (n = 84) and dayshift (n = 84) schools. The study was undertaken longitudinally for a period of 2 years. Study encompassed administration of questionnaire and collection of saliva samples from the participants. Activity of salivary alpha amylase (sAA) activity was estimated spectrophotometrically and statistical analysis was performed to determine the association between sAA activity and sleep duration. Excessive daytime sleepiness among students was also studied in association with sAA activity. sAA activity of students was found to have a negative correlation with the duration of sleep and a positive correlation with their level of sleepiness. Morning shift students were found to have significantly less sleep and correspondingly higher sAA activity as compared to dayshift students. A significant increase in the sAA activity was noticed in the second year as the students progressed from 9th to 10th grade. Higher amylase activity was also observed in sleep deprived students suffering from excessive daytime sleepiness irrespective of school timings. Salivary alpha amylase activity increases in saliva in response to sleep deprivation. School timings may modulate sleep duration of students. Present finding reveals that sAA could be an appropriate non-invasive biochemical marker for the objective assessment of sleep deprivation among individuals as well as at population level.


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