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Pollen and seed dispersal among dispersed plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ecological significance of spacing among plants in contributing to the maintenance of species richness, particularly in tropical forests, has received considerable attention that has largely focussed on distance- and density-dependent seed and seedling mortality. More recently it has become apparent that plant spacing is also relevant to pollination, which often constrains seed production. While seed and seedling survival is reduced at high conspecific densities, pollination success, by contrast, is positively correlated to local conspecific density. Distance-dependent mechanisms acting on pollination and seed production have now been described for a variety of plants, with relatively isolated plants or fragmented populations generally suffering reduced fecundity due to pollen limitation. Yet there is considerable variability in the vulnerability of plant species to pollination failure, which may be a function of breeding system, life history, the pollination vector, the degree of specialisation among plants and their pollinators, and other indirect effects of habitat change acting on plants or pollinators. As reduced tree densities and population fragmentation are common outcomes of anthropogenically altered landscapes, understanding how pollination processes are affected in such degraded landscapes can inform effective conservation and management of remaining natural areas.  相似文献   

Pollinator-plant relationships are found to be particularly vulnerable to land use change. Yet despite extensive research in agricultural and natural systems, less attention has focused on these interactions in neighboring urban areas and its impact on pollination services. We investigated pollinator-plant interactions in a peri-urban landscape on the outskirts of the San Francisco Bay Area, California, where urban, agricultural, and natural land use types interface. We made standardized observations of floral visitation and measured seed set of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), a common grassland invasive, to test the hypotheses that increasing urbanization decreases 1) rates of bee visitation, 2) viable seed set, and 3) the efficiency of pollination (relationship between bee visitation and seed set). We unexpectedly found that bee visitation was highest in urban and agricultural land use contexts, but in contrast, seed set rates in these human-altered landscapes were lower than in natural sites. An explanation for the discrepancy between floral visitation and seed set is that higher plant diversity in urban and agricultural areas, as a result of more introduced species, decreases pollinator efficiency. If these patterns are consistent across other plant species, the novel plant communities created in these managed landscapes and the generalist bee species that are favored by human-altered environments will reduce pollination services.  相似文献   

Humans have drastically changed much of the world's acoustic background with anthropogenic sounds that are markedly different in pitch and amplitude than sounds in most natural habitats [1], [2], [3] and [4]. This novel acoustic background may be detrimental for many species, particularly birds [1]. We evaluated conservation concerns that noise limits bird distributions and reduces nesting success via a natural experiment to isolate the effects of noise from confounding stimuli and to control for the effect of noise on observer detection biases [5]. We show that noise alone reduces nesting species richness and leads to different avian communities. Contrary to expectations, noise indirectly facilitates reproductive success of individuals nesting in noisy areas as a result of the disruption of predator-prey interactions. The higher reproductive success for birds within noisy habitats may be a previously unrecognized factor contributing to the success of urban-adapted species and the loss of birds less tolerant of noise. Additionally, our findings suggest that noise can have cascading consequences for communities through altered species interactions. Given that noise pollution is becoming ubiquitous throughout much of the world, knowledge of species-specific responses to noise and the cumulative effects of these novel acoustics may be crucial to understanding and managing human-altered landscapes.  相似文献   

Plant–frugivore mutualistic assemblages frequently combine multiple, complementary or not (i.e. redundant), distinct effects of animal species. To a large extent, the outcomes of these interactions crucially depend on the delayed consequences of frugivore effectiveness on plant recruitment. We evaluated seed dispersal effectiveness for three plant species in a Brazilian Atlantic forest with a marked habitat heterogeneity defined by bamboo and non‐bamboo patches. Twenty one, 23 and 14 bird species ate fruits of Euterpe edulis, Sloanea guianensis and Virola bicuhyba trees, respectively. For both Euterpe and Virola, visitation rate was the variable contributing for most variance across frugivore species in the quantitative component of effectiveness (QC, which depends on the combined effects of interaction frequency and per‐interaction effect), while the number of fruits manipulated/visit had the greatest contribution in Sloanea. By combining observational data and experimental seed addition for Euterpe we tested for consistent functional patterns among species in the frugivore assemblage, extending beyond the fruit removal stage. Rankings of QC across Euterpe frugivores remained consistent with their relative contributions to fruit removal and, importantly, with their contributions to seedling establishment. Yet, QC of effectiveness across Euterpe frugivores were more homogeneous at the fruit removal and dispersal stages (contribution to seed dispersal) than for the delayed, dissemination and post‐dispersal effects on recruitment. High complementarity of diversified frugivore assemblages may increase through added variance in their delayed effects related to qualitative components of effectiveness. Our results underscore the importance of assessing how dispersal services provided by mutualistic frugivores play complementary, rather than redundant, roles in seed dispersal within heterogeneous landscapes. Such ecological outcomes highlight the value of combining observational and experimental field designs to assess functional diversity patterns of tropical frugivore assemblages and delayed effects of their interactions with plants.  相似文献   

The ecological forces determining where within a landscape plants recruit and grow has been termed proximal habitat choice. Habitat choice is imposed first by a heterogeneous pattern of seed dispersal across the patches that make up the landscape and second by environmental variation that favors plant survival in some patches more than in others. Seed-seedling conflicts can occur during both of these phases of habitat choice if conditions or traits that are favorable for seeds are unfavorable for seedlings. During the dispersal phase, smaller seeds may have a greater probability of dispersal than larger seeds, and thus a greater probability of escape from predation, but they contain fewer reserves for support of the establishing seedling. After dispersal, environmental characteristics of a given patch type that lead to disproportionately high seed survival may lead to disproportionately low seedling survival. Considering three hypothetical landscapes, each composed of five patch types, I demonstrate that seed-seedling conflicts can have a major impact on both the overall quantity of recruitment at the landscape level and on the distribution of recruitment among patches. Available empirical evidence suggests these conflicts may be widespread in natural systems. Given their potential importance and extent, seed-seedling conflicts may play a previously unrecognized role in habitat choice.  相似文献   

Plant recruitment is limited by dispersal, if seeds cannot arrive at potential recruitment sites, and by establishment, due to a low availability of safe sites for recruitment. Seed-sowing experiments, scarcely applied along gradients of landscape alteration, are very useful to assess these limitations. Habitat loss and fragmentation may foster recruitment limitations by affecting all the processes from seed dispersal to seedling establishment. In this study, we perform a seed-sowing experiment to disentangle the importance of dispersal and establishment limitations in different stages of recruitment of the perennial herb Primula vulgaris in fragmented forests of the Cantabrian Range (Northwestern Spain). We evaluated the influence of ecological gradients resulting from habitat loss and fragmentation (modifications of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, changes in the species’ population size, changes in seed predation and seedling herbivory) on seedling emergence, survival and early growth. We found strong evidence of dispersal limitation, as seedling emergence was very low in experimental replicates where no seeds were added. This limitation was independent of landscape alterations, as we found no relation with any of the ecological gradients studied. Establishment limitations at the germination phase were also unrelated to ecological gradients, probably because these limitations are more related to fine-scale environmental gradients. However, further monitoring revealed that seedling survival after summer and winter periods and seedling growth were conditioned by landscape alteration, as we found effects of habitat amount at the landscape and microhabitat scales, of presence of populations of P. vulgaris and of seedling herbivory. These effects were complex and sometimes opposite to what can be expected for adult plants, revealing the presence of different requirements between life stages.  相似文献   

T. Juenger  J. Bergelson 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):358-363
We performed a factorial combination of seed additions, surface soil disturbance, and protection from potential seed predation in experimental plots to elucidate the relative importance of each factor in the recruitment of scarlet gilia seedlings. We detected a significant interaction between seed addition and surface soil disturbance on seedling recruitment over 2 years of establishment. Plots that received both supplemental seed addition and disturbance established 10.5 times as many rosettes as control plots. We did not detect main or interactive effects of caging on seedling establishment. We explored the importance of density-dependent recruitment by investigating the number of rosettes per experimental plot through time. In addition, we used planned contrasts to compare the absolute and percent changes in control and treatment plot rosette densities between the study years. We found significant downward concave curvature to the seedling recruitment curve, suggesting negative density-dependent recruitment across the experimental range of rosette densities. We found a significant difference between the control plots and the seed addition-disturbance plots in terms of absolute changes in plot density from 1997 to 1998. Greater net mortality occurred in plots that received both seed addition and disturbance. However, we found no differences among treatments in the percent change in rosette density across the study years. Our study demonstrates that seedling recruitment in natural plant populations may be limited by the interaction of seed and microsite availability, and that seedling recruitment in scarlet gilia may be negatively density dependent. Our results suggest that the fecundity effects of particular plant-animal interactions (e.g., pollination, herbivory) may affect scarlet gilia population dynamics, particularly under conditions of high soil disturbance. Received: 11 June 1999 / Accepted: 24 November 1999  相似文献   

Global circulation models predict increased climatic variability, which could increase variability in demographic rates and affect long-term population viability. In animal-pollinated species, pollination services, and thus fruit and seed set, may be highly variable among years and sites, and depend on both local environmental conditions and climatic variables. Orchid species may be particularly vulnerable to disruption of their pollination services, as most species depend on pollinators for successful fruit set and because seed germination and seedling recruitment are to some extent dependent on the amount of fruits and seeds produced. Better insights into the factors determining fruit and seed set are therefore indispensable for a better understanding of population dynamics and viability of orchid populations under changing climatic conditions. However, very few studies have investigated spatio-temporal variation in fruit set in orchids. Here, we quantified fruit production in eight populations of the orchid Orchis purpurea that does not reward pollinators and 13 populations of the rewarding Neottia (Listera) ovata during five consecutive years (2002–2006). Fruit production in large populations showed much higher stability than that in small populations and was less affected by extreme weather conditions. Our results highlight the potential vulnerability of small orchid populations to an increasingly variable climate through highly unpredictable fruit-set patterns.  相似文献   

Trees' long lifespan, long-distance dispersal abilities and high year-to-year variability in fecundity are thought to have pervasive consequences for the demographic and genetic structure of recruited seedlings. However, we still lack experimental studies quantifying the respective roles of spatial processes such as restricted seed and pollen dispersal and temporal processes such as mast seeding on patterns of regeneration. Dynamics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedling recruitment was monitored in three plots from 2004 to 2006. Six polymorphic microsatellite genetic markers were used to characterize seedlings and their potential parents in a 7.2-ha stand. These seedlings were shown to result from 12 years of recruitment, with one predominant year of seedling recruitment in 2002 and several years without significant recruitment. Using a spatially explicit mating model based on parentage assignment, short average dispersal distances for seed (δ(s) = 10.9 m) and pollen (43.7 m < δ(p) <57.3 m) were found, but there was also a non-negligible immigration rate from outside the plot (m(s) = 20.5%; 71.6% < m(p) < 77.9%). Hierarchical analyses of seedling genetic structure showed that (i) most of the genetic variation was within plots; (ii) the genetic differentiation among seedling plots was significant (F(ST) = 2.6%) while (iii) there was no effect of year-to-year seed rain variation on genetic structure. In addition, no significant effect of genetic structure on mortality was detected. The consequences of these results for the prediction of population dynamics at ecological timescales are discussed.  相似文献   

Drastic declines in insect populations, ‘Ecological Armageddon’, have recently gained increased attention in the scientific community, and are commonly considered to be the consequence of large‐scale factors such as land‐use changes, use of pesticides, climate change and habitat fragmentation. Artificial light at night (ALAN), a pervasive global change that strongly impacts insects, remains, however, infrequently recognised as a potential contributor to the observed declines. Here, we provide a summary of recent evidence of impacts of ALAN on insects and discuss how these impacts can drive declines in insect populations in light‐polluted areas. ALAN can increase overall environmental pressure on insect populations, and this is particularly important in agroecosystems where insect communities provide important ecosystem services (such as natural pest control, pollination, conservation of soil structure and fertility and nutrient cycling), and are already under considerable environmental pressure. We discuss how changes in insect populations driven by ALAN and ALAN itself may hinder these services to influence crop production and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Understanding the contribution of ALAN and other factors to the decline of insects is an important step towards mitigation and the recovery of the insect fauna in our landscapes. In future studies, the role of increased nocturnal illumination also needs to be examined as a possible causal factor of insect declines in the ongoing ‘Ecological Armageddon’, along with the more commonly examined factors. Given the large scale of agricultural land use and the potential of ALAN to indirectly and directly impact crop production and biodiversity, a better understanding of effects of ALAN in agroecosystems is urgently needed.  相似文献   

The inclusion of environmental variation in studies of recruitment is a prerequisite for realistic predictions of the responses of vegetation to a changing environment. We investigated how seedling recruitment is affected by seed availability and microsite quality along a steep environmental gradient in dry tundra. A survey of natural seed rain and seedling density in vegetation was combined with observations of the establishment of 14 species after sowing into intact or disturbed vegetation. Although seed rain density was closely correlated with natural seedling establishment, the experimental seed addition showed that the microsite environment was even more important. For all species, seedling emergence peaked at the productive end of the gradient, irrespective of the adult niches realized. Disturbance promoted recruitment at all positions along the environmental gradient, not just at high productivity. Early seedling emergence constituted the main temporal bottleneck in recruitment for all species. Surprisingly, winter mortality was highest at what appeared to be the most benign end of the gradient. The results highlight that seedling recruitment patterns are largely determined by the earliest stages in seedling emergence, which again are closely linked to microsite quality. A fuller understanding of microsite effects on recruitment with implications for plant community assembly and vegetation change is provided.  相似文献   

Animals that forage for food or dig burrows by biopedturbation can alter the biotic and abiotic characteristics of their habitat. The digging activities of such ecosystem engineers, although small at a local scale, may be important for broader scale landscape processes by influencing soil and litter properties, trapping organic matter and seeds, and subsequently altering seedling recruitment. We examined environmental characteristics (soil moisture content, hydrophobicity and litter composition) of foraging pits created by the southern brown bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus; Peramelidae), a digging Australian marsupial, over a 6‐month period. Fresh diggings typically contained a higher moisture content and lower hydrophobicity than undisturbed soil. A month later, foraging pits contained greater amounts of fine litter and lower amounts of coarse litter than adjacent undug surfaces, indicating that foraging pits may provide a conducive microhabitat for litter decomposition, potentially reducing litter loads and enhancing nutrient decomposition. We tested whether diggings might affect seedling recruitment (seed removal by seed harvesters and seed germination rates) by artificially mimicking diggings. Although there were no differences in the removal of seeds, seedling recruitment for three native plant species (Acacia saligna, Kennedia prostrata and Eucalyptus gomphocephala) was higher in plots containing artificial diggings compared with undug sites. The digging actions of bandicoots influenced soil moisture and hydrophobicity, the size distribution of litter and seedling recruitment at a local scale. The majority of Australian digging mammals are threatened, with many suffering substantial population and range contraction. However, their persistence in landscapes plays an important role in maintaining the health and function of ecosystems.  相似文献   

李锋  王如松  赵丹 《生态学报》2014,34(1):190-200
城市生态基础设施是城市可持续发展的重要基础,也是建设生态城市的重要保证。生态系统服务是城市生态基础设施建设的核心与关键。在快速城市化的背景下,保障生态基础设施的结构完整性和功能完善性尤为重要。在阐述生态系统服务的基础上,对生态基础设施的概念与类型进行了概述;从城市湿地生态基础设施、绿地生态基础设施以及城市地表硬化的生态工程改造3个方面对城市生态基础设施研究现状进行综述;对生态基础设施结构与功能评估方法进行了总结,对基于生态系统服务的城市生态基础设施研究进行了综合评述,首次提出了城市表面生态学的概念与研究展望,为城市生态系统服务的强化与调控提供了方法论指导。城市生态基础设施与表面生态学的整合研究将对城市水文效应(内涝)、灰霾效应(PM2.5)、热岛效应、水体污染与富营养化等备受关注的重大问题提供新的解决思路与科学方法。  相似文献   

Several factors decrease plant survival throughout their lifecycles. Among them, seed dispersal limitation may play a major role by resulting in highly aggregated (contagious) seed and seedling distributions entailing increased mortality. The arrival of seeds, furthermore, may not match suitable environments for seed survival and, consequently, for seedling establishment. In this study, we investigated spatio-temporal patterns of seed and seedling distribution in contrasting microhabitats (bamboo and non-bamboo stands) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Spatial distribution patterns, spatial concordance between seed rain and seedling recruitment between subsequent years in two fruiting seasons (2004–2005 and 2007–2009), and the relation between seeds and seedlings with environmental factors were examined within a spatially-explicit framework. Density and species richness of both seeds and seedlings were randomly distributed in non-bamboo stands, but showed significant clustering in bamboo stands. Seed and seedling distributions showed across-year inconsistency, suggesting a marked spatial decoupling of the seed and seedling stages. Generalized linear mixed effects models indicated that only seed density and seed species richness differed between stand types while accounting for variation in soil characteristics. Our analyses provide evidence of marked recruitment limitation as a result of the interplay between biotic and abiotic factors. Because bamboo stands promote heterogeneity in the forest, they are important components of the landscape. However, at high densities, bamboos may limit recruitment for the plant community by imposing marked discordances of seed arrival and early seedling recruitment.  相似文献   

Landscape effects on crop pollination services: are there general patterns?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pollination by bees and other animals increases the size, quality, or stability of harvests for 70% of leading global crops. Because native species pollinate many of these crops effectively, conserving habitats for wild pollinators within agricultural landscapes can help maintain pollination services. Using hierarchical Bayesian techniques, we synthesize the results of 23 studies – representing 16 crops on five continents – to estimate the general relationship between pollination services and distance from natural or semi-natural habitats. We find strong exponential declines in both pollinator richness and native visitation rate. Visitation rate declines more steeply, dropping to half of its maximum at 0.6 km from natural habitat, compared to 1.5 km for richness. Evidence of general decline in fruit and seed set – variables that directly affect yields – is less clear. Visitation rate drops more steeply in tropical compared with temperate regions, and slightly more steeply for social compared with solitary bees. Tropical crops pollinated primarily by social bees may therefore be most susceptible to pollination failure from habitat loss. Quantifying these general relationships can help predict consequences of land use change on pollinator communities and crop productivity, and can inform landscape conservation efforts that balance the needs of native species and people.  相似文献   

植物种子大小与幼苗生长策略研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
种子大小和幼苗更新对策是植物生活史策略的重要组成部分.本文从不同侧面综述了当前国内外关于种子大小和幼苗之间关系的生态学研究,包括:种子大小对萌发出土的影响,种子大小与幼苗形态生长特性之间的关系,种子大小与幼苗存活、竞争能力之间关系等,并对今后的相关研究进行了展望.在不同的微环境和植被类型下,种子大小与幼苗生长之间的关系可能有所差异;种子大小对植物幼苗生长的影响导致种子大小不同的植物对植被幼苗更新补充的贡献不同;种子大小与幼苗生活史策略关系在大尺度的群落空间水平上和小尺度的物种间与物种内的研究对于天然植被的更新恢复研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Although global declines in frugivores may disrupt seed dispersal mutualisms and inhibit plant recruitment, quantifying the likely reduction in plant regeneration has been difficult and rarely attempted. We use a manipulative factorial experiment to quantify dependence of recruitment on dispersal (i.e. fruit pulp removal and movement of seed away from parental area) in two large-seeded New Zealand tree species. Complete dispersal failure would cause a 66 to 81 per cent reduction in recruitment to the 2-year-old seedling stage, and synergistic interactions with introduced mammalian seed and seedling predators increase the reduction to 92 to 94 per cent. Dispersal failure reduced regeneration through effects on seed predation, germination and (especially) seedling survival, including distance- and density-dependent (Janzen-Connell) effects. Dispersal of both species is currently largely dependent on a single frugivore, and many fruits today remain uneaten. Present-day levels of frugivore loss and mammal seed and seedling predators result in 57 to 84 per cent fewer seedlings after 2 years. Our study demonstrates the importance of seed dispersal for local plant population persistence, and validates concerns about the community consequences of frugivore declines.  相似文献   

Recruitment is a complex process consisting of sequential stages affected by biotic interactions and abiotic factors. Assessment of these sequential stages and corresponding subprocesses may be useful in identifying the most critical stages. Accordingly, to assess the factors that may determine the altitudinal range limits of the high mountain Mediterranean plant Silene ciliata, a set of demographic stages, from flower production to establishment of 2‐yr‐old plants, and their influence on recruitment probability were examined using a step‐by‐step approach. We integrated florivory, pollination and pre‐dispersal seed predation as pre‐dispersal factors, and seedling emergence and survival as post‐dispersal determinants of recruitment. Three populations were monitored at the southernmost margin of the species along its local altitudinal range. Previous studies suggest that seediness is strongly limited by summer drought especially at the lower boundary of the species, a situation that may worsen under current global warming. Our results showed that recruitment was mainly limited by low seed production in the pre‐dispersal stage and low seedling emergence and survival in the post‐dispersal stage, probably due to environmental harshness in summer. By contrast, biotic factors responsible for propagule loss, such as flower and fruit predation, had a minor effect on the probability of plant recruitment. Although the relative importance of transition probabilities was similar among populations along the altitudinal range, comparatively lower flower production significantly reduced the number of recruited plants at the lowest altitude population. This demographic bottleneck, together with increased competition with other species favoured by climate warming, might collapse population growth and limit persistence at the lower altitudinal range of the species, raising its low local altitudinal edge.  相似文献   

Suehs CM  Affre L  Médail F 《Heredity》2004,92(6):550-556
This study compares sexually and asexually produced fruit set, seed production, biomass, germination, and seedling size in Carpobrotus acinaciformis and C. edulis following controlled pollination experiments in order to evaluate the potential role of reproductive traits with respect to the invasive potential of these taxa. C. edulis is slightly agamospermic, completely self-fertile, slightly preferentially self-compatible, experiences no inbreeding depression, and has low hybrid vigour. In contrast, C. acinaciformis does not have reliable agamospermy, is only slightly self-fertile and self-compatible, experiences a slight inbreeding depression, and has a strong hybrid vigour. Both taxa have relatively low, although significantly different germination frequencies, and insignificantly different seedling sizes. Owing to the high performance in hybridisation as compared to all other controlled pollinations in C. acinaciformis, as well as a large amount of previously demonstrated introgression, we refer to the population studied on the island of Bagaud (France) as C. affine acinaciformis. We conclude that both C. edulis and C. affine acinaciformis should be considered as harmful invasive plants in the Mediterranean Basin, the former because of the flexibility of its mating system and high seed production, and the latter because of its strong clonality, high hybrid vigour, and potential for continued introgression from C. edulis genes. These differences require different control strategies, while the avoidance of sympatry is a distinct priority.  相似文献   

补充限制基于生态位理论, 从种子萌发、幼苗存活和生长、繁殖体扩散等生活史阶段的种群统计特征及环境因素(土壤水分、养分、凋落物等)着手, 探讨种群的更新问题。种源限制和微生境限制是补充限制理论研究的核心内容, 但是哪个更为重要并没有统一的结论。种源限制与种子生产、土壤种子库和地下芽库中的繁殖体数量不足有关。其中, 气候的年际波动、土壤种子库寿命和动物的捕食都会影响种子生产在种群更新中的作用; 土壤种子库常被视为种群更新的保险库, 与地上种子雨共同促进种群更新, 但是, 如果土壤里种子具有较高的死亡率和休眠率, 将会降低种子库的作用; 地下芽库及其产生的无性分株对于种群更新的意义更多地体现在干扰后种群更强的恢复能力上。扩散限制是种群更新中的普遍现象, 与种子产量、散布能力、传播媒介、幼苗密度等因素有关。微生境限制主要表现为水分、养分、凋落物等非生物因素以及竞争、捕食等生物因素对种子的活力、萌发性、幼苗的存活力、物质分配等过程的影响, 其重要性随着植物生活史阶段而发生变化。未来需要进行综合的、长期的实验, 并应着重加强种源限制及相关生态过程的进化与生态相结合的机理性研究, 从而更深刻地认识和理解种群更新问题, 建立更为综合、系统的种群更新理论体系。  相似文献   

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