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The reaction of [RuCl3(2mqn)NO] (H2mqn=2-methyl-8-quinolinol) with 2-chloro-8-quinolinol (H2cqn) afforded cis-1 [RuCl(2cqn)(2mqn)NO] (the oxygen of 2cqn is trans to the NO) (complex 1), cis-1 [RuCl(2cqn)(2mqn)NO] (the oxygen of 2mqn is trans to the NO) (complex 2) and a 1:1 mixture of cis-2 [RuCl(2cqn)(2mqn)NO] (the oxygen of 2mqn is trans to the NO) and cis-2 [RuCl(2cqn)(2mqn)NO] (the oxygen of 2cqn is trans to the NO) (complex 3). The reaction was compared with that of [RuCl3(2mqn)NO] with 8-quinolinol (Hqn) or 5-chloro-8-quinolinol (H5cqn). Photoirradiation reaction of complex 1 at room temperature in deaerated CH2Cl2 in the presence of NO gave trans-[RuCl(2cqn)(2mqn)NO] (the Cl is trans to the NO) and complex 2 with recovery of complex 1. The reaction was contrasted with that of cis-1 [RuCl(qn)(2mqn)NO] or cis-1 [RuCl(5cqn)(2mqn)NO]. The crystal structure of complex 1 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The reactions were examined under consideration of atomic charge of the phenolato oxygen in 8-quinolinol and its derivatives calculated at the restricted Hartree-Fock/6-311G** level.  相似文献   

Trans-[RuCl(NO)(dppe)2]2+ species were prepared. The complexes have been characterized by microanalysis, IR and 31P[1H] NMR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. The trans-[RuCl(NO)(dppe)2](ClO4)2 complex shows a reversible one-electron-reduction process at E(1/2) = 0.200 V and another one-electron-reduction irreversible process at -0.620 V, both centered at the NO+ group. The dissociation of the NO group from the trans-[RuCl(NO)(dppe)2]2+ after two one-electron reductions results in the formation of the trans- and cis-[RuCl2(dppe)2] isomers. The product of an electrolyzed solution of the same complex at -0.300 V shows an EPR signal consistent with the presence of the [RuCl(NO(0))(dppe)2]+ complex. Crystal data for trans-[RuCl(NO)(dppe)2]2+*[RuCl4(NO)(H2O)]*1/2[RuCl6]4-*2[H2O] (I) and trans-[RuCl(NO)(dppe)(2)]2+*2[RuCl4(NO)(CH3O)]-*3[CH3OH] (II) are as follow: (I) Space group P-1, a=10.4040(3) A, b=12.3470(4) A, c=23.5620(8) A, alpha=95.885(2) degrees, beta=99.608(2) degrees, gamma=104.378(2) degrees, R=0.0521; (II) space group P-1, a=10.9769(2) A, b=13.2753(3) A, c=24.0287(4) A, alpha=99.743(1) degrees, beta=95.847(1) degrees, gamma=97.549(1) degrees; R=0.0496. The fac-[RuCl3(NO)(dppe)] (III) complex has been also prepared; its crystal data are: space group P2(1)/n (No. 14), a=11.841(2) A, b=13.775(2) A, c=16.295(4) A, beta=92.81(2) degrees; R1=0.0395.  相似文献   

The positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) of trans-[Ru(NO)Cl)(dpaH)2]Cl2 (dpaH=2,2′-dipyridylamine), obtained from the carrier solvent of H2O–CH3OH (50:50), revealed 1+ ions of the formulas [RuII(NO+)Cl(dpaH)(dpa)]+ (m/z=508), [RuIIICl(dpaH)(dpa)]+ (m/z=478), [RuII(NO+)(dpa)2]+ (m/z=472), [RuIII(dpa)2]+ (m/z=442), originating from proton dissociation from the parent [RuII(NO+)Cl(dpaH)2]2+ ion with subsequent loss of NO (17.4% of dissociative events) or loss of HCl (82.6% of dissociative events). Further loss of NO from the m/z=472 fragment yields the m/z=442 fragment. Thus, ionization of the NH moiety of dpaH is a significant factor in controlling the net ionic charge in the gas phase, and allowing preferential dissociation of HCl in the fragmentation processes. With NaCl added, an ion pair, {Na[RuII(NO)Cl(dpa)2]}+ (m/z=530; 532), is detectable. All these positive mass peaks that contain Ru carry a signature ‘handprint’ of adjacent m/z peaks due to the isotopic distribution of 104Ru, 102Ru, 101Ru, 99Ru, 98Ru and 96Ru mass centered around 101Ru for each fragment, and have been matched to the theoretical isotopic distribution for each set of peaks centered on the main isotope peak. When the starting complex is allowed to undergo aquation for two weeks in H2O, loss of the axial Cl is shown by the approximately 77% attenuation of the [RuII(NO+)Cl(dpaH)(dpa)]+ ion, being replaced by the [RuII(NO+)(H2O)(dpa)2]+ (m/z=490) as the most abundant high-mass species. Loss of H2O is observed to form [RuII(NO+)(dpa)2]+ (m/z=472). No positive ion mass spectral peaks were observed for RuCl3(NO)(H2O)2, ‘caged NO’. Negative ions were observed by proton dissociation forming [RuII(NO)Cl3(H2O)(OH)] in the ionization chamber, detecting the parent 1− ion at m/z=274, followed by the loss of NO as the main dissociative pathway that produces [RuIIICl3(H2O)(OH)] (m/z=244). This species undergoes reductive elimination of a chlorine atom, forming [RuIICl2(H2O)(OH)] (m/z=208). The ease of the NO dissociation is increased for the negative ions, which should be more able to stabilize a RuIII product upon NO loss.  相似文献   

The photoirradiation reactions of two geometrical isomers (cis-1 and cis-2) of [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (H2cqn=2-chloro-8-quinolinol) were studied. Cis-2 [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (2) photochemically isomerized to cis-1 [Ru(OAc)(2cqn)2NO] (1) in CH2Cl2 or DMSO using an Xe lamp as a light source and the reaction was irreversible. The 2 to 1 isomerization coexisting with 15NO gas and its evolution of the 1H NMR spectra showed that the dissociation and recombination of both the NO and the acetate ion involve in the isomerization. On the other hand, 1 did not isomerize but the NO ligand exchanged with 15NO. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 were determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structures of two new phosphine ruthenium polypyridine complexes [Ru(tpy)(bpy)(PR3)]2+ with R = Ph (1), Cy (2) are reported. Their geometrical parameters are intimately related to the electronic and steric properties of the phosphine ligand. Electrochemical and UV-Vis analyses showed the influence of the substituents of the coordinated phosphorus atom on the RuIII/RuII potential and on the frontier orbitals energy gap. The results are discussed in terms of steric effects and net donor power of the phosphine ligands.  相似文献   

The photochemical behavior of a series of trans-[Ru(NH3)4L(NO)]3+ complexes, where L=nitrogen bound imidazole, L-histidine, 4-picoline, pyridine, nicotinamide, pyrazine, 4-acetylpyridine, or triethylphosphite is reported. In addition to ligand localized absorption bands (<300 nm), the electronic spectra of these complexes are dominated by relatively low intensity bands assigned as ligand field (LF) and metal to ligand (dπ → NO) charge transfer (MLCT) transitions. Irradiation of aqueous solutions of these complexes with near-UV light (300-370 nm) labilizes NO, i.e.,

The reaction of the Tc(I) complex [Tc(NO)Cl2(HOMe)(PPh3)2] with stoichiometric amounts of 2-mercatopyridine and a proton scavenger yields [Tc(NO)Cl(Spy)(PPh3)2] or [Tc(NO)(Spy)2(PPh3)], depending upon quantities of ligands employed. These two complexes have been structurally characterized. The small bite angles of the bidentate mercaptopyridine ligands cause significant deviation from octahedral coordination geometry.  相似文献   

The previously reported complex [Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] [ttpy = 4′(p-tolyl)-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine] is conveniently synthesised by reaction of ttpy with Ru(dmso)4Cl2 to give [Ru(ttpy)(dmso)Cl2], which reacts in turn with KCN in aqueous ethanol to afford [Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] which was isolated and crystallographically characterised as both its (PPN)+ and K+ salts. The K+ salt contains clusters containing three complex anions and three K+ cations connected by end-on and side-on cyanide ligation to the K+ ions. The solution speciation behaviour of [Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] was investigated with both Zn2+ and K+ salts in MeCN, a solvent sufficiently non-competitive to allow the added metal cations to associate with the complex anion via the externally-directed cyanide lone pairs. UV-Vis spectroscopic titration of (PPN)[Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] with Zn(ClO4)2 showed a blue shift of 2900 cm−1 in the 1MLCT absorption manifold due to the ‘metallochromism’ effect; a series of distinct binding events could be discerned corresponding to formation of 4:1, 1:1 and then 1:3 anion:cation adducts, all with high formation constants, as the titration proceeded. In contrast titration of (PPN)[Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] with the more weakly Lewis-acidic KPF6 resulted in a much smaller blue-shift of the 1MLCT absorptions, and the titration data corresponded to formation of 1:1 and then 2:1 cation:anion adducts with weaker stepwise association constants of the order of 104 and then 103 M−1. Although association of [Ru(ttpy)(CN)3] resulted in a blue-shift of the 1MLCT absorptions, the luminescence was steadily quenched, as raising the 3MLCT level makes radiationless decay via a low-lying 3MC state possible.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II poisoning and anticancer activity by the organometallic compound [RuCl(2)(C(6)H(6))(dmso)] was shown by us in an earlier study [Biochemistry 38 (1999) 4382]. Since high concentrations of this complex were required to achieve either effects, we have synthesized four derivatives of this complex in which the dimethyl sulphoxide group on the ruthenium atom was replaced with pyridine, 3-aminopyridine, p-aminobenzoic acid, and aminoguanidine. Three of these molecules showed enhanced potency of topoisomerase II poisoning and consequently also showed higher anticancer activity in breast and colon carcinoma cells in vitro. Detailed analysis of the molecular action of these compounds on topoisomerase II activity was carried out using the classical relaxation and cleavage activity of the enzyme, which revealed that the compounds poison topoisomerase II by freezing the enzyme and enzyme-cleaved DNA in a ternary "cleavage complex". The cleavage complex is implicated in the anti-neoplastic activity of these compounds. DNA interaction studies showed that these compounds interact with DNA in much the same way as [RuCl(2)(C(6)H(6))(dmso)], by external binding of the DNA helix. This is unlike most other topoisomerase II poisons, which predominantly interact with DNA through intercalation with the double helix.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of [Cr(NO)(NH3)5](PF6)2 (red) and [Cr(NO)(NH3)5]Cl(PF6) (brown) have been determined. The [Cr(NO)(NH3)5]2+(A) complex cations in these compounds have a slightly distorted octahedral geometry with a strictly linear Cr-N-O arrangement (from symmetry). The short interatomic distances (2.399 Å × 4) between the O (nitrosyl) and H (ammonia in adjacent complex cations) atoms in A(PF6)2 indicate the existence of hydrogen bonds, while the interatomic distances (3.258 Å × 8) between those in ACl(PF6) are much longer, and the hydrogen bonds should be weak in spite of the presence of the smaller counter anion of chloride ion in ACl(PF6). Comparisons of the five crystal structures of A(PF6)2, ACl2, ACl(ClO4), ACl(PF6), and A(ClO4)2 have led to the conclusion that the existence of the strong hydrogen bonds gives red crystals of A(PF6)2, while the absence of hydrogen bonds results in the formation of green crystals of A(ClO4)2 (O ? H, 3.595 Å × 2). The color change of the crystals (from red to green) with the change of outer sphere anions is attributed to the change of the strength of the hydrogen bonding between the complex cations.  相似文献   

Irradiation of trans-[RuCl(cyclam)(NO)](2+), cyclam is 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, at pHs 1-7.4, with near UV light results in the release of NO and formation of trans-[Ru(III)Cl(OH)(cyclam)](+) with pH dependent quantum yields (from approximately 0.01 to 0.16 mol Einstein(-1)) lower than that for trans-[RuCl([15]aneN(4))(NO)](2+), [15]aneN(4) is 1,4,8,12-tetaazacyclopentadecane, (0.61 mol Einstein(-1)). After irradiation with 355 nm light, the trans-[RuCl([15]aneN(4))(NO)](2+) induces relaxation of the aortic ring, whereas the trans-[RuCl(cyclam)(NO)](2+) complex does not. The relaxation observed with trans-[RuCl([15]aneN(4))(NO)](2+) is consistent with a larger quantum yield of release of NO from this complex.  相似文献   

The photochemical and pharmacological studies of the novel [Ru(L)(tpy)NO]3+ L = bpy (2,2′-bipyridine), NH · NHq (quinonediimine) and NH2.NH2cat (o-phenylenediamine) were investigated in aqueous medium. The synthesized nitrosyl ruthenium complexes showed nitric oxide (NO) release under light irradiation at 355 nm for [Ru(L)(tpy)NO]3+ complex with quantum yield of 0.14 ± 0.02, 0.47 ± 0.03 and 0.46 ± 0.02 mol Einstein−1 for L = bpy, NH · NHq and NH2 · NH2cat, respectively, and 0.0065 ± 0.001 mol Einstein−1 for light irradiation at 532 nm for [Ru(NH · NHq)(tpy)NO]3+ complex. The photochemical pathway at 355 nm light irradiation was described as a multi-step mechanism, although at 532 nm it was better attributed to a photo-induced electron transfer. The vasorelaxation induced by NO release produced by light irradiation in visible region from physiological solution of [Ru(NH · NHq)(tpy)NO]3+ complex was evaluated and compared with sodium nitroprusside (SNP). The results showed very similar vasodilator power between both species.  相似文献   

Complex fac-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (1) was synthesized from the reaction of [RuCl3(H2O)2(NO)] and the P-N ligand, o-[(N,N-dimethylamino)phenyl]diphenylphosphine) in refluxing methanol solution, while complex mer,trans-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (2) was obtained by photochemical isomerization of (1) in dichloromethane solution. The third possible isomer mer,cis-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (3) was never observed in direct synthesis as well as in photo- or thermal-isomerization reactions. When refluxing a methanol solution of complex (2) a thermally induced isomerization occurs and complex (1) is regenerated.The complexes were characterized by NMR (31P{1H}, 15N{1H} and 1H), cyclic voltammetry, FTIR, UV-Vis, elemental analysis and X-ray diffraction structure determination. The 31P{1H} NMR revealed the presence of singlet at 35.6 for (1) and 28.3 ppm for (2). The 1H NMR spectrum for (1) presented two singlets for the methyl hydrogens at 3.81 and 3.13 ppm, while for (2) was observed only one singlet at 3.29 ppm. FTIR Ru-NO stretching in KBr pellets or CH2Cl2 solution presented 1866 and 1872 cm−1 for (1) and 1841 and 1860 cm−1 for (2). Electrochemical analysis revealed a irreversible reduction attributed to RuII-NO+ → RuII-NO0 at −0.81 V and −0.62 V, for (1) and (2), respectively; the process RuII → RuIII, as expected, is only observed around 2.0 V, for both complexes.Studies were conducted using 15NO and both complexes were isolated with 15N-enriched NO. Upon irradiation, the complex fac-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (1) does not exchange 14NO by 15NO, while complex mer,trans-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (2) does. Complex mer,trans-[RuCl3(15NO)(P-N)] (2′) was obtained by direct reaction of mer,trans-[RuCl3(NO)(P-N)] (2) with 15NO and the complex fac-[RuCl3(15NO)(P-N)] (1′) was obtained by thermal-isomerization of mer,trans-[RuCl3(15NO)(P-N)] (2′).DFT calculation on isomer energies, electronic spectra and electronic configuration were done. For complex (1) the HOMO orbital is essentially Ru (46.6%) and Cl (42.5%), for (2) Ru (57.4%) and Cl (39.0%) while LUMO orbital for (1) is based on NO (52.9%) and is less extent on Ru (38.4%), for (2) NO (58.2%) and Ru (31.5%).  相似文献   

The ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes [RuII(trpy)(tmp)(NO+)](ClO4)3 ([4](ClO4)3) and [RuII(trpy)(tmp)(NO)](ClO4)2 ([5](ClO4)2) with {Ru-NO}6 and {Ru-NO}7 configurations, respectively (trpy = 2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine, tmp = 3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) have been isotaled. The nitrosyl complexes [4]3+ and [5]2+ have been generated by following a stepwise synthetic procedure: [RuII(trpy)(tmp)(X)]n, X/n = Cl/+ (1+) → CH3CN/2+ (22+) → NO2/+ (3+) → NO+/3+ (43+) → NO/2+ (52+). The single-crystal X-ray structures of two precursor complexes [1]ClO4 and [3]ClO4 have been determined. The DFT optimized structures of 43+ and 52+ suggest that the Ru-N-O geometries in the complexes are linear (177.9°) and bent (141.4°), respectively. The nitrosyl complexes with linear (43+) and bent (52+) geometries exhibit ν(NO) frequencies at 1935 cm−1 (DFT: 1993 cm−1) and 1635 cm−1 (DFT: 1684 cm−1), respectively. Complex 43+ undergoes two successive reductions at 0.25 V (reversible) and −0.48 V (irreversible) versus SCE involving the redox active NO function, RuII-NO+ ? RuII-NO and RuII-NO → RuII-NO, respectively, besides the reductions of trpy and tmp at more negative potentials. The DFT calculations on the optimized 43+ suggest that LUMO and LUMO+1 are dominated by NO+ based orbitals of around 65% contribution along with partial metal contribution of ∼25% due to (dπ)RuII → π∗(NO+) back-bonding. The lowest energy transitions in 43+ and 52+ at 360 nm and 467 nm in CH3CN (TD-DFT: 364 and 459 nm) have been attributed to mixed MLLCT transitions of tmp(π) → NO+(π∗), Ru(dπ)/tmp(π) → NO+) and Ru(dπ)/NO(π) → trpy(π), respectively. The paramagnetic reduced species 52+ exhibits an anisotropic EPR spectrum with g1 = 2.018, g2 = 1.994, g3 = 1.880 (〈g〉 = 1.965 and Δg = 0.138) in CH3CN, along with 14N (I = 1) hyperfine coupling constant, A2 = 35 G at 110 K due to partial metal contribution in the singly occupied molecular orbital (DFT:SOMO:Ru (34%) and NO (53%)). Consequently, Mulliken spin distributions in 52+ are calculated as 0.115 for Ru and 0.855 for NO (N, 0.527; O, 0.328). The reaction of moderately electrophilic nitrosyl center in 43+ with the nucleophile, OH yields the nitro precursor, 3+ with the second-order rate constant value of 1.7 × 10−1 M−1 s−1 at 298 K in CH3CN-H2O (10:1). On exposure to light (Xenon 350 W lamp) both the nitrosyl species, 43+ ({RuII-NO+}) and 52+ ({RuII-NO}) undergo photolytic Ru-NO bond cleavage process but with a widely varying kNO, s−1 (t1/2, s) of 1.56 × 10−1(4.4) and 0.011 × 10−1(630), respectively.  相似文献   

The structural and spectroscopic properties of [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ and [Ru(tap)2(dppz)]2+ (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; tap = 1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene; dppz = dipyridophenazine ) have been investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) within the polarized continuum model (IEF-PCM) and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations. The model of the Δ and Λ enantiomers of Ru(II) intercalated in DNA in the minor and major grooves is limited to the metal complexes intercalated in two guanine-cytosine base pairs. The main experimental spectral features of these complexes reported in DNA or synthetic polynucleotides are better reproduced by the theoretical absorption spectra of the Δ enantiomers regardless of intercalation mode (major or minor groove). This is especially true for [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+. The visible absorption of [Ru(tap)2(dppz)]2+ is governed by the MLCTtap transitions regardless of the environment (water, acetonitrile or bases pair), the visible absorption of [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ is characterized by transitions to metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer MLCTdppz in water and acetonitrile and to MLCTphen when intercalated in DNA. The response of the ILdppz state to the environment is very sensitive. In vacuum, water and acetonitrile these transitions are characterized by significant oscillator strengths and their positions depend significantly on the medium with blue shifts of about 80 nm when going from vacuum to solvent. When the complex is intercalated in the guanine-cytosine base pairs the 1ILdppz transition contributes mainly to the band at 370 nm observed in the spectrum of [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ and to the band at 362 nm observed in the spectrum of [Ru(tap)2(dppz)]2+.  相似文献   

Studies on electronic structures and related properties of [Ru(bpy)2(dpq)]2+ and its 9,9′-substituted derivates are carried out using DFT method at B3LYP/LanL2DZ level. The substituent effects caused by the electron-pushing group (OH) and the electron-withdrawing groups (F) on the electronic structures and its related properties, e.g. the energies and components of some frontier molecular orbitals, the spectral properties, and the net charge populations of some main atoms of the complexes, etc. have been investigated. The computational results show that: first, the substituents have some important effects on the first excited state properties. Both electron-withdrawing group (F) and the electron-pushing group (OH) can all activate the main ligand and passivate the co-ligands in the first excited states of [Ru(bpy)2(9,9′-2R-dpq)]2+, and both can lead to a little red shift in the electronic ground bands of the substitutive derivates, respectively, in particular, the electron-pushing group (OH) can lead to that more. Secondly, the most negative charges are populated on N1 or N5, and the next most negative charges are populated on C8 among all atoms of aromatic ring skeleton. In addition, the substituents have slight effects on coordination-bond lengths of complexes. The above theoretical results should be important to further inquire into the interaction mechanism between the complexes and DNA active units from the interactions between molecular orbitals, or from the interactions between atomic charges.  相似文献   

Two ruthenium(II) complexes with polypyridyl, Ru(bipy)2(phen)](ClO4)2·H2O (1) and [Ru(bipy)2(Me-phen)](ClO4)2 (2), (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, Me-phen = 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline), were synthesized and characterized by IR, MS and NMR spectra. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The strong steric interaction between the polypyridyl ligands was relieved neither by the elongation of the Ru---N bonds nor increase of the N---Ru---N bite angles. The coordination sphere was distorted to relieve the ligand interaction by forming specific angles (δ) between the polypyridyl ligand planes and coordination planes (N---Ru---N), and forming larger twisted angles between the two pyridine rings for each bipy. The bond distances of Ru---N(bipy) and Ru---N(phen) were virtually identical with experimental error, as expected of π back-bonding interactions which statistically involve each of the ligands present in the coordination sphere.  相似文献   

The relationship between the pKa of 8-quinolinol derivatives {8-quinolinol (Hqn), 2-methyl- (H2-Meqn), 2,4-dimethyl- (H2,4-diMeqn), 5-chloro- (H5-Clqn) and 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinols (H5,7-diClqn)} and a π-donor ability of the 8-quinolinolato oxygens has been investigated by the identification of the structures of the major products, [RuCl(QN)(QN′)NO] (HQN=8-quinolinol derivative; HQN′=different 8-quinolinol derivatives), obtained by the reaction of [RuCl3(QN or QN′)NO] with HQN′ or HQN. The results obtained clearly showed that the oxygen of the 8-quinolinol derivative that has a higher pKa predominantly coordinates in the trans position to the NO ligand and is a better π-electron donor. The order of the π-electron donor ability for the oxygen of the 8-quinolinol derivatives is as follows: H2-Meqn≥H2,4-diMeqn>Hqn≥H5-Clqn>H5,7-diClqn, almost agreeing with the magnitude of the pKa values of the corresponding 8-quinolinols. The structures of cis-1 [RuCl(5,7-diClqn)2NO] and cis-1 [RuCl(5,7-diClqn)(2-Meqn)NO] were determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Thermolysis of [CpRuCl(PPh3)2] and NaS2CNPr2 or NaS2CNMeBu in methanol affords the ruthenium(II) dithiocarbamate complexes, [CpRu(PPh3)(S2CNPr2)] and [CpRu(PPh3)(S2CNMeBu)], which have been crystallographically characterized. A similar treatment of two equivalents of [CpRuCl(PPh3)2] with the bis(dithiocarbamate) ligand derived from 1,3-homopiperazine affords [{CpRu(PPh3)}2(μ-S2CNC5H10NCS2)].  相似文献   

The nitrosyl complex H[TcNOCl4] reacts with the tridentate ligand bis[(2-diphenylphosphino)propyl]amine (PNPpr) to yield a mixture of the mer or fac isomers of [TcCl2(NO)(PNPpr)]. In acetonitrile, where the ligand is freely soluble, reaction occurs at room temperature to yield mostly the mer isomer with the linear nitrosyl ligand cis to the amine ligand; and the phosphine ligands arranged in a mutually trans orientation. The reaction in methanol requires reflux to dissolve the lipophilic ligand and generates the fac isomer of [TcCl2(NO)(PNPpr)] as the major product, with the tridentate ligand in a facial arrangement, leaving the chlorides and nitrosyl ligand in the remaining facial sites. The steric bulk of the tridentate ligand’s diphenylphophino-moieties results in a significant distortion from octahedral geometry, with the P-Tc-P bond angle expanded to 99.48(4)°.The infrared spectra display absorptions from these nitrosyl ligands in the 1700 and 1800 cm−1 regions for the fac and mer isomers, respectively. The ESI(+) mass spectra each display the parent ion at 647 m/z.  相似文献   

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