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For coexistence, the sexual form in sexual/asexual complexes needs short-term advantages that can compensate for the two-fold disadvantage of sex. Higher mortality in the asexual form due to a higher parasite load will provide an advantage to the sexual form. In Lake Suwa, Japan, the parasite load (Metagonnimus sp.; Trematoda) of triploid gynogenetic females of Carassius auratus was significantly higher than that of diploid sexual females. In an immunoassay using healthy wild fish that were conditioned for 1 month in laboratory tanks, the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) immune reaction of sexual females was significantly higher than that of gynogenetic females. The NBT activity indicates the abundance of oxygen radicals from phagocytes, and hence the level of immune activity of the phagocytes. We suggest that the higher parasite load of the gynogenetic form is in part due to the lower immune activity of the phagocytes (nonspecific immune reaction) in the gynogenetic form compared to the sexual form.  相似文献   

Fine-structural study of leucocytes in the goldfish, Carassius auratus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An electron microscopic study was performed on leucocytes from circulating blood of the goldfish. The leucocytes were divided into eight types: neutrophil, eosinophil, large granular leucocyte (LGL), medium-sized granular leucocyte (MGL), small granular leucocyte (SGL), fine granular leucocyte (FGL), lymphocyte, and monocyte. In this report the thrombocyte was excluded from leucocytes, and LGL, MGL, SGL and FGL were tentatively classified based on the size of intracytoplasmic granules possessed by each cell. The existence of goldfish monocytes was electron microscopically demonstrated for the first time in the present report.  相似文献   

Satoki Sakai 《Oecologia》1998,117(3):391-395
Using four populations of the liliaceous perennial Erythronium japonicum, I examined the hypothesis that sex allocation will be female-biased if the duration of sink-limited growth of fruits, during which fruits grow exponentially, is long. I found that all marked fruits in each population had a period of sink-limited growth. Among the four populations, the mean length of sink-limited growth increased, and the mean dry mass ratio of the sum of the corolla and androecium/fruit decreased, in a consistent order. Thus, plants in populations where the duration of sink-limited growth was long allocated relatively more of their resources to their female functions. This result was consistent with the above hypothesis. Received: 21 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1998  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the predictions of local mate competition (LMC), host quality (HQ) and operational sex ratio (OSR) models, using a non-arrhenotokous parasitic mite, Hemisarcoptes coccophagus (Astigmata: Hemisarcoptidae). The life-history pattern of this mite meets the assumptions of these sex allocation models. Mating group size (LMC model), HQ and OSR affected the sex allocation of H. coccophagus females. Only young mite females adjusted the sex ratio of their progenies according to the predictions of LMC and HQ models; the sex allocation of old females was contrary to these predictions. We explain these patterns by the dynamic nature of the mite's population structure. When parents are young, their population distribution is patchy and progeny matings are local; hence sex allocation is in accordance with LMC theory. When parents become older, their populations shift towards panmixis; factors which had operated previously no longer exist. Consequently, females adjust the sex ratio of late progenies so that it can compensate for the earlier sex allocation, in order to make their total sex ratio unbiased, as expected in panmictic populations. Our data, expressed as the cumulative sex ratio, support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

应用微卫星标记对雌核发育银鲫的遗传多样性初探   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:34  
利用Crooijmans et al.(1997)分离的包含CA重复单元的普通鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpino.L)的8个微卫星DNA标记,对银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)的5个不同雌核发育系的24尾个体进行PCR扩增。分析电泳结果发现,除MFW28未能在银鲫中稳定地扩增出相应的同源序列,其余的7对引物扩增的重复性和稳定性都很好,随引物不同,各等位基因数为1-14个,大小在100-506bp。在MFW1、MFW4、MFW19、MFW20、MFW23和MFW246个微卫星的扩增图谱中,不同的雌核发育系扩增出各自独特的图谱,而同一系内的不同个体间具有高度的遗传同质性,但仍然在个别个体中检测到少量的多态片段。不同系间的扩增图谱呈现出高度的遗传异质性,共鉴定出23个可以用于有效区分5个不同雌核发育系的分子标记。这5个微卫星标记反映了银鲫5个雌核发育系间的相互亲缘关系,其中P和A系同属一个雌核发育系,F系起源于E系,A、D和E系可能分别独立地起源于不同的杂交事件,鉴定的微卫星分子标记为进行银鲫群体遗传学和进化遗传学研究,以及银鲫的分子标记育种和进行基因组作图提供了理想的工具。  相似文献   

目的了解鲫成体透明的原因,探讨该性状的应用特性,为透明鲫作为水生实验动物材料系统开发提供基础。方法对透明鲫进行繁殖,并观察其后代性状,了解透明性状的遗传规律;体视镜观察透明鲫色素细胞的种类与分布,并与鲫比较;组织切片和压片确认微孢子虫对透明鲫的感染,并观察感染症状的变化。结果鲫的透明性状可以遗传,大部分后代表现为通体透明,心、肝、肾、肠、鳔、鳃、脊椎等组织器官肉眼清晰可见。与正常鲫比较,透明鲫的主要色素细胞为黄色素细胞,并未发现虹彩色素细胞,黑色素细胞的数量也大为减少。微孢子虫对鱼体的感染过程可直观观察,病原的扩散和空间分布能实时获得,具普通鱼类无法比拟的应用优势。结论虹彩色素细胞的缺失是鲫透明突变的结构基础。由于透明鲫内部器官可直接观测,无需依靠解剖或复杂仪器系统,在同一动物身上可能获得一系列的动态试验数据,或可作为模型材料广泛应用于生命科学不同领域。  相似文献   

云南高背鲫鱼不同组织同工酶分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,分析了滇池中云南高背鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)的脑、眼睛、肝脏、心脏、肌肉5种组织中的酯酶(EST)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)3种同工酶的表达模式,并对各种酶的同工酶酶谱表型进行了分析。结果表明,云南高背鲫鱼的同工酶系统具有明显的组织特异性,且同工酶的种类与活性变化与其功能相适应。  相似文献   

  • 1 A wild bruchid seed-predator, Kytorhinus sharpianus, has a complex life cycle consisting of bi- and trivoltinism on a wild leguminous plant, Sophola flavescens. Observations of adults showed significant female-biased sex ratios (from 1:2 to 1:6) for nine generations over 4 years.
  • 2 To investigate the potential effects of larval competition on the sex ratio, we altered the number of hatched eggs per seed and counted emergent males and females under laboratory conditions. Although only one adult could emerge per seed, the ratio of the females that emerged increased with the number of hatched eggs per seed. However, the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in the case of one hatched egg per seed.
  • 3 We dissected seeds bearing two hatched eggs at regular intervals, and classified the surviving and the dead larvae according to their developmental stage. Over time, one larva within each seed always survived, while the other larva died from the second to fourth instar before the seed resource became exhausted.
  • 4 In order to study the effects of the difference in the stages of two larvae in a seed on the emergence sex ratio, we manipulated intervals between the first and second ovipositions in the laboratory. As the difference in developmental stages of the two larvae increased, the closer to 1:1 the emergence sex ratio became.
  • 5 Field observations, however, showed that about 60% of infested seeds were bored by only one K.sharpianus larva. This suggests that female dominance in larval competition within a seed may be relatively unimportant in causing the female-biased sex ratio in the field.

阿特拉津对雄性鲫鱼血清雌二醇含量的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在实验室条件下研究了除草剂阿特拉津对鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)的急性毒性以及在不同暴露浓度和不同作用时间下低剂量阿特拉津对雄性鲫鱼血清雌二醇含量的影响.结果表明:阿特拉津对鲫鱼的24、48和96 h的LC50分别为229.33、146.17和105.94 mg·L-1,安全浓度为10.59 mg·L-1;长期(24 d)暴露时,低浓度(0.1~5.0 mg·L-1)阿特拉津对雄性鲫鱼血清雌二醇的合成具有诱导作用,且1.0 mg·L-1的诱导作用最强,与对照组相比血清雌二醇含量增加了84.1%;高浓度(10.0 mg·L-1)阿特拉津对雄性鲫鱼血清雌二醇的合成具有抑制作用;在5.0 mg·L-1浓度下,各个处理时间的血清雌二醇含量均高于对照组,其中第14天时雌二醇含量最高,比对照组增加50%(P<0.01).血清雌二醇含量的变化直接影响雄性鲫鱼的生殖功能和性征变化,因富集阿特拉津而导致血清雌二醇浓度发生显著变化的雄性鲫鱼可能会出现一定的生殖缺陷.  相似文献   

彩鲫hira基因片段的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
hir/hira基因最先作为组蛋白基因表达的一种负调节因子从酵母中被鉴定出来。现已证实,HIRA包含一组保守的蛋白家族,广泛存在于低等真核生物、无脊椎动物和脊椎动物等多种生物体当中,为生命发育所必需。关于hira基因在动物发育过程中的具体作用研究还不是很多,为了进一步探讨hira基因在鱼类发育过程中的作用,作者根据已知hira基因保守序列设计一对简并引物,分别以彩鲫基因组DNA和卵巢cDNA为模板克隆了彩鲫hira基因(Cahira)片段,该片段基因组序列为2181bp,基因组片段含有6个内含子,长度分别为118bp、275bp、372bp、84bp、472bp、86bp;cDNA序列为759bp,编码253个氨基酸,具有5个WD结构域。对其氨基酸序列进行比较,结果表明,彩鲫hira基因的氨基酸序列与河鲍、爪蟾、鸡、小鼠、人的hira基因氨基酸序列具有非常高的同源性,分别高达92%、89%、89%、87%和88%。组织特异性表达分析表明,所检测的彩鲫组织除了精巢和肌肉中未检测到hira基因表达外,其余组织均有表达。其中卵巢和肝脏中表达很强,而在脑、心、脾、肾中表达较弱,说明该基因可能在维持卵巢和肝脏组织的功能方面起一定作用。  相似文献   

饥饿对银鲫血液组分和卵巢发育的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对银鲫 (Carassiusauratusgibelio)进行投喂、饥饿 (1~ 4周 )、饥饿投喂 (饥饿 2周再投喂 2周 )处理后 ,测定其血液组分和卵巢发育的指标。结果表明 :饥饿处理后银鲫血液中血糖、甘油三酯的含量显著降低 ;红细胞数量、血红蛋白含量和胆固醇含量先显著降低 ,随后回升到投喂组水平 ;在饥饿过程中白细胞的数量、红细胞的长短径、红细胞沉降率和总蛋白均无明显变化。饥饿投喂处理的银鲫血液中红细胞数量、甘油三酯和胆固醇含量与投喂组无差异 ,但血糖含量仍显著低于投喂组 ,而白细胞数和血红蛋白含量显著高于投喂组。饥饿 4周延缓了银鲫卵巢发育 ,其性腺成熟系数和卵径均显著低于投喂组 ;饥饿投喂组的性腺成熟系数和卵径仍显著低于投喂组。分析说明饥饿阻碍了银鲫的卵巢发育 ,而饥饿对银鲫血液组分的影响在再投喂后得到恢复。  相似文献   

盐酸沙拉沙星在鲫体内的残留及消除规律研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用高效液相色谱法测定鲫组织中沙拉沙星并初步研究了盐酸沙拉沙星在鲫组织中的残留及消除规律。在21±2℃下,以20mg/kg的剂量单次口灌给药,取血浆和肌肉、皮肤、肝胰脏、肾脏、卵巢5种组织,各样品中加入甲磺酸达氟沙星作内标,用二氯甲烷提取组织中的药物,正己烷去脂,反相高效液相色谱法测定其中盐酸沙拉沙星的浓度。此方法平均回收率均大于82.97%,日间变异系数小于8.41%,最低检测限可达0.0125μg/g。研究结果表明盐酸沙拉沙星在血浆和5种组织中消除速率快慢不一,肾脏为盐酸沙拉沙星残留的靶组织。若规定可食用组织中的盐酸沙拉沙星在最大残留限量为30μg/kg,由休药期(WDT)公式可得出盐酸沙拉沙星在鲫体内的WDT为14d。    相似文献   

The operational sex ratio influences choosiness in a pipefish   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
If more females than males are available for mating in the breedingpopulation (i.e., the operational sex ratio, OSR, is femalebiased), males can afford to be choosy. In the pipefish (Syngnathustyphle) females compete for males, who are choosy. In natureOSRs are typically female biased, but may occasionally be malebiased. In a series of experiments, males were allowed to choosebetween a large and a small female under a perceived excessof either males or females. Under female bias, males preferredthe large female: they spent more time close to her than tothe small female; they courted the large female sooner thanthe small; and they tended to copulate sooner and more oftenwith the large female. Under male bias all these differencesvanished and males mated at random with respect to female size.Males reproduced at a faster rate under male than under femalebias because they received more eggs in their brood pouches.Thus, males switched from maximizing mate quality (i.e., beingchoosy) to minimizing the risk of not reproducing (i.e., beingquick) as the OSR became male biased.  相似文献   

林丹军  尤永隆 《动物学报》2006,52(2):328-334
运用电子显微镜观察了鲫鱼生精细胞发育过程中拟染色体的形成和解体,以及拟染色体和线粒体的关系。在精子细胞阶段之前的各期生精细胞中都存在拟染色体。仅在精原细胞中观察到拟染色体的形成过程。拟染色体的形成方式与其它鱼类中拟染色体的形成方式相似。在生精细胞的发育过程中,线粒体的形态和数量发生变化。在初级精原细胞阶段,线粒体较大,多为球形,嵴少,基质电子密度低。随着生精细胞的发育,线粒体逐渐变小,多为长条状,嵴多,基质的电子密度升高。拟染色体形成后往往与线粒体结合。与拟染色体结合的线粒体往往解体,部分或全部的外膜和内膜破裂以至消失。线粒体解体后,其中的物质可能会转移到拟染色体中[动物学报52(2):328-334,2006]。  相似文献   

金鱼早期仔鱼体表的电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用扫描和透射电镜技术对金鱼(Carassius auratus)孵出1 d3、d9、d龄仔鱼的体表进行了观察。仔鱼的上皮细胞呈扁平、多边形,彼此之间由增厚的边缘嵴状突紧密连接,细胞向内凹陷的表面有指纹状嵴突。孵出3 d的仔鱼体表两侧各有一列间隔有序呈丘状突起的味蕾,外被单层上皮细胞,味孔处有一根粗圆的感觉毛。粘液细胞出现在仔鱼头部、腹部、体侧的表皮上,并开口于多个相邻上皮细胞间的连接处。粘液细胞胞质比例大,内含丰富、平行排列的粗面内质网,旁边有大量大小不一、内含物液化状、近圆形的粘原颗粒。9 d后仔鱼体表完全被粘液覆盖,初步建立了以粘液细胞为基础的防病和抗病机制,以机械和化学感觉为主的Ⅰ型味蕾觅食方式。  相似文献   

This study determined if ejaculate size in male goldfish Carassius auratus is increased by the female preovulatory steroid pheromone 4‐pregnen‐17,20β‐diol‐3‐one (17,20βP), which previously has been shown to affect male behaviour and to increase sperm motility and stripped sperm number, and also to increase paternity in competitive spawning and competitive in vitro fertilization. Experimental males were exposed overnight to 17,20βP whereas control males were not. The morning following exposure, each male was placed with a reproductively active female and, after one to 20 spawning acts, aquarium water was sampled to quantify released sperm. Although exposure to 17,20βP induced a five‐fold difference in the number of sperm that could be stripped, the median number of sperm in first ejaculates of pheromone‐exposed males was >60 sixty times that of control males, a pheromonal effect on ejaculate size that persisted for at least 20 spawning acts. The magnitude of the pheromone effect on ejaculate size indicates that it is a critical component of C. auratus sperm allocation, and that examining this effect in concert with other factors (e.g. presence of competitors, male and female size and frequency of spawning) will reveal the contribution of the preovulatory pheromone to male fitness in this promiscuous species.  相似文献   

脊椎动物的Prox1基因,与果蝇的转录因子prospero同源。为了探讨Prox1基因在金鱼眼睛发生过程中的表达图式,我们从金鱼眼睛SMART库中克隆了Prox1cDNA。它全长共2851bp,编码739个氨基酸。组织分布研究表明,Prox1主要分布于眼、脑、心、肝、脾和肾中。整体原位杂交显示,Prox1mRNA首先是在晶体期的晶体原基中有转录,心跳期则在未成熟晶体的细胞中和视网膜的幼芽区可以检测到。晶体纤维形成后,它主要定位于视纤维层和内网织细胞层。免疫组化显示,心跳期Prox1蛋白的定位与mRNA相同,晶体纤维形成以后,Prox1蛋白主要定位在晶体上皮细胞内侧的晶体纤维上一个环状区域,与Prox1mRNA的定位不同。这说明,Prox1基因在晶体发生过程中有重要作用,且在晶体的不同发育时期起的作用可能有所不同。另外,Prox1在晶体发育过程中有一个从内向外的变化过程。  相似文献   

重金属铅对鲫鱼乳酸脱氢酶和过氧化氢酶活性的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在实验室条件下,采用毒性实验方法研究不同浓度重金属铅(Pb2 )对鲫鱼血清乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和血液过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响.研究结果表明,随着金属离子铅浓度的增高血清中乳酸脱氢酶和过氧化氢酶活性下降,但两种酶对铅离子影响的敏感程度不同.影响LDH活性的最低铅离子浓度为0.1mmol/L,而CAT为0.5mmol/L,当Pb2 浓度为1mmol/L时,LDH活性降至10%左右,而CAT仅下降50%左右.对重金属离子浓度与酶活性的定性和定量分析为有效监控鱼类生存环境提供了有价值的参考资料.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate population-related peculiarities of the adaptive responses of Carassius auratus gibelio. In order to do this, male specimens from polluted (B) and clean (Z) sites were exposed to commercial pesticides thiocarbamate Tatoo (9.1 μg·L(-1)and 91 μg·L(-1)) or tetrazine Apollo (2 μg·L(-1) and 10 μg·L(-1)) during fourteen days. The control fish from site B was distinguished by weakness of antioxidant defence (measured from superoxide dismutase and catalase activities, redox index of glutathione (GSH), superoxide anion (O(2)) and lipid peroxidation levels), imbalance of the concentrations of protein metallothionein (MT-SH) and MT-related metals (MT-Me) and neurotoxicity. Differences in glutathione-S-transferase activity in the liver and vitellogenin-like proteins in the serum were also showed between B and Z control groups. Common effects of pesticides were related to a decrease in GSH, an increase in O(2) production, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity and hepatosomatic index. Apollo provoked particular elevation of MT-SH/MT-Me ratio. Population-related difference in the response was the activation of antioxidant defence in fish from site B and its inhibition in fish from site Z. The genotoxic effect of exposures was more expressed in fish from site B. Principal component analysis combine all exposed groups from site Z and control group from site B in one set, and separated each exposed group from site B. The main distinguishing index of each population selected by classification and regression tree analysis was MT-SH.  相似文献   

apelin是一种参与哺乳动物和鱼类摄食调控的重要神经肽。为了更好地研究apelin在银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)上的摄食调控作用,本试验采用RACE技术首次获得了银鲫apelin的cDNA全长序列,并通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR)技术检测了apelin基因在各组织的表达情况以及餐前餐后和禁食对其表达量的影响。结果显示银鲫apelin全长cDNA序列长度为1082 bp,其中5’非编码区(5’-UTR)的长度为114 bp,3’非编码区(3’-UTR)的长度为734 bp,开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)的长度为234 bp。银鲫apelin基因的ORF区编码77个氨基酸,前22个氨基酸为信号肽。apelin基因在银鲫21个组织中普遍表达,特别是在下丘脑中表达量最高。在餐前餐后的试验中,银鲫下丘脑apelin基因在餐后表达量显著下降(p<0.05);在禁食试验中,禁食组下丘脑apelin基因的表达量在第5天显著升高(p<0.05),第7天极显著升高(p<0.01),复投喂后,apelin基因的表达量在第9天、第11天、第14天极显著降低(p<0.01)。综上所述,apelin基因可能是银鲫的诱食因子,在其摄食调控起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

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