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Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags are a radio-frequency identification device widely used as a machine-readable identification tool in fisheries research. PIT tags have also been employed, to a lesser extent, to track the movement of gravel-sized clasts within fluvial and coastal systems. In this study, PIT tags were inserted into detrital coral fragments and used to establish source–sink transport pathways on a fringing reef on Majuro Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Results suggest the transport of gravel-sized material on the inter-tidal reef flat is exclusively across-reef towards the lagoon. Considerable variation in the distance travelled by fragments was observed. Fragments were largely intact and visually recognisable after almost 5 months on the reef flat. However, the branches of some recovered fragments had broken off and corallite abrasion was observed in recovered fragments. This study indicates that PIT tags are an inexpensive and powerful new addition to the suite of sediment transport and taphonomic tools for researchers working within coral reef systems.  相似文献   

Summary The chief mode of carbonate sedimentation on the Belizean atolls Glovers Reef, Lighthouse Reef and Turneffe Islands is the accumulation of organically-derived particles. Variations in the distribution of the composition and grain-sizes of surface sediments, collected along transects across the atolls, are environmentally controlled. Two major sediment types may be distinguished. (1) Reef and fore reef sediments are dominated by fragments of coral, coralline algae andHalimeda. Mean grain-sizes range from 1–2 mm. (2) Back reef sediments contain more mollusk fragments, more fine-grained sediment (<125 μm) and appear to have fewerHalimeda fragments. In addition, sediments from inner platforms and shallow lagoonal parts of Glovers and Lighthouse Reefs comprise non-skeletal grains, namely fecal pellets. Sediments from lagoonal patch reefs may contain up to 20% coral fragments. Mean grain-sizes range from 0.1–1 mm and are finest on the inner platform and lagoon floor of the back reef environment. Within the reef and fore reef environments, it is not possible to distinguish sub-environments on the basis of textural and compositional differences of the sediments. Sediments from patch reefs contrast with those from back reef lagoons and inner platforms and are similar in terms of grain-sizes and compositions to reef and fore reef surface sediments. Non-skeletal grains forming in shallow parts of the back reef in Glovers and Lighthouse Reefs are interpreted to be indurated by interstitial precipitation of calcium carbonate from warm, supersaturated water flushing the sediment. The lack of hardened non-skeletal particles in the back reef sediments of Turneffe Islands is most probably due to the abundance of muddy, organic-rich sediment in the well-protected lagoon. Fine sediment is less permeable and organic films prevent cement overgrowth on particles.  相似文献   

To explore the utility of gravel-sized tests of large benthic foraminifers (LBFs) as practical paleoenvironmental indicators of tropical reef and shelf carbonate environments, depth and spatial distributions of gravel-sized empty tests of LBFs were examined using 39 surface sediment samples collected from depths shallower than 200 m off the west coast of Miyako Island (Ryukyu Islands, northwest Pacific). Distributions of the LBF tests were mainly related to water depth, topography, and substrate type. Q-mode cluster analysis based on the binary (presence/absence) data of LBF associations (4–2-mm size fraction) clearly delineates four depositional environments: bay, back reef to fore reef, flat shelf, and shelf slope. Application of this modern dataset to fossil LBF data from larger foraminiferal limestones of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group indicate that a test section was deposited in an outer flat shelf at depths between 54 and 99 m. Comparisons of these results with previous reports suggest that our foraminiferal analysis using gravel-sized tests is methodologically easier than conventional analyses including smaller sized tests to distinguish similar levels of depositional environments. However, taxonomic and environmental similarities make the applicability of this dataset to fossil LBF data from Quaternary tropical carbonate environments in the northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

A major difficulty in the study of the relationship between human population size and the environment has been placing the problem in a testable framework. Using data from the Marshall Islands, this article tests the proposition that population size and density are highly correlated with environmental variables, including rainfall and land area, through a complex series of socially mediated regulatory mechanisms. This analysis thus supports the population-resources disequilibrium theory of culture change.Deceased.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the burrowing clam Tridacna crocea (Tridacnidae) settle preferentially on top of detached coral heads lying on the surface of the interior reef flat in the Great Barrier Reef province. This species burrows as it grows, eroding the central top surfaces of coral boulders, producing structures that superficially resemble micro-atolls. Storm surges roll these coral heads onto the now flattened surface, killing the live population of clams, and exposing the fresh underside for unimpeded larval settlement. As these clams grow and burrow into the substratum, the coral head becomes progressively flattened and finally breaks apart. Field observations and growthring data documented growth rate; growth rates plus burrow volumes were converted to annual sediment production. At average population densities approximately 140 gm/m2/yr of coral are eroded. Concomitant with erosion is a calcium carbonate increase in the shell of these clams amounting to 60gm/m2/yr. Assuming a stable population structure, with annual mortality equal to annual estimated growth, total sediment production is 200 gm/m2/yr. Clams are usually aggregated at higher densities, however, with numbers regularly exceeding 100 clams/m2. Consequently maximum sediment production rate locally is often 4,500 gm/m2/yr.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a field survey designed to test the prediction that the density of benthic juveniles of shallow-reef fishes is greater on wind-wave “exposed” sectors of a pair of isolated oceanic atolls (Kure, Pearl and Hermes) at the far northwestern end of the Hawaiian Islands, an archipelago in which east-northeasterly trade winds dominate onshore water flow and transport by surface currents. The densities of recruits (juveniles ≤5 cm total length) were higher overall on windward versus leeward sectors of carbonate rock-rubble back reefs at both atolls, and the pattern was stronger for smaller (likely younger, more recently settled) recruits of four of the five most abundant species and the remainder pooled as an “Other” taxon. The windward-leeward disparity was four-fold greater at Pearl Hermes (the atoll with a three-fold longer perimeter) than at Kure. Resident predator biomass also was correlated with recruit densities, but habitat (benthic substratum) effects were generally weak. The distribution and abundance of recruits and juveniles of the primarily endemic reef fishes on shallow back reefs at these atolls appear partly influenced by relative rates of water flow over windward vs. leeward sectors of barrier reef and by the size, shape, and orientation of habitat parcels that filter out postlarval fishes with relatively weak swimming capabilities like labroids. Whole-reef geomorphology as well as fine-scale habitat heterogeneity and rugosity should be considered among the suite of many factors used to interpret observed spatial patterns of post-settlement juvenile fish distribution at atolls and perhaps some other tropical reefs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Seven coral reef communities were defined on Shiraho fringing reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. Net photosynthesis and calcification rates were measured by in situ incubations at 10 sites that included six of the defined communities, and which occupied most of the area on the reef flat and slope. Net photosynthesis on the reef flat was positive overall, but the reef flat acts as a source for atmospheric CO2, because the measured calcification/photosynthesis ratio of 2.5 is greater than the critical ratio of 1.67. Net photosynthesis on the reef slope was negative. Almost all excess organic production from the reef flat is expected to be effused to the outer reef and consumed by the communities there. Therefore, the total net organic production of the whole reef system is probably almost zero and the whole reef system also acts as a source for atmospheric CO2. Net calcification rates of the reef slope corals were much lower than those of the branching corals. The accumulation rate of the former was approximately 0.5 m kyr−1 and of the latter was ~0.7–5 m kyr−1. Consequently, reef slope corals could not grow fast enough to keep up with or catch up to rising sea levels during the Holocene. On the other hand, the branching corals grow fast enough to keep up with this rising sea level. Therefore, a transition between early Holocene and present-day reef communities is expected. Branching coral communities would have dominated while reef growth kept pace with sea level rise, and the reef was constructed with a branching coral framework. Then, the outside of this framework was covered and built up by reef slope corals and present-day reefs were constructed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning of 32 species of Labridae and 13 species of Scaridae was seen at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Most spawned on a reef bisecting the main ocean-lagoon passage which had strong tidal currents. Others spawned on lagoon reefs and in Halimeda beds. Polygynous haremic, lek-like and promiscuous mating systems were found which were species specific. Data on reproductive patterns, sexual dichromatism, sexual dimorphism, seasonality and spawning behavior were determined. Many spawned during the day in a time-phase dependent pattern from near sunrise to sunset. Scarid spawning began at slack high water or after when currents were starting to move out of the lagoon. Labrid spawning usually started about 30 min later with some continuing up to 2 h after high tide. With high tide before sunrise, scarid spawning began 30–50 min after sunrise as the current started flowing over the reef. With high tide near sunset, spawning occurred with an incoming current. Most labroids spawned on all phases of the moon. Acanthuridae (6 spp), Caesionidae (1 sp.) and Zanclidae (1 sp.) spawned after high tide at the same time as labroids. Pomacanthidae (5 spp.) spawned only shortly before sunset without reference to tidal currents. Fishes producing pelagic eggs at the lagoon-ocean channel spawned (1) at or slightly after high tide (44spp.), (2) in late afternoon without reference to tide (6 spp.) or (3) after slack low water (1 sp. ). Spawning style can vary within a single species in different environments. Despite the presence of many piscivores, no successful predation on spawning adults was seen. Predation on newly released eggs was uncommon. Labrichthys unilineata and Anampses twistii attempted to defend their eggs for a few sec after release. Attacks by piscivores on spawning adults on tropical reefs occur once per 100–1000 spawnings. Most are wary when preparing to spawn and prespawning behavior is easily interrupted. The risk from piscivores goes down and spawning ascent speed decreases with increasing size of spawners. Egg predation by zooplanktivores is less for pair spawners than group spawners possibly due to less conspicuous gamete clouds and times of spawning. Increasing height of egg release, speed and length of the spawning ascent, and trajectory alteration of ascending adults are believed to make it more difficult for zooplanktivores to locate eggs after release. For labrids, permanent full sexual dichromatism was found among haremic, lek-like and promiscuous mating systems. Species with temporary full dichromatism, permanent and temporary partial dichromatism and monochromatism were haremic. Smaller scarids were believed to have lek-like, and larger species haremic, mating systems. Smaller scarids had male looping behavior and post spawning displays, plus faster spawning ascents and different locations for egg release than larger ones. Eggs of 21 labrids were spherical or nearly spherical, ranging from 0.55–0.80 mm in diameter, and most had one oil globule. Among 7 is scarids, 6 had spindle-shaped eggs ranging from 1.25 ×0.50 mm 2.14× 0.48 mm while one had a nearly spherical egg. One scarid egg lacked an oil globule.  相似文献   

Synopsis The chevron butterflyfish,Chaetodon trifascialis, is found throughout the Indo-Pacific. It is a territorial, diurnal, corallivore found in close association withAcropora spp. corals. The feeding behavior of 33 individuals was studied over six seasons in three habitats.Chaetodon trifascialis spent one third of its active time feeding. However, there was much individual variation. Fish had significantly higher feeding rates during the early afternoon, and there were no significant differences in the feeding rates between the seasons. Feeding rates were significantly different between the three habitats. TheMontipora-rich habitat had the highest feeding rates (x = 10.74 bites min-1 ± 0.87, all corals combined) and theAcropora-Montipora mixed habitat had the lowest feeding rates (x = 4.58 bites min-1 ± 0.63, all corals combined). Females fed significantly more than males. WhileC. trifascialis had been thought to only eatAcropora spp. corals, it occasionally fed onMontipora spp. andPocillopora sp. corals whenAcropora spp. were scarce.Chaetodon trifascialis exhibited patterns predicted by foraging theory of an energy maximizer. Territory sizes were inversely related to food density and feeding rates were inversely related to intruder rates. This is a promising system for future testing of foraging strategy models.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-one samples were collected on the shelf and on the uppermost slope (down to 180 m) off Northern Senegal, between 14 °50′ and 16 °20′ N latitude.Two hundred and three species of benthic foraminifers were recognized. Most of them were reported in previous works, along the coast of Africa. Twenty seven species are selected for detailed analysis and distribution maps are given for each of them. Q mode and R mode statistical analyses were performed on these selected species. The distribution is mainly related to depth; the second factor of distribution is the nature of the sediments: about 30% of the study area is covered by the muddy sediments of the pro-delta of the Senegal river. Hierarchical analysis shows that the main limit in the pattern of change of these 27 species with depth is about 60–65 m.A depth index Di, calculated on the basis of twelve selected species, gives a depth indication with a precision of about 40 m over the shelf. It is possible to envisage a possible use of this index for the investigation of Quaternary sea-level changes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Status assessment of endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) is currently limited by a paucity of information regarding population estimates for outer islands, which collectively comprise approximately 70% of potential habitat within the Key deer range. Practical limitations and financial considerations render traditional survey techniques impractical for application on remote outer islands. Our objective was to evaluate the utility of infrared-triggered cameras to estimate Key deer abundance on outer islands. We used digital infrared-triggered cameras and mark-resight methods to estimate Key deer abundance on 20 outer islands. Abundance estimates for primary subpopulations ranged from 15 to 16 for Howe Key, 5 to 10 for Knockemdown complex, and 13 to 17 for Little Pine Key. Other island complexes such as Ramrod Key, Water Key, and Annette complex maintain only small subpopulations (i.e., ≤5 individuals) and other previously inhabited island complexes (e.g., Johnson complex and Summerland Key) no longer maintain subpopulations. Key deer abundance was well below estimated carrying capacities on all outer islands, with larger natural populations occurring closest to Big Pine Key. Our results suggest that camera-based surveys offer a practical method to monitor abundance and population trends of Key deer on outer islands. Our study is the first to estimate Key deer abundance in these areas using technically structured model-based methods and provides managers with current and baseline information regarding Key deer subpopulations.  相似文献   

Reefs are sensitive proxies for palaeontological, palaeoenvironmental, and palaeogeographical changes during geological history. In South China, after the collapse of the reef ecosystem during the Frasnian-Famennian and Hangenberg mass extinction events, Carboniferous reefs underwent evolutionary episodes of recovery, decline, and turnover, which were controlled by changes of reef-builders abundance, sedimentary facies, relative sea level, and even global climate. In Tournaisian times, only a few Waulsortian-like banks have been found in Liuzhou, Guangxi without metazoan reefs, which were caused by the lack of reef-builders, such as colonial rugose corals and bryozoans, and the dominant non-carbonate facies (shale, mud stone and sandstone) driven by low relative sea level. The absence of mud mounds in the early Viséan was attributed to the regression event during the Tournaisian-Viséan boundary. During Viséan times, bryozoan-coral reefs in Huishui, Guizhou and Tianlin, Guangxi occurred during a time of increasing biodiversity and carbonate facies resulting from relative sea-level rise. The number of potential reef-builders as colonial rugose coral and bryozoan genera significantly increased in Viséan times in South China. The reef abundance declined during Serpukhovian times in South China and the controlling factors were decreasing abundance of potential reef-builders and developing non-carbonate facies due to a relative sea-level fall. The sedimentary facies were characterized by shale, mud stone, sandstone, and dolostone during this time. A distinct change in reef types occurred after the Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary, when phylloid algae and red algae reefs (distributed in Ziyun, Guizhou and Beibuwan, Guangxi) replaced metazoan reefs and became the dominant role in reef ecosystem. This reef turnover event may be triggered by the dramatic relative sea-level fall during the mid-Carboniferous, and continued low relative sea level in South China and global flourish of phylloid and red algae during Pennsylvanian times. Grainstone and dolomitic limestone were the main composition of the platform sedimentary facies in South China during Pennsylvanian times. In addition, global climate cooling and warming, resulted from the waxing and waning of Gondwana glaciation, may also influence the reef evolution in South China, as evidenced from the consistent transgression and regression events and reef evolutionary pattern between South China and globe during the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus were the most abundant predator in the lagoons at Palmyra Atoll. They were evenly distributed throughout the lagoons, although there was some evidence of sexual segregation. Males reach sexual maturity between 940–1020 mm L T. Bird remains were found in some C. melanopterus stomachs. C. melanopterus at Palmyra appear to be smaller than those at other locations.  相似文献   


Carbonate production by large benthic foraminifers is sometimes comparable to that of corals and coralline algae, and contributes to sedimentation on reef islands and beaches in the tropical Pacific. Population dynamic data, such as population density and size structure (size-frequency distribution), are vital for an accurate estimation of shell production of foraminifers. However, previous production estimates in tropical environments were based on a limited sampling period with no consideration of seasonality. In addition, no comparisons were made of various estimation methods to determine more accurate estimates. Here we present the annual gross shell production rate of Baculogypsina sphaerulata, estimated based on population dynamics studied over a 2-yr period on an ocean reef flat of Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu, tropical South Pacific). The population density of B. sphaerulata increased from January to March, when northwest winds predominated and the study site was on the leeward side of reef islands, compared to other seasons when southeast trade winds predominated and the study site was on the windward side. This result suggested that wind-driven flows controlled the population density at the study site. The B. sphaerulata population had a relatively stationary size-frequency distribution throughout the study period, indicating no definite intensive reproductive period in the tropical population. Four methods were applied to estimate the annual gross shell production rates of B. sphaerulata. The production rates estimated by three of the four methods (using monthly biomass, life tables and growth increment rates) were in the order of hundreds of g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 or cm−3 m−2 yr−1, and the simple method using turnover rates overestimated the values. This study suggests that seasonal surveys should be undertaken of population density and size structure as these can produce more accurate estimates of shell productivity of large benthic foraminifers.


上海海岸带及邻近岛屿发育至今,生物、非生物环境因子起着重要作用。其中,成岛年龄、高程、土壤种类、土壤养分、土壤含盐量、土壤pH值等影响着诸岛植物群落的形成、定居与演替。在多年野外调查基础上,本文以时空跨度,运用PC-ORD生态学多变量分析软件中的典范对应分析(CCA)二维排序方法,阐述了上海海岸带及邻近岛屿植物群落的植物多样性,报导了上海海域诸岛的植物种类,并对该区域多种生境下植物群落的演替现状和所适应的环境因子进行了分析,为研究分析上海海岸带及邻近岛屿植被及其整个生态系统提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

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