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Characterized by proximal muscle weakness and wasting, limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are a heterogeneous group of clinical disorders. Previous reports have documented either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive modes of inheritance, with genetic linkage studies providing evidence for the existence of at least 12 distinct loci. Gene products have been identified for five genes responsible for autosomal recessive forms of the disorder. We performed a genome scan using pooled DNA from a large Hutterite kindred in which the affected members display a mild form of autosomal recessive LGMD. A total of 200 markers were used to screen pools of DNA from patients and their siblings. Linkage between the LGMD locus and D9S302 (maximum LOD score 5.99 at recombination fraction .03) was established. Since this marker resides within the chromosomal region known to harbor the gene causing Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD), we expanded our investigations, to include additional markers in chromosome region 9q31-q34.1. Haplotype analysis revealed five recombinations that place the LGMD locus distal to the FCMD locus. The LGMD locus maps close to D9S934 (maximum multipoint LOD score 7.61) in a region that is estimated to be approximately 4.4 Mb (Genetic Location Database composite map). On the basis of an inferred ancestral recombination, the gene may lie in a 300-kb region between D9S302 and D9S934. Our results provide compelling evidence that yet another gene is involved in LGMD; we suggest that it be named "LGMD2H."  相似文献   

We report the identification of a new locus for autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD1) on 7q. Two of five families (1047 and 1701) demonstrate evidence in favor of linkage to this region. The maximum two-point LOD score for family 1047 was 3.76 for D7S427, and that for family 1701 was 2.63 for D7S3058. Flanking markers place the LGMD1 locus between D7S2423 and D7S427, with multipoint analysis slightly favoring the 9-cM interval spanned by D7S2546 and D7S2423. Three of five families appear to be unlinked to this new locus on chromosome 7, thus establishing further heterogeneity within the LGMD1 diagnostic classification.  相似文献   

Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EMD) is a condition characterized by the clinical triad of early-onset contractures, progressive weakness in humeroperoneal muscles, and cardiomyopathy with conduction block. The disease was described for the first time as an X-linked muscular dystrophy, but autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive forms were reported. The genes for X-linked EMD and autosomal dominant EMD (AD-EMD) were identified. We report here that heterozygote mutations in LMNA, the gene for AD-EMD, may cause diverse phenotypes ranging from typical EMD to no phenotypic effect. Our results show that LMNA mutations are also responsible for the recessive form of the disease. Our results give further support to the notion that different genetic forms of EMD have a common pathophysiological background. The distribution of the mutations in AD-EMD patients (in the tail and in the 2A rod domain) suggests that unique interactions between lamin A/C and other nuclear components exist that have an important role in cardiac and skeletal muscle function.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive childhood spinal muscular atrophy (SMAs) is the second most common neuromuscular disorder and a common cause of infant disability and mortality. SMA patients are classified into three clinical types based on age of onset, and severity of symptoms. About 94% of patients have homozygous deletion of exon 7 in survival motor neuron (SMN1) gene. The neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) gene was found to be more frequently deleted in the severest form of the disease. This study aimed to comment on the implementation of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis of SMAs for 85 fetuses from 75 Egyptian couples at risk of having an affected child. The homozygous deletion of exon 7 in SMN1 gene and the deletion of exon 5 of the NAIP gene were detected using PCR-REFLP and multiplex PCR methods respectively. Eighteen fetuses showed homozygous deletion of exon 7 in SMN1 gene and deletion of exon 5 in NAIP gene. In conclusion prenatal diagnosis is an important tool for accurate diagnosis and genetic counseling that help decision making in high risk families.  相似文献   



Fifty random genetically unstudied families (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD)/myopathy) were screened with a gene panel incorporating 759 OMIM genes associated with neurological disorders. Average coverage of the CDS and 10 bp flanking regions of genes was 99 %. All families were referred to the Neurosciences Clinic of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Saudi Arabia. Patients presented with muscle weakness affecting the pelvic and shoulder girdle. Muscle biopsy in all cases showed dystrophic or myopathic changes. Our main objective was to evaluate a neurological gene panel as a first-line diagnostic test for LGMD/myopathies.


Our panel identified the mutation in 76 % of families (38/50; 11 novel). Thirty-four families had mutations in LGMD-related genes with four others having variants not typically associated with LGMD. The majority of cases had recessive inheritance with homoallelic pathogenic variants (97.4 %, 37/38), as expected considering the high rate of consanguinity in the study population. In one case, we detected a heterozygous mutation in DNAJB responsible for LGMD-1E. Our cohort included seven different subtypes of LGMD2. Mutations of DYSF were the most commonly identified cause of disease followed by that in CAPN3 and FKRP. Non-LGMD myopathies were due to mutations in genes associated with congenital disorder of glycosylation (ALG2), rigid spine muscular dystrophy 1 (SEPN1), inclusion body myopathy2/Nonaka myopathy (GNE), and neuropathy (WNK1). Whole exome sequencing (WES) of patients who remained undiagnosed with the neurological panel did not improve our diagnostic yield.


Our neurological panel achieved a high clinical sensitivity (76 %) and is an effective first-line laboratory test in patients with LGMD and other myopathies. This sensitive, cost-effective, and rapid assay significantly assists clinical practice especially in these phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous disorders. Moreover, the application of the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) and Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) guidelines applied in the classification of variant pathogenecity provides a clear interpretation for physicians on the relevance of such findings.

Congenital universal muscular hypoplasia has been confused with similar diseases in the past. Evidence presented in this paper distinguishes this disorder from other phenotypically similar ones and indicates that it is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the use of dystrophin analysis both in the diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in an aborted fetus and in genetic counseling. Our consultand's initial carrier risk, as based on family history and creatine kinase determinations, was calculated as 0.6%. DNA analysis of her family (and fetus) modified this risk to 8.5%. Skeletal muscle of the 23-wk male abortus was found to be histologically indistinguishable from that of age-matched controls. However, immunoblot testing for dystrophin indicated that the fetus had indeed inherited dystrophin deficiency. The carrier risk of the consultand was thus elevated to 100%. Dystrophin assays should be employed whenever the diagnosis of fetal DMD is equivocal (e.g., cases in which a gene deletion cannot be identified). Assay results are crucial for genetic counseling for subsequent pregnancies and for studies of the early pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is a clinically and genetically heterogenous group of disorders, with both recessive and dominant forms reported. Recently, a series of recessive LGMD families were linked to chromosome 15q. We report herein the results of our linkage studies in a previously reported large autosomal dominant family. The LGMD gene in this family was localized to chromosome 5q22.3-31.3 by using a series of CA(n) microsatellite repeat markers. Linkage to 15q was excluded. These findings confirm genetic heterogeneity in this clinically diverse syndrome.  相似文献   

Studies of the genetics of certain inherited diseases require expertise in the determination of disease status even for single-locus traits. For example, in the diagnosis of autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD1A), it is not always possible to make a clear-cut determination of disease, because of variability in the diagnostic criteria, age at onset, and differential presentation of disease. Mapping such diseases is greatly simplified if the data present a homogeneous genetic trait and if disease status can be reliably determined. Here, we present an approach to determination of disease status, using methods of artificial neural-network analysis. The method entails "training" an artificial neural network, with input facts (based on diagnostic criteria) and related results (based on disease diagnosis). The network contains weight factors connecting input "neurons" to output "neurons," and these connections are adjusted until the network can reliably produce the appropriate outputs for the given input facts. The trained network can be "tested" with a second set of facts, in which the outcomes are known but not provided to the network, to see how well the training has worked. The method was applied to members of a pedigree with LGMD1A, now mapped to chromosome 5q. We used diagnostic criteria and disease status to train a neural network to classify individuals as "affected" or "not affected." The trained network reproduced the disease diagnosis of all individuals of known phenotype, with 98% reliability. This approach defined an appropriate choice of clinical factors for determination of disease status. Additionally, it provided insight into disease classification of those considered to have an "unknown" phenotype on the basis of standard clinical diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is an inborn error of metabolism, inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder and caused by a decrease in the activity of fructose-1-phosphate aldolase (aldolase B) in affected individuals. Investigation of the molecular basis of HFI is reported here by the identification of two molecular lesions in the aldolase B gene of the HFI individual. Using polymerase chain reaction to specifically amplify exons at this locus and T7 polymerase for the sequence determination of these double-stranded fragments, we show the mutational heterogeneity of the proband. One allele, previously indicated by restriction analysis, was confirmed as A149P (Ala 149 to Pro in exon 5). The other allele was identified as a 4-bp deletion found in exon 4, a deletion which causes a frameshift at codon 118, resulting in a truncated protein of 132 amino acids. Segregation of these mutant alleles in the proband's family was shown by using allele-specific oligodeoxynucleotides to probe blots of amplified DNA. The techniques employed here represent a rapid and efficient method for detection of other mutations in families with this disease. In addition, the ability to detect mutant alleles by allele-specific hybridization offers a new method for definitive diagnosis, a method which avoids a fructose loading or liver-biopsy examination.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in animal studies that, in animals heterozygous for pericentric chromosomal inversions, loop formation is greatly reduced during meiosis. This results in absence of recombination within the inverted segment, with recombination seen only outside the inversion. A recent study in yeast has shown that telomeres, rather than centromeres, lead in chromosome movement just prior to meiosis and may be involved in promoting recombination. We studied by cytogenetic analysis and DNA polymorphisms the nature of meiotic recombination in a three-generation family with a large pericentric X chromosome inversion, inv(X)(p21.1q26), in which Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) was cosegregating with the inversion. On DNA analysis there was no evidence of meiotic recombination between the inverted and normal X chromosomes in the inverted segment. Recombination was seen at the telomeric regions, Xp22 and Xq27-28. No deletion or point mutation was found on analysis of the DMD gene. On the basis of the FISH results, we believe that the X inversion is the mutation responsible for DMD in this family. Our results indicate that (1) pericentric X chromosome inversions result in reduction of recombination between the normal and inverted X chromosomes; (2) meiotic X chromosome pairing in these individuals is likely initiated at the telomeres; and (3) in this family DMD is caused by the pericentric inversion.  相似文献   

Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by the deposition of amyloid beneath the corneal epithelium and by severely impaired visual acuity leading to blindness. Although gelatinous corneal dystrophy has previously been mapped to chromosome 1p and seems to be associated with mutations in the M1S1 gene, molecular genetic studies have been limited to Japanese patients. To investigate the cause of GDLD in patients with diverse ethnic backgrounds, we performed linkage analyses in eight unrelated GDLD families from India, USA, Europe, and Tunisia. In seven of these families, the disease locus mapped to a 16-cM interval on the short arm of chromosome 1 between markers D1S519 and D1S2835, a region including the M1S1 gene. In addition, a 1.2-kb fragment containing the entire coding region of M1S1 gene was sequenced in affected individuals. Seven novel mutations (M1R, 8-bp ins., Q118 E, V194 E, C119 S, 870delC, and 1117delA) were identified in six families and two unrelated individuals. No sequence abnormalities were detected in a single family in which the GDLD locus was also excluded from the M1S1 region by linkage analysis. These findings demonstrate allelic and locus heterogeneity for GDLD.  相似文献   

In this paper we report a family where the affected DMD patients were not available for study and a molecular strategy was used for female carriers detection and for prenatal diagnosis. Linkage analysis was performed with two markers within the DMD gene, in all family members screened. DMD markers used (pERT87.8/Taq1 and pERT87.15/Xmn1) seemed not to be informative because the propositas mother (II-2) was homozygous for the minor allele at each marker (T2 and X2), however, the proposita and one sister carried only the major allele, which was inherited from the father. These results suggested that a deletion involving both markers could be present, and was inherited from the mother to both daughters. Quantitative multiplex PCR confirmed the deletion in female carriers, involving at least exons 12 to 17. DNA studies of cultured amniotic fluid cells at 14 weeks gestation, by amplification of specific Y-chromosome sequences, followed by multiplex PCR, lead to the diagnosis of a male fetus affected by DMD.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophy‐dystroglycanopathy (MDDG) is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of muscular disorders, characterized by congenital muscular dystrophy or later‐onset limb‐girdle muscular dystrophy accompanied by brain and ocular abnormalities, resulting from aberrant alpha‐dystroglycan glycosylation. Exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing were performed on a six‐generation consanguineous Han Chinese family, members of which had autosomal recessive MDDG. Compound heterozygous mutations, c.1338+1G>A (p.H415Kfs*3) and c.1457G>C (p.W486S, rs746849558), in the protein O‐mannosyltransferase 1 gene (POMT1), were identified as the genetic cause. Patients that exhibited milder MDDG manifested as later‐onset progressive proximal pelvic, shoulder girdle and limb muscle weakness, joint contractures, mental retardation and elevated creatine kinase, without structural brain or ocular abnormalities, were further genetically diagnosed as MDDGC1. The POMT1 gene splice‐site mutation (c.1338+1G>A) which leads to exon 13 skipping and results in a truncated protein may contribute to a severe phenotype, while the allelic missense mutation (p.W486S) may reduce MDDG severity. These findings may expand phenotype and mutation spectrum of the POMT1 gene. Clinical diagnosis supplemented with molecular screening may result in more accurate diagnoses of, prognoses for, and improved genetic counselling for this disease.  相似文献   

Using the data from daughters of known carriers and from age-paired controls, we present a method for estimating the mean and variance of creatine kinase (CK) and pyruvate kinase (PK) in pre-menarchal and early adolescent Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) carriers. CK and PK means and variances were estimated for different age ranges; it is shown that among DMD carriers the levels of both enzymes decrease linearly with age. A discriminant analysis was further performed for the estimation of biochemical risks favouring the diagnosis of heterozygosity for possible young carriers. The use of this method may also be applicable for other X-linked conditions in which the detection of heterozygotes is probabilistic.  相似文献   

We analyzed developmental expression of myotilin, a novel sarcomeric component mutated in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 1A (LGMD1A). In situ hybridization and immunostaining of embryonic mouse tissues revealed expression of myotilin initially (E9-10) in heart, somites and neuroepithelium. At E13 myotilin was expressed in a variety of tissues, including the nervous system, lung, liver and kidney, but upon organ differentiation expression became more restricted. The level of expression during early development is comparable between mouse and human, indicating that the mouse may provide a model for further studying the functions of myotilin and the pathogenesis of LGMD1A.  相似文献   

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are a group of neuromuscular diseases presenting great clinical heterogeneity. Mutations in CANP3, the gene encoding muscle-specific calpain, were used to identify this gene as the genetic site responsible for autosomal recessive LGMD type 2A (LGMD2A; MIM 253600). Analyses of the segregation of markers flanking the LGMD2A locus and a search for CANP3 mutations were performed for 21 LGMD2 pedigrees from various origins. In addition to the 16 mutations described previously, we report 19 novel mutations. These data indicate that muscular dystrophy caused by mutations in CANP3 are found in patients from all countries examined so far and further support the wide heterogeneity of molecular defects in this rare disease.  相似文献   

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) constitutes a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of myogenic disorders with a limb-girdle distribution of weakness. One autosomal dominant family, LGMD1A, has been linked to chromosome 5q, whereas in other autosomal dominant families linkage to this chromosome has been excluded. We studied 58 members of three families with a newly recognized autosomal dominantly inherited LGMD with cardiac involvement. A search with highly polymorphic microsatellite markers was carried out. The gene for this newly recognized dominant form of LGMD was located on chromosome 1q11-21, with a combined maximum two-point LOD score >12 at theta = 0.  相似文献   

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