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帽状动物壳体 lathamellids 类化石包括 Lathamella caeca*, Lathamella sp. nov. 以及 Lathamella symmetrica sp. nov. 三种,目前仅发现于四川峨嵋麦地坪下寒武统麦地坪组上段地层,它们皆以磷质内核方式保存.通过内核化石表面所复制的原始壳体微细构造印痕的研究表明,易漏螺类壳体为双层结构:内层——纤晶层,外层——棱柱层;其壳体原始成分可能为文石质.据上述现象推断,lathamellids 并非为磷质无绞纲腕足类,相反,而与软体动物更为接近,但其在壳腔内具—纵向中突,主要位于壳顶附近,很难与已知的任何一类软体动物直接对比,可能为一类独特的、已经绝灭了的软体动物的1个早期分支.  相似文献   

李国祥 《古生物学报》1999,38(2):238-247
四川峨眉麦地坪剖面下寒武统麦地坪组上段chancelloriids类骨片化石丰富,皆以磷质内核方式保存,其中首次发现具有两个中央射管的chancelloriids骨片。对Chancelloriairregularius Qian,sp.,Allonnia sp.进行了详细描述,在内核标本表面,骨片的基面上首次发现了保存极好的网状微细构造,对这一微细构造解决尚有困难,但有可能为骨片原始壳体结构的内端  相似文献   

早寒武世马哈螺类的骨骼化特征、分类和演化意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马哈螺类(maikhanellids)是已知最古老的单板类,以往缺乏系统研究,并在分类上争议较大,文中以滇东早寒武世梅树村阶微小骨骼化石的丰富材料为依据,详细阐述该类群的形态特征和超微结构,探讨其亲缘关系和演化趋势,研究表明,马哈螺类由6个属组成,包括Maikhanella,Ramenta,Ramentoides gen.nov.,Mediata gen.nov.,Yunnanopleure和Purella。各属之间壳形变化较大,但裸露的壳顶和普遍发育的鳞片状或条状突起表明它们在明显的亲缘关系,并显示两个演化方向,即Maikhanella Ramentoides gen.nov.Ramenta和Maikhanella Mediata gen.nov.Yunanopleura-Purella。马哈螺类分布于梅树村期早,中期,Maikhanella是最原始的马哈螺,最先出现在梅树村阶小歪头山段,也是中谊村段下磷矿层唯一的马哈螺,而在该段上磷矿层马哈螺类发生了明显的属种分异,在大少段所有的马哈螺类突然消失,马哈螺类的壳体曾被描述为:骨针状的外骨骼”,“骨片状外骼”和“包裹在中间基质中的骨针”,但当前研究表明,以Maikhanella pristinis和Ramenta cambrina为代表的马哈螺类的内壳层具有早期单板类中较常见的水平交错纤状结构,指示了马哈螺类具有致密成层的壳壁,文中新建2亚科,2属和5种,即Maikhanellinae subfamily nov.,Purellinae subfamily nov.,Maikhanella Perelegans sp.nov.,Ramenta superata sp.nov.,Ramentoides latispinus gen.et sp.nov.,Mediata kunyangensis gen.et sp.nov.,Yunnanopleura longidens sp.nov。  相似文献   

四川甘洛,峨眉早寒武世小壳化石再研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文依据在四川甘洛大桥剖面及峨眉麦地坪剖面发现的早寒武世梅树村期小壳化石新材料,对Ganluodina He,1983和Rugatotheca He,1980进行了修定。发现Ganluodina具小齿,并依其齿壁层状结构,确认它属原牙形类。通过对Rugatotheca He不同形态皱纹的分析,确认原Rugatotheca“typica”He,R.“pulchella”He,R.“irregularis”He 及某些“Coleolella billingsi”(Sysoiev)标本应为同种。本文保留其模式种Rugatotheca typica He,1980。文中还描述了拟球管螺类一新种Paragloborilus sichuanensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

新疆寒武纪早期单壳类软体动物化石分类学与生物地层学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者系统描述了新疆阿克苏-乌什地区下寒武统玉尔吐斯组中上部单壳类软体动物化石10属10种,其中包括3个新种、3个老种和4个未定种,它们是Shabaktiella multiformis sp.nov.,Ilsanella acuta sp.nov.,Xianfengella yuertusiensis sp.nov.,Parcaconus xinjiangensis,Protostenotheca xinjiangensis,Aldanella attlebo-rensis,Obtusoconus sp.,Yochelcionella sp.,Bemella sp.和Mellopegma sp..上述10个属种基本上代表了玉尔吐斯组单壳类软体动物的面貌特征.文中介绍了本研究区10个属和属级以上分类系统在国际学术界的意见分歧后,重申了以壳的对称性和有无肌痕确定纲级界线的最佳分类原则,提出了应用壳型划分目级分类单元和口缘形状、壳顶与口缘的相对位置划分科级分类单元的可行性和有效性,但是不能接受把所有单板状软体动物化石通常被归入单板纲的做法,因为寒武纪早期一些单板状软体动物化石不一定符合单板纲的真实含义.文中还回顾了近二十年来建立的始单板纲(Eomonoplacophora)(Missarzhevsky,1989),太阳女神螺纲(Helcionelloida),背壳肌纲(Tergomya)(Peel,1991a,b)和似腹足纲(Paragastropoda)(Linsley & Kier,1984)等纲级的新概念.还有一些早期软体动物专家将许多单板状(包括帽状和螺旋状)化石归入单板纲(Runnegar et al.,1976,1985),而另有一些中青年软体动物专家继承传统理念,将它们归入了腹足纲(Parkhaev in.Alexander et al.,2001).钱逸和本格森将早期单壳类软体动物化石分成了五大形态类别,未确定科级以上分类单元名称(Qian & Bengtson,1989).总之,目前纲级分类单元界线不清,目级以下分类单元十分混乱,在没有全面清理早期单壳类软体动物百余个属和属级以上分类单元之前,是难以统一本文研究的早期单壳类软体动物10个属和属级以上分类系统.我们认为在确定属级以上分类系统及其与之密切相关的演化谱系关系时,不是利用理论前提,而是在不间断的剖面上对单壳类软体动物化石进行逐层采集并对其构造要素的详细研究,才能使得出的结论和提出的新分类系统发生错误的几率最小.文中还归纳和总结了本研究区玉尔吐斯组中上部单壳类软体动物群面貌的六大特点,其中二点最重要:1)该动物群与梅树村期微软体动物群的面貌有明显的差别,它缺失了梅树村期微软体动物群中最原始、最特征、最丰富的类群,如笠帽状的马哈螺类化石Maikhanella,Purella等和螺旋状的始旋螺类化石Archaeospira等.但是该动物群面貌却与邻区的哈萨克斯坦Atdabanian期的微软体动物和我国峡区西蒿坪动物群面貌接近,出现了许多相同或相似的属种,如Shabaktiella,Mellopegma,Aldanella,Yochelcionella等.2)该动物群共生有全球分布的相当于筇竹寺期的标准化石,如原牙形类Gapparodus,Amphigeisina,Hagionella等,有口唇并有背腹分异和复杂口盖的软舌螺类Microconus,Pachytheca等,具有肉茎孔和铰合面的有铰腕足类和像Obolus那样的原始无铰腕足类,有各种形态类型的金臂虫Dabashanella,Liangshanella等,还有可疑的三叶虫颊刺等.上述信息足以说明玉尔吐斯组中上部地层时代应属筇竹寺期而非梅树村期,从而解决了长期以来有关玉尔吐斯组时代归属的争议. 玉尔吐斯组单壳类软体动物群的研究,再次证实了寒武纪生命大爆发期间,早期单壳类软体动物与小壳动物群一起经历了三次大发展和三次大绝灭事件.这在早期单壳类软体动物化石分类学、生物地层学和早期演化史上均有较高的科学价值.  相似文献   

小壳化石壳体成分的鉴定对于揭露寒武纪早期小壳动物群的演化具有重要意义。本文通过岩石薄片观察,分析了川南马边老河坝磷矿区麦地坪组中不同岩性管状化石壳体成分特征。结果显示,不同围岩中管状化石壳体成分不同:围岩为磷块岩,管状化石中间层保存成分以胶磷矿为主,夹白云石晶体;围岩为白云岩,管状化石中间层保存成分以胶磷矿为主;而围岩为灰岩,管状化石的中间层保存成分以胶磷矿或方解石为主。后期磷酸盐化作用改造明显:壳体内部碳酸盐矿物被胶磷矿或微晶质石英交代、磷质壳内部被白云石或隐晶质燧石交代现象发育,其中以碳酸盐矿物被胶磷矿交代的现象居多;部分管状化石的壳体出现模糊的多圈层结构和壳体增厚的现象;壳体内部填充的胶磷矿在围岩中普遍出现。壳体保存成分与围岩性质密切相关,研究区内保存的管状化石壳体成分绝大部分经历了磷酸盐化作用。  相似文献   

我国东北地区第一个老第三纪哺乳动物群的研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
本文记述了在我国东北地区首次发现的老第三纪哺乳动物群——吉林桦甸哺乳动物群。计有食虫目盔猬亚科的中华晓猬(新属、新种)Eochenus sinensis gen. et sp. nov.,桦甸齿鼩猬(新种)Tupaiodon huadianensis sp. nov.,鼩鼱科的吉林蕾鼩(新属、新种)Ernosorex jilinensis gen. et sp. nov.,灵长目始镜亚科的长白亚洲镜猴(新属、新种)Asiomomys changbaicus gen. et sp. nov.和啮齿目先松鼠科的东方争胜鼠(新属、新种)Zelomys orientalis gen. et sp. nov.和纤细争胜鼠(新种)Z. gracilis. sp, nov.等。其中Eochenus可能代表目前已知最原始的盔猬类。Ernosorex可能是鼩鼱类具有原始特征的旁枝。桦甸哺乳动物群与北美尤因他动物群的关系较近,而与欧洲同期不同。表明当时亚洲与北美之间有直接的动物群交流。其中争胜鼠可能由北美迁来,而鼩鼱类可能从亚洲起源,然后迁往北美。桦甸动物群的时代为晚中始新世或晚始新世。当时桦甸盆地为森林沼泽湖泊景观,气候较温暖潮湿。  相似文献   

朱祥根 《古生物学报》2022,61(4):628-642
提要新疆吐鲁番盆地桃树园地区晚二叠世地层称作下仓房沟群,自下而上分为泉子街组、梧桐沟组和锅底坑组,为河–湖相碎屑沉积,剖面连续,层序清楚,动、植物化石丰富。文中研究的腹足类标本产于桃东沟剖面梧桐沟组下部和中部的介壳灰岩层和灰岩透镜体中,见有2层,计有2科4属6种:Xinjiangospira rotundata Yu et Zhu,Xinjiangospira habita sp.nov.、Hydrobia turpanensis Wei、Hydrobia orientalis sp.nov.、Pseudamnicola taodonggouensis sp.nov.和Valvata complanusa sp.nov.;与腹足类共生的有双壳类、叶肢介、介形类,以及植物和脊椎动物化石等,其中双壳类主要是Palaeanodonta,Palaeomutela和Anthraconauta等属。该腹足动物群由Hydrobiidae和Valvatidae的属种组成,标本数量多,壳体小,保存完好,是迄今已知属种最丰富的古生代淡水腹足类动物群。当前梧桐沟组腹足动物群面貌与准噶尔盆地大龙口剖面小龙口组...  相似文献   

对陕南西乡化石库发现的马哈螺类化石和棱管壳类化石做了统计和描述,补充了马哈螺类新的属征,建立新种西乡拟鳞锥Ramentoides xixiangensis sp. nov.。马哈螺和棱管壳表面装饰存在差异,并非同一物种上掉落的骨片,本文展示的马哈螺新的特征与"骨针壳"假说存在矛盾,马哈螺在形态上表现出软体动物单板类最原始的特征,而棱管壳则与halkieriids存在密切的亲缘关系。本文报道了马哈螺类化石的新形态,丰富了对马哈螺类和棱管壳类的认识,对确立马哈螺和棱管壳的亲缘关系和分类位置提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

文中对贵州瓮安埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组磷块岩中一类具螺旋孔的微体球形化石进行形态功能学分析,并与原生动物肉足虫纲的类群进行比较。结果显示它们是一个独立的分类单元,属于单细胞原生动物,并命名为瓮安旋孔虫(新属、新种)(Helico foramina wenganica gen.et sp.nov.),与已报道的胚胎化石很可能没有亲缘关系。虽然这类化石生物很可能属于原生动物肉足虫纲,但还不能归入其已知的目,也许属于新的目一级分类单元。螺旋孔是伪足伸出的孔洞,它们起到了取食、运动和排泄的作用。该类化石生物的个体生长是通过阶段性地脱去外部壳体、再由原生质体分泌出新壳体的方式来实现的。  相似文献   

Tabulate corals exhibit well preserved microstructures when observed at low magnifications, but reveal various degrees of diagenetic overprint when analyzed at high SEM magnifications. This evidence suggests an original Mg-calcitic mineralogy. In contrast to all other examined genera of the order, the skeletons of the family Tetradiidae are completely replaced by neomorphic spar, indicating an original aragonitic composition.  相似文献   

玄武岩玻璃中的生物蚀变微结构为微生物摄取玄武岩玻璃中营养成分,通过新陈代谢产生有机酸溶解玄武岩玻璃而形成的微米级孔洞或钻穴.生物蚀变微结构在现代海洋洋壳及代表古老洋壳残片的蛇绿岩和绿岩带中广泛存在.研究玄武岩玻璃中蚀变微结构的形态特征、形成机制及其时空分布,不仅对探索地球早期生命起源和演化具有重要启示意义,也为研究海洋...  相似文献   

More than sixty years ago, H.C. Wang carried out an extensive study of skeletal microstructures of the Paleozoic corals and concluded that a “direct descent” may have existed between the two coral suborders: the Paleozoic Rugosa and the younger Scleractinia that had been established as distinct phyla by Haeckel (1896). Skeletal microstructures and three-dimensional reconstructions of walls and septa have revealed remarkable similarities between some Permian and Triassic corals, but it is only during the recent years that significant relationships were established between the structural properties of coral skeletons and their control by the biological process. Supported by recent genetic studies of calcareous biomineralization among various invertebrate phyla, the Wang's opinion now appears a reasonable working hypothesis.  相似文献   


The circadian rhythm controls several biological activities; therefore, a disorganized circadian rhythm may cause fatal health problems. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of circadian rhythm disturbances induced by simulated night shift activities on the abdominal adipose tissue, bone microstructures and muscle volume in the tibiae of mice. Moreover, we evaluated the effects of multi-frequency whole-body vibration as a countermeasure against the consequences of circadian rhythm disturbances. Twenty-four 5-week-old C57BL/6J male mice were equally assigned to three groups: the normal group (Nor), night shift group (NS), and night shift with multi-frequency whole-body vibration group (NS + V). The NS and NS + V groups were exposed to circadian rhythm disturbances for 4 weeks with 3-day intervals by changing the day and night cycle based on 7 o’clock. After 4 weeks, morphological changes in the adipose tissue, bone microstructures and muscle volume in the tibiae were evaluated from three-dimensional images using in vivo micro-computed tomography. As a result, the volume of the abdominal adipose tissue was significantly higher in the NS than in the Nor and NS + V groups. Also, the microstructures of the tibia were more enhanced in the NS + V than the NS group. The volume of tibial muscle was increased in all groups, while there were no significant changes in muscle volume. From these results, we can conclude that circadian rhythm disturbances induced by night shift activities may reduce bone condition and increase the accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue and these negative effects may be prevented or improved through applying multi-frequency whole-body vibration.



This study investigates five designed micro‐textured surfaces and their effects on barnacle fouling and hydrodynamic drag. Three of the micro‐textures were developed in the present study and evaluated together with two commercial riblet films. All micro‐structures were arranged as longitudinal grooves with different profile depths, widths and angles of inclination. In field tests the recruitment of the barnacle Balanus improvisus on micro‐textured surfaces and smooth controls was evaluated. All micro‐textured surfaces reduced recruitment, and the most efficient texture reduced recruitment by 98%. For some micro‐textures the reduction of recruitment declined as settlement intensity increased. In a correlative analysis, the trigonometric inclination of the micro‐structures explained most of the recruitment reduction. The steepest angle of inclination caused a massive reduction in barnacle settlement. Surface micro‐structures may affect the boundary‐layer flow and the hydrodynamic drag (skin friction) of the surface. The skin friction was empirically measured in a flow channel using a sub‐set of the tested micro‐textures. The measurements of skin friction showed that the orientation of the microstructures is important, with a minimum friction when the grooves are parallel to the flow. For one of the micro‐textures the skin friction was ca 10% lower compared to a hydraulically smooth surface. It is concluded that, depending on the flow speed, micro‐textures will not significantly increase skin friction when arranged parallel to the flow, even at moderate protrusion through the viscous sub‐layer.  相似文献   

Ceramides with chemically modified polar headgroups were prepared and examined for their ability to form complex high axial ratio microstructures (CHARMS), potential drug delivery vehicles. In general, if the modified ceramide had either a hydrogen bond donor or acceptor at C-1 and C-3, including hydrophobic or hydrophilic groups attached to C-1 microstructures formed. Tolerated groups include amides, esters, sulfonates, and ethers. If modification at C-3 added significant bulk (greater than four carbons regardless of hydrophilicity), then amorphous aggregates formed. Ceramides with C-1 and C-3 bridged through a cyclic structure also made microstructures. By using a sphingolipid with an amine headgroup, CHARMs may be modified covalently after formation.  相似文献   

通过对现生环节动物门(Annelida)多毛纲(Polychaeta)叶须虫目(Phyllodocidae)鳞沙蚕亚目动物(Aphroditiformia)软背鳞虫(Lepidonotus helotypus Grube,1877)的鳞片、刚毛等疣足附属物的超微结构观察及其与Wiwaxia骨片的比较研究,探讨Wiwaxia的系统分类位置。研究结果表明,软背鳞虫的刚毛与Wiwaxia骨片具有以下相似性:1)两者表面均具有浅纵纹;2)均向身体背中线方向倾斜或弯曲;3)着生方式均以刚毛囊或类似根状基的结构插入软组织。此外,文中首次对鳞片上的锥形突起与Wiwaxia骨片的相似性进行比较和探讨。结果显示,Wiwaxia骨片与鳞沙蚕刚毛具有一定相似性,但在形态上仍存在显著差异(如二者的排列方式不同,Wiwaxia骨片上不存在鳞沙蚕刚毛的覆瓦状结构等)。  相似文献   

The St. Cassian formation of northern Italy contains an unsurpassed diversity of Triassic organisms, often with original or only slightly recrystallized shells. The shell microstructure of Patella costulata Münster, 1869, is examined and compared with the shell microstructures of 14 extant gastropod limpet taxa. The distribution of shell structure characters supports the assignment of P. costulata to the patellogastropod taxon Patellidae. St. Cassian facies also include near-shore environments that are consistent with the habitat of extant Patella species. The corroboration of Patella costulata as a member of the Patellogastropoda reduces the hiatus between estimated origination and the previous unequivocal first occurrence by a minimum of 116 Ma.  相似文献   

We describe the morphology of toe pads in the Himalayan tree frog Philautus annandalii. These are expanded tips of digits and show modifications of their ventral epidermis for adhesion. The outer cells of toe pad epidermis (TPE) bear surface microstructures (0.7 × 0.2 μm), which are keratinized. Their cytoplasm contains no organelles, but pleomorphic nuclei and mucous granules (0.4–0.5 μm) that glue the keratin filaments. In the intermediate cell layer of TPE, similar keratinized microstructures as in the outer cells are present, so that when the outer layer is shed, it is ready with features for adhesion. These cells contain more keratin than the outer cells. The basal cell layer contains thin keratin bundles and usual cell organelles. The dermis contains mucous‐secreting glands, whose ducts open in the outer epidermal cell layer in channels. The dorsal epidermal cells lack surface microstructures and keratin bundles. Ultrastructural features suggest that toe pads utilize the surface microstructures for adhesion aided by mucus, in which the intermediate cell layer seems to bear the shear stress generated during locomotion. Further, TPE can expand and fit into an increased contact area of the substrate. The long, surface microstructures may also help in mechanical interlocking with rough surfaces on plants.  相似文献   

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