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The alfalfa leafcutting bee, a solitary bee used to pollinate alfalfa seed crops, is seriously affected by chalkbrood, a larval disease caused by the fungus Ascosphaera aggregata. One attempt to control the disease includes removing nests from the nesting boards (the “loose cell” system). We report here that adults emerging from the loose cells are heavily contaminated with A. aggregata spores. The contamination levels are not as high as previously reported for bees emerging directly from the boards, but they are still a likely focus for disease spread and may need to be targeted in chalkbrood control strategies.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is a microsporidian intracellular parasite of honey bees, Apis mellifera. Previously Nosema apis was thought to be the only cause of nosemosis, but it has recently been proposed that N. ceranae is displacing N. apis. The rapid spread of N. ceranae could be due to additional transmission mechanisms, as well as higher infectivity. We analyzed drones for N. ceranae infections using duplex qPCR with species specific primers and probes. We found that both immature and mature drones are infected with N. ceranae at low levels. This is the first report detecting N. ceranae in immature bees. Our data suggest that because drones are known to drift from their parent hives to other hives, they could provide a means for disease spread within and between apiaries.  相似文献   

Globalization has provided opportunities for parasites/pathogens to cross geographic boundaries and expand to new hosts. Recent studies showed that Nosema ceranae, originally considered a microsporidian parasite of Eastern honey bees, Apis cerana, is a disease agent of nosemosis in European honey bees, Apis mellifera, along with the resident species, Nosema apis. Further studies indicated that disease caused by N. ceranae in European honey bees is far more prevalent than that caused by N. apis. In order to gain more insight into the epidemiology of Nosema parasitism in honey bees, we conducted studies to investigate infection of Nosema in its original host, Eastern honey bees, using conventional PCR and duplex real time quantitative PCR methods. Our results showed that A. cerana was infected not only with N. ceranae as previously reported [Fries, I., Feng, F., Silva, A.D., Slemenda, S.B., Pieniazek, N.J., 1996. Nosema ceranae n. sp. (Microspora, Nosematidae), morphological and molecular characterization of a microsporidian parasite of the Asian honey bee Apis cerana (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Eur. J. Protistol. 32, 356-365], but also with N. apis. Both microsporidia produced single and mixed infections. Overall and at each location alone, the prevalence of N. ceranae was higher than that of N. apis. In all cases of mixed infections, the number of N. ceranae gene copies (corresponding to the parasite load) significantly out numbered those of N. apis. Phylogenetic analysis based on a variable region of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSUrRNA) showed four distinct clades of N. apis and five clades of N. ceranae and that geographical distance does not appear to influence the genetic diversity of Nosema populations. The results from this study demonstrated that duplex real-time qPCR assay developed in this study is a valuable tool for quantitative measurement of Nosema and can be used to monitor the progression of microsprodian infections of honey bees in a timely and cost efficient manner.  相似文献   

Virus infections in Brazilian honey bees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work describes the first molecular-genetic evidence for viruses in Brazilian honey bee samples. Three different bee viruses, Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), Black queen cell virus (BQCV), and Deformed wing virus (DWV) were identified during a screening of RNAs from 1920 individual adult bees collected in a region of southeastern Brazil that has recently shown unusual bee declines. ABPV was detected in 27.1% of colony samples, while BQCV and DWV were found in 37% and 20.3%, respectively. These levels are substantially lower than the frequencies found for these viruses in surveys from other parts of the world. We also developed and validated a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of ABPV, BQCV, and DWV in Brazil.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method was developed for the specific and sensitive diagnosis of the microsporidian parasite Nosema bombi in bumble bees (Bombus spp.). Four primer pairs, amplifying ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments, were tested on N. bombi and the related microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, both of which infect honey bees. Only primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 could distinguish N. bombi (323bp amplicon) from these other bee parasites. Primer pairs Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2 were then tested for their sensitivity with N. bombi spore concentrations from 10(7) down to 10 spores diluted in 100 microl of either (i) water or (ii) host bumble bee homogenate to simulate natural N. bombi infection (equivalent to the DNA from 10(6) spores down to 1 spore per PCR). Though the N. bombi-specific primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 was relatively insensitive, as few as 10 spores per extract (equivalent to 1 spore per PCR) were detectable using the N. bombi-non-specific primer pair ITS-f2/r2, which amplifies a short fragment of approximately 120 bp. Testing 99 bumble bees for N. bombi infection by light microscopy versus PCR diagnosis with the highly sensitive primer pair ITS-f2/r2 showed the latter to be more accurate. PCR diagnosis of N. bombi using a combination of two primer pairs (Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2) provides increased specificity, sensitivity, and detection of all developmental stages compared with light microscopy.  相似文献   

Bee parasitic mite syndrome is a disease complex of colonies simultaneously infested with Varroa destructor mites and infected with viruses and accompanied by high mortality. By using real-time PCR (TaqMan), five out of seven bee viruses were detected in mite samples (V. destructor) collected from Thailand. Moreover, the results of this study provide an evidence for the co-existence of several bee viruses in a single mite. This is also the first report of bee viruses in mites from Thailand.  相似文献   

Modifications in endocrine programs are common mechanisms that generate alternative phenotypes. In order to understand how such changes may have evolved, we analyzed the pupal ecdysteroid titers in two closely related, highly social bees: the honey bee, Apis mellifera, and a stingless bee, Melipona quadrifasciata. In both species, the ecdysteroid titers in queens reached their peak levels earlier than in workers. Titer levels at peak maxima did not differ for the honey bee castes, but in Melipona they were twofold higher in queens than in workers. During the second half of pupal development, when the ecdysteroid titers decrease and the cuticle progressively melanizes, the titer in honey bee queens remained higher than in workers, while the reverse situation was observed in Melipona. Application of the juvenile hormone analog Pyriproxyfen® to spinning-stage larvae of Melipona induced queen development. Endocrinologically this was manifest in a queen-like profile of the pupal ecdysteroid titer. Comparing these data with previous results on preimaginal hormone titers in another stingless bee, we conclude that the timing and height of the pupal ecdysteroid peak may depend on the nature of the specific stimuli that initially trigger diverging queen/worker development. In contrast, the interspecific differences in the late pupal ecdysteroid titer profiles mainly seem to be related to caste-specific programs in tissue differentiation, including cuticle pigmentation.  相似文献   

Correct identification of the microsporidia, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, is key to the study and control of Nosema disease of honey bees (Apis mellifera). A rapid DNA extraction method combined with multiplex PCR to amplify the 16S rRNA gene with species-specific primers was compared with a previously published assay requiring spore-germination buffer and a DNA extraction kit. When the spore germination-extraction kit method was used, 10 or more bees were required to detect the pathogens, whereas the new extraction method made it possible to detect the pathogens in single bees. Approx. 4-8 times better detection of N. ceranae was found with the new method compared to the spore germination-extraction kit method. In addition, the time and cost required to process samples was lower with the proposed method compared to using a kit. Using the new DNA extraction method, a spore quantification procedure was developed using a triplex PCR involving co-amplifying the N. apis and N. ceranae 16S rRNA gene with the ribosomal protein gene, RpS5, from the honey bee. The accuracy of this semi-quantitative PCR was determined by comparing the relative band intensities to the number of spores per bee determined by microscopy for 23 samples, and a high correlation (R2 = 0.95) was observed. This method of Nosema spore quantification revealed that spore numbers as low as 100 spores/bee could be detected by PCR. The new semi-quantitative triplex PCR assay is more sensitive, economical, rapid, simple, and reliable than previously published standard PCR-based methods for detection of Nosema and will be useful in laboratories where real-time PCR is not available.  相似文献   

Deformed wing virus (DWV) in western honey bees (Apis mellifera) often remains asymptomatic in workers and drones, and symptoms have never been described from queens. However, intense infections linked to parasitism by the mite Varroa destructor can cause worker wing deformity and death within 67 h of emergence. Ten workers (eight with deformed wings and two with normal wings) and three drones (two with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Nova Scotia, Canada, and two newly-emerged queens (one with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Prince Edward Island, Canada, were genetically analyzed for DWV. We detected DWV in all workers and drones, regardless of wing morphology, but only in the deformed-winged queen. This is the first report of DWV from Atlantic Canada and the first detection of a symptomatic queen with DWV from anywhere.  相似文献   

Entomologists have used a range of techniques to treat insects with neuroactive compounds, but it is not always clear whether different treatment methods are equally effective in delivering a compound to a target organ. Here, we used five different techniques to treat honeybees with 3H-octopamine (3H-OA), and analysed the distribution of the 3H radiolabelled compound within different tissues and how it changed over time. All treatment methods, including injection of the median ocellus, resulted in 3H-OA detection in all parts of the honeybee. Injection through the median ocellus was the most effective method for delivering 3H-OA to the brain. Topical application of 3H-OA dissolved in dimethylformamide (dMF) to the thorax was as effective as thoracic injections of 3H-OA in delivering 3H-OA to the brain, but topical applications to the abdomen were less so. Most of the 3H-OA applied topically remained associated with the cuticle and the tissues of the body segment to which it had been applied. For all treatment methods, 3H-OA was rapidly lost from the brain and head capsule, and accumulated in the abdomen. Our findings demonstrate the value of thoracic topical treatment with compounds dissolved in dMF as an effective non-invasive method for short-term, systemic pharmacological treatments.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is a recently described pathogen of Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Relatively little is known about the distribution or prevalence of N. ceranae in the United States. To determine the prevalence and potential impact of this new pathogen on honey bee colonies in Virginia, over 300 hives were sampled across the state. The samples were analyzed microscopically for Nosema spores and for the presence of the pathogen using real-time PCR. Our studies indicate that N. ceranae is the dominant species in Virginia with an estimated 69.3% of hives infected. Nosema apis infections were only observed at very low levels (2.7%), and occurred only as co-infections with N. ceranae. Traditional diagnoses based on spore counts alone do not provide an accurate indication of colony infections. We found that 51.1% of colonies that did not have spores present in the sample were infected with N. ceranae when analyzed by real-time PCR. In hives that tested positive for N. ceranae, average CT values were used to diagnose a hive as having a low, moderate, or a heavy infection intensity. Most infected colonies had low-level infections (73%), but 11% of colonies had high levels of infection and 16% had moderate level infections. The prevalence and mean levels of infection were similar in different regions of the state.  相似文献   

Transmission-blocking vaccines prevent the development of Plasmodium parasite within the mosquito vector, thereby thwarting the spread of malaria through a community. The gold standard for determining the efficacy of a transmission-blocking vaccine is the standard membrane feeding assay. This assay requires the dissection of mosquitoes and microscopic counting of oocysts present on the mosquito mid-gut, typically at 7-10 days p.i. Here we describe a real-time quantitative PCR assay that is rapid, target-specific and robust, with a sensitive detection threshold and which may be employed earlier p.i. than the standard membrane feeding assay and is applicable to preserved material. The real-time PCR assay utilises the LightCycler platform and SYBR Green I detection system to amplify 180 bp of the asexual form of the Plasmodium falciparum rRNA gene. It has a quantitative range of greater than four orders of magnitude and a detection threshold of 10 parasites. Validation experiments using a monoclonal antibody of known blocking activity revealed the real-time PCR assay to give equivalent results to the standard membrane feeding assay. In addition, the PCR assay can establish the effect of such a monoclonal antibody on the parasites' development within the oocyst and on the sporozoite (the transmissible stage) yield, providing a more pertinent assessment of transmission blocking activity than is possible by the standard membrane feeding assay. This assay may also be employed to monitor the sporogonic development of P. falciparum parasites within the mosquito vector.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is an emerging microsporidian parasite of European honey bees, Apis mellifera, but its distribution is not well known. Six Nosema-positive samples (determined from light microscopy of spores) of adult worker bees from Canada (two each from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island) and two from USA (Minnesota) were tested to determine Nosema species using previously-developed PCR primers of the 16S rRNA gene. We detected for the first time N. ceranae in Canada and central USA. One haplotype of N. ceranae was identified; its virulence may differ from that of other haplotypes.  相似文献   

In northern temperate climates, western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies can be wintered outdoors exposed to ambient conditions, or indoors in a controlled setting. Because very little is known about how this affects the recently-detected microsporidium Nosema ceranae, we investigated effects of indoor versus outdoor overwintering on spring N. ceranae intensity (spores per bee), and on winter and spring colony mortality. For colonies medicated with Fumagilin-B® to control N. ceranae, overwintering treatment did not affect N. ceranae intensity, despite outdoor-wintered colonies having significantly greater mortality. These findings suggest that N. ceranae may not always pose the most significant threat to western honey bees, and that indoor-wintering may ensure that a greater number of colonies are available for honey production and pollination services during the summer.  相似文献   

Adult workers of Apis cerana, Apis florea and Apis mellifera from colonies heavily infected with Nosema ceranae were selected for molecular analyses of the parasite. PCR-specific 16S rRNA primers were designed, cloned, sequenced and compared to GenBank entries. The sequenced products corresponded to N. ceranae. We then infected A. cerana with N. ceranae spores isolated from A. florea workers. Newly emerged bees from healthy colonies were fed 10,000, 20,000 and 40,000 spores/bee. There were significant dosage dependent differences in bee infection and survival rates. The ratio of infected cells to non-infected cells increased at 6, 10 and 14 d post infection. In addition, hypopharyngeal glands of bees from the control group had significantly higher protein concentrations than infected groups. Bees infected with 40,000 spores/bee had the lowest protein concentrations. Thus, N. ceranae isolated from A. florea is capable of infecting another bee species, impairing hypopharyngeal gland protein production and reducing bee survival in A. cerana.  相似文献   

The experience of foraging under natural conditions increases the volume of mushroom body neuropil in worker honey bees. A comparable increase in neuropil volume results from treatment of worker honey bees with pilocarpine, an agonist for muscarinic-type cholinergic receptors. A component of the neuropil growth induced by foraging experience is growth of dendrites in the collar region of the calyces. We show here, via analysis of Golgi-impregnated collar Kenyon cells with wedge arborizations, that significant increases in standard measures of dendritic complexity were also found in worker honey bees treated with pilocarpine. This result suggests that signaling via muscarinic-type receptors promotes the increase in Kenyon cell dendritic complexity associated with foraging. Treatment of worker honey bees with scopolamine, a muscarinic inhibitor, inhibited some aspects of dendritic growth. Spine density on the Kenyon cell dendrites varied with sampling location, with the distal portion of the dendritic field having greater total spine density than either the proximal or medial section. This observation may be functionally significant because of the stratified organization of projections from visual centers to the dendritic arborizations of the collar Kenyon cells. Pilocarpine treatment had no effect on the distribution of spines on dendrites of the collar Kenyon cells.  相似文献   

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