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The ZP3 gene encodes for a zona glycoprotein that serves as both a cell-specific binding site for capacitated spermatozoa and an inducer of acrosomal exocytosis during fertilisation. In this study we have determined the nucleotide sequence of rat ZP3 (accession no. Y10823), predicted primary amino acid structure and determined the cellular origin of this molecule within the ovary. Rat ZP3 was found to have an open reading frame of 1272 nucleotides encoding a polypeptide chain of 424 amino acids that was expressed exclusively by the actively growing oocyte population. Rat ZP3 exhibited 91%, 78% and 66% identity with the mouse, hamster and human homologues, respectively. Key features of mouse ZP3, including the number and location of cysteine and proline residues and N-linked glycosylation sites, were also conserved in the rat homologue. The putative O-linked glycosylation sites, a series of serine residues at ZP3(329-334), were also conserved in rat and mouse ZP3, although immediately downstream of this site the amino acid sequences deviated over a short stretch of amino acids. The hydropathicity profile revealed two hydrophobic domains. The first was associated with a putative N-terminal signal sequence which is unusual in the rat in possessing a proline residue at the -1 position relative to the signal cleavage site, a feature it shares with human and marmoset ZP3 but not mouse. The second hydrophobic domain was observed at the C-terminus downstream of a TGF-beta type III receptor domain that appears to be common to all ZP3 sequences examined to date.  相似文献   

Incubation of dejellied spawned oocytes from Bufo arenarum with different lectins results in a decrease of oocyte fertility. Concanavalin A was the most effective lectin; phytohem-agglutinin P and wheat germ lectin were less effective. Agglutinin from soybean was scarcely active. These lectin effects could be ascribed to a hindering of specific sites for some proteases, since the same treatment renders the oocyte vitelline envelope insensitive to spermatolysin (an essential requisite for fertilization) and to trypsin. Also in this case concanavalin A was the most effective lectin. Univalent concanavalin A was also effective in blocking the fertility of dejellied oocytes. These results indicate that the residues of α-D-glucose and α-D-mannose present in the vitelline envelope are involved in gamete interactions in Bufo arenarum. This idea is also supported by the finding that dejellied oocytes (fertilizables) have a number of binding sites for concanavalin A that is three or four orders of magnitude higher than coelomic or fertilized oocytes (both not penetrable by spermatozoa).  相似文献   

The effect of trypsin inhibitors (obtained from soybean, lima bean and ovomucoid) and Concanavalin A on fertilization in Bufo arenarum was tested. In order to study the effect of these substances at the level of the vitelline envelope of the oocytes, a new bioassay was designed. This bioassay employs coelomic oocytes to which some oviducal factors necessary for their fertility was added. Trypsin inhibitors block both the lytic effect of the acrosomal proteases on the vitelline envelope and fertilization. This indicates that the blockade of fertilization is a consequence of the inhibition of the lytic effect of the acrosomal proteases. Concanavalin A is effective as well in blocking the lytic effect of acrosomal proteases and fertilization. These effects are reversed by some sugar antagonists of the lectin, thus indicating that the effect of Concanavalin A is through its saccharide-binding capacity. These results suggested the involvement of glucosidic residues of the vitelline envelope in amphibian fertilization (the saccharide residues might be involved in the attack of the vitelline envelope by the acrosomal proteases). The possible mechanism of action of these substances is discussed.  相似文献   

W J Freebern  E G Niles  P T LoVerde 《Gene》1999,233(1-2):33-38
A cDNA encoding a second full-length member of the Schistosoma mansoni RXR family (SmRXR-2) was identified. The nucleotide sequence of SmRXR-2 translates into a protein of 784 amino acids with a pI of 7.63 and an approximate mass of 78kDa making it the largest reported RXR to date. Phylogenetic tree analysis provides evidence that SmRXR-2 is the most ancient full-length RXR identified. SmRXR-2 exhibits unique sequence features compared with other RXRs. RT-PCR results demonstrate that the SmRXR-2 gene is constitutively expressed and thus must play multiple roles throughout schistosome development in the vertebrate host.  相似文献   

The mouse egg extracellular coat, or zona pellucida, consists of three glycoproteins, called mZP1-3. Each glycoprotein possesses a consensus sequence recognized by the furin family of proprotein convertases. Previously, it was reported that mZP2 and mZP3 are cleaved at their consensus furin cleavage-sites located near the C-terminus of the polypeptides [Litscher, E. S., Qi, H., and Wassarman, P. M. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 12280-12287]. Here, use of site-directed mutagenesis of the mZP3 gene and a specific inhibitor of furin-like enzymes revealed that secretion of nascent mZP3 from transfected cells is dependent on cleavage of mZP3 at its consensus furin cleavage-site. The dependence of secretion on cleavage represents a novel function for furin family enzymes.  相似文献   

Homologues of nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1) are found throughout eukaryotes. Here we identify and characterize a new NAP family histone chaperone from budding yeast, named Vps75. Purified Vps75 preferentially binds histone H3/H4 tetramers and is capable of assembling nucleosomes in vitro. In vivo, Vps75 is associated with the chromatin of both active and inactive genes and telomeres. Others have previously reported that Vps75 forms a complex with Rtt109, required for acetylation of histone H3 lysine 56 (H3 Lys-56). Cells lacking RTT109 are sensitive to hydroxyurea, pointing to a role in replication. We show that VPS75 is not required for H3 Lys-56 acetylation and that vps75Delta cells are insensitive to hydroxyurea, suggesting that although Rtt109 and Vps75 associate and are likely to be functionally connected, they also have separate roles.  相似文献   

The putative RNA helicases of the DEAD-box protein family are involved in pre-mRNA splicing, rRNA maturation, ribosome assembly, and translation. Members of this protein family have been identified in organisms from Escherichia coli to humans, but except for the translation initiation factor 4A, there have been no reports on the characterization of other DEAD-box proteins from plants. Here we report on a novel member of the DEAD-box protein family, the plant RNA helicase 75 (PRH75). PRH75 is localized in the nucleus and contains two domains for RNA binding. One is located at the C terminus and is similar to RGG RNA-binding domains of nucleus-localized RNA-binding proteins. The other one is located between amino acids 308 and 622, a region containing the conserved motif VI characteristic of DEAD-box proteins and known as the RNA-binding site of eIF-4A. The N-terminal 81 amino acids are sufficient for nuclear targeting of the protein. Northern and Western blot analyses show that PRH75 is mainly expressed in young and rapidly developing tissues. The purified recombinant PRH75 has a weak ATPase activity which is barely stimulated by RNA ligands. The fractionation of spinach whole-cell extracts by glycerol gradient centrifugation and gel filtration on a Superdex 200 column shows that the protein exists in a complex of about 500 kDa. Possible biological functions of PRH75 as well as structure-function relationships in the context of its modular primary structure are discussed.  相似文献   

The high-affinity NGF receptor is thought to be a complex of two receptors , gp75 and the tyrosine kinase TrkA, but direct biochemical evidence for such an association had been lacking. In this report, we demonstrate the existence of such a gp75-TrkA complex by a copatching technique. Gp75 on the surface of intact cells is patched with an anti- gp75 antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody, the cells are then fixed to prevent further antibody-induced redistributions, and the distribution of TrkA is probed with and anti-TrkA antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody. We utilize a baculovirus-insect cell expression of wild-type and mutated NGF receptors. TrkA and gp75 copatch in both the absence and presence of NGF. The association is specific, since gp75 does not copatch with other tyrosine kinase receptors, including TrkB, platelet-derived growth factor receptor- beta, and Torso (Tor). To determine which domains of TrkA are required for copatching, we used a series of TrkA-Tor chimeric receptors and show that the extracellular domain of TrkA is sufficient for copatching with gp75. A chimeric receptor with TrkA transmembrane and intracellular domains show partial copatching with gp75. Deletion of the intracellular domain of gp75 decreases but does not eliminate copatching. A point mutation which inactivates the TrkA kinase has no effect on copatching, indicating that this enzymatic activity is not required for association with gp75. Hence, although interactions between the gp75 and TrkA extracellular domains are sufficient for complex formation, interactions involving other receptor domains also play a role.  相似文献   

The generation of biologically active proteins by regulated intramembrane proteolysis is a highly conserved mechanism in cell signaling. Presenilin-dependent gamma-secretase activity is responsible for the intramembrane proteolysis of selected type I membrane proteins, including beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Notch. A small fraction of intracellular domains derived from both APP and Notch translocates to and appears to function in the nucleus, suggesting a generic role for gamma-secretase cleavage in nuclear signaling. Here we show that the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) undergoes presenilin-dependent intramembrane proteolysis to yield the soluble p75-intracellular domain. The p75NTR is a multifunctional type I membrane protein that promotes neurotrophin-induced neuronal survival and differentiation by forming a heteromeric co-receptor complex with the Trk receptors. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that gamma-secretase-mediated cleavage of p75NTR occurs at a position located in the middle of the transmembrane (TM) domain, which is reminiscent of the amyloid beta-peptide 40 (Abeta40) cleavage of APP and is topologically distinct from the major TM cleavage site of Notch 1. Size exclusion chromatography and co-immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that TrkA forms a molecular complex together with either full-length p75 or membrane-tethered C-terminal fragments. The p75-ICD was not recruited into the TrkA-containing high molecular weight complex, indicating that gamma-secretase-mediated removal of the p75 TM domain may perturb the interaction with TrkA. Independent of the possible nuclear function, our studies suggest that gamma-secretase-mediated p75NTR proteolysis plays a role in the formation/disassembly of the p75-TrkA receptor complex by regulating the availability of the p75 TM domain that is required for this interaction.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the alpha-2 adrenergic agonist clonidine on short-circuit current (SCC) across isolated skins of Bufo arenarum toads was investigated. 2. Clonidine inhibited basal SCC in a dose-dependent manner. 3. Blockade of the effect of clonidine on basal SCC by the selective alpha-2 antagonist yohimbine supports the hypothesis that the inhibitory effect is mediated by the stimulation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. 4. The fact that the inhibitory effect of clonidine is higher in skins with spontaneous positive SCC than in the negative ones, and that the alpha-2 agonist was unable to alter amiloride-induced negative SCC suggests that the inhibitory effect of clonidine may probably be mediated by inhibition of sodium transport.  相似文献   

The jellyless eggs of Bufo japonicus or those from which the vitelline coats (VCs) had been removed (denuded eggs) were electrically activated. The exudate that accompanied egg activation (AEX) was collected to study its role in preventing polyspermy. When dejellied (but VC intact) eggs were treated with AEX, the eggs lost not only fertilizability but also the sensitivity of their VCs to the sperm lysin. By contrast, denuded eggs treated with AEX were fertilizable; even activated eggs were highly fertilizable, provided they were deprived of their VCs and inseminated 30 min after activation. The loss of sensitivity to sperm lysin occurred in VCs 3-5 min after activation either in De Boer's or 1/20 De Boer's solution. The activity of AEX to reduce the sensitivity of VCs to sperm lysin was heat-sensitive and dependent on Ca2+, but it was not affected at all by the variety of protease inhibitors used. The activity was lost by the preincubation of AEX with fragmented VCs in the presence of Ca2+, suggesting Ca(2+)-dependent binding of AEX molecules to the VC at fertilization. Immunocytochemical studies employing anti-AEX rabbit serum showed that the pertinent antigens were localized in the cortical granules of unfertilized eggs and in both the inner surface of VCs and the perivitelline space of fertilized eggs. We conclude that the AEX-induced loss of lysin sensitivity in VCs and the deposition of cortical granule materials on the inner wall of VCs constitute a slow and permanent block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Signals delivered to B cells via CD40 can synergize with those provided by other B cell surface receptors to induce B cell proliferation and antibody class switching as well as modulate cytokine production and cell adhesion. Recently, it has been shown that the ligand for CD40 is a cell surface protein of approximately 39 kDa expressed by activated T cells, gp39. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding human gp39, a type II membrane protein with homology to TNF, and the construction and characterization of a soluble recombinant form of gp39. COS cell transfectants expressing gp39 synergized with either anti-CD20 mAb or PMA to drive strong B cell proliferation and alone were able to drive B cells to proliferate weakly. In all cases the B cell proliferation induced by gp39-expressing COS cells was reduced to background levels by the addition of soluble CD40. Unlike gp39-expressing COS cells, recombinant soluble gp39 was not mitogenic alone and required co-stimulation to drive B cell proliferation. These results suggest that B cells require a second signal besides gp39-CD40 to drive proliferation and that soluble gp39 alone in a non-membrane bound form is able to provide co-stimulatory signals to B cells.  相似文献   

The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) specifically phosphorylates the agonist-occupied form of the beta-adrenergic and related G protein-coupled receptors. Structural features of this enzyme have been elucidated recently by the isolation of a cDNA that encodes bovine beta ARK. Utilizing a catalytic domain fragment of the beta ARK cDNA to screen a bovine brain cDNA library we have isolated a clone encoding a beta ARK-related enzyme which we have termed beta ARK2. Overall, this enzyme has 85% amino acid identity with beta ARK, with the protein kinase catalytic domain having 95% identity. The ability of beta ARK2 to phosphorylate various substrates was studied after expression in COS 7 cells. Although beta ARK2 is essentially equiactive with beta ARK in phosphorylating an acid-rich synthetic model peptide it was only approximately 50% as active when the substrate was the agonist-occupied beta 2-adrenergic receptor and only approximately 20% as active toward light-bleached rhodopsin. As with beta ARK, phosphorylation of the receptor substrates by beta ARK2 was completely stimulus dependent. RNA blot analysis with selected bovine tissues reveals an mRNA of 8 kilobases with a distribution similar to that of beta ARK. More detailed RNA analysis using a ribonuclease protection assay in various rat tissues suggests that the beta ARK2 message is present at much lower levels (typically 10-20%) than the beta ARK message. In the rat the beta ARK2 mRNA is localized predominantly in neuronal tissues although low levels are also observed in various peripheral tissues. The beta ARK2 gene has been localized to a region of mouse chromosome 5 whereas the beta ARK gene is localized on mouse chromosome 19. These data suggest the existence of a "family" of receptor kinases which may serve broadly to regulate receptor function.  相似文献   

Raver2 was identified as a novel member of the hnRNP family based on sequence homology within three RNA recognition motifs and its general domain organization reminiscent of the previously described raver1 protein. Like raver1, raver2 contains two putative nuclear localization signals and a potential nuclear export sequence, and also displays nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling in a heterokaryon assay. In glia cells and neurons, raver2 localizes to the nucleus. Moreover, the protein interacts with polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) suggesting that it may participate in PTB-mediated nuclear functions. In contrast to ubiquitously expressed raver1, raver2 exerts a distinct spatio-temporal expression pattern during embryogenesis and is essentially restricted to brain, lung, and kidney in the adult mouse.  相似文献   

Equatorin is a sperm head equatorial protein, possibly involved in sperm-oocyte fusion (Toshimori et al., Biol Reprod 1998; 59:22-29). In the present work, we have shown that equatorin contained in the posterior acrosome is detectable only after spontaneous or induced acrosome reactions following fixation and permeabilization, but not in intact spermatozoa. The presence of protease inhibitors during sonication or ionophore treatments does not inhibit the exposure of the antigenic epitope. The zona-penetrated spermatozoa lying in the perivitelline space display equatorin, similar to those of the acrosome-reacted ones. After sperm-egg fusion during in vitro fertilization (IVF), the equatorin dissociates from the sperm head equatorial region and remains at the vicinity of the decondensing male pronuclei. During pronuclear apposition stage, it is pushed away from the pronuclei, possibly by the perinuclear microtubules. After first cleavage, equatorin is inherited by one of the proembryonic cells. The residual equatorin disappears after the second cleavage. Microinjected whole spermatozoa or sperm heads into the MII stage oocytes display equatorin similar to those of the perivitelline sperm. After activation, it dissociates from the sperm nuclei in a similar manner as during IVF. The mode of equatorin degeneration during fertilization is similar to those of the sperm tail components or mitochondria, but different from those of the membrane associated proteins.  相似文献   

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