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The mode of inheritance of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in rye × triticale intergeneric hybrids has been studied with the use of specific PCR markers for loci 18S/5S and 3rbcL in organelle DNA. In rye × triticale BC1, mtDNA copies of two types, paternal and maternal, have been found; in BC2 plants, only paternal mtDNA and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) have been detected. Mechanisms determining the inheritance and/or differential amplification of organelles of a specific type are discussed.  相似文献   

We present two NMR experiments, (3,2)D HNHA and (3,2)D HNHB, for rapid and accurate measurement of 3J(H N-H alpha) and 3J(N-H beta) coupling constants in polypeptides based on the principle of G-matrix Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy and quantitative J-correlation. These experiments, which facilitate fast acquisition of three-dimensional data with high spectral/digital resolution and chemical shift dispersion, will provide renewed opportunities to utilize them for sequence specific resonance assignments, estimation/characterization of secondary structure with/without prior knowledge of resonance assignments, stereospecific assignment of prochiral groups and 3D structure determination, refinement and validation. Taken together, these experiments have a wide range of applications from structural genomics projects to studying structure and folding in polypeptides.  相似文献   

Leptin, a 16-kDa cytokine produced mainly by the adipose tissue, is known to increase energy expenditure while at the same time lowering food intake by acting directly on the hypothalamus. ObRb, the leptin receptor mostly involved in intracellular signaling, is expressed in a wide range of tissues, thus allowing leptin to affect a much broader diversity of biological processes. High concentrations of leptin are encountered in patients with hyperleptinemia, a condition which very often accompanies obesity and which is a direct result of leptin resistance. In the present study, moderate and high concentrations of leptin (16 and 160 ng/ml) were mostly utilized in order to investigate the role of this cytokine in oxidative stress levels in human monocytes. Leptin was found to increase oxidative species production as measured with 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (general marker of oxidative species, but not O2−.) and dihydroethidium (marker of O2−.). Surprisingly, it also augmented superoxide dismutase activity. Inhibition of the Na+–H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) also inhibited leptin-induced superoxide anion production but at the same time amplified leptin-induced production of other oxidative species. Signaling proteins such as phosphoinositide 3 kinase and conventional isoforms of protein kinase C (α-, βi-, βii-), as well as NADPH oxidase, also participated in leptin signaling. Finally, leptin was found to increase glutathionylation levels of NHE1-bound heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) but not Hsp70 binding to NHE1.  相似文献   

Imino 1H–15N residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) provide additional structural information that complements standard 1H–1H NOEs leading to improvements in both the local and global structure of RNAs. Here, we report measurement of imino 1H–1H RDCs for the Iron Responsive Element (IRE) RNA and native E. coli tRNAVal using a BEST-Jcomp-HMQC2 experiment. 1H–1H RDCs are observed between the imino protons in G–U wobble base pairs and between imino protons on neighboring base pairs in both RNAs. These imino 1H–1H RDCs complement standard 1H–15N RDCs because the 1H–1H vectors generally point along the helical axis, roughly perpendicular to 1H–15N RDCs. The use of longitudinal relaxation enhancement increased the signal-to-noise of the spectra by ~3.5-fold over the standard experiment. The ability to measure imino 1H–1H RDCs offers a new restraint, which can be used in NMR domain orientation and structural studies of RNAs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Since its introduction approximately seven years ago, selamectin (Stronghold®/Revolution®, Pfizer Inc.) has been used off-label to treat a number of ecto- and endoparasite conditions in dogs and cats. It has been used as a successful prophylactic against Dirofilaria repens and as a treatment for Aelurostrongylus abstrusus in cats. It has also been used to treat notoedric mange, infestation with the nasal mite Pneumonyssoides caninum, Cheyletiella spp. and Neotrombicula autumnalis infestations and larval Cordylobia anthropophaga infection. However, to date attempts to treat generalised canine demodicosis have not been successful. In all cases, treatment was apparently well tolerated by the host.  相似文献   

Electric explosions of flat Al, Тi, Ni, Cu, and Та foils with thicknesses of 1?16 μm, widths of 1?8 mm, and lengths of 5?11 mm were studied experimentally on the BIN, XP, and COBRA high-current generators at currents of 40?1000 kA and current densities of (5–50) × 108 A/cm2. The images of the exploded foils were taken at different angles to the foil surface by using point projection radiography with an X-pinch hot spot as the radiation source, the spatial resolution and exposure time being 3 μm and 50 ps, respectively, as well by the laser probing method with a spatial resolution of 20 μm and an exposure time of 180 ps. In the course of foil explosion, rapidly expanding objects resembling the core and corona of an exploded wire were observed. It is shown that the core of the exploded foil has a complicated time-varying structure.  相似文献   

We present a highly sensitive pulse sequence, carbonyl carbon label selective 1H–15N HSQC (CCLS-HSQC) for the detection of signals from 1H–15N units involved in 13C′–15N linkages. The CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence utilizes a modified 15N CT evolution period equal to 1/( ) (∼33 ms) to select for 13C′–15N pairs. By collecting CCLS-HSQC and HNCO data for two proteins (8 kDa ubiquitin and 20 kDa HscB) at various temperatures (5–40°C) in order to vary correlation times, we demonstrate the superiority of the CCLS-HSQC pulse sequence for proteins with long correlation times (i.e. higher molecular weight). We then show that the CCLS-HSQC experiment yields assignments in the case of a 41 kDa protein incorporating pairs of 15N- and 13C′-labeled amino acids, where a TROSY 2D-HN(CO) had failed. Although the approach requires that the 1H–15N HSQC cross peaks be observable, it does not require deuteration of the protein. The method is suitable for larger proteins and is less affected by conformational exchange than HNCO experiments, which require a longer period of transverse 15N magnetization. The method also is tolerant to the partial loss of signal from isotopic dilution (scrambling). This approach will be applicable to families of proteins that have been resistant to NMR structural and dynamic analysis, such as large enzymes, and partially folded or unfolded proteins.  相似文献   

An extension to HN(CO-α/β-N,Cα-J)-TROSY (Permi and Annila in J Biomol NMR 16:221–227, 2000) is proposed that permits the simultaneous determination of the four coupling constants 1 J N′(i)Cα(i), 2 J HN(i)Cα(i), 2 J Cα(i−1)N′(i), and 3 J Cα(i−1)HN(i) in 15N,13C-labeled proteins. Contrasting the original scheme, in which two separate subspectra exhibit the 2 J CαN′ coupling as inphase and antiphase splitting (IPAP), we here record four subspectra that exhibit all combinations of inphase and antiphase splittings possible with respect to both 2 J CαN′ and 1 J N′Cα (DIPAP). Complementary sign patterns in the different spectrum constituents overdetermine the coupling constants which can thus be extracted at higher accuracy than is possible with the original experiment. Fully exploiting data redundance, simultaneous 2D lineshape fitting of the E.COSY multiplet tilts in all four subspectra provides all coupling constants at ultimate precision. Cross-correlation and differential-relaxation effects were taken into account in the evaluation procedure. By applying a four-point Fourier transform, the set of spectra is reversibly interconverted between DIPAP and spin-state representations. Methods are exemplified using proteins of various size.  相似文献   

We present a simple method, ARTSY, for extracting 1JNH couplings and 1H–15N RDCs from an interleaved set of two-dimensional 1H–15N TROSY-HSQC spectra, based on the principle of quantitative J correlation. The primary advantage of the ARTSY method over other methods is the ability to measure couplings without scaling peak positions or altering the narrow line widths characteristic of TROSY spectra. Accuracy of the method is demonstrated for the model system GB3. Application to the catalytic core domain of HIV integrase, a 36 kDa homodimer with unfavorable spectral characteristics, demonstrates its practical utility. Precision of the RDC measurement is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, achievable in the 2D TROSY-HSQC spectrum, and is approximately given by 30/(S/N) Hz.  相似文献   



Alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is characterized by low blood levels of alpha1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha1-PI) and may lead to emphysema. Alpha1-PI protects pulmonary tissue from damage caused by the action of proteolytic enzymes. Augmentation therapy with Prolastin® (Alpha1-Proteinase Inhibitor [Human]) to increase the levels of alpha1-PI has been used to treat individuals with AAT deficiency for over 20 years. Modifications to the Prolastin manufacturing process, incorporating additional purification and pathogen-reduction steps, have led to the development of an alpha1-PI product, designated Prolastin®-C (Alpha1-Proteinase inhibitor [Human]). The pharmacokinetic comparability of Prolastin-C to Prolastin was assessed in subjects with AAT deficiency.


In total, 24 subjects were randomized to receive 60 mg/kg of functionally active Prolastin-C or Prolastin by weekly intravenous infusion for 8 weeks before crossover to the alternate treatment for another 8 weeks. Pharmacokinetic plasma samples were drawn over 7 days following last dose in the first treatment period and over 10 days following the last dose in the second period. The primary end point for pharmacokinetic comparability was area under the plasma concentration versus time curve over 7 days post dose (AUC0-7 days) of alpha1-PI determined by potency (functional activity) assay. The crossover phase was followed by an 8-week open-label treatment phase with Prolastin-C only.


Mean AUC0-7 days was 155.9 versus 152.4 mg*h/mL for Prolastin-C and Prolastin, respectively. The geometric least squares mean ratio of AUC0-7 days for Prolastin-C versus Prolastin had a point estimate of 1.03 and a 90% confidence interval of 0.97-1.09, demonstrating pharmacokinetic equivalence between the 2 products. Adverse events were similar for both treatments and occurred at a rate of 0.117 and 0.078 per infusion for Prolastin-C (double-blind treatment phase only) and Prolastin, respectively (p = 0.744). There were no treatment-emergent viral infections in any subject for human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B or C, or parvovirus B19 during the course of the study.


Prolastin-C demonstrated pharmacokinetic equivalence and a comparable safety profile to Prolastin.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00295061

IN VITRO studies have suggested that adenosine 3′,′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) regulates cell morphology. During treatment with the dibutyryl analogue of cyclic AMP, N6,O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, transformed fibroblasts acquire several morphological characteristics of untransformed fibroblasts1,3. Cell processes are extended, the cells occupy a greater surface area and in some cases there is a parallel alignment of cells. Chinese hamster ovary cells are affected in the same way. In neuroblastoma cells5, dibutyryl cyclic AMP induces neurite extension and increases the activity of acetylcholinesterase, an indicator of biochemical differentiation6. Cyclic AMP is known to control the dispersion of melanin7,8 and the differentiation of melanoblasts into melanocytes. We have now found that during treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, melanoma cells spread out, appear larger and produce considerably more pigment than untreated cells.  相似文献   



There are a lack of biomarkers which can be used to predict clinical outcomes for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients receiving interferon beta (IFN-β). Thus the objective of this study was to characterize changes in CD4+ T-lymphocyte expression in an unbiased manner following initiation of intramuscular (IM) IFN-β-1a treatment, and then to verify those findings using marker-specific assays.  相似文献   

The ability to simultaneously measure many long-range distances is critical to efficient and accurate determination of protein structures by solid-state NMR (SSNMR). So far, the most common distance constraints for proteins are 13C–15N distances, which are usually measured using the rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) technique. However, these measurements are restricted to distances of up to ~?5 Å due to the low gyromagnetic ratios of 15N and 13C. Here we present a robust 2D 13C–19F REDOR experiment to measure multiple distances to ~?10 Å. The technique targets proteins that contain a small number of recombinantly or synthetically incorporated fluorines. The 13C–19F REDOR sequence is combined with 2D 13C–13C correlation to resolve multiple distances in highly 13C-labeled proteins. We show that, at the high magnetic fields which are important for obtaining well resolved 13C spectra, the deleterious effect of the large 19F chemical shift anisotropy for REDOR is ameliorated by fast magic-angle spinning and is further taken into account in numerical simulations. We demonstrate this 2D 13C–13C resolved 13C–19F REDOR technique on 13C, 15N-labeled GB1. A 5-19F-Trp tagged GB1 sample shows the extraction of distances to a single fluorine atom, while a 3-19F-Tyr labeled GB1 sample allows us to evaluate the effects of multi-spin coupling and statistical 19F labeling on distance measurement. Finally, we apply this 2D REDOR experiment to membrane-bound influenza B M2 transmembrane peptide, and show that the distance between the proton-selective histidine residue and the gating tryptophan residue differs from the distances in the solution NMR structure of detergent-bound BM2. This 2D 13C–19F REDOR technique should facilitate SSNMR-based protein structure determination by increasing the measurable distances to the ~?10 Å range.  相似文献   

Among various types of ionizing radiation, the beta emitter radionuclides are involved in many sectors of human activity, such as nuclear medicine, nuclear industries and biomedicine, with a consequently increased risk of accidental, occupational or therapeutic exposure. Despite their recognized importance, there is little information about the effect of beta particles at the cellular level when compared to other types of ionizing radiation. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of 90Sr/90Y—a pure, highly energetic beta source—on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and to compare them with data obtained with 60Co. CHO cells irradiated with different doses of 60Co (0.34 Gy min–1) and 90Sr/90Y (0.23 Gy min–1) were processed for analysis of clonogenic death, induction of micronuclei (MN) and interphase death. The survival curves obtained for both types of radiation were fitted by the exponential quadratic model and were found to be similar. Also, the cytogenetic results showed similar frequencies of radio-induced MN between gamma and beta radiations and the MN distribution pattern among cells did not follow the expected Poisson probability pattern. The relative variance values were significantly higher in cells irradiated with 90Sr/90Y than with 60Co in all exposure doses. The irradiated cells showed more necrotic cells 72 h and 96 h after exposure to beta than to gamma radiation. In general, the 90Sr/90Y -radiation was more damaging than 60Co -rays. The data obtained also demonstrated the need to use several parameters for a better estimate of cellular sensitivity to the action of genotoxic agents, which would be important in terms of radiobiology, oncology and therapeutics.  相似文献   

While the use of 1H–13C methyl correlated NMR spectroscopy at natural isotopic abundance has been demonstrated as feasible on protein therapeutics as large as monoclonal antibodies, spectral interference from aliphatic excipients remains a significant obstacle to its widespread application. These signals can cause large baseline artifacts, obscure protein resonances, and cause dynamic range suppression of weak peaks in non-uniform sampling applications, thus hampering both traditional peak-based spectral analyses as well as emerging chemometric methods of analysis. Here we detail modifications to the 2D 1H–13C gradient-selected HSQC experiment that make use of selective pulsing techniques for targeted removal of interfering excipient signals in spectra of the NISTmAb prepared in several different formulations. This approach is demonstrated to selectively reduce interfering excipient signals while still yielding 2D spectra with only modest losses in protein signal. Furthermore, it is shown that spectral modeling based on the SMILE algorithm can be used to simulate and subtract any residual excipient signals and their attendant artifacts from the resulting 2D NMR spectra.  相似文献   

A TROSY-based NMR experiment is described for simultaneous measurement of the 15N longitudinal relaxation rate constant R1 and the {1H}–15N nuclear Overhauser enhancement. The experiment is based on the observation that the TROSY mixing pulse sequence element symmetrically exchanges 1H and 15N magnetizations. The accuracy of the proposed technique is validated by comparison to independent measurements of both relaxation parameters for the protein ubiquitin. The simultaneous experiment is approximately 20–33% shorter than conventional sequential measurements.  相似文献   

Nitrate dual stable isotopes (δ15N and δ18O of NO3 ?) have proven to be a powerful technique to elucidate nitrogen (N) cycling pathways in aquatic systems. We applied this technique for the first time in the pelagic zone of a small temperate meso-eutrophic lake to identify the dominant N cycling pathways, and their spatial and temporal variability. We measured the lake NO3 ? δ15N and δ18O signatures over an annual cycle and compared them to that of the watershed. Both δ15N and δ18O of NO3 ? in the lake increased during summer relative to the inputs. Relationships between lake NO3 ? isotopic composition and concentrations were different across thermal strata with an apparent isotope effect in the epilimnion of 15εepi = 4.6‰ and 18εepi = 10.9‰. We found a strong deviation of the lake NO3 ? δ18O and δ15N from the expected 1:1 line for assimilation (slope = 1.73) suggesting that nitrification was co-occurring. We estimated that nitrification could support between 5 and 30% of nitrate-based production during the growing season, but was negligible in early spring and fall, and probably more dominant under ice. We showed that the technique is promising to study N processes at the ecosystem scale in shallow lakes, particularly during winter. Our results suggest that recycled NO3 ? could support primary productivity and influence phytoplankton composition in the surface waters of small lakes.  相似文献   

The nonenzymatic isoprostane pathway of lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids results in formation of products, termed isoprostanes, which have very large positional and stereo isomerism, possess various biological activities, produce adducts with proteins, and thus contribute to pathogeneses of the agedependent diseases. However, it was unclear what mechanism drives this type of lipid autoxidation, and why the products have very large isomerism. We propose a mechanism when perhydroxyl radicals (HO2?) react with polyunsaturated fatty acids in the hydrophobic milieu of membranes. In the membrane HO2? initiates a chain of reactions with formation first H2O2, which undergoes homolytic fission producing two ?OH radicals, thus very rapidly abstracting three H atoms from a polyunsaturated fatty acid. As a result, the HO2? molecule is converted to two molecules of water, and the molecule of a polyunsaturated fatty acid loses two double bonds, becomes highly unstable and undergoes peroxidation and random intramolecular re-arrangements causing a very large isomerism of the final products. The extremely high reactivity of ?2 with polyunsaturated fatty acids is the cause of very subtle and slow accumulation of damages in the membrane and membrane associated proteins, even though the concentration of ?2 relative to superoxide radical may be very low.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH  Rödel MO 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):316-325
In many organisms reproductive success is strongly dependent on several breeding site characteristics, which often vary in space and time. Although we have a good understanding of how ovipositing organisms respond to single factors, we still have little information about how they respond under more complex natural conditions. We examined the oviposition behavior of a tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, with respect to abiotic and biotic oviposition site characteristics, including desiccation risk and the presence of conspecific offspring using both observation and experiments. Based on daily monitoring data, compiled from 69 natural oviposition sites during a complete reproductive season, we developed oviposition site-selection models. A model based on water presence, sediment depth and maximal possible water depth showed the best predictive performance and was transferable to the subsequent season. Field observations and experiments revealed that frogs could estimate water-holding capacity of sites and timed oviposition with respect to future water presence. Despite the negative effects on larval growth and the availability of sites without conspecifics, data suggest that ovipositing individuals are attracted to conspecific offspring because they serve as a cue for low predation risk. Our results imply that a sites potential for being used at least once for oviposition was determined by abiotic factors, whereas the relative use of breeding sites was determined by a response to conspecifics. Our study demonstrates the importance of including multiple biotic and abiotic factors in the analysis of oviposition site-selection.  相似文献   

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