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Summary In the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of Homarus gammarus, pacemaker neurons of the pyloric central pattern generator are entrained by a network oscillator (CPO) contained in the commissural ganglion. A consequence of CPO's influence is that the spontaneous pyloric period can take one of several absolute values, most commonly displaying a bimodal distribution. These discrete values correspond to different coordination modes with the CPO rhythm. Moreover, the oscillation period of pyloric pacemaker neurons varies discontinuously with their membrane potential. This behavior persists when the mean pyloric period is modified by different perfusion salines but disappears when the STG is disconnected from the anterior ganglia. Under these conditions, pyloric pacemaker neurons are deprived of CPO inputs and behave like independent oscillators whose period varies continuously as a function of the membrane potential. The modulatory pyloric suppressor neurons (PS), which are known to decrease the oscillatory capabilities of the pyloric pacemakers, can change the coordination mode between these neurons and the CPO. PS can provoke discontinuous variations in the pyloric period as a function of their firing frequency. Finally, the nonlinear behavior of the pyloric pattern generator described in Homarus also occurs in Jasus lalandii, in which the existence of a CPO has not yet been demonstrated.Abbreviations AB anterior burster neuron - ASW artificial seawater - COG commissural ganglion - CP commissural pyloric neuron - CPG central pattern generator - CPO commissural pyloric oscillator - IC inferior cardiac neuron - ivn inferior ventricular nerve - LP lateral pyloric neuron - OG esophageal ganglion - PD pyloric dilator neuron - PDn pyloric dilator nerve - PS pyloric suppressor neuron - son superior esophageal nerve - PY pylonic neuron - STG stomatogastric ganglion - stn stomatogastric nerve - vlvn ventral branch of the lateral ventricular nerve Maître de conférence à l'U.E.R. de Médecine et de Pharmacie, 2 rue Dr Marcland, 87025 Limoges Cedex, France.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of the locust Locusta migratoria has been determined. Of more than 500 immunoreactive neurons in total, about 380 are interneurons in the optic lobes. These neurons invade several layers of the medulla and distal parts of the lobula. In addition, a small group of neurons projects into the accessory medulla, the lamina, and to several areas in the median protocerebrum. In the midbrain, 12 groups or individual neurons have been reconstructed. Four groups innervate areas of the superior lateral and ventral lateral protocerebrum and the lateral horn. Two cell groups have bilateral arborizations anterior and posterior to the central body or in the superior median protocerebrum. Ramifications in subunits of the central body and in the lateral and the median accessory lobes arise from four additional cell groups. Two local interneurons innervate the antennal lobe. A tritocerebral cell projects contralaterally into the frontal ganglion and appears to give rise to fibers in the recurrent nerve, and in the hypocerebral and ingluvial ganglia. Varicose fibers in the nervi corporis cardiaci III and the corpora cardiaca, and terminals on pharyngeal dilator muscles arise from two subesophageal neurons. Some of the locust neurons closely resemble immunopositive neurons in a beetle and a moth. Our results suggest that the peptide may be (1) a modulatory substance produced by many brain interneurons, and (2) a neurohormone released from subesophageal neurosecretory cells.  相似文献   

The stomatogastric nervous system (SNS) associated with the foregut was studied in 3rd instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster and Calliphora vicina (blowfly). In both species, the foregut comprises pharynx, esophagus, and proventriculus. Only in Calliphora does the esophagus form a crop. The position of nerves and neurons was investigated with neuronal tracers in both species and GFP expression in Drosophila. The SNS is nearly identical in both species. Neurons are located in the proventricular and the hypocerebral ganglion (HCG), which are connected to each other by the proventricular nerve. Motor neurons for pharyngeal muscles are located in the brain not, as in other insect groups, in the frontal ganglion. The position of the frontal ganglion is taken by a nerve junction devoid of neurons. The junction is composed of four nerves: the frontal connectives that fuse with the antennal nerves (ANs), the frontal nerve innervating the cibarial dilator muscles and the recurrent nerve that innervates the esophagus and projects to the HCG. Differences in the SNS are restricted to a crop nerve only present in Calliphora and an esophageal ganglion that only exists in Drosophila. The ganglia of the dorsal organs give rise to the ANs, which project to the brain. The extensive conformity of the SNS of both species suggests functional parallels. Future electrophysiological studies of the motor circuits in the SNS of Drosophila will profit from parallel studies of the homologous but more accessible structures in Calliphora.  相似文献   

Summary The stomatogastric nervous system of a mantis shrimp,Squilla oratoria, is described. The motor nerves of the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) and their innervation of muscles of the posterior cardiac plate (pcp) and pyloric systems are detailed.The STG contains more than 25 neurons. It sends out one pair of major output nerves. The pcp-pyloric cycle recorded from the motor axons in this nerve consists of rhythmic bursts of several units which fire with a characteristic phase relationship to each other. The rhythm is intrinsic to the STG itself, but it is modifiable.Recordings from the peripheral nerves reveal that identifiable cardiac plate, pyloric dilator and pyloric neurons control sequential contractions of the pcp and pyloric muscles to constrict or dilate a number of their attached ossicles.Several modulatory input fibres in the stomatogastric nerve, activated via stimulation of the superior or inferior oesophageal nerve (son, ion), prime or trigger the cyclic motor outputs. The son inputs induce distinct effects on the cardiac and pcp-pyloric pattern generators, while the ion inputs, via the oesophageal ganglion, excite only the pcp-pyloric generator.On the basis of anatomical and physiological observations, the possible functions of motor neurons involved in the pcp-pyloric cycle are described with reference to opening of the pcp and pyloric channels.This stomatogastric nervous system inSquilla is compared to that in decapods which has been well analyzed.Abbreviations CG commissural ganglion - ion inferior oesophageal nerve - lvn lateral ventricular nerve - OG oesophageal ganglion - pep posterior cardiac plate - son superior oesophageal nerve - STG stomatogastric ganglion - stn stomatogastric nerve - ivn inferior ventricular nerve  相似文献   

We used the lobster Homarus gammarus to study the ontogeny of neural networks involved in rhythmic behaviours. Since in the adult the neural networks belonging to the stomatogastric nervous system and controlling the rhythmic movements of the foregut are well characterised, we have studied them during ontogeny. While this foregut develops slowly throughout embryonic and larval stages, the neuronal population of these motor networks is quantitatively established since the mid-embryonic period. Moreover, in the embryo, this neural population is organised into a single functional network that displays a unique motor output. By contrast, in the adult the same neuronal elements are organised into three neural networks that express independent motor programs. Our results indicate that the multiple adult networks are partitioned progressively from a single embryonic network during development. Accepted: 23 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary The ionic requirements for bursting activity have been investigated in the electrically coupled PD-AB cells group of the Stomatogastric ganglion in the lobster.The passive electrical properties and coupling parameters have been determined in either current or voltage clamp conditions. In voltage clamped cells, the current displayed slow inward transients with superimposed fast transients corresponding respectively to the slow waves and spikes of the coupled undamped cells. The amplitude and frequency of the slow transients were reduced upon hyperpolarization.Cyclic conductance changes were observed with short current pulses, the coupling ratio also changes cyclically being lower during the bursts and slowly increasing during the interburst interval.The slow wave amplitude increased in low K-saline. The post-burst hyperpolarization but not the top level of the wave behaved like a potassium electrode for [K]o higher than 10 mM/l.TEA at low concentration (1 to 5 mM/l) increased the slow wave amplitude by lifting its top level by 10 to 20 mV. The post-burst hyperpolarization remained almost unchanged and its K-dependence was not altered by TEA.Low Na-saline reduced the slow wave amplitude (6 to 11 mV per decade). The Na-dependence increased in the presence of TEA. Slow waves devoid of spikes persisted in 10% Na saline containing TEA. 10–9 M/1 TTX blocked the spikes. 10–7 M/1 TTX blocked the slow waves.Mg-free saline had no effect on the slow wave. In Ca-free saline the cells depolarized and the bursting activity tended to vanish. Repolarization with current led to long lasting slow waves deprived of post-burst hyperpolarization. The bursting ceased when EDTA was added to the Ca-free saline.Cobalt (up to 10 mM/l) was similar to Ca-free saline in its effects; lengthening of the wave and blockage of the repolarization. Replacing Ba for Ca produced large (up to 70 mV) slow waves which were reduced by Co and Ca.Bistable states were observed in various experimental conditions. It is concluded that the slow waves are produced by activation of sodium and calcium currents. The amplitude of the slow wave is modulated by the simultaneous activation of a TEA-sensitive K current. The repolarization is caused by increased K current activated by the inward calcium current. The slow pacemaker potential in the interburst interval corresponds to the slow disappearance of the K current.This work was supported by N.I.H. grant no. 09322, NSF grant no. 00250, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship to A.D.S. and by the CNRS and a DGRST grant no. 16501891 to M. Gola. We are grateful to Stuart Thompson and Felix Strumwasser for helpful comments and to Barbara McLean for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Although the behavioral repertoire of crustaceans is largely guided by visual information their visual nervous system has been little explored. In search for central mechanisms of visual integration, this study was aimed at identifying and characterizing brain neurons in the crab involved in binocular visual processing. The study was performed in the intact animal, by recording intracellularly the response to visual stimuli of neurons from one of the two optic lobes. Identified neurons recorded from the medulla (second optic neuropil), which include sustaining neurons, dimming neurons, depolarizing and hyperpolarizing tonic neurons and on-off neurons, all presented exclusively monocular (ipsilateral) responses. In contrast, all wide field movement detector neurons recorded from the lobula (third optic neuropil) responded to moving stimuli presented to the ipsilateral and to the contralateral eye. In these cells, the responses evoked by ipsilateral or contralateral stimulation were almost identical, as revealed by analysing the number and amplitude of the elicited postsynaptic potentials and spikes, and the ability to habituate upon repeated visual stimulation. The results demonstrate that in crustaceans important binocular processing takes place at the level of the lobula.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters of motor neurons in the foregut muscles of an isopod Ligia exotica were identified by recording changes in membrane potential to exogenously applied glutamate and acetylcholine. The effects of antagonists, tubocurare and joro spider toxin, on excitatory junctional potentials evoked by nerve stimulation and by iontophoretic application of glutamate and acetylcholine provided additional evidence for identification. The junctional receptors were desensitized by putative neurotransmitters. Glutamate is a candidate as an excitatory neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junctions in intrinsic muscles of the gastric mill and pylorus, and acetylcholine is a candidate in the extrinsic muscles of the gastric mill and cardiopyloric valve.  相似文献   

In order to identify new orcokinin and orcomyotropin-related peptides in crustaceans, molecular and immunocytochemical data were combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In the crayfish Procambarus clarkii, four orcokinins and an orcomyotropin-related peptide are present on the precursor. Because these peptides are highly conserved, we assumed that other species have an identical number of peptides. To identify the peptides, immunocytochemistry was used to localize the regions of the stomatogastric nervous system in which orcokinins are predominantly present. One of the regions predominantly containing orcokinins was a previously undescribed olive-shaped neuropil region within the commissural ganglia of the lobsters Homarus americanus and Homarus gammarus. MALDI-TOF MS on these regions identified peptide masses that always occur together with the known orcokinins. Seven peptide ions occurred together in the peptide massspectra of the lobsters. Mass spectrometric fragmentation by MALDI-MS post-source decay (PSD) and electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI Q-TOF MS) collision-induced dissociation (CID) were used in the identification of six of these masses, either as orcokinins or as orcomyotropin-related peptides and revealed three hitherto unknown peptide variants, two of which are [His13]-orcokinin ([M+H]+ = 1540.8 Da) and an orcomyotropin-related peptide FDAFTTGFGHN ([M+H]+ = 1213.5 Da). The mass of the third previously unknown orcokinin variant corresponded to that of an identified orcokinin, but PSD fragmentation did not support the suggested amino acid sequence. CID analysis allowed partial de novo sequencing of this peptide. In the crab Cancer pagurus, five orcokinins and an orcomyotropin-related peptide were unambigously identified, including the previously unknown peptide variant [Ser9-Val13]-orcokinin ([M+H]+ = 1532.8 Da).  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity against peptides of the allatostatin family having a typical YXFGL-NH2 C-terminus has been localized in different areas of the central nervous system, stomatogastric nervous system and gut of the cockroach Blattella germanica. In the protocerebrum, the most characteristic immunoreactive perikarya are situated in the lateral and median neurosecretory cell groups. Immunoreactive median neurosecretory cells send their axons around the circumesophageal connectives to form arborizations in the anterior neuropil of the tritocerebrum. A group of cells in the lateral aspect of the tritocerebrum project to the antennal lobes in the deutocerebrum, where immunoreactive arborizations can be seen in the periphery of individual glomeruli. Nerve terminals were shown in the corpora allata. These terminals come from perikarya situated in the lateral neurosecretory cells in the pars lateralis and in the subesophageal ganglion. Immunoreactive axons from median neurosecretory cells and from cells positioned in the anteriormost part of the tritocerebrum enter together in the stomatogastric nervous system and innervate foregut and midgut, especially the crop and the valve between the crop and the midgut. The hindgut is innervated by neurons whose perikarya are located in the last abdominal ganglion. Besides immunoreactivity in neurons, allatostatin-immunoreactive material is present in endocrine cells distributed within the whole midgut epithelium. Possible functions for these peptides according to their localization are discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 37:269–282, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Cre/LoxP system provides a powerful tool to investigate gene function in vivo. This system requires Cre-recombinase expressing mouse lines that permit control of gene recombination in a tissue-specific and time-dependent manner. To allow spatio-temporal gene deletion in specific central nervous system (CNS) neuronal populations, we generated mice with a tamoxifen-inducible Cre (Cre-ER(T)) transgene under control of the Scl/Tal1 neural promoter/enhancer -0.9E3 (-0.9E3CreER(T) transgenic mice). Using Cre-reporter mice we have shown that tamoxifen-mediated Cre-ER(T) recombination in -0.9E3CreER(T) mice recapitulated the anticipated expression pattern of Scl in the caudal thalamus, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord. Cre-mediated recombination was also effectively induced during embryogenesis and marked the same population of neurons as observed in the adult. Additionally, we identified a tamoxifen-independent constitutively active -0.9E3CreER(T) mouse line that will be useful for gene deletion during early neurogenesis. These -0.9E3CreER(T) mice will provide tools to investigate the role of neuronal genes in the developing and mature CNS. CNS.  相似文献   

Life‐long neurogenesis is a characteristic feature of many vertebrate and invertebrate species. In decapod crustaceans, new neurons are added throughout life to two cell clusters containing local (cluster 9) and projection (cluster 10) interneurons in the olfactory pathway. Adult‐born neurons in clusters 9 and 10 in crayfish have the anatomical properties and chemistry of mature neurons by 6 months after birth. Here we use 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation to pulse label mitotically active cells in these cell clusters, followed by a survival time of up to 8 months, during which crayfish (Cherax destructor) were sacrificed at intervals and the numbers of BrdU‐labeled cells quantified. We find a decrease in the numbers of BrdU‐labeled cells in cell cluster 10 between the first and second weeks following BrdU exposure, suggesting a period of cell death shortly after proliferation. Additional delayed cell divisions in both cell clusters are indicated by increases in labeled cells long after the BrdU clearing time. The differentiation time of these cells into neurons was defined by detection of the first immunoreactivity for the transmitter SIFamide in cluster 10 BrdU‐labeled cells, which begins at 4 weeks after BrdU labeling; the numbers of SIFamide‐labeled cells continues to increase over the following month. Experiments testing whether proliferation and survival of Cluster 10 cells are influenced by locomotor activity provided no evidence of a correlation between activity levels and cell proliferation, but suggest a strong influence of locomotor activity on cell survival. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 602–615, 2014  相似文献   

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