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The effects of unilateral microsurgical denervation on the activity of lipoprotein lipase in rat epididymal adipose tissue have been investigated. This technique provides successful denervation in 30–70% of the operations. Lipoprotein lipase activities were not different from those on the non-operated side, although the concentrations of norepinephrine were at least ten times lower. It is concluded that lipoprotein lipase of rat adipose tissue is unlikely to be regulated by an adrenergic nervous mechanism.  相似文献   

The induction by ultraviolet light of simian virus 40 (SV40) from two SV40--transformed hamster kidney cell lines is enhanced by caffeine. In order to investigate the mechanism responsible for this enhancement, the effect of caffeine on postreplication repair of DNA damaged by UV light was studied utilizing alkaline sucrose-gradient sedimentation. Caffeine at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mM inhibited the filling of gaps during postreplication repair. In addition, caffeine was found to potentiate cell killing by mitomycin C, an alkylating agent, and to enhance SV40 induction by mitomycin C. We postulate that the persistence of gaps in DNA, caused by the presence of caffeine, results in the enhancement of SV40 virus induction.  相似文献   

AF 2 (2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-furyl)acrylamide) was toxic to Chinese hamster V 79 cells and normal human fibroblasts in aerobic media. However, the toxicity of the drug was increased many times by hypoxia. Similarly, the frequency of AF 2-induced azaguanine- and ouabain-resistant mutants of V 79 cells was much higher in hypoxia than under aerobic conditions. Both hamster V 79 cells and human fibroblasts metabolized AF 2 and other nitrofurans rapidly only under hypoxic conditions. Human fibroblasts were more sensitive to AF 2 both under aerobic conditions and in hypoxia than were V 79 cells under similar conditions. The Chinese hamster cells consistently gave survival curves with marked shoulders while human cells did not. Aerobic cultures of fibroblasts derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients were markedly sensitive to AF 2 while fibroblasts from two ataxia telangeictasia patients had normal sensitivity. Under hypoxic conditions the sensitivity of both types of cells was increased but the XP line remained 5--10-fold more sensitive than normal or ataxia cells. These results suggest that the DNA lesions produced by AF 2 may be regarded as similar to those produced by ultraviolet light, at least in terms of their repairability in human cells.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells were grown in medium containing either 10% or 2% FCS during the expression time following exposure to MNNG. The lower serum concentration was used to reduce the rate of cell replication, thereby allowing more time for DNA repair prior to "fixation" of the mutagenic lesion. In addition, fractionated and continuous exposures to MNNG and MAM, respectively, were carried out to determine their effect on the number of induced ouabain-resistant mutants. The results indicated that lowering the rate of cell growth effectively reduces the mutation frequency at low, but not at high doses of MNNG. Fractionated doses of MNNG result in a potentiation of their mutagenic effects compared to single doses. Also, continuous exposures to MAM result in an exponential increase in the mutation frequency. Collectively, these results suggest the importance of a repair process in Chinese hamster V79 cells which is dependent upon cell growth rate and the dose of the mutagen for its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Host-cell reactivation, that is, the degree of survival of Herpes simplex virus after UV irradiation, was high in African green monkey BSC-1 cells, intermediate in normal human fibroblasts and human FL cells, and low in both xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells and mouse L cells. However, colony-forming ability after UV was high for FL, normal human fibroblasts and L cells, slightly low for BSC-1 cells and extremely low for XP cells. During the 24-h post-UV incubation period, up to about 50% of the thymine-containing dimers in the acid-insoluble DNA fraction disappeared at an almost equal rate for BSC-1, FL and normal human cells but remained unaltered for the XP cells. Alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation of DNA after UV irradiation revealed only a slight difference between FL and BSC-1 cells in the kinetics of formation of single-strand breaks and their apparent repair. From these and the previously known characters of L cells possessing reduced excision-repair ability, if any, we may conclude that, if the survival of UV-irradiated Herpes simplex virus on a test line of human or other mammalian cells is as low as that on excisionless XP cells, then it is very probable that the test cell line is defective in excision repair. This reasoning leads to the presumptive conclusion that mouse L cells have an enhanced post-replication repair other than excision repair to deal with UV damage responsible for inactivation of colony-forming ability.  相似文献   

Thymosin fraction 5 induces an increase in cyclic GMP but not cAMP in murine thymocytes. Calcium (0.6 mM) is necessary for an optimal response in both phosphate buffered saline and hepes-buffered RPMI 1640 media. The calcium dependence of the cGMP response was most pronounced in a minimal salts medium (PBS) and higher concentrations (greater than 0.8 mM) caused a lessening of the cGMP elevation induced by thymosin. Basal cGMP levels of thymus and spleen lymphocytes vary with increasing concentrations of calcium (0–1 mM) and to a lesser extent, the levels of cAMP also are increased. Calcium uptake was measured both at mitogenic levels of Con A and at thymosin concentrations which were similar to those necessary for the increase in cGMP. The results suggest that calcium and cGMP play an important role in T cell differentiation under the influence of thymosin.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of aflatoxin B1-dichloride (AFB1-Cl2), a direct-acting carcinogen which is a model for the proposed ultimate reactive metabolite of AFB1 (the 2,3-epoxide), was compared in normal, repair-proficient, diploid human fibroblasts and in complementation Group A xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP12BE) which are virtually incapable of excision repair of DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation, the 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide of benzo[alpha]pyrene, and several reactive aromatic amide derivatives. The XP cells were significantly more sensitive than normal to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of AFB1-Cl2, not only as a function of concentration administered but also of the number of AFB1-Cl2 residues initially bound to DNA. Cytotoxicity was determined from survival of colony-forming ability; resistance to 6-thioguanine was the genetic marker used for mutagenicity. We compared the rate of loss of AFB1-Cl2-DNA adducts from cells treated and held in the non-dividing state (confluent) over several days, as well as their ability to recover from the potentially mutagenic and/or cytotoxic effects of the agent. AFB1-Cl2 residues were lost from both strains of cells and both exhibited a gradual increase in survival. However, the rate of loss of adducts from the DNA in the normal cells was more rapid than in XP cells and they exhibited recovery from higher doses of AFB1-Cl2 than XP cells. The major primary DNA adduct formed in the human cells and in isolated DNA was a chemically unstable guanine derivative which could undergo a change in structure with time posttreatment to form a more stable secondary adduct. The cytotoxic effect of AFB1-Cl2 was highly correlated with the presence of either of these guanine adducts. Evidence suggests that the primary adduct is an N7-guanine adduct. The kinetics of the loss of this guanine and its transformation into the more stable secondary adduct resembled that reported recently for the major primary DNA adduct formed by the reaction of AFB1 at the N-7 position of guanine in the DNA of normal and XP cells and its transformation into the putative AFB1-ring opened triamino pyrimidyl structure.  相似文献   

“Early” proteins (EP) induced by infection of cultured human KB cells with human adenovirus 12 (Ad12) were resolved by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide slab gels. Ad12 infected cells were incubated either in the presence of cycloheximide (CH) (to enhance the synthesis of early mRNA relative to cell mRNA) or cytosine arabinoside (ara C) (to prevent the expression of late viral genes) for 8 hr and the proteins were labeled with [35S] methionine (met) in an isotonic (110 mM NaCl) or hypertonic medium (210 mM NaCl) in the presence of ara C. Seven Ad12 induced EPs with apparent molecular weights of 60,000 (60K), 16.5K, 15K, 13K, 12.5K, 11K, and 10K (EP1 to EP7, respectively) have been identified when infected cells were labeled in an isotonic medium with CH pretreatment or in hypertonic medium with or without CH pretreatment. Sera from hamsters bearing Ad12 induced tumors (Ad12 T antisera) immunoprecipitated at least four of these polypeptides.  相似文献   

Mouse cells (3T3 line) excised at most 20% of the pyrimidine dimers introduced into their DNA by a dose of short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation that allows a significant fraction of the cells to survive. When irradiation was delivered at the pre-replicative stage, a significant repair of lethal events was observed, as the cells progressed toward S phase. The recovery in survival cannot be accounted for solely by excision of pyrimidine dimers. Therefore, either another lesion produced by ultraviolet radiation is critical in terms of lethality, or the dimer, which may trigger the lethal event, becomes no longer an obstacle for the replication system after a certain period of time.  相似文献   

The xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblast strains XP2RO, complementation group E, and XP23OS, group F, were compared with normal human primary fibroblasts with regard to repair of damage induced by 254-nm UV. In XP2RO cells, repair DNA synthesis, measured by autoradiography (unscheduled DNA synthesis = UDS), was about 50% of the value found in normal human cells. In these cells also the removal of UV-induced sites recognized by a specific UV-endonuclease proceeds at a reduced rate. By having BUdR incorporated into the repaired regions, followed by the induction of breaks in these patches by 313-nm UV, it was shown that the reduced repair synthesis is not caused by a shorter length of the repair regions in XP2RO, but is solely due to a reduction in the number of sites removed by excision repair. In XP23OS a discrepancy was observed between the level of UDS, which was about 10% of the normal value, and other repair-dependent properties such as UV survival, host-cell reactivation and removal of UV-endonuclease-susceptible sites, which were less reduced than could be expected from the UDS level. However, when UDS was followed over a longer period than the 2 or 3 h normally used in UDS analysis, it appeared that in XP23OS cells, the rate of UDS remained constant whereas the rate decreased in normal control cells. Consequently, the residual level of UDS varies with the period over which it is studied.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells are dificient in the repair of damage induced by ultraviolet irradiation. Excision-repair-deficient XP cell strains have been classified into 7 distinct complementation groups, according to results of studies on cell fusion and UV irradiation. XP cells are not only abnormally sensitive to UV, but also to a variety of chemical carcinogens, including 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO). Complementation analysis with XP strains from 4 different complementation groups with respect to the repair of 4NQO-induced DNA damage revealed that the classification of the strains into complementation groups with respect to 4NQO-induced repair coincides with the classification based on the repair of UV damage.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the phototoxic effects of chloropromazine (CPZ) in Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Chinese hamster cells were studied at pH 6–8. All three biological systems displayed higher photosensitization of the drug at lower pH-values. In S. typhimurium the combined action of drug and light also showed mutagenic activity which correlated with toxicity when exposed at pH 7 or 8. When solutions of protein or DNA and CPZ were exposed to near ultraviolet (UV) light, the drug became covalently attached to the macromolecules. This binding was pH dependent but did not correlate with the effects in vivo. It was found however that the permeability of the cells to the drug was enhanced at lower pH-values. It is suggested that the enhanced entrance of CPZ at lower pH-values into the cells facilitated the drug binding to DNA, RNA and proteins within the cells upon light exposure, and that this is the basis for the enhanced phototoxicity and mutagenicity of CPZ.  相似文献   

HeLa S3 cells were exposed to varied concentrations of methylmercury over varied periods of time and its binding by the cells was studied using 203Hg-labeled methylmercuric chloride as radioactive marker. Also studied was the effect of cell-bound methylmercury on DNA replication and protein synthesis and on the growth rate of the cells. The results show that methylmercury binding is a rapid process, with much of the organomercurial bound within the the first 60 min of incubation, and that considerable quantities of organic mercury become affixed to the cells. The amounts of bound methylmercury, [CH3Hg(II)]bound, given in mol/cell, range from 2 × 10?16 (at 1 h of incubation and at 1 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium) to almost 4 × 10?14 (at 24 h of incubation and at 100 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium). A [CH3Hg(II)]bound value of about 30 × 10?16 mol/cell appears to be the threshold below which cells display a normal growth pattern and below which metabolic events such as DNA replication or protein synthesis are affected only to a minor degree but above which major changes in cell metabolism and cell growth take place. Methylmercury binding by the cells is tight so that only 20% of the bound material is released from the cells over a 3-h incubation period when the cells are placed into fresh, methylmercury-free growth medium. Analysis of the binding data in terms of binding to identical and completely independent sites yields an association constant K of 7.92 × 104 l/mol and for the maximum concentration of cellular binding sites the value 2.40 × 10?14 mol/cell or 1.45 × 1010 sites/cell. Evidence is presented which shows that cellular sulfhydryl groups do not suffice to provide all the sites taken up by methylmercury and that binding, in all likelihood, involves basic nitrogen, too. The levels of cell-bound methylmercury are such that binding to HeLa DNA and HeLa chromatin, for instance, can readily take place. Methylmercury binding data obtained by using the technique of particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) are in good agreement with the data obtained via isotope dilution.  相似文献   

Monensin blocks endocytosis of vesicular stomatitis virus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Monensin inhibits the infection of mouse cells by Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). At low drug concentrations (0.5 μM), endocytosis of VSV is inhibited whereas viral binding is unaffected. Monensin may be useful for analyzing the internalization of other viruses as well as soluble ligands.  相似文献   

A hybrid virus containing the left half of the Ad5 genome and the right half of the Ad2 genome has been constructed by ligating together in vitro the BamHI.-A fragment of Ad5 (map co-ordinates 0–59.5) to the-SawHI-A fragment of Ad2 (map coordinates 59.5–100), and using this DNA to transfect susceptible cells. Viable progeny virus has been obtained which grows as well as the parental virus without any requirement for helper virus, and probably contains a hybrid hexon polypeptide consisting of the major part of the Ad5 hexon with an Ad2 carboxy terminus.  相似文献   

The sensitivities (Do-values) of the cytotoxic effect of MNU on four rodent cell lines were: mouse L1210, 0.07 mM; rat Yoshida sarcoma, 0.52 mM; Chinese hamster V79A, 0.70 mM and the UV sensitive, X-ray sensitive V79/79, 0.35 mM. The abilities of maximum non-toxic doses of the poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors, 5-methyl nicotinamide (5MeN), 3-methoxybenzamide (3MBA) and caffeine to potentiate this cytotoxicity and that of UV light in V79A and V79/79 was measured. The degree of potentiation (ratio Do without inhibitor/Do with inhibitor) was both agent and cell line dependent. In general the lymphoid cell lines L1210 and YS showed greater potentiation, up to 4-fold, than did the fibroblast lines V79A and V79/79. The use of inhibitors in pairs suggested that 5MeN and 3MBA affect one process whereas caffeine affects additional processes. The data provide further support for a role for poly(ADP-ribose) in DNA repair, but indicate that metabolic factors may modify the effectiveness of individual inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in different cell lines.  相似文献   

MAD2 (mitotic arrest deficient 2) is a key regulator of mitosis. Recently, it had been suggested that MAD2-induced mitotic arrest mediates DNA damage response and that upregulation of MAD2 confers sensitivity to DNA-damaging anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. In this study, we report a potential novel role of MAD2 in mediating DNA nucleotide excision repair through physical interactions with two DNA repair proteins, XPD (xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group D) and ERCC1. First, overexpression of MAD2 resulted in decreased nuclear accumulation of XPD, a crucial step in the initiation of DNA repair. Second, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that MAD2 was able to bind to XPD, which led to competitive suppression of binding activity between XPD and XPA, resulting in the prevention of physical interactions between DNA repair proteins. Third, unlike its role in mitosis, the N-terminus domain seemed to be more important in the binding activity between MAD2 and XPD. Fourth, phosphorylation of H2AX, a process that is important for recruitment of DNA repair factors to DNA double-strand breaks, was suppressed in MAD2-overexpressing cells in response to DNA damage. These results suggest a negative role of MAD2 in DNA damage response, which may be accounted for its previously reported role in promoting sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents in cancer cells. However, the interaction between MAD2 and ERCC1 did not show any effect on the binding activity between ERCC1 and XPA in the presence or absence of DNA damage. Our results suggest a novel function of MAD2 by interfering with DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

The C1300 mouse neuroblastoma cell line was found to produce plasminogen activator which is secreted into the growth medium. The intra- and extracellular activities of this enzyme were markedly increased (up to 14 fold) by treatment with cyclic AMP agents. Prostaglandins E1 and E2 and butyric acid were the most efficient inducers followed by propionic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Theophylline was found to be ineffective. The highest enzyme activities were found in cells exposed simultaneously to prostaglandin E1 and dibutyryl cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

A biological reducing agent, sodium ascorbate, was used to modify both the damage induced by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine to mouse gastric mucosal cell DNA and the repair of that damage in vivo. Freshly-mixed carcinogen and sodium ascorbate enhanced DNA fragmentation as measured by shifts in alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation profiles whereas incubation of the two compounds for a short period resulted in reduced DNA fragmentation. Furthermore, periodic administration of sodium ascorbate following stomach cell DNA damage with carcinogen inhibited DNA repair.  相似文献   

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