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The aim of the study was to test whether the synthesis of substance P (SP) and that of its receptor (also known as NK1 receptor) are coordinately regulated after chronic pharmacologic intervention in two neural systems, the spinal cord and basal ganglia. In one set of experiments, capsaicin was administered subcutaneously during the early postnatal period (day 3 after birth) to induce degeneration of afferent sensory neurons in the spinal cord. In the other set of experiments, interruption of dopaminergic transmission was achieved by two methods: (a) The neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine was used to denervate dopaminergic neurons during the early postnatal period, and (b) haloperidol was used in adult animals to block dopaminergic transmission by receptor blockade. The spinal cord, striatum, or both were used for the quantification of tachykinin [SP and neurokinin A (NKA)] and opioid peptides [[Met5]-enkephalin (ME) and dynorphin A (1-8) (DYN)] by radioimmunoassays. The abundance of total SP-encoding preprotachykinin (PPT) mRNA and SP receptor (SPR) mRNA in spinal cord (C5 to T1 segments), striatum, or microdissected substantia nigra was determined by northern blot or solution hybridization analysis. Amines and their acid metabolites were quantified by HPLC. Capsaicin administration (subcutaneously) during the early postnatal period increased latency in a hot-plate test, decreased SP and NKA levels, increased levels of PPT mRNAs, and did not affect SPR mRNA levels in the spinal cord. Intraspinal SP systems may attempt to compensate for the loss of afferent SP input, whereas spinal cord receptor mRNA levels do not appear to be altered.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: In order to determine whether nitric oxide (NO) acts directly upon nerve terminals to regulate the synaptic transmission at the level of spinal cord, effects of NO-donors on release of substance P (SP) and glutamic acid (Glu) were investigated by superfusion of synaptosomes prepared from the rat spinal cord. Basal levels of endogenous SP and Glu release were 5.99 ± 2.50 fmol/min/mg of protein and 26.2 ± 4.8 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Exposure to a depolarizing concentration of KCI evoked 2.7- and 3.8-fold increases in SP and Glu release in a calcium-dependent manner, respectively. Sodium nitroprusside (NP) caused a reduction in the depolarization-evoked overflow of SP in a concentration-dependent manner without affecting its basal release, although it failed to affect either basal or evoked release of Glu. The reduction in SP overflow was also observed by the perfusion with S -nitroso- N -acetyl-penicillamine or membrane-permeable cyclic GMP, but not with cyclic AMP. NP caused the concentration-dependent increases in cyclic GMP levels in synaptosomes. Together with reports that excitatory amino acids stimulate NO synthase and release NO in the spinal cord, these data suggest that there may be an interaction between nerve terminals containing Glu and SP, and that NO may directly participate in the regulation of synaptic transmission in SP-containing nerve terminals, which may be mediated through the activation of guanylate cyclase and the increase in cyclic GMP levels.  相似文献   

Somatostatin distribution was measured quantitatively in the rat spinal cord by radioimmunoassay. Rostro-caudally, somatostatin content was about 50% higher in lumbar-sacral cord than in cervical or thoracic levels. The dorso-ventral distribution is more uneven: somatostatin is highest in the dorsal horn, where the peptide is 15 times as concentrated as it is in the ventral white matter, the region of lowest concentration. However, measurable amounts of the peptide were found in all regions studied. Dorsal root ganglionectomy decreased somatostatin levels in the dorsal cord, supporting the previously proposed role for this peptide as a primary sensory neurotransmitter or modulator; but somatostatin content also was decreased both rostral and caudal to spinal transection, indicating the presence of ascending and descending somatostatin pathways within the spinal cord. Brain levels did not change. Met-enkephalin and substance P were also measured after the above surgical manipulations. Met-enkephalin content was not altered and substance P content was lowered significantly only after ganglionectomy. Although this study confirms the primary sensory neuron as the origin of a part of spinal cord somatostatin, it further indicates the presence of ascending and descending somatostatin pathways within the rat spinal cord.  相似文献   

The release of endogenous noradrenaline (NA) from slices of adult rat brainstem and ventral thoracic spinal cord was investigated using a fixed-volume incubation technique and HPLC with electrochemical detection. Incubation with potassium (15-50 mM) produced a dose-related increase in basal NA release that was calcium dependent. The potassium-evoked release of NA from spinal cord or brainstem slices was potentiated according to dose by preincubation with either (a) the selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist idazoxan (10(-6)-10(-4) M) or (b) the thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) analogue RX 77368 (pGlu-His-3,3'-dimethyl ProNH2; 10(-5) and 10(-4) M). Incubation of spinal cord slices with the NA uptake inhibitor maprotiline (1 microM) enhanced the effect of idazoxan but inhibited that of RX 77368. The effects of RX 77368 and potassium alone (15 mM) on NA release from both spinal cord and brainstem slices were reduced to basal levels with tetrodotoxin (10(-7) M). Similarly, preincubation of spinal cord, but not brainstem, slices with the insect neuropeptide proctolin (10(-4) M) significantly attenuated the potassium- or RX 77368-induced release of NA, whereas substance P (3 X 10(-5) and 1 X 10(-4) M) had no effect on either tissue. These results suggest that changes in NA release in the spinal cord and brainstem may mediate some of the actions of neuropeptides in ventral spinal cord, although the peptides may not be acting directly on the noradrenergic nerve terminals in these tissues.  相似文献   

Superfusion of slices from the dorsal half of the lumbar enlargement of rat spinal cord with Krebs-Henseleit medium supplemented with 30 microM bacitracin allowed the collection of substance P-like immunoreactive material (SPLI), which was released at a rate of approximately 10 pg/4 min. Tissue depolarization by an excess of K+ (30-60 mM) or veratridine (50 microM) induced a marked increase in SPLI outflow, provided that Ca2+ was present in the superfusing fluid. K+- or veratridine-induced SPLI overflow could be modulated in opposite directions by mu and delta opioid receptor agonists. Thus, the two preferential mu agonists Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Gly-ol (DAGO; 10 microM) and Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-MePhe-Met(O)5-OH (FK-33824; 0.1 microM) enhanced SPLI overflow from depolarized tissues, whereas the selective delta agonists Tyr-D-Thr-Gly-Phe-Leu-Thr (deltakephalin; 3 microM) and [2-D-penicillamine, 5-D-penicillamine]enkephalin (50 microM) reduced it. The effect of DAGO was antagonized by a low concentration (1 microM) of naloxone but not by the selective delta antagonist ICI-154129 (50 microM). In contrast, the latter drug prevented the inhibitory influence of delta agonists on K+-induced SPLI release. Complementary experiments with morphine (10 microM) and [2-D-alanine, 5-D-leucine]enkephalinamide (3 microM), in combination with 1 microM naloxone or 50 microM ICI-154129 for the selective blockade of mu or delta receptors, respectively, confirmed that the stimulation of mu receptors increased, whereas the stimulation of delta receptors reduced, SPLI overflow. The results suggest that, at the spinal level, and antinociceptive action of delta but not mu agonists might involve a presynaptic inhibition of substance P-containing primary afferent fibers.  相似文献   

Abstract: K252a, an inhibitor of trk phosphorylation and nerve growth factor signal transduction in PC12 cells, blocked nerve growth factor-induced responses in cultured adult rat dorsal root ganglion sensory neurones. The nerve growth factor-dependent appearance of capsaicin sensitivity and accumulation of the neuropeptide substance P were inhibited when dorsal root ganglion neurones were grown in the presence of low concentrations (100 n M ) of K252a. At higher concentrations (3 µ M ), however, K252a stimulated the development of capsaicin sensitivity and the accumulation of substance P even in the absence of nerve growth factor. By using a wide dose range, therefore, we showed that K252a could either inhibit or mimic nerve growth factor's actions on sensory neurones. These results may explain the apparent paradox in the literature that some groups show a blocking effect of K252a on nerve growth factor-dependent survival of dorsal root ganglion sensory neurones, whereas others report that K252a can substitute for nerve growth factor or other trophic factors and promote neuronal survival.  相似文献   

Loss of Ascorbic Acid from Injured Feline Spinal Cord   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Feline spinal cord contains 0.97 mM ascorbic acid, as measured by the dinitrophenylhydrazine method. Greater than 90% is maintained in the reduced form. When functioning normally, the CNS conserves its ascorbic acid with a turnover rate of 2% per h. Following contusion injury severe enough to produce paraplegia, ascorbic acid is rapidly lost from injured spinal tissue. Thus, ascorbic acid is decreased 30% by 1 h and 50% by 3 h following injury. Oxidized ascorbic acid is increased at 1, but not 3, h following impact. As a consequence of its many functions in CNS, loss of ascorbic acid may contribute to derangements in spinal cord function following injury.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the control of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-induced release of substance P was investigated in rat spinal cord in vitro. 5-HT facilitated the 60 m M K+-evoked release of substance P-like immunoreactive materials (SPLI) from the superfused rat dorsal spinal cord slices without affecting spontaneous SPLI release. The facilitatory effect of 5-HT was significantly inhibited by ICS 205-930 or granisetron (potent and specific 5-HT3 receptor antagonists), by N G-monomethyl- l -arginine (NMMA, a NO synthase inhibitor), and by methylene blue or 1 H -[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3- a ]quinoxaline-1-one (MB or ODQ, respectively; both are inhibitors of soluble guanylyl cyclase) and was mimicked by 2-methylserotonin (2-m-5-HT, a selective 5-HT3 receptor agonist), l -arginine (a precursor of NO), or 8-bromo-cyclic GMP. NMMA, MB, or ODQ inhibited the 2-m-5-HT-induced increase of cyclic GMP levels in the rat dorsal spinal cord slices. These data suggest that the facilitatory effect of 5-HT on the release of SPLI is mediated by the 5-HT3 receptor and that the intracellular signaling is mediated via NO by an increase in cyclic GMP production.  相似文献   

Uptake of Glycine into Synaptic Vesicles Isolated from Rat Spinal Cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycine was taken up by a synaptic vesicle fraction from spinal cord in a Mg-ATP-dependent manner. The accumulation of glycine was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and nigericin, agents known to destroy the proton gradient across the vesicle membrane. Vesicular uptake of glycine was clearly different from synaptosomal uptake, with respect to both the affinity constant and the effect of Na+, ATP, CCCP, and temperature. Oligomycin and strychnine did not inhibit the vesicular uptake, showing that neither mitochondrial H(+)-ATPase nor binding to strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors was involved. It is suggested that the vesicular uptake of glycine is driven by a proton gradient generated by a Mg2(+)-ATPase. A low concentration of Cl- had little effect on the uptake of glycine, whereas the uptake of glutamate in the same experiment was highly stimulated. High concentrations of gamma-amino-n-butyric acid and beta-alanine inhibited vesicular glycine uptake, but glutamate did not. Accumulation of glycine was found to be fourfold higher in a spinal cord synaptic vesicle fraction than in a vesicle fraction from cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

We previously reported that nerve terminals and glial cells lack an active uptake system capable of terminating transmitter action of substance P (SP). In the present study, we demonstrated the existence of an active uptake system for SP carboxy-terminal heptapeptide, (5-11)SP. When the slices from either rat brain or rabbit spinal cord were incubated with [3H](5-11)SP, the uptake of (5-11)SP into slices was observed. The uptake system has the properties of an active transport mechanism: it is dependent on temperature and sensitive to hypoosmotic treatment and is inhibited by ouabain and dinitrophenol (DNP). In the brain, (5-11)SP was accumulated by means of a high-affinity and a low-affinity uptake system. The Km and the Vmax values for the high-affinity system were 4.20 x 10(-8) M and 7.59 fmol/10 mg wet weight/min, respectively, whereas these values for the low-affinity system were 1.00 x 10(-6) M and 100 fmol/10 mg wet weight/min, respectively. In the spinal cord, there was only one uptake system, with a Km value of 2.16 x 10(-7) M and Vmax value of 26.2 fmol/10 mg wet weight/min. These results suggest that when SP is released from nerve terminals, it is hydrolysed into (5-11)SP before or after acting as a neurotransmitter, which is in turn accumulated into nerve terminals. Therefore, the uptake system may represent a possible mechanism for the inactivation of SP.  相似文献   

Erin N  Türker S  Elpek O  Yıldırım B 《Peptides》2012,35(2):218-224
The protective effect of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerve (CSSN) activation was recently demonstrated in human gastric mucosa. We here examined changes in neuropeptides, specifically Substance P (SP), calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in patients with chronic gastritis or ulcer. Furthermore changes in neprilysin levels, which hydrolyse these neuropeptides, were determined. Gastric biopsies were obtained from both lesion- and normal-appearing mucosa of 57 patients. The presence of H. pylori infection was verified with rapid urease assay. Neuronal and non-neuronal levels of SP, VIP, CGRP and neprilysin activity were determined in freshly frozen biopsies. Immunohistochemical localization of neprilysin was performed in 30 paraffin embedded specimens. We here found that neuronal SP levels decreased significantly in normally appearing mucosa of patients with gastritis while levels of non-neuronal SP increased in diseased areas of gastritis and ulcer. The presence of H. pylori led to further decreases of SP levels. The content of VIP in both disease-involved and uninvolved mucosa, and expression of neprilysin, markedly decreased in patients with gastritis or ulcer. Since VIP, as well as SP fragments, formed following hydrolysis with neprilysin is recognized to have gastroprotective effects, decreased levels of VIP, SP and neprilysin may predispose to cellular damage.  相似文献   

Abstract: The release of endogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), substance P (SP), and neurokinin A (NKA) from superfused tissue slices of rat ventral lumbar spinal cord, where SP and NKA coexist with 5-HT in terminals of descending bulbospinal neurons, was investigated. Electrical field stimulation was performed using square-wave pulses of 2-ms duration and 30 mA stimulus intensity. The following four different patterns of stimulation were used: 2 Hz continuous, 20 Hz continuous, 20 Hz intermittent, and 50 Hz intermittent. 5-HT was measured in the slice superfusates by HPLC with electrochemical detection. SP and NKA were measured by radioimmunoassay. The release of 5-HT was significantly enhanced using all stimulation paradigms and the evoked release of 5-HT per pulse was independent of the stimulation frequency. The release was found to be calcium dependent and there was no increase in the efflux of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in response to stimulation. At 2 Hz (continuous), no significant increase in the release of SP was observed. Stimulation at higher frequencies yielded a significant increase in the release of SP per pulse. At 20 Hz, the release was increased by 73% (continuous) and 74% (intermittent), and at 50 Hz (intermittent) by 175% of basal efflux. The evoked release of NKA was also frequency dependent. At 2 Hz (continuous), no significant increase in the release of NKA was observed. At 20 Hz (intermittent), the evoked release per pulse was increased by 33% and at 50 Hz (intermittent) by 53% compared with the basal efflux of NKA. The results suggest that coexisting neurotransmitters/neuromodulators in the spinal cord may be released in different proportions depending on the stimulation frequency and that only 5-HT is released when the nerve terminal is activated by low-frequency stimulation.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine if L-glutamate and/or L-aspartate may be transmitters of neural tracts descending from the brain to the spinal cord. The uptake and electrically evoked release of D-[3H]aspartate, a putative marker for L-glutamate and L-aspartate, were measured in the cervical enlargement of the guinea pig spinal cord. These activities were compared using unlesioned animals and others with a lesion on the right side of the spinal cord. Partial cordotomy (segment C5) produced a heavy loss of descending fibers, a small loss of primary sensory fibers, and a depression of the uptake and the Ca2+ -dependent, electrically evoked release of D-aspartate ipsilateral and caudal to the lesion. Contralaterally, there was a moderate loss of corticospinal fibers, some loss of other descending axons, and a depression of D-aspartate release. Dorsal rhizotomy (segments C4-T1) produced a heavy loss of primary sensory fibers ipsilateral to the lesion. Ipsilaterally, but not contralaterally, the uptake and release of D-aspartate were depressed. Degeneration after partial cordotomy in combination with dorsal rhizotomy was assumed to be the sum of that produced by each lesion separately. This combined lesion depressed D-aspartate uptake ipsilaterally and depressed D-aspartate release on both sides of the cervical enlargement. None of the lesions altered the uptake and the evoked release of [3H]GABA. These findings support the hypothesis that the synaptic endings of one or more neural tracts descending from the brain to the spinal cord mediate the uptake and release of D-aspartate and, therefore, may use L-glutamate or L-aspartate as a transmitter.  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of tPA after SCI in rats and effect of treatment with human umbilical cord blood derived stem cells. tPA expression and activity were determined in vivo after SCI in rats and in vitro in rat embryonic spinal neurons in response to injury with staurosporine, hydrogen peroxide and glutamate. The activity and/or expression of tPA increased after SCI and reached peak levels on day 21 post-SCI. Notably, the tPA mRNA activity was upregulated by 310-fold compared to controls on day 21 post-SCI. As expected, MBP expression is minimal at the time of peak tPA activity and vice versa. Implantation of hUCB after SCI resulted in the downregulation of elevated tPA activity/expression in vivo in rats as well as in vitro in spinal neurons. Our results demonstrated the involvement of tPA in the secondary pathogenesis after SCI as well as the therapeutic potential of hUCB.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine if L-glutamate and/or L-aspartate may be transmitters of dorsal sensory neurons. The uptake and the electrically evoked release of D-[3H]aspartate, a putative marker for L-glutamate and L-aspartate, were measured in the cervical enlargement (segments C4-T1) of the guinea pig spinal cord before and after cutting dorsal roots C5-T1 on the right side. The uptake and the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) also were measured as indices of the integrity of GABAergic neurons in the spinal cord. The cervical enlargement was excised and divided into left and right halves, then into dorsal and ventral quadrants. Quadrants from unlesioned animals took up D-aspartate and GABA, achieving concentrations in the tissues which were 14-25 times that in the medium. Subsequently, electrical stimulation evoked a Ca2+-dependent release of D-aspartate and of GABA. The uptake and release of D-aspartate and GABA were similar in tissues taken from intact and sham-operated animals. However, dorsal rhizotomy, without damage to dorsal radicular or spinal blood vessels, depressed the uptake (by 22-29%) and the release (by 50%) of D-aspartate only in quadrants ipsilateral to the lesion. The uptake and the release of GABA were unchanged. In transverse sections of the cervical enlargement, stained to reveal degenerating fibers, by far the heaviest loss of axons occurred in the cuneate fasciculus and in the gray matter ipsilateral to the cut dorsal roots. These findings suggest that the synaptic endings of dorsal sensory neurons probably mediate the uptake and the release of D-aspartate and, therefore, may use L-glutamate or L-aspartate as a transmitter. When spinal blood vessels were damaged during dorsal rhizotomy, the deficits in D-aspartate uptake and release were larger than those in the absence of vascular damage and were accompanied by deficits in GABA uptake and release. These findings imply that vascular damage results in the loss of intraspinal neurons, some of which probably mediate the uptake and release of D-aspartate and, therefore, may use L-glutamate and/or L-aspartate as a transmitter.  相似文献   

In slices obtained from the ventral and the dorsal guinea pig spinal cord both forskolin and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) caused a dose-dependent stimulation of the production of cyclic AMP. By contrast capsaicin stimulated cyclic AMP formation only in the dorsal cord; no effect was observed in the ventral cord. The alpha 2-adrenergic agonist UK-14,304 dose-dependently inhibited the production of cyclic AMP in both the dorsal and ventral aspects of the cord when the formation of cyclic AMP had been stimulated with 3 microM forskolin, the maximal inhibition amounting to 25-32%. Also the basal (i.e., unstimulated) production of cyclic AMP was inhibited, the inhibition amounting to about 16-18%. However, after stimulation of cyclic AMP formation in the dorsal cord with capsaicin, UK-14,304 was virtually ineffective in inhibiting the accumulation of cyclic AMP. Also, when the formation of cyclic AMP was stimulated with VIP, UK-14,304 was virtually ineffective in inhibiting the formation of cyclic AMP both in the ventral and the dorsal parts of the cord. When cyclic AMP production had been stimulated with forskolin the ability of UK-14,304 to inhibit the formation of cyclic AMP was not attenuated by capsaicin, either in the ventral or in the dorsal cord. The results are discussed with the notion that cyclic AMP inhibitory spinal cord alpha 2-adrenoceptors are located on cells accessible to stimulation of cyclic AMP with forskolin but not with capsaicin or VIP.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine if L-glutamate and L-aspartate may be transmitters of the guinea pig corticospinal tract. Unilateral ablations were made of the frontal and parietal neocortex which destroyed most of the motor and somatosensory areas in the right cerebral hemisphere. In lesioned animals, transverse sections of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord (segments C6--T1) were stained to reveal degenerating fibers. Degeneration of axons first appeared 4 days after surgery, reached a maximum on the seventh day, and began to wane by the ninth day. The most prominent loss of axons appeared deep in the dorsal funiculus and in laminae IV-IX of the gray matter contralateral to the cortical lesion. Ipsilaterally, there was very sparse degeneration of fibers in the dorsal and ventral funiculi and in the spinal gray matter. The uptake and release of D-[3H]aspartate, a putative nonmetabolizable marker for L-glutamate and L-aspartate, were measured in dissected quadrants of the cervical enlargement taken from intact and lesioned animals. The uptake and the electrically evoked, Ca2+-dependent release of D-[3H]aspartate were depressed by 29-35% at 4 and 7 days after surgery, but only in tissue that was contralateral to the cortical ablation. The lesion had no effect on the uptake and release of exogenous gamma-[14C]aminobutyric acid, which were measured as indices of the postlesion integrity of neurons in the spinal gray matter. These findings suggest that the synaptic endings of corticospinal fibers probably mediate the uptake and release of D-[3H]aspartate and, therefore, may use L-glutamate and/or L-aspartate as a transmitter.  相似文献   

The Wobbler mouse (wr) is a mutant that exhibits loss of anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and brainstem and subsequent muscle wasting, particularly of the forelimbs and neck. The wr mice, 2-3 months of age, were found to have increased levels of immunoreactive-thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (ir-TRH) in the spinal cord and pons and medulla, but not in other CNS areas. This increase was observed in dorsal and ventral cord and at cervical, thoracic, and lumbar levels and was confirmed by HPLC to be authentic TRH. The levels of immunoreactive-somatostatin, -neurotensin, and -substance P were not raised in the CNS of wr mice. The activities of two peptidases capable of degrading TRH, pyroglutamylaminopeptidase (PGAP, EC and proline endopeptidase (PEP, EC, and the level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were also raised in the spinal cord of 2-3-month-old wr mice although the activities of alanine aminopeptidase and lactate dehydrogenase and the level of 5-hydroxytryptamine were not. Increased spinal cord levels of ir-TRH and PGAP and PEP activities were not observed in the 1-month-old wr mice. In addition, a pilot study using spinal cord obtained at autopsy from three patients with motor neurone disease and 12 control subjects indicated no increase in spinal cord ir-TRH, PGAP, or PEP in human motor neurone disease.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the spontaneous release of endogenous glutamic acid (Glu) or aspartic acid (Asp) and the effects of Glu on the release of endogenous GABA or [3H]GABA were studied in superfused rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes. GABA increased the outflow of Glu (EC5017.2 μM) and Asp (EC50 18.4 μM). GABA was not antagonized by bicuculline or picrotoxin. Neither muscimol nor (-)-baclofen mimicked GABA. The effects of GABA were prevented by GABA uptake inhibitors and were Na+ dependent. Glu enhanced the release of [3H]GABA (EC50 11.5 μM) from cortical synaptosomes. Glu was not mimicked by the glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-d -aspartic, kainic, or quisqualic acid. The Glu effect was decreased by the Glu uptake inhibitor D-threo-hydroxyaspartic acid (THA) and it was Na+ sensitive. Similarly to Glu, D-Asp increased [3H]GABA release (EC50 9.9 μM), an effect blocked by THA. Glu also increased the release of endogenous GABA from cortex synaptosomes. In this case the effect was in part blocked by the (RS)-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaiine-2, 3-dione, whereas the 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline- 2, 3-dione-insensitive portion of the effect was prevented by THA. GABA increased the [3H]D-Asp outflow (EC50 13.7 μM) from hippocampal synaptosomes in a muscimol-, (-)- baclofen-, bicuculline-, and picrotoxin-insensitive manner. The GABA effect was abolished by blocking GABA uptake and was Na+ dependent. Glu increased the release of [3H]- GABA from hippocampal synaptosomes (EC50 7.1 μM) in an N-methyl-d -aspartic acid-, kainic acid-, or quisqualic acid-insensitive way. The effect of Glu was prevented by THA and was Na+ dependent. As in the cortex, the effect of Glu was mimicked by D-Asp in a THA-sensitive manner. It is proposed that high-affinity GABA or Glu heterocarriers are sited respectively on glutamatergic or GA- BAergic nerve terminals in rat cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The uptake of GABA may modulate Glu and Asp release, whereas the uptake of Glu may modulate the release of GABA. The existence of these heterocarriers is in keeping with the reported colocalization of GABA and Glu in some cortical and hippocampal neurons. Preliminary data suggest that these mechanisms may also be present in rat cerebellum and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Exposure to high hydrostatic pressure produces neurological changes referred to as the high-pressure nervous syndrome (HPNS). Manifestations of HPNS include tremor, EEG changes, and convulsions. These symptoms suggest an alteration in synaptic transmission, particularly with inhibitory neural pathways. Because spinal cord transmission has been implicated in HPNS, this study investigated inhibitory neurotransmitter function in the cord at high pressure. Guinea pig spinal cord synaptosome preparations were used to study the effect of compression to 67.7 atmospheres absolute on [3H]glycine and [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) release. Pressure was found to exert a significant suppressive effect on the depolarization-induced calcium-dependent release of glycine and GABA by these spinal cord presynaptic nerve terminals. This study suggests that decreased tonic inhibitory regulation at the level of the spinal cord contributes to the hyperexcitability observed in animals with compression to high pressure.  相似文献   

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