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The thrombolytic serine protease cascade is intricately involved in activation of innate immune responses. The urokinase-type plasminogen activator and receptor form complexes that aid inflammatory cell invasion at sites of arterial injury. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is a mammalian serpin that binds and regulates the urokinase receptor complex. Serp-1, a myxomaviral serpin, also targets the urokinase receptor, displaying profound anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic activity in a wide range of animal models. Serp-1 reactive center site mutations, mimicking known mammalian and viral serpins, were constructed in order to define sequences responsible for regulation of inflammation. Thrombosis, inflammation, and plaque growth were assessed after treatment with Serp-1, Serp-1 chimeras, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, or unrelated viral serpins in plasminogen activator inhibitor or urokinase receptor-deficient mouse aortic transplants. Altering the P1-P1' Arg-Asn sequence compromised Serp-1 protease-inhibitory activity and anti-inflammatory activity in animal models; P1-P1' Ala-Ala mutants were inactive, P1 Met increased remodeling, and P1' Thr increased thrombosis. Substitution of Serp-1 P2-P7 with Ala6 allowed for inhibition of urokinase but lost plasmin inhibition, unexpectedly inducing a diametrically opposed, proinflammatory response with mononuclear cell activation, thrombosis, and aneurysm formation (p < 0.03). Other serpins did not reproduce Serp-1 activity; plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 increased thrombosis (p < 0.0001), and unrelated viral serpin, CrmA, increased inflammation. Deficiency of urokinase receptor in mouse transplants blocked Serp-1 and chimera activity, in some cases increasing inflammation. In summary, 1) Serp-1 anti-inflammatory activity is highly dependent upon the reactive center loop sequence, and 2) plasmin inhibition is central to anti-inflammatory activity.  相似文献   

The last step of heparin biosynthesis is thought to involve the action of 3-O-sulfotransferase resulting in the formation of an antithrombin III (ATIII) binding site required for heparin's anticoagulant activity. The isolation of a significant fraction of heparin chains without antithrombin III-binding sites and having low affinity for ATIII suggests the presence of a precursor site, lacking the 3-O-sulfate group. Porcine mucosal heparin was depolymerized into a mixture of oligosaccharides using heparin lyase. One of these oligosaccharides was derived from heparin's ATIII-binding site. In an effort to find the ATIII-binding site precursor, the structures of several minor oligosaccharides were determined. A greater than 90% recovery of oligosaccharides (on a mole and weight basis) was obtained for both unfractionated and affinity-fractionated heparins. An oligosaccharide arising from the ATIII-binding site precursor was found that comprised only 0.8 mol % of the oligosaccharide product mixture. This oligosaccharide was only slightly enriched in heparin having a low affinity for ATIII and only slightly disenriched in high affinity heparin. The small number of these ATIII-binding site precursors, found in unfractionated and fractionated heparins, suggests the existence of a low ATIII affinity heparin may not simply be the result of the incomplete action of 3-O-sulfotransferase in the final step in heparin biosynthesis. Rather these data suggest that some earlier step, involved in the formation of placement of these precursor sites, may be primarily responsible for high and low ATIII affinity heparins.  相似文献   

Chuang YJ  Swanson R  Raja SM  Bock SC  Olson ST 《Biochemistry》2001,40(22):6670-6679
Heparin has been proposed to conformationally activate the serpin, antithrombin, by making the reactive center loop P1 arginine residue accessible to proteinases. To evaluate this proposal, we determined the effect of mutating the P1 arginine on antithrombin's specificity for target and nontarget proteinases in both native and heparin-activated states of the serpin. As expected, mutation of the P1 arginine to tryptophan, histidine, leucine, and methionine converted the specificity of antithrombin from a trypsin inhibitor (k(assoc) = 2 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1)) to a chymotrypsin inhibitor (k(assoc) = 10(3)-10(5) M(-1) s(-1)). However, heparin pentasaccharide activation increased the reactivity of the P1 variants with chymotrypsin or of the wild-type inhibitor with trypsin only 2-6-fold, implying that the P1 residue had similar accessibilities to these proteinases in native and activated states. Mutation of the P1 arginine greatly reduced k(assoc) for antithrombin inhibition of thrombin and factor Xa from 40- to 5000-fold, but heparin normally accelerated the reactions of the variant antithrombins with these enzymes to make them reasonably efficient inhibitors (k(assoc) = 10(3)-10(4) M(-1) s(-1)). Fluorescence difference spectra of wild-type and P1 tryptophan variant antithrombins showed that the P1 tryptophan exhibited fluorescence properties characteristic of a solvent-exposed residue which were insignificantly affected by heparin activation. Moreover, all P1 variant antithrombins bound heparin with approximately 2-3-fold higher affinities than the wild type. These findings are consistent with the P1 mutations disrupting a P1 arginine-serpin body interaction which stabilizes the native low-heparin affinity conformation, but suggest that this interaction is of low energy and unlikely to limit the accessibility of the P1 residue. Together, these findings suggest that the P1 arginine residue is similarly accessible to proteinases in both native and heparin-activated states of the serpin and contributes similarly to the specificity of antithrombin for thrombin and factor Xa in the two serpin conformational states. Consequently, determinants other than the P1 residue are responsible for enhancing the specificity of antithrombin for the two proteinases when activated by heparin.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-1beta (IL1beta) was used as a presentation scaffold for the characterization of the reactive site loop (RSL) of the serpin alpha1-antitrypsin (A1AT), the physiological inhibitor of leukocyte elastase. A chimeric protein was generated by replacement of residues 50-53 of IL1beta, corresponding to an exposed reverse turn in IL1beta, with the 10-residue P5-P5' sequence EAIPMSIPPE from A1AT. The chimera (antitrypsin-interleukin, AT-IL) inhibits elastase specifically and also binds the IL1beta receptor. Multinuclear NMR characterization of AT-IL established that, with the exception of the inserted sequence, the structure of the IL1beta scaffold is preserved in the chimera. The structure of the inserted RSL was analyzed relative to that of the isolated 10-residue RSL peptide, which was shown to be essentially disordered in solution. The chimeric RSL was also found to be solvent exposed and conformationally mobile in comparison with the IL1beta scaffold, and there was no evidence of persisting interactions with the scaffold outside of the N- and C-terminal linkages. However, AT-IL exhibits sigificant differences in chemical shift and NOE patterns relative to the isolated RSL that are consistent with local features of non-random structure. The proximity of these features to the P1-P1' residues suggests that they may be responsible for the inhibitory activity of the chimera.  相似文献   

1. The putative equivalent of the human major plasma serpin (alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor or alpha 1-antitrypsin) in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) has been further characterized by structural (peptide and immunopeptide mapping and sequence studies) and functional analyses revealing close homology of the wallaby proteins to human alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor. 2. A sixth allele, Pi J, was detected and its products characterized in terms of pI, Mr, inhibitory spectra and terminal sialic acid content. 3. A recently-developed electrophoretic in situ oxidation/binding method was adapted to provide protein suitable for sequence analysis of the N-terminus and reactive site region including assignment of the P1 and P'1 residues. 4. All sequence analyses were performed on proteins or peptides (approximately Mr 3500) blotted onto polybrene treated GF/C or polyvinylidene difluoride membrane respectively. 5. The P5 to P'4 residues of the reactive centre are identical with those of the human inhibitor thereby allowing the wallaby inhibitor also to be classified as a METserpin. 6. The P1 methionine is presumably responsible for the oxidation sensitivity observed in the electrophoretic in situ functional assay for the wallaby inhibitor. 7. The plasma concentration of the wallaby inhibitor is similar to that reported for human alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that exosites in antithrombin outside the P6-P3' reactive loop region become available upon heparin activation to promote rapid inhibition of the target proteases, factor Xa and factor IXa. To identify these exosites, we prepared six antithrombin-alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor chimeras in which antithrombin residues 224-286 and 310-322 that circumscribe a region surrounding the reactive loop on the inhibitor surface were replaced in 10-16-residue segments with the homologous segments of alpha1-proteinase inhibitor. All chimeras bound heparin with a high affinity similar to wild-type, underwent heparin-induced fluorescence changes indicative of normal conformational activation, and were able to form SDS-stable complexes with thrombin, factor Xa, and factor IXa and inhibit these proteases with stoichiometries minimally altered from those of wild-type antithrombin. With only one exception, conformational activation of the chimeras with a heparin pentasaccharide resulted in normal approximately 100-300-fold enhancements in reactivity with factor Xa and factor IXa. The exception was the chimera in which residues 246-258 were replaced, corresponding to strand 3 of beta-sheet C, which showed little or no enhancement of its reactivity with these proteases following pentasaccharide activation. By contrast, all chimeras including the strand 3C chimera showed essentially wild-type reactivities with thrombin after pentasaccharide activation as well as normal full-length heparin enhancements in reactivity with all proteases due to heparin bridging. These findings suggest that antithrombin exosites responsible for enhancing the rates of factor Xa and factor IXa inhibition in the conformationally activated inhibitor lie in strand 3 of beta-sheet C of the serpin.  相似文献   

Antithrombin (AT), a serine protease inhibitor, circulates in blood in two major isoforms, α and β, which differ in their amount of glycosylation and affinity for heparin. After binding to this glycosaminoglycan, the native AT conformation, relatively inactive as a protease inhibitor, is converted to an activated form. In this process, β‐AT presents the higher affinity for heparin, being suggested as the major AT glycoform inhibitor in vivo. However, either the molecular basis demonstrating the differences in heparin binding to both AT isoforms or the mechanism of its conformational activation are not fully understood. Thus, the present work evaluated the effects of glycosylation and heparin binding on AT structure, function, and dynamics. Based on the obtained data, besides the native and activated forms of AT, an intermediate state, previously proposed to exist between such conformations, was also spontaneously observed in solution. Additionally, Asn135‐linked oligosaccharide caused a bending in AT‐bounded heparin, moving such polysaccharide away from helix D, which supports its reduced affinity for α‐AT. The obtained data supported the proposal of an atomic‐level, solvent and amino acid residues accounting, putative model for the transmission of the conformational signal from heparin binding exosite to β‐sheet A and the reactive center loop, also supporting the identification of differences in such transmission between the serpin glycoforms involving helix D, where the Asn135‐linked oligosaccharide stands. Such intramolecular rearrangements, together with heparin dynamics over AT surface, may support an atomic‐level explanation for the Asn135‐linked glycan influence over heparin binding and AT activation. Proteins 2011; © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Porcine mucosal heparin was fragmented into low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin by treatment of periodate-oxidized heparin with sodium hydroxide, followed by reduction with sodium borohydride and acid hydrolysis. Gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed a mixture of heparin fragments with an average size of eight disaccharide units. 1D 1H NMR showed two-thirds of the N-acetyl groups were lost on periodate cleavage, suggesting cleavage had occurred at the glucopyranosyluronic acid (GlcpA) and idopyranosyluronic acid (IdopA) residues located within and adjacent to the antithrombin III (ATIII) binding site. The N-acetyl glucopyranose (GlcpNAc) residue was lost on workup. The GlcpA residue, within the ATIII binding site, is on the non-reducing side of the N-sulfo, 3, 6-O-sulfo glycopyranosylamine (GlcpNS3S6S) residue. Thus, periodate cleaved heparin should be enriched in GlcpNS3S6S residues. Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D COSY) confirmed that LMW heparin prepared through periodate cleavage contained GlcpNS3S6S at its non-reducing end. As expected, this LMW heparin also showed reduced ATIII mediated anti-factor IIa and anti-factor Xa activities.  相似文献   

A heparin-binding peptide within antithrombin III (ATIII) was identified by digestion of ATIII with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease followed by purification on reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography using a C-4 column matrix. The column fractions were assayed for their ability to bind heparin by ligand blotting with 125I-fluoresceinamine-heparin as previously described (Smith, J. W., and Knauer, D. J. (1987) Anal. Biochem. 160, 105-114). This analysis identified at least three fractions with heparin binding ability of which the peptide eluting at 25.4 min gave the strongest signal. Amino acid sequence analysis of this peptide gave a partially split sequence which was consistent with regions encompassing amino acids 89-96 and 114-156. These amino acids are present in a 1:1 molar ratio which is consistent with a disulfide linkage between Cys-95 and Cys-128. High affinity heparin competed more effectively for the binding of 125I-fluoresceinamine-heparin to this peptide than low affinity heparin. Chondroitin sulfate did not block the binding of 125I-fluoresceinamine-heparin to the peptide. These data strongly suggest that the isolated peptide represents a native heparin-binding region within intact ATIII. Computer generation of a plot of running charge density of ATIII confirms that the region encompassing amino acid residues 123-141 has the highest positive charge density within the molecule. A hydropathy plot of ATIII was generated using a method similar to that of Kyte and Doolittle (Kyte, J., and Doolittle, R. F. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 157, 105-132). This plot indicates that amino acid residues 126-140 are exposed to the exterior surface of the molecule. Based on these data, we suggest that the region corresponding to amino acid residues 114-156 is a likely site for the physiological heparin-binding domain of ATIII. We also conclude that the proposed disulfide bridges within the protein are suspect and should be re-examined (Petersen, T. E., Dudek-Wojiechowska, G., Sottrup-Jensen, L., and Magnussun, S. (1979) in The Physiological Inhibitors of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (Collen, D., Wiman, B., and Verstaeta, M., eds) pp. 43-54, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam).  相似文献   

A peptide model for the heparin binding site of antithrombin III (ATIII) was synthesized to elucidate the structural consequences of heparin binding. This peptide [ATIII(123-139)] and a sequence-permuted analogue (ATIII random) showed similar conformational behavior (as analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy) in aqueous and organic media. In the presence of heparin, however, the peptide ATIII(123-139) assumed a stable conformation, whereas peptide ATIII random did not. Complex formation was saturable and sensitive to salt. The ATIII(123-139)-heparin complex contained beta-structure, rather than helical structure. This finding is incompatible with current models of heparin binding and suggests that heparin binding may induce nonnative structures at the binding site which could, in turn, lead to activation of ATIII. The peptide ATIII(123-139) was able to inhibit the binding of ATIII by heparin, consistent with the notion that this peptide may be a model for the heparin binding site.  相似文献   

We investigate the hypothesis that heparin activates antithrombin (AT) by relieving electrostatic strain within helix D. Mutation of residues K125 and R129 to either Ala or Glu abrogated heparin binding, but did not activate AT towards inhibition of factors IXa or Xa. However, substitution of residues C-terminal to helix D (R132 and K133) to Ala had minimal effect on heparin affinity but resulted in appreciable activation. We conclude that charge neutralization or reversal in the heparin binding site does not drive the activating conformational change of AT, and that the role of helix D elongation is to stabilize the activated state.  相似文献   

The recent crystallographic structure of a serpin-protease complex revealed that protease inactivation results from a disruption of the catalytic site architecture caused by the displacement of the catalytic serine. We hypothesize that inhibition depends on the length of the N-terminal portion of the reactive center loop, to which the active serine is covalently attached. To test this, alpha(1)-antitrypsin Pittsburgh variants were prepared with lengthened and shortened reactive center loops. The rates of inhibition of factor Xa and of complex dissociation were measured. The addition of one residue reduced the stability of the complex more than 200,000-fold, and the addition of two residues reduced it by more than 1,000,000-fold, whereas the deletion of one or two residues lowered the efficiency of inhibition and increased the stability of the complex (2-fold). The deletion of more than two residues completely converted the serpin into a substrate. Similar results were obtained for the alpha(1)-antitrypsin variants with thrombin and for PAI-1 and PAI-2 with their common target tissue plasminogen activator. We conclude that the length of the serpin reactive center loop is critical for its mechanism of inhibition and is precisely regulated to balance the efficiency of inhibition and stability of the final complex.  相似文献   

The serine protease inhibitor antithrombin undergoes extensive conformational changes during functional interaction with its target proteases. Changes include insertion of the reactive loop region into a beta-sheet structure in the protein core. We explore the possibility that these changes are linked to water transfer. Volumes of water transferred during inhibition of coagulation factor Xa are compared to water-permeable volumes in the x-ray structure of two different antithrombin conformers. In one conformer, the reactive loop is largely exposed to solvent, and in the other, the loop is inserted. Hydration fingerprints of antithrombin (that is, water-permeable pockets) are analyzed to determine their location, volume, and size of access pores, using alpha shape-based methods from computational geometry. Water transfer during reactions is calculated from changes in rate with osmotic pressure. Hydration fingerprints prove markedly different in the two conformers. There is an excess of 61-76 water molecules in loop-exposed as compared to loop-inserted conformers. Quantitatively, rate increases with osmotic pressure are consistent with the transfer of 73 +/- 7 water molecules. This study demonstrates that conformational changes of antithrombin, including loop insertion, are linked to water transfer from antithrombin to bulk solution. It also illustrates the combined use of osmotic stress and analytical geometry as a new and effective tool for structure/function studies.  相似文献   

The partial amino acid sequence of porcine elastase II, isolated from crude trypsin Type II, was determined. The enzyme consists of two polypeptide chains, a light chain composed of 11 residues, and a heavy chain (Mr = 23 500) with four intrachain disulfide bridges; the two chains are held together by one interchain disulfide bond. Elastase II was fragmented into several peptides by chemical cleavages with CNBr at the two methionine residues, 99 and 180 (chymotrypsinogen numbering), and with hydroxylamine at the peptide bond following DIP-Ser195. About 50% of the sequence was determined and the positions of 120 amino acids were located, including the light chain residues and most of the active site residues. The partial sequence shows 64% difference between porcine elastase II and elastase I and only 26% difference between porcine elastase II and bovine chymotrypsin B.  相似文献   

The poor inhibitory activity of circulating antithrombin (AT) is critical to the formation of blood clots at sites of vascular damage. AT becomes an efficient inhibitor of the coagulation proteases only after binding to a specific heparin pentasaccharide, which alters the conformation of the reactive center loop (RCL). The molecular basis of this activation event lies at the heart of the regulation of hemostasis and accounts for the anticoagulant properties of the low molecular weight heparins. Although several structures of AT have been solved, the conformation of the RCL in native AT remains unknown because of the obligate crystal contact between the RCL of native AT and its latent counterpart. Here we report the crystallographic structure of a variant of AT in its monomeric native state. The RCL shifted approximately 20 A, and a salt bridge was observed between the P1 residue (Arg-393) and Glu-237. This contact explains the effect of mutations at the P1 position on the affinity of AT for heparin and also the properties of AT-Truro (E237K). The relevance of the observed conformation was verified through mutagenesis studies and by solving structures of the same variant in different crystal forms. We conclude that the poor inhibitory activity of the circulating form of AT is partially conferred by intramolecular contacts that restrain the RCL, orient the P1 residue away from attacking proteases, and additionally block the exosite utilized in protease recognition.  相似文献   

Heparin activates the primary serpin inhibitor of blood clotting proteinases, antithrombin, both by an allosteric conformational change mechanism that specifically enhances factor Xa inactivation and by a ternary complex bridging mechanism that promotes the inactivation of thrombin and other target proteinases. To determine whether the factor Xa specificity of allosterically activated antithrombin is encoded in the reactive center loop sequence, we attempted to switch this specificity by mutating the P6-P3' proteinase binding sequence excluding P1-P1' to a more optimal thrombin recognition sequence. Evaluation of 12 such antithrombin variants showed that the thrombin specificity of the serpin allosterically activated by a heparin pentasaccharide could be enhanced as much as 55-fold by changing P3, P2, and P2' residues to a consensus thrombin recognition sequence. However, at most 9-fold of the enhanced thrombin specificity was due to allosteric activation, the remainder being realized without activation. Moreover, thrombin specificity enhancements were attenuated to at most 5-fold with a bridging heparin activator. Surprisingly, none of the reactive center loop mutations greatly affected the factor Xa specificity of the unactivated serpin or the several hundred-fold enhancement in factor Xa specificity due to activation by pentasaccharide or bridging heparins. Together, these results suggest that the specificity of both native and heparin-activated antithrombin for thrombin and factor Xa is only weakly dependent on the P6-P3' residues flanking the primary P1-P1' recognition site in the serpin-reactive center loop and that heparin enhances serpin specificity for both enzymes through secondary interaction sites outside the P6-P3' region, which involve a bridging site on heparin in the case of thrombin and a previously unrecognized exosite on antithrombin in the case of factor Xa.  相似文献   

Peptide mimics of the Bowman-Birk inhibitor reactive site loop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bowman-Birk Inhibitors (BBIs) are small highly cross-linked proteins that typically display an almost symmetrical "double-headed" structure. Each "head" contains an independent proteinase binding domain. The realization that one BBI molecule could form a 1:1:1 complex with two enzymes led early workers to dissect this activity. Now, after three decades of research, it has been possible to isolate the antiproteinase activity as small ( approximately 11 residues), cyclic, synthetic peptides, which display most of the functional aspects of the protein. More recently, it has been found that these peptide fragments are not just a synthetic curiosity-a natural 14-residue cyclic peptide (SFTI-1), which too encapsulates the BBI inhibitory motif, is found to occur in sunflowers. This article reviews the properties of BBI-based peptides (including SFTI-1) and discusses the features that are important for inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Alignment of the heparin-activated serpins indicates the presence of two binding sites for heparin: a small high-affinity site on the D-helix corresponding in size to the minimal pentasaccharide heparin, and a longer contiguous low-affinity site extending to the reactive center pole of the molecule. Studies of the complexing of antithrombin and its variants with heparin fractions and with reactive center loop peptides including intermolecular loop-sheet polymers all support a 3-fold mechanism for the heparin activation of antithrombin. Binding to the pentasaccharide site induces a conformational change as measured by circular dichroism. Accompanying this, the reactive center becomes more accessible to proteolytic cleavage and there is a 100-fold increase in the kass for factor Xa but only a 10-fold increase for thrombin, to 6.4 x 10(4) M-1 s-1. To obtain a 100-fold increase in the kass for thrombin requires in addition a 4:1 molar ratio of disaccharide to neutralize the charge on the extended low-affinity site. Full activation requires longer heparin chains in order to stabilize the ternary complex between antithrombin and thrombin. Thus, addition of low-affinity but high molecular weight heparin in conjunction with pentasaccharide gives an overall kass of 2.7 x 10(6) M-1 s-1, close to that of maximal heparin activation.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of acrolein, an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde that causes adduct-modification of lysine, cysteine, and histidine residues, on antithrombin, a key anticoagulant serpin. Intrinsic fluorescence, functionality (anti-FXa and anti-IIa activity), heparin affinity and conformational features of plasma and purified antithrombin were evaluated. In vivo experiments were carried out in mice. Intrinsic fluorescence showed a two-step conformational change. Acrolein, even at low dose, impaired the anticoagulant function of purified antithrombin by affecting its heparin affinity. However, higher concentrations of acrolein and long incubations are required to cause mild functional effects on plasma antithrombin and mice.  相似文献   

The conformation in solution of the pentasaccharide methyl glycoside (As-G-A*-Is-AM; 1), which represents the binding site of heparin for Antithrombin III, has been investigated using molecular mechanics and 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy. The pentasaccharide has a rather rigid (As-G-A*) and a more flexible (Is-AM) region. A simplified model of 1, comprising two conformations, corresponding to the 1C4 and the 2S0 forms of the iduronate residue, and modified at the G-A* glycosidic linkage with respect to the energy minimum, reproduces most of the observed 3J values and n.O.e. enhancements. The possible role in the binding to Antithrombin III of a low-energy conformer, not observed in solution, is discussed.  相似文献   

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