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Embryonic stem (ES) cells are capable of differentiating into all embryonic and adult cell types following mouse chimera production. Although injection of diploid ES cells into tetraploid blastocysts suggests that tetraploid cells have a selective disadvantage in the developing embryo, tetraploid hybrid cells, formed by cell fusion between ES cells and somatic cells, have been reported to contribute to mouse chimeras. In addition, other examples of apparent stem cell plasticity have recently been shown to be the result of cell fusion. Here we investigate whether ES cells contribute to mouse chimeras through a cell fusion mechanism. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis for X and Y chromosomes was performed on dissociated tissues from embryonic, neonatal, and adult wild-type, and chimeric mice to follow the ploidy distributions of cells from various tissues. FISH analysis showed that the ploidy distributions in dissociated tissues, notably the tetraploid cell number, did not differ between chimeric and wild-type tissues. To address the possibility that early cell fusion events are hidden by subsequent reductive divisions or other changes in cell ploidy, we injected Z/EG (lacZ/EGFP) ES cells into ACTB-cre blastocysts. Recombination can only occur as the result of cell fusion, and the recombined allele should persist through any subsequent changes in cell ploidy. We did not detect evidence of fusion in embryonic chimeras either by direct fluorescence microscopy for GFP or by PCR amplification of the recombined Z/EG locus on genomic DNA from ACTB-cre::Z/EG chimeric embryos. Our results argue strongly against cell fusion as a mechanism by which ES cells contribute to chimeras.  相似文献   

Pax6 has been implicated in cerebellar granule cell development, however the neonatal lethality of the Sey/Sey mutant has precluded a more detailed study of this late developing neuronal type. In this study we use experimental mouse chimeras made from wildtype and Pax6-null embryos to circumvent early lethality and assess the developmental potential of mutant cells in the construction of the cerebellum. We have identified the granule cell as a direct target of mutant gene action, with glia and Purkinje cells being affected in what is largely a non-cell autonomous manner.Most dramatically, in postnatal day 21 (P21) chimeras, mutant cells are largely absent in the anterior and posterior cerebellum while present in central lobules, but amidst disorganized cerebellar architecture. Analysis of P0/1 and P10 chimeras demonstrates a profound temporally based defect where mutant cells colonize the anterior and posterior EGL but fail to migrate to the IGL. Mutant granule cells in the central lobules can reach the IGL in an abnormal manner, with large streams of cells forming raphes through the molecular layer.These studies provide new insights into the role of Pax6 in postnatal cerebellar development that pinpoint the granule cell as an intrinsic target of the mutant gene and key events in the life of the developing granule cell that depend upon normal Pax6 expression.  相似文献   

Systematic elimination of parthenogenetic cells in mouse chimeras   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The developmental potential of primitive ectoderm cells lacking paternal chromosomes was investigated by examining the distribution of parthenogenetic cells in chimeras. Using GPI-1 allozymes as marker, parthenogenetic cells were detected in most organs and tissues in adult chimeras. However, these cells were under severe selective pressure compared with cells from normal fertilized embryos. In the majority of chimeras, parthenogenetic cells in individual animals were observed in a limited number of tissues and organs and, even in these instances, their contribution was substantially reduced. Nevertheless, parthenogenetic cells were detected more consistently in some organs, especially the brain, heart, kidney and spleen. In contrast, there was apparently a systematic selection against parthenogenetic cells in some tissues, most notably in skeletal muscle, liver and pancreas. These results suggest that paternally derived genes are probably required not only for the development of extraembryonic structures but also for subsequent development of embryonic tissues derived from the primitive ectoderm lineage.  相似文献   

To asses the potential of androgenetic cells to participate in post-midgestation fetal development we have made use of an in situ detectable cell lineage marker in the analysis of chimeric mouse fetuses containing an androgenetic cell lineage. Our results show conclusively that androgenetic cells participate in the formation of derivatives of all lineages and in some tissues may contribute the majority of the total cell population. However, the allocation or persistence of androgenetic cells was non-random. High contribution of androgenetic cells was observed in brown adipose tissue, mesenchyme, smooth muscle, perichondrium, peripheral nerves and epithelia of the intestinal tract and the trachea. Thus, androgenetic cells were able to efficiently populate mesodermal, ectodermal and endodermal derivatives. In contrast, there was a clear prejudice against androgenetic cells in the brain.  相似文献   

The production of mouse chimeras is a common step in the establishment of genetically modified animal strains. Chimeras also provide a powerful experimental tool for following cell behavior during both prenatal and postnatal development. This protocol outlines a simple and economical technique for the production of large numbers of mouse chimeras using traditional diploid morula<-->diploid embryonic stem (ES) cell aggregations. Additional steps are included to describe the procedures necessary to produce specialized tetraploid chimeras using tetraploid morula<-->diploid ES cell aggregations. This increasingly popular form of chimera produces embryos of nearly complete ES cell derivation that can be used to speed transgenic production or ask developmental questions. Using this protocol, mouse chimeras can be generated and transferred to pseudopregnant surrogate mothers in a 5-d period.  相似文献   

Although recent studies have revealed that germline stem cells (GSCs) exist in the mouse postnatal ovary, how to efficiently obtain GSCs for regenerating neo-oogenesis is still a technical challenge. Here, we report that using in situ tissue culture we can efficiently accumulate large amounts of proliferating germ-like cells from mouse postnatal ovaries. Usually, more than 10,000 germ-like cells can be derived from one ovary by this method, and over 20% of these cells can grow into germ-like cells with self-renewal, which thus can serve as a good cell pool to isolate GSCs by other cell assorting methods such as FACS. This method is simple and time-saving, which should be useful for in future studies on mouse GSCs.  相似文献   

General belief in reproductive biology is that in most mammals female germ line stem cells are differentiated to primary oocytes during fetal development and oogenesis starts from a pool of primordial follicles after birth. This idea has been challenged previously by using follicle kinetics studies and demonstration of mitotically active germ cells in the postnatal mouse ovary (Johnson et al., 2004; Kerr et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2008). However, the existence of a population of self-renewing ovarian germ line stem cells in postnatal mammals is still controversial (Eggan et al., 2006; Telfer et al., 2005; Gosden, 2004). Recently, production of offspring from a germ line stem cell line derived from the neonatal mouse ovary was reported (Zou et al., 2009). This report strongly supports the existence of germ line stem cells and their ability to expand in vitro. Recently, using a transgenic mouse model in which GFP is expressed under a germ cell-specific Oct-4 promoter, we isolated and generated multipotent cell lines from male germ line stem cells (Izadyar et al., 2008). Using the same strategy we isolated and derived cell lines from postnatal mouse ovary. Interestingly, ovarian germ line stem cells expanded in the same culture conditions as the male suggesting that they have similar requirements for their self-renewal. After 1 year of culture and many passages, ovarian germ line stem cells maintained their characteristics and telomerase activity, expressed germ cell and stem cell markers and revealed normal karyotype. As standard protocol for differentiation induction, these cells were aggregated and their ability to form embryoid bodies (EBs) was investigated. EBs generated in the presence of growth factors showed classical morphology and expressed specific markers for three germ layers. However, in the absence of growth promoting factors EBs were smaller and large cells with the morphological and molecular characteristics of oocytes were formed. This study shows the existence of a population of germ line stem cell in postnatal mouse ovary with multipotent characteristics.  相似文献   

Germ line stem cell competition in postnatal mouse testes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Niche is believed to affect stem cell behavior. In self-renewing systems for which functional transplantation assays are available, it has long been assumed that stem cells are fixed in the niche and that ablative treatments to remove endogenous stem cells are required for successful donor engraftment. Our results demonstrate that enriched populations of donor stem cells can produce long-lasting spermatogenic colonies in testes of immature and mature, nonablated mice, albeit at a lower frequency than in ablated mice. Colonization of nonablated recipient testes by neonate, pup, and cryptorchid adult donor spermatogonial stem cells demonstrates that competition for niche begins soon after birth and that endogenous stem cells influence the degree and pattern of donor cell colonization. Thus, a dynamic relationship between stem cell and niche exists in the testis, as has been suggested for hematopoiesis. Therefore, similar competitive properties of donor stem cells may be characteristic of all self-renewing systems.  相似文献   

The properties of androgenetic cells and their ability to proliferate and differentiate were examined in post-midgestation chimeras. In several tissues, namely the brain, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and intestinal epithelium, the rate of proliferation of androgenetic cells was higher than that of normal cells in day 13 embryos. This higher rate of proliferation was however less pronounced by day 17–18 of development. It is possible that IGF2, a major growth factor regulating fetal growth, could play a role in the increased proliferation of androgenetic cells. Igf2 is also an imprinted gene that is expressed only when inherited paternally. Indeed, in the smooth muscle, cartilage and intestinal epithelium, patches of androgenetic (ag) cells exhibited higher levels of IGF2 mRNA than neighbouring wild-type cells. Surprisingly, we also detected expression of Igf2 in ag cells of ectodermal origin; this gene is not normally expressed in this lineage. This expression was observed in the brain, epidermis and in the epithelium of the tongue. We attempted to confirm the identity and differentiation status of ag cells with the help of cell-type specific antibodies and lectins. Evidence for only one of the cell types analysed, i.e. the goblet cells of the gut, suggests a delay or aberrant differentiation of ag cells.  相似文献   

Murine chimeras provide an experimental system in which cell lineage analysis of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) can be accomplished. Utilizing a cell marker system that permits the identification of cells of each genotype in various cell populations present in histologic sections of the CNS at different developmental periods, fate maps of the mammalian CNS can be constructed. Thus, the presence or persistence of clones of cells can be readily visualized in simply organized CNS regions, like the cerebellar cortex. The electrophoretic variants of the glycolytic enzyme, glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI, E.C.; GPI-1A, GPI-1B), are the genotype-specific cell markers most commonly used by experimental mammalian embryologists in studies of cell lineage utilizing mammalian chimeras. We have adapted this cell marker system to permit the visualization and unequivocal identification of cells containing the GPI-1B variant throughout the CNS of adult BALBcByJ a3 C57BL6J chimeric mice. Utilizing allozyme-specific anti-GPI-1B antisera in immunocytochemical (PAP) staining techniques, we can score small as well as large cell populations, neurons as well as glia. We have reconstructed and statistically analyzed the location and distribution of chimerism present in the Purkinje cell population of four of these chimeric mice. We found the Purkinje cells in each of these animals existed as small (3–8) cell patches of like genotype that were not randomly arranged. This suggests that clones of cells may persist as contiguous groups of cells throughout mammalian cerebellar development.  相似文献   

High-grade transgenic somatic chimeras from chicken embryonic stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Male and female embryonic stem (ES) cell lines were derived from the area pellucidae of Stage X (EG&K) chicken embryos. These ES cell lines were grown in culture for extended periods of time and the majority of the cells retained a diploid karyotype. When reintroduced into Stage VI-X (EG&K) recipient embryos, the cES cells were able to contribute to all somatic tissues. By combining irradiation of the recipient embryo with exposure of the cES cells to the embryonic environment in diapause, a high frequency and extent of chimerism was obtained. High-grade chimeras, indistinguishable from the donor phenotype by feather pigmentation, were produced. A transgene encoding GFP was incorporated into the genome of cES cells under control of the ubiquitous promoter CX and GFP was widely expressed in somatic tissues. Although cES cells made extensive contributions to the somatic tissues, contribution to the germline was not observed.  相似文献   

The inviability of diploid androgenetic and parthenogenetic embryos suggests imprinting of paternal and maternal genes during germ cell development, and differential expression of loci depending on parental inheritance appears to be involved. To facilitate identification of imprinted genes, we have derived diploid androgenetic embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. In contrast to normal ES cells, they form tumors composed almost entirely of striated muscle when injected subcutaneously into adult mice. They also form chimeras following blastocyst injection, although many chimeras die at early postnatal stages. Surviving chimeras develop skeletal abnormalities, particularly in the rib cartilage. These results demonstrate that androgenetic ES cells are pluripotent and point to stage- and cell-specific expression of developmentally important imprinted genes.  相似文献   

The developmental capability of haploid parthenogenetic cells was investigated by studies on haploid parthenogenetic in equilibrium fertilized mouse chimeras. Two chimeras were born. One female chimera was smaller at birth and grew slower than its littermates. The distribution of haploid-derived cells in the chimeras was analyzed 11 months after their birth. Cells derived from haploid embryos were found only in the brain, eyes, pigment cells in hair follicles, and spleen, in which they constituted 30%, 20%, 10%, and less than 5%, respectively, of the cells. The correlation between the parthenogenetic contribution to the brain and growth retardation is discussed. All of the cells examined in these chimeric organs (brain and eyes) contained a diploid amount of DNA, suggesting that diploidization of the haploid parthenogenetic cells occurred during development. Possibly, the haploid state is not sufficient for cell growth, even in chimeras with fertilized embryos.  相似文献   

A euploid testicular teratocarcinoma line, STT-3, has been established from a tumor spontaneously occurring in the testis of a 129/Sv-ter male. Developmental ability of the STT-3 stem cells was tested by injecting these cells into mouse blastocysts. The frequency and the extent of chimerism were examined in mid-gestational fetuses and in live-born mice. STT-3 stem cells form viable chimeras at a high rate and differentiate into normal tissues. This is the first reported testicular teratocarcinoma-derived stem line with a proven capacity to form viable chimeric mice upon injection into the blastocysts.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in mammalian systems that techniques using embryonal stem cells provide advantages over conventional injection of DNA into embryos for generation of transgenic animals. We employed cell culture approaches in an attempt to develop this technology for fish transgenesis. Using a trout embryo-derived mitogenic preparation in a specialized culture medium, we initiated replication of zebrafish blastula-derived cell cultures and expressed marker genes introduced into the cells by plasmid transfection. Reintroduction of cells from the cultures into blastula-stage embryos indicated that the cultured cells survived and may contribute to the developing organism.  相似文献   

Long-term self-renewal of postnatal muscle-derived stem cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The ability to undergo self-renewal is a defining characteristic of stem cells. Self-replenishing activity sustains tissue homeostasis and regeneration. In addition, stem cell therapy strategies require a heightened understanding of the basis of the self-renewal process to enable researchers and clinicians to obtain sufficient numbers of undifferentiated stem cells for cell and gene therapy. Here, we used postnatal muscle-derived stem cells to test the basic biological assumption of unlimited stem cell replication. Muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) expanded for 300 population doublings (PDs) showed no indication of replicative senescence. MDSCs preserved their phenotype (ScaI+/CD34+/desmin(low)) for 200 PDs and were capable of serial transplantation into the skeletal muscle of mdx mice, which model Duchenne muscular dystrophy. MDSCs expanded to this level exhibited high skeletal muscle regeneration comparable with that exhibited by minimally expanded cells. Expansion beyond 200 PDs resulted in lower muscle regeneration, loss of CD34 expression, loss of myogenic activity, and increased growth on soft agar, suggestive of inevitable cell aging attributable to expansion and possible transformation of the MDSCs. Although these results raise questions as to whether cellular transformations derive from cell culturing or provide evidence of cancer stem cells, they establish the remarkable long-term self-renewal and regeneration capacity of postnatal MDSCs.  相似文献   

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