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Plant cuticles are broadly composed of two major components: polymeric cutin and a mixture of waxes, which infiltrate the cutin matrix and also accumulate on the surface, forming an epicuticular layer. Although cuticles are thought to play a number of important physiological roles, with the most important being to restrict water loss from aerial plant organs, the relative contributions of cutin and waxes to cuticle function are still not well understood. Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) fruits provide an attractive experimental system to address this question as, unlike other model plants such as Arabidopsis, they have a relatively thick astomatous cuticle, providing a poreless uniform material that is easy to isolate and handle. We identified three tomato mutants, cutin deficient 1 ( cd1 ), cd2 and cd3 , the fruit cuticles of which have a dramatic (95–98%) reduction in cutin content and substantially altered, but distinctly different, architectures. This cutin deficiency resulted in an increase in cuticle surface stiffness, and in the proportions of both hydrophilic and multiply bonded polymeric constituents. Furthermore, our data suggested that there is no correlation between the amount of cutin and the permeability of the cuticle to water, but that cutin plays an important role in protecting tissues from microbial infection. The three cd mutations were mapped to different loci, and the cloning of CD2 revealed it to encode a homeodomain protein, which we propose acts as a key regulator of cutin biosynthesis in tomato fruit.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing phenomena of fleshy fruit is the ability to maintain high water content at maturity, even following harvest. This is accomplished by a fruit cuticle that is highly impermeable to water diffusion. In this paper, we report on a novel genotype of tomato, developed via introgression from the wild species Solanum habrochaites, which is characterized by microfissuring of the fruit cuticle and dehydration of the mature fruit. The microfissure/dehydration phenotype is inherited as a single gene, termed Cwp1 (cuticular water permeability). The gene was fine mapped, and its identity was determined by map-based cloning and differential expression analysis in near-isogenic lines. Causality of the Cwp1 gene was shown by the heterologous transgenic expression of the gene in the cultivated tomato, which caused a microfissured fruit cuticle leading to dehydrated fruit. Cwp1 encodes for a protein of unidentified function in the DUF833 domain family. The gene is expressed in the fruit epidermis of the dehydrating genotype harbouring the wild-species introgression, but not in the cultivated tomato. It is expressed only in the primitive green-fruited wild tomato species, but is not expressed in the cultivated Solanum lycopersicum and the closely related Solanum cheesmaniae and Solanum pimpinellifolium, indicating a pre-adaptive role for Cwp1 silencing in the evolution and domestication of the cultivated tomato.  相似文献   

The size of tomato fruit results from the combination of cell number and cell size, which are respectively determined by the cell division and cell expansion processes. As fruit growth is mainly sustained by cell expansion, the development of fleshy pericarp tissue is characterized by numerous rounds of endoreduplication inducing a spectacular increase in DNA ploidy and mean cell size. Although a clear relationship exists between endoreduplication and cell growth in plants, the exact role of endoreduplication has not been clearly elucidated. To decipher the molecular basis of endoreduplication-associated cell growth in fruit, we investigated the putative involvement of the tomato cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor SlKRP1. We studied the kinetics of pericarp development in tomato fruit at the morphological and cytological levels, and demonstrated that endoreduplication is directly proportional to cell and fruit diameter. We established a mathematical model for tissue growth according to the number of divisions and endocycles. This model was tested in fruits where we managed to decrease the extent of endoreduplication by over-expressing SlKRP1 under the control of a fruit-specific promoter expressed during early development. Despite the fact that endoreduplication was affected, we could not observe any morphological, cytological or metabolic phenotypes, indicating that determination of cell and fruit size can be, at least conditionally, uncoupled from endoreduplication.  相似文献   

Studying development in diverse taxa can address a central issue in evolutionary biology: how morphological diversity arises through the evolution of developmental mechanisms. Two of the best-studied developmental model organisms, the arthropod Drosophila and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, have been found to belong to a single protostome superclade, the Ecdysozoa. This finding suggests that a closely related ecdysozoan phylum could serve as a valuable model for studying how developmental mechanisms evolve in ways that can produce diverse body plans. Tardigrades, also called water bears, make up a phylum of microscopic ecdysozoan animals. Tardigrades share many characteristics with C. elegans and Drosophila that could make them useful laboratory models, but long-term culturing of tardigrades historically has been a challenge, and there have been few studies of tardigrade development. Here, we show that the tardigrade Hypsibius dujardini can be cultured continuously for decades and can be cryopreserved. We report that H. dujardini has a compact genome, a little smaller than that of C. elegans or Drosophila, and that sequence evolution has occurred at a typical rate. H. dujardini has a short generation time, 13–14 days at room temperature. We have found that the embryos of H. dujardini have a stereotyped cleavage pattern with asymmetric cell divisions, nuclear migrations, and cell migrations occurring in reproducible patterns. We present a cell lineage of the early embryo and an embryonic staging series. We expect that these data can serve as a platform for using H. dujardini as a model for studying the evolution of developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has become a popular model for genetic studies of fruit flavor in the last two decades. In this article we present a study of tomato fruit flavor, including an analysis of the genetic, metabolic and sensorial variation of a collection of contemporary commercial glasshouse tomato cultivars, followed by a validation of the associations found by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of representative biparental segregating populations. This led to the identification of the major sensorial and chemical components determining fruit flavor variation and detection of the underlying QTLs. The high representation of QTL haplotypes in the breeders’ germplasm suggests that there is great potential for applying these QTLs in current breeding programs aimed at improving tomato flavor. A QTL on chromosome 4 was found to affect the levels of the phenylalanine‐derived volatiles (PHEVs) 2‐phenylethanol, phenylacetaldehyde and 1‐nitro‐2‐phenylethane. Fruits of near‐isogenic lines contrasting for this locus and in the composition of PHEVs significantly differed in the perception of fruity and rose‐hip‐like aroma. The PHEV locus was fine mapped, which allowed for the identification of FLORAL4 as a candidate gene for PHEV regulation. Using a gene‐editing‐based (CRISPR‐CAS9) reverse‐genetics approach, FLORAL4 was demonstrated to be the key factor in this QTL affecting PHEV accumulation in tomato fruit.  相似文献   

The responses to NaCl of cultured leaf discs and leaflets derived from fully differentiated leaves and of shoot apices excised from the cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and its wild salt-tolerant relatives L. peruvianum (L.) Mill, and Solanum pennellii Cor were compared. The results suggest that the tolerance of the whole plant to salt depends largely on the tolerance of plant organs containing meristematic tissues rather than on tissues already differentiated. This suggestion is based on the positive correlation found between the response to NaCl of shoot apices and of the whole plant, i.e. both whole plants and apices of the wild species were more resistant to salt than those of the cultivated species. No difference was found among the species with respect to the responses of the fully differentiated parts. The ion balance (K+/Na+ and Cl/Na+) in detached leaves and apices exposed to salt was different from the balance in the same parts while attached to the salt-treated plant. This difference may be due to the severance of the excised parts from the major sites controlling the balance of ions in the whole plant.  相似文献   

Plants like other organisms are affected by environmental factors. Cadmium, copper and zinc are considered the most important types of pollutants in the environment. In this study, a comparison of growth and biochemical parameters between the crop wild relative (CWR) Solanum nigrum versus its cultivated relative Solanum lycopersicum to different levels of Cu, Zn and Cd stress were investigated. The presence of ZnSO4 and CuSO4 in Murashige and Skoog medium affected severely many growth parameters (shoot length, number of roots and leaves, and fresh weight) of both S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum at high levels. On the other hand, CdCl2 significantly reduced most of the studied growth parameters for both species. S. nigrum exhibited higher tolerance than S. lycopersicum for all types of stress. In addition, results show that as stress level increased in the growing medium, proline content of both S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum increased. A significant difference was observed between the two species in proline accumulation as a result of stress. In addition, a higher accumulation rate was observed in the crop wild relative (S. nigrum) than in cultivated S. lycopersicum. Changes in Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) pattern of CuSO4 treated S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum plants were also observed. In conclusion, based on growth and biochemical analysis, S. nigrum showed higher level of metals tolerance than S. lycopersicum which indicates the possibility of using it as a crop wild relative for S. lycopersicum.  相似文献   

为了深入认识二代野猪放牧对夹金山针阔混交林物种多样性特征和土壤理化性质的影响,以便为该区域针阔混交林的生态稳定性维持以及科学放牧提供参考,该研究在全面踏查的基础上,根据牧道数量、面积、野猪行为特征及活动范围划分4种放牧干扰强度(由强到弱依次为I、II、III、IV),并设置无干扰状态作为对照(CK),探讨不同放牧干扰强度对物种多样性和土壤理化性质的影响以及二者之间的作用关系。主要结果:(1)共记录到维管植物172种,隶属于55科117属,轻度干扰(IV)下乔灌草的科、属、种数目均达到最高。(2)乔灌草3层多样性指数对干扰强度的响应基本一致,IV级干扰下丰富度指数(S)、Shannon多样性指数(H′)和Simpson优势度指数(D)达到最大,高于CK,随干扰增强多样性水平均趋下降;各干扰强度间Pielou均匀度指数(E)差异不显著。(3)相比于CK,野猪放牧致使土壤含水量、最大含水量、全氮含量下降,放牧压力越大,下降比例越大;土壤孔隙度、全磷、速效磷、有机质含量在IV级干扰时有所增加, I–III级干扰下明显削减;土壤密度随干扰增强而增大。(4)冗余分析结果表明:土壤有机质含量、速效磷...  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms are particularly resistant to a wide variety of antimicrobial compounds. Their persistence in the face of antibiotic therapies causes significant problems in the treatment of infectious diseases. Seldom have evolutionary processes like genetic drift and mutation been invoked to explain how resistance to antibiotics emerges in biofilms, and we lack a simple and tractable model for the genetic and phenotypic diversification that occurs in bacterial biofilms. Here, we introduce the 'onion model', a simple neutral evolutionary model for phenotypic diversification in biofilms. We explore its properties and show that the model produces patterns of diversity that are qualitatively similar to observed patterns of phenotypic diversity in biofilms. We suggest that models like our onion model, which explicitly invoke evolutionary process, are key to understanding biofilm resistance to bactericidal and bacteriostatic agents. Elevated phenotypic variance provides an insurance effect that increases the likelihood that some proportion of the population will be resistant to imposed selective agents and may thus enhance persistence of the biofilm. Accounting for evolutionary change in biofilms will improve our ability to understand and counter diseases that are caused by biofilm persistence.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTHs) are cell wall-modifying enzymes that align within three or four distinct phylogenetic subgroups. One explanation for this grouping is association with different enzymic modes of action, as XTHs can have xyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET) or endohydrolase (XEH) activities. While Group 1 and 2 XTHs predominantly exhibit XET activity, to date the activity of only one member of Group 3 has been reported: nasturtium TmXH1, which has a highly specialized function and hydrolyses seed-storage xyloglucan rather than modifying cell wall structure. Tomato fruit ripening was selected as a model to test the hypothesis that preferential XEH activity might be a defining characteristic of Group 3 XTHs, which would be expressed during processes where net xyloglucan depolymerization occurs. Database searches identified 25 tomato XTHs, and one gene (SlXTH5) was of particular interest as it aligned within Group 3 and was expressed abundantly during ripening. Recombinant SlXTH5 protein acted primarily as a transglucosylase in vitro and depolymerized xyloglucan more rapidly in the presence than in the absence of xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs), indicative of XET activity. Thus, there is no correlation between the XTH phylogenetic grouping and the preferential enzymic activities (XET or XEH) of the proteins in those groups. Similar analyses of SlXTH2, a Group 2 tomato XTH, and nasturtium seed TmXTH1 revealed a spectrum of modes of action, suggesting that all XTHs have the capacity to function in both modes. The biomechanical properties of plant walls were unaffected by incubation with SlXTH5, with or without XGOs, suggesting that XTHs do not represent primary cell wall-loosening agents. The possible roles of SlXTH5 in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV, genus Potyvirus) is globally the most common pathogen of cultivated sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas; Convolvulaceae). Although more than 150 SPFMV isolates have been sequence‐characterized from cultivated sweet potatos across the world, little is known about SPFMV isolates from wild hosts and the evolutionary forces shaping SPFMV population structures. In this study, 46 SPFMV isolates from 14 wild species of genera Ipomoea, Hewittia and Lepistemon (barcoded for the matK gene in this study) and 13 isolates from cultivated sweet potatoes were partially sequenced. Wild plants were infected with the EA, C or O strain, or co‐infected with the EA and C strains of SPFMV. In East Africa, SPFMV populations in wild species and sweet potato were genetically undifferentiated, suggesting inter‐host transmission of SPFMV. Globally, spatial diversification of the 178 isolates analysed was observed, strain EA being largely geographically restricted to East Africa. Recombination was frequently detected in the 6K2‐VPg‐NIaPro region of the EA strain, demonstrating a recombination ‘hotspot’. Recombination between strains EA and C was rare, despite their frequent co‐infections in wild plants, suggesting purifying selection against strain EA/C recombinants. Positive selection was predicted on 17 amino acids distributed over the entire coat protein in the globally distributed strain C, as compared to only four amino acids in the coat protein N‐terminus of the EA strain. This selection implies a more recent introduction of the C strain and a higher adaptation of the EA strain to the local ecosystem. Thus, East Africa appears as a hotspot for evolution and diversification of SPFMV.  相似文献   

Emerging evidences indicate that blood platelets function in multiple biological processes including immune response, bone metastasis and liver regeneration in addition to their known roles in hemostasis and thrombosis. Global elucidation of platelet proteome will provide the molecular base of these platelet functions. Here, we set up a high‐throughput platform for maximum exploration of the rat/human platelet proteome using integrated proteomic technologies, and then applied to identify the largest number of the proteins expressed in both rat and human platelets. After stringent statistical filtration, a total of 837 unique proteins matched with at least two unique peptides were precisely identified, making it the first comprehensive protein database so far for rat platelets. Meanwhile, quantitative analyses of the thrombin‐stimulated platelets offered great insights into the biological functions of platelet proteins and therefore confirmed our global profiling data. A comparative proteomic analysis between rat and human platelets was also conducted, which revealed not only a significant similarity, but also an across‐species evolutionary link that the orthologous proteins representing “core proteome”, and the “evolutionary proteome” is actually a relatively static proteome.  相似文献   

Alternative oxidase (AOX) and uncoupling protein (UCP) are present simultaneously in tomato fruit mitochondria. In a previous work, it has been shown that protein expression and activity of these two energy-dissipating systems exhibit large variations during tomato fruit development and ripening on the vine. It has been suggested that AOX and UCP could be responsible for the respiration increase at the end of ripening and that the cytochrome pathway could be implicated in the climacteric respiratory burst before the onset of ripening. In this study, the use of tomato mutants that fail normal ripening because of deficiencies in ethylene perception or production as well as the treatment of one selected mutant with a chemical precursor of ethylene have revealed that the bioenergetics of tomato fruit development and ripening is under the control of this plant hormone. Indeed, the evolution pattern of bioenergetic features changes with the type of mutation and with the introduction of ethylene into an ethylene-synthesis-deficient tomato fruit mutant during its induced ripening.  相似文献   

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