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Elevated plasma Lp(a) has been linked to development of coronary artery disease (CAD). There is no data about plasma Lp(a) and atherosclerosis of the retinal arteries. Therefore the purpose of this study was to assess the risk of retinal vessels atherosclerosis conferred by elevated plasma Lp(a) levels in 73 adult males. The results were compared with those in 45 matched apparently healthy males with no retinal vessel changes. The atherosclerotic changes of the retinal vessels were determined by direct ophthalmoscopy and graded (1-4) according to Scheie. Plasma levels of Lp(a) were measured by radial immunodiffusion. The results were compared using chi-square test. Although a very weak correlation between plasma Lp(a) levels and the incidence of retinal atherosclerosis was found, no significant association between the degree of atherosclerotic changes and plasma Lp(a) levels could be proven. Thus it could be concluded that plasma Lp(a) level is not a significant risk factor for atherosclerosis of the retinal arteries.  相似文献   

A wide variety of oxidative DNA lesions are present in living cells. One of the best known lesions of this type is 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoGua) which has been shown to have mutagenic properties. An influence of antioxidative vitamins and labile iron pool on the background level of 8-oxoGua in cellular DNA is discussed and oxidative damage to free nucleotide pool as a possible source of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA and urine is described. An involvement of 8-oxoGua in the origin and/or progression of cancer is reviewed. It is concluded that a severe oxidative stress manifested as a high level of 8-oxoGua in cellular DNA as well as in urine of cancer patients is a consequence of development of many types of cancer. Although at present it is impossible to answer directly the question concerning involvement of oxidative DNA damage in cancer etiology it is likely that oxidative DNA base modifications may serve as a source of mutations that initiate carcinogenesis (i.e. they may be causal factors responsible for the process).  相似文献   

Theory and recent literature suggest strong effects of induced plant defences in some plant herbivore systems. Few have studied behavioural effects on intact plants. Differences in foraging behaviour as well as weight gain were determined for first instar Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) mutant and wild type plants, non‐primed, or primed by herbivore feeding or methyl jasmonate. The differences in feeding were primarily in the length of feeding time as opposed to the area fed on, feeding location, or frequency. More larvae dispersed from plants after priming by mite feeding than dispersed after caterpillar feeding. Other behavioural activities such as resting were not significantly affected. Early instars gained less weight feeding on ein2 (ethylene insensitive) mutant, but there was no difference in weight gain between larvae feeding on induced and non‐induced plants of the same type. We concluded that there are fitness consequences for neonates of the generalist H. armigera after feeding on induced plant tissues in some cases, and that distinct changes in behaviour are recognisable both at the fine scale and at grosser levels (dispersal). However, these changes are more subtle than might be expected.  相似文献   

Guadalupe is an oceanic island located in the Pacific Ocean off Mexico's northwest coast. Its flora is composed of many plant species with more northern affinities and disjunctions from the California Floristic Province. Almost 16% of the native plant species are endemic, including two monospecific genera. However, the activities of feral goats released in the early 19th century have devastated most of the island. At present, at least 26 native plant species have disappeared from Guadalupe and many more seem to be on the threshold. To add to the problem, 61 exotic plant species have been documented on the island, many of which are aggressive weeds. In this paper, we propose eight types of environmental conditions for the island where different species assemblages of the pristine flora probably existed before their demise. It is of obvious urgency that the island needs a recovery plan and the first step should include the eradication of the feral goats. Only after this process can subsequent conservation measures be applied to ensure any restoration of this natural heritage. The recovery plan will need to address both spontaneous and human-induced plant repopulation processes from the main island's three southern islets, which have never been impacted by goats. Also, it may be necessary to reintroduce non-endemic, native plant taxa from the nearest Californian islands and the Mexican coast in order to reestablish some of the island's original diversity of plant species and communities. However, it should be noted that the forested communities do not have great hopes of recovering in the short term, since the ground water and soil conditions have been significantly altered. Furthermore, the eradication of an estimated 4000 goats still living on the island (year 2000) depends upon the vacillating motivation and will of Mexican authorities.  相似文献   

Ejsmont-Karabin  J.  Gulati  R. D.  Rooth  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):29-34
Visual observations and experiments on food preference of Euchlanis dilatata lucksiana show that this euchlanid can feed on blue-green algae not consumed by the most planktonic animals. Nevertheless, even in lakes with blooms of blue-green algae, E. d. lucksiana occur infrequently and generally in low numbers. The paper is an attempt to explore into the causes for the rare occurrence of Euchlanis in the pelagial. A comparison of threshold food concentrations calculated from N and P excretion rates (Gulati et al., this volume) with the concentrations of seston in the Lake Loosdrecht shows that the latter were several times higher during study period in 1984. This implies that the food requirements of Euchlanis were always satisfied in this lake. The time needed for the consumption of the total food fraction in a liter of lake water by a concentration of 50 Euchlanis l–1 was also calculated. This time varied from 70 to 200 days, so a Euchlanis population even at its maximum density will not cause major changes in blue-green algae biomass by grazing. Thus, food limitation cannot be viewed as a factor controlling the Euchlanis densities in Loosdrecht Lakes. There is some evidence that Euchlanis is heavily predated in Loosdrecht Lakes, losses in its biomass accounting for 126% of the production. Adaptation of this species to the littoral zone, as expressed by the deposition of eggs on plants, can also limit the occurrence of the lucksiana form to water bodies with blooms of blue-green algae.  相似文献   

There is widespread concern over the impact of introduced species on biodiversity, but the magnitude of these impacts can be variable. Understanding the impact of an introduced species is essential for effective management. However, empirical evidence of the impact of an introduced species can be difficult to obtain, especially when the impact is through competition. Change in species abundance is often slow and gradual, coinciding with environmental change. As a result, negative impacts on native species through competition are poorly documented. An example of the difficulties associated with obtaining empirical evidence of impact due to competition comes from work on the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis). The species is listed in the World's top 100 worst invaders, despite a lack of empirical evidence of its negative impacts on native species. We assessed the impact of the Common Myna on native bird abundance, using long-term data both pre and post its invasion. At the outset of our investigation, we postulated that Common Myna establishment would negatively affect the abundance of other cavity-nesting species and bird species that are smaller than it. We found a negative relationship between the establishment of the Common Myna and the long-term abundance of three cavity-nesting species (Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Crimson Rosella, Laughing Kookaburra) and eight small bird species (Striated Paradoxes, Rufous Whistler, Willie Wagtail, Grey Fantail, Magpie-lark, House Sparrow, Silvereye, Common Blackbird). To the best of our knowledge, this finding has never previously been demonstrated at the population level. We discuss the key elements of our success in finding empirical evidence of a species impact and the implications for prioritisation of introduced species for management. Specifically, prioritization of the Common Myna for management over other species still remains a contentious issue.  相似文献   

This study subdivides the cryopreservation procedure for Diplodus puntazzo spermatozoa into three key phases, fresh, prefreezing (samples equilibrated in cryosolutions), and postthawed stages, and examines the ultrastructural anomalies and motility profiles of spermatozoa in each stage, with different cryodiluents. Two simple cryosolutions were evaluated: 0.17 M sodium chloride containing a final concentration of 15% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me(2)SO) (cryosolution A) and 0.1 M sodium citrate containing a final concentration of 10% Me(2)SO (cryosolution B). Ultrastructural anomalies of the plasmatic and nuclear membranes of the sperm head were common and the severity of the cryoinjury differed significantly between the pre- and the postfreezing phases and between the two cryosolutions. In spermatozoa diluted with cryosolution A, during the prefreezing phase, the plasmalemma of 61% of the cells was absent or damaged compared with 24% in the fresh sample (P < 0.001). In spermatozoa diluted with cryosolution B, there was a pronounced increase in the number of cells lacking the head plasmatic membrane from the prefreezing to the postthawed stages (from 32 to 52%, P < 0.01). In both cryosolutions, damages to nuclear membrane were significantly higher after freezing (cryosolution A: 8 to 23%, P < 0.01; cryosolution B: 5 to 38%, P < 0.001). With cryosolution A, the after-activation motility profile confirmed a consistent drop from fresh at the prefreezing stage, whereas freezing and thawing did not affect the motility much further and 50% of the cells were immotile by 60-90 s after activation. With cryosolution B, only the postthawing stage showed a sharp drop of motility profile. This study suggests that the different phases of the cryoprocess should be investigated to better understand the process of sperm damage.  相似文献   

As study area we selected the glacier foreland of Morteratsch (approx. 1900–2100 m a.s.l.) near Pontresina northwest of the Bernina pass, Upper Engadine, Grisons (Switzerland). The aim of this study is a multimethodological approach using floristic inventories, vegetation and soil mapping of the pro-glacial area in order to detect crucial parameters controlling plant resettlement in recently deglaciated areas as related to time, local microtopography and soil development.  相似文献   

Embryonic morphogenesis occurs along three orthogonal axes. While the patterning of the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes has been increasingly well-characterized, the left-right (LR) axis has only relatively recently begun to be understood at the molecular level. The mechanisms that ensure invariant LR asymmetry of the heart, viscera, and brain involve fundamental aspects of cell biology, biophysics, and evolutionary biology, and are important not only for basic science but also for the biomedicine of a wide range of birth defects and human genetic syndromes. The LR axis links biomolecular chirality to embryonic development and ultimately to behavior and cognition, revealing feedback loops and conserved functional modules occurring as widely as plants and mammals. This review focuses on the unique and fascinating physiological aspects of LR patterning in a number of vertebrate and invertebrate species, discusses several profound mechanistic analogies between biological regulation in diverse systems (specifically proposing a nonciliary parallel between kidney cells and the LR axis based on subcellular regulation of ion transporter targeting), highlights the possible importance of early, highly-conserved intracellular events that are magnified to embryo-wide scales, and lays out the most important open questions about the function, evolutionary origin, and conservation of mechanisms underlying embryonic asymmetry.  相似文献   

Non-native, invasive glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus P. Mill.) threatens North American forests by inhibiting tree regeneration. While glossy buckthorn commonly invades younger, developing forests, we hypothesized that this species is competitively excluded as secondary succession proceeds. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that glossy buckthorn mortality in New Hampshire forests is associated with low levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), low levels of nutrients in the soil, and greater abundance of shade tolerant tree species. Twenty-six living and 26 dead glossy buckthorn individuals were randomly selected on three, mid-successional study sites in southeastern New Hampshire, USA. Shrub ages, indicated by wood ring counts, showed that both living and dead shrubs were members of the same cohort, roughly 16–18 years of age. Living and dead shrubs were compared as to (1) tree basal area in the surrounding forest (estimated by plot sampling), (2) light intensity in the vicinity of the buckthorn crowns (measured by Sunfleck Ceptometer), (3) canopy openness and % total transmitted PAR (estimated by hemispheric photography), and (4) concentrations of available Ca, P, Mg, and K in the B horizon. Relative to live buckthorn shrubs, dead individuals were associated with greater basal area of shade tolerant species, decreased PAR in the vicinity of shrub crown, and decreased soil concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that competition for light and perhaps nutrients limits the ability of glossy buckthorn to persist in late successional stands. If these relationships are causal, active removal of glossy buckthorn might not be required to reduce its abundance in late successional stands.  相似文献   

Human Ecology - Previous studies have reported that older people are more knowledgeable about nature than the younger generation. The relationship between people’s age and level of knowledge...  相似文献   

Vitamin D appears to have anti-tumor activities in the large bowel. Our aim was to investigate whether -4817 G>A (rs2238136) polymorphism located at 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of the human vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene was associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. We conducted a case-control study and VDR genotypes, determined by Bpu10I restriction endonuclease digestion of PCR-amplified DNA, were performed on 327 cases with CRC and 327 controls. The distribution of VDR -4817 G>A genotypes and alleles differed significantly between cases with CRC and controls even after adjustment for confounding factors such as age, BMI, sex, and smoking status. Individuals carrying the "AA" genotype had a 2.09-fold increased risk compared with those with "GG" genotype (P?=?0.016, OR?=?2.09, 95% CI?=?1.15-3.78) and a 1.87-fold increased risk compared with those with "GG and GA" genotypes (P?=?0.033, OR?=?1.87, 95% CI?=?1.05-3.33) for CRC. Furthermore, the VDR "A" allele was significantly overrepresented in cases with CRC than controls (P?=?0.044; OR?=?1.28, 95% CI?=?1.01-1.63). Interestingly, the analysis of the SNP revealed that all these associations were stronger for women subjects than for all subjects combined. These data indicated for the first time a direct association between "AA" genotype of VDR gene -4817 G>A polymorphism and CRC, with a stronger association for female subjects. However, our findings remain to be confirmed in other populations.  相似文献   

The genealogy, population structure and population dynamics of the sucking louse Polyplax serrata were analysed across four host species of the genus Apodemus. An analysis of 126 sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I using phylogenetic approaches and haplotype networking revealed a clear structure of European samples, forming three distinct and genetically distant clades with different host specificities. Although a clear connection was detected between the host and parasite genealogies/phylogenies, a uniform pattern of co-speciation was not found. For example, a dramatic shift in the degree of host specificity was demonstrated for two related louse lineages living in sympatry and sharing one of their host species. While one of the louse lineages frequently parasitised two different host taxa (Apodemus sylvaticus and Apodemus flavicollis), the other louse lineage was strictly specific to A. flavicollis. The estimate of divergence time between the two louse lineages indicates that they may have arisen due to parasite duplication on A. flavicollis.  相似文献   

At Elsau near Winterthur (CH), a 9th century AD grave with a female skeleton was found in 2003. This grave was reopened one to six years after burial. After manipulating the partially decayed skeleton, the grave was filled with a layer of rocks and a claw of a sea eagle as well as the paw of a fox was placed on top. At least from this time onwards, the grave was situated in the annex of a church. Because of this special burial site for the 42 year old woman, who suffered from different severe illnesses, it is thought that she belonged to the upper class. The postmortal changes at the grave are exceptional and even after thorough research, no equivalent burial procedures are known from this area. To investigate the possibility if the woman migrated to the region of Elsau, the oxygen and strontium isotope composition of several teeth and one long bone of her skeleton was analysed. The results indicate a certain but restricted mobility within the northern Alpine foreland and as a result changes of the isotope composition of the food and drinking water during her childhood. Immigration from regions in which similar burial customs to those used for the woman persisted into the 9th century AD can be largely excluded based on the isotope composition of her skeletal remains. The mobility in the pre-Alpine region supports the interpretation that the woman belonged to the upper class, whose properties where widely distributed.  相似文献   

This study gathered evidence from principal component analysis (PCA) of morphometric data and molecular analyses of nucleotide sequence data for four nuclear genes (28S, TpI, CAD1, and Wg) and two mitochondrial genes (COI and 16S), using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods. This evidence was combined with morphological and chorological data to re-evaluate the taxonomic status of Nebria lacustris Casey sensu lato. PCA demonstrated that both body size and one conspicuous aspect of pronotal shape vary simultaneously with elevation, latitude, and longitude and served to distinguish populations from the southern Appalachian highlands, south of the French Broad, from all other populations. Molecular analyses revealed surprisingly low overall genetic diversity within Nebria lacustris sensu lato, with only 0.39% of 4605 bp varied in the concatenated dataset. Evaluation of patterns observed in morphological and genetic variation and distribution led to the following taxonomic conclusions: (1) Nebria lacustris Casey and Nebria bellorum Kavanaugh should be considered distinct species, which is a NEW STATUS for Nebria bellorum. (2) No other distinct taxonomic subunits could be distinguished with the evidence at hand, but samples from northeastern Iowa, in part of the region known as the "Driftless Zone", have unique genetic markers for two genes that hint at descent from a local population surviving at least the last glacial advance. (3) No morphometric or molecular evidence supports taxonomic distinction between lowland populations on the shores of Lake Champlain and upland populations in the adjacent Green Mountains of Vermont, despite evident size and pronotal shape differences between many of their members.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation curves of ribonuclease-A were measured by monitoring changes in the far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra in the presence of different concentrations of six sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, raffinose and stachyose) and mixture of monosaccharide constituents of each oligosaccharide at various pH values in the range of 6.0-2.0. These measurements gave values of T(m) (midpoint of denaturation), DeltaH(m) (enthalpy change at T(m)), DeltaC(p) (constant-pressure heat capacity change) under a given solvent condition. Using these values of DeltaH(m), T(m) and DeltaC(p) in appropriate thermodynamic relations, thermodynamic parameters at 25 degrees C, namely, DeltaG(D)(o) (Gibbs energy change), DeltaH(D)(o) (enthalpy change), and DeltaS(D)(o) (entropy change) were determined at a given pH and concentration of each sugar (including its mixture of monosaccharide constituents). Our main conclusions are: (i) each sugar stabilizes the protein in terms of T(m) and DeltaG(D)(o), and this stabilization is under enthalpic control, (ii) the protein stabilization by the oligosaccharide is significantly less than that by the equimolar concentration of the constituent monosaccharides, and (iii) the stabilization by monosaccharides in a mixture is fully additive. Furthermore, measurements of the far- and near-UV CD spectra suggested that secondary and tertiary structures of protein in their native and denatured states are not perturbed on the addition of sugars.  相似文献   

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