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Cell surface glycans are tissue-specific and developmentally regulated. They function as essential modulators in cell-cell interactions, cell-extracellular matrix interactions, and ligand-receptor interactions, binding to various ligands, including Wnt, fibroblast growth factors, and bone morphogenetic proteins. Embryonic stem (ES) cells, originally derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, have the essential characteristics of pluripotency and self-renewal. Recently, it has been proposed that mouse and human conventional ES cells are present in different developmental stages, namely pre-implantation blastocyst and post-implantation blastocyst stages, also called the naïve state and the primed state, respectively. They therefore require different extrinsic signals for the maintenance of self-renewal and pluripotency, and also appear to require different surface glycans. Understanding of molecular mechanisms involving glycans in self-renewal and pluripotency of ES cells is increasingly important for potential clinical applications, as well as for basic research. This review focuses on the roles of glycans in the two different states of pluripotent stem cells, namely the naïve state and the primed state, and the transition between these two states.  相似文献   

Signaling pathways orchestrated by PI3K/Akt, Raf/Mek/Erk and Wnt/β-catenin are known to play key roles in the self-renewal and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. The serine/threonine protein kinase Gsk3β has roles in all three pathways, making its exact function difficult to decipher. Consequently, conflicting reports have implicated Gsk3β in promoting self-renewal, while others suggest that it performs roles in the activation of differentiation pathways. Different thresholds of Gsk3β activity also have different biological effects on pluripotent cells, making this situation even more complex. Here, we describe a further level of complexity that is most apparent when comparing “naïve” murine and “primed” human pluripotent stem cells. In naïve cells, Gsk3β activity is restrained by PI3K/Akt, but when released from inhibitory signals it antagonizes self-renewal pathways by targeting pluripotency factors such as Myc and Nanog. This situation also applies in primed cells, but, in addition, a separate pool of Gsk3β is required to suppress canonical Wnt signaling. These observations suggest that different Gsk3β-protein complexes shift the balance between naïve and primed pluripotent cells and identify fundamental differences in their cell signaling. Altogether, these findings have important implications for the mechanisms underpinning the establishment of different pluripotent cell states and for the control of self-renewal and differentiation.  相似文献   

Normal mouse pluripotent stem cells were originally derived from the inner cell mass(ICM) of blastocysts and shown to be the in vitro equivalent of those pre-implantation embryonic cells, and thus were called embryonic stem cells(ESCs). More than a decade later, pluripotent cells were isolated from the ICM of human blastocysts. Despite being called human ESCs, these cells differ significantly from mouse ESCs, including different morphology and mechanisms of control of pluripotency, suggesting distinct embryonic origins of ESCs from the two species. Subsequently, mouse pluripotent stem cells were established from the ICMderived epiblast of post-implantation embryos. These mouse epiblast stem cells(Epi SCs) are morphological and epigenetically more similar to human ESCs. This raised the question of whether cells from the human ICM are in a more advanced differentiation stage than their murine counterpart, or whether the available culture conditions were not adequate to maintain those human cells in their in vivo state, leading to a transition into Epi SC-like cells in vitro. More recently, novel culture conditions allowed the conversion of human ESCs into mouse ESC-like cells called nave(or ground state) human ESCs, and the derivation of nave human ESCs from blastocysts. Here we will review the characteristics of each type of pluripotent stem cells, how(and whether) these relate to different stages of embryonic development, and discuss the potential implications of nave human ESCs in research and therapy.  相似文献   

The characteristics of pluripotent embryonic stem cells of human and mouse are different. The properties of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are similar to those of mouse epiblast stem cells (mEpiSCs), which are in a later developmental pluripotency state, the so-called “primed state” compared to mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) which are in a naïve state. As a result of the properties of the primed state, hESCs proliferate slowly, cannot survive as single cells, and can only be transfected with genes at low efficiency. Generating hESCs in the naïve state is necessary to overcome these problems and allow their application in regenerative medicine. Therefore, clarifying the mechanism of the transition between the naïve and primed states in pluripotent stem cells is important for the establishment of stable methods of generating naïve state hESCs. However, the signaling pathways which contribute to the transition between the naïve and primed states are still unclear. In this study, we carried out induction from mESCs to mEpiSC-like cells (mEpiSCLCs), and observed an increase in the activation of Fas signaling during the induction. The expression of Fgf5, an epiblast marker, was diminished by inhibition of Fas signaling using the caspase-8 and -3 blocking peptides, IETD and DEVD, respectively. Furthermore, during the induction, we observed increased expression of 3-O sulfated heparan sulfate (HS) structures synthesized by HS 3-O-sulfotransferase (3OST), which are recognized by the HS4C3 antibody (HS4C3-binding epitope). Knockdown of 3OST-5 reduced Fas signaling and the potential for the transition to mEpiSCLCs. This indicates that the HS4C3-binding epitope is necessary for the transition to the primed state. We propose that Fas signaling through the HS4C3-binding epitope contributes to the transition from the naïve state to the primed state.  相似文献   

FCRLA is an intracellular B cell protein that belongs to the FcR-like family. Using newly generated FCRLA-specific antibodies, we studied the constitutive expression pattern of mouse FCRLA and monitored changes during an immune response and following in vitro B cell activation. All B cell subpopulations examined expressed FCRLA. However, the level of FCRLA expression is determined by the stage of B cell differentiation. Low expression of FCRLA is characteristic of naïve follicular and marginal zone B cells. High expression was detected in a small fraction of activated B cells scattered along migratory pathways in the lymphoid tissues. FCRLA-bright cells could be subdivided into two subpopulations, with high and low/undetectable level of intracellular immunoglobulins, which phenotypically resemble either plasma or memory B cells. High expression of FCRLA in subset(s) of terminally differentiated B-cells suggests that, being an ER protein, FCRLA may participate in the regulation of immunoglobulin assembly and secretion.  相似文献   

Pluripotent mouse embryonal carcinoma (mEC) and mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells differentiate into several cell lineages upon retinoic acid (RA) addition. Differentiation is facilitated, in part, by RA activation of nuclear RA receptors (RARs) that bind to DNA response elements located in the promoters of target genes. The purpose of the studies reported here was to immunolocalize RARα and RARγ protein in mEC and mES cells and in their RA-induced differentiated progeny. Fixed cells were reacted with three different RARα antibodies and one RARγ antibody. Pluripotent and differentiated mEC and mES cells showed positive nuclear immunoreactivity with all antibodies tested. Two RARα antibodies also showed positive reactivity in the cytoplasm. Surprisingly, our results revealed variability in immunofluorescence intensity and in RARα and RARγ distribution from one cell to the other, suggesting that RARα and RARγ protein levels were not synchronous throughout the cell population. The results indicate that RARα and RARγ are present in pluripotent and differentiating mEC and mES cells and suggest that the expression of these proteins is dynamic.  相似文献   

AIM To identify differences between primed mouse embryonic stem cells(ESCs) and fully functional naive ESCs; to manipulate primed cells into a naive state. METHODS We have cultured 3 lines of cells from different mouse strains that have been shown to be naive or primed as determined by generating germline-transmitting chimeras.Cells were put through a battery of tests to measure the different features. RNA from cells was analyzed using microarrays, to determine a priority list of the differentially expressed genes. These were later validated by quantificational real-time polymerase chain reaction. Viral cassettes were created to induce expression of differentially expressed genes in the primed cells through lentiviral transduction. Primed reprogrammed cells were subjected to in-vivo incorporation studies.RESULTS Most results show that both primed and naive cells have similar features(morphology, proliferation rates, stem cell genes expressed). However, there were some genes that were differentially expressed in the na?ve cells relative to the primed cells. Key upregulated genes in na?ve cells include ESRRB, ERAS, ATRX, RNF17, KLF-5, and MYC. After over-expressing some of these genes the primed cells were able to incorporate into embryos in-vivo, re-acquiring a feature previously absent in these cells. CONCLUSION Although there are no notable phenotypic differences, there are key differences in gene expression between these na?ve and primed stem cells. These differences can be overcome through overexpression.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the tissue and temporal distribution of human umbilical cord matrix stem (hUCMS) cells in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. METHODS: For studying the localization of hUCMS cells, tritiated thymidine-labeled hUCMS cells were injected in SCID mice and tissue distribution was quantitatively determined using a liquid scintillation counter at days 1, 3, 7 and 14. Furthermore, an immunofluorescence detection technique was employed in which anti-human mitochondrial antibody was used to identify hUCMS cells in mouse tissues. In order to visualize the distribution of transplanted hUCMS cells in H&E stained tissue sections, India Black ink 4415 was used to label the hUCMS cells. RESULTS: When tritiated thymidine-labeled hUCMS cells were injected systemically (iv) in female SCID mice, the lung was the major site of accumulation at 24 h after transplantation. With time, the cells migrated to other tissues, and on day three, the spleen, stomach, and small and large intestines were the major accumulation sites. On day seven, a relatively large amount of radioactivity was detected in the adrenal gland, uterus, spleen, lung, and digestive tract. In addition, labeled cells had crossed the blood brain barrier by day 1. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that peripherally injected hUCMS cells distribute quantitatively in a tissue-specific manner throughout the body.  相似文献   

During embryonic development, neural stem cells (NSCs) emerge as early as the neural plate stage and give rise to the nervous system. Early-stage NSCs express Sry-related-HMG box-1 (Sox1) and are biased towards neuronal differentiation. However, long-term maintenance of early-stage NSCs in vitro remains a challenge. Here, we report development of a defined culture condition for the long-term maintenance of Sox1-positive early-stage mouse NSCs. The proliferative ability of these Sox1-positive NSCs was confirmed by clonal propagation. Compared to the NSCs cultured using the traditional culture condition, the long-term self-renewing Sox1-positive NSCs efficiently differentiate into neurons and exhibit an identity representative of the anterior and midbrain regions. These early-stage Sox1-positive NSCs could also be switched to late-stage NSCs by being cultured with bFGF/EGF, which can then differentiate into astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The long-term self-renewing Sox1-positive NSCs were defined as naïve NSCs, based on their high neuronal differentiation capacity and anterior regional identity. This culture condition provides a robust platform for further dissection of the NSC self-renewal mechanism and promotes potential applications of NSCs for cell-based therapy on nervous system disorders.  相似文献   

CD34+ cord blood cells can be reprogrammed effectively on dishes coated with a synthetic RGD motif polymer (PronectinF?) using a temperature sensitive Sendai virus vector (SeV TS7) carrying reprogramming factors OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4 and c-MYC. Dish-shaped human ES cell-like colonies emerged in serum-free primate ES cell medium (supplemented with bFGF) in 20% O2 culture conditions. The copy numbers of SeV TS7 vectors in the cytoplasm were drastically reduced by a temperature shift at 38°C for three days. Then, single cells from colonies were seeded on PronectinF?-coated 96-well plates and cultured under na?ve culture conditions (N2B27-based medium supplemented with LIF, forskolin, a MAPK inhibitor, and a GSK inhibitor in 5% O2) for cloning purpose. Dome-shaped mouse ES cell-like colonies from single cells emerged on PronectinF?-coated dishes. These cells were collected and cultured again in primate ES cell medium supplemented with bFGF in 20% O2 and maintained on PronectinF?-coated dishes. Cells were assessed for reprogramming, including the absence of residual SeV and their potential for three germ layer differentiation. Generation of virus-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) clones from single cells under feeder-free conditions will solve some of the safety concerns related to use of xeno- or allogeneic-material in culture, and contribute to the characterization and the standardization of iPS cells intended for use in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the capacity to differentiate into endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lineages. Motor neuron (MN) differentiation of mouse ES cells involves embryoid bodies formation with addition of Sonic hedgehog and retinoic acid. In this work, using immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, and quantitative RT-PCR, we investigated whether progesterone or 17β-estradiol have inductive effects on ES cell-derived MN, as it has been demonstrated that these hormones modify proliferation and neural differentiation of pluripotent cells. When 100 nM progesterone was added during differentiation, we found higher proportions of MN, compared to the control condition; coincubation of progesterone with the progesterone receptor (PR) antagonist RU-486 caused a decrease in the number of MN to a percentage even lower than controls. The addition of nanomolar concentrations of 17β-estradiol also significantly induced MN differentiation. This effect of estradiol was completely antagonized by addition of the general estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist ICI 182,780. To identify the ER subtype mediating the increase on MN differentiation, we incubated estradiol with the ER-α antagonist MPP or with the ER-β blocker PHTPP. When we coincubated 17β-estradiol with MPP, we found a significant decrease in the percentage of MN. In contrast, the coincubation of 17β-estradiol with PHTPP had no effect on the induction of MN differentiation. All these effects on cell number were confirmed by significant changes in the expression of the MN markers Islet-1 and Choline acetyl transferase, assessed by real-time RT-PCR. Cell proliferation in embryoid bodies was significantly enhanced by progesterone treatment. No changes in apoptotic cell death were found in differentiating cells after progesterone or 17β-estradiol addition. Our findings indicate that progesterone and 17β-estradiol induce a higher proportion of MN derived from mouse ES cells through intracellular PR and ER, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of estradiol was mediated by specific activation of ER-α.  相似文献   

A short G1 phase is a characteristic feature of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). To determine if there is a causal relationship between G1 phase restriction and pluripotency, we made use of the Fluorescence Ubiquitination Cell Cycle Indicator (FUCCI) reporter system to FACS-sort ESCs in the different cell cycle phases. Hence, the G1 phase cells appeared to be more susceptible to differentiation, particularly when ESCs self-renewed in the naïve state of pluripotency. Transitions from ground to naïve, then from naïve to primed states of pluripotency were associated with increased durations of the G1 phase, and cyclin E-mediated alteration of the G1/S transition altered the balance between self-renewal and differentiation. LIF withdrawal resulted in a lengthening of the G1 phase in naïve ESCs, which occurred prior to the appearance of early lineage-specific markers, and could be reversed upon LIF supplementation. We concluded that the short G1 phase observed in murine ESCs was a determinant of naïve pluripotency and was partially under the control of LIF signaling.  相似文献   


The response of prey species to predator scent has been investigated in many mammalian species; however, there is little information about the responses of European wild rabbits at the population level. Therefore, we conducted a simple experiment to investigate the behavioural response of a rabbit population to native predator cues in the wild. We compared the response to the scent of a predator (red fox) in a wild rabbit population bred in semi-natural conditions and naïve to terrestrial predators with the response of a population in a similar environment where terrestrial predators were present. The response to predators was based on rabbit abundance, inferred from pellet counts and measured by the defecation rate per day (DRD). Our results indicate that rabbits responded to the odour of fox faeces in the treatment warrens, resulting in a lower DRD. The main anti-predator behaviour observed was spatial avoidance (warren abandonment), which seemed to be more accentuated for rabbits who had not previously had contact with foxes in the plot where terrestrial predators were excluded. In both the fenced and the unfenced plot, the differences in the effect of the predator odour between the control and treatment warrens disappeared after cessation of treatment, suggesting a flexible and adaptive behaviour of rabbits to predator cues.


Recent work has confirmed the existence of homeostatic mechanisms that regulate the overall size and composition of the mature T-cell pool. Homeostatic mechanisms not only control total T-cell numbers but appear to act differently on na?ve vs. memory cells. The roles of self-MHC/peptide ligands and certain cytokines in T-cell homeostasis are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>Since the first murine and human embryonic stem cell lines were established by Drs. Evans and Kaufman [1] and Thomson et al. [2], respectively, great progress has been make in the field of  相似文献   

The discovery that somatic cells can be induced into a pluripotent state by the expression of reprogramming factors has enormous potential for therapeutics and human disease modeling. With regard to aging and rejuvenation, the reprogramming process resets an aged, somatic cell to a more youthful state, elongating telomeres, rearranging the mitochondrial network, reducing oxidative stress, restoring pluripotency, and making numerous other alterations. The extent to which induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)s mime embryonic stem cells is controversial, however, as iPSCs have been shown to harbor an epigenetic memory characteristic of their tissue of origin which may impact their differentiation potential. Furthermore, there are contentious data regarding the extent to which telomeres are elongated, telomerase activity is reconstituted, and mitochondria are reorganized in iPSCs. Although several groups have reported that reprogramming efficiency declines with age and is inhibited by genes upregulated with age, others have successfully generated iPSCs from senescent and centenarian cells. Mixed findings have also been published regarding whether somatic cells generated from iPSCs are subject to premature senescence. Defects such as these would hinder the clinical application of iPSCs, and as such, more comprehensive testing of iPSCs and their potential aging signature should be conducted.  相似文献   

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