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We used a factorial experiment to examine interacting effectsof male density, female density, and sunfish (predation risk)on mating dynamics of the stream water strider (Aquarius remigis).Many of our results corroborated earlier studies on the isolatedeffects of each factor on mating behavior. The effect of eachfactor, however, depended on the other factors. For example,in low density pools, predation risk decreased male generalactivity, male/female harassment rates, mating activity, andmating duration and increased the large male mating advantage.At higher densities, however, water striders apparently enjoyed"safety in numbers" and did not alter their mating dynamicsin response to the presence of predators. Female activity showeda particularly complex response to male density and fish. Whenmales were scarce, fish caused females to reduce their activity.However, when males were abundant, fish increased female activity,probably because fish decreased male activity thus releasingfemales from harassment by males. The three treatment factorsalso had interacting effects on male mating success. In theabsence of fish, when females were scarce, increased male densityresulted in a decrease in mean male mating success; however,when females were abundant, increased male density enhancedmean male mating success. In contrast, in the presence of fish,male density had little effect on male mating success. Manyof the observed mating patterns can be explained by the effectsof ecological and social factors on male/female conflicts; thatis, on male harassment of females and female reluctance to mate.  相似文献   

The differences in potential reproductive rate between the sexescan be used to predict the operational sex ratio and the patternsand intensity of mating competition and hence sexual selectionin a population. This article describes how one environmentalcomponent, temperature, affects potential reproductive ratesof the two sexes in the paternally brooding, sex-role reversedpipefish (Syngnathus typhle). Males brooded embryos much longer(on average 58 days) in cold water (about 10°C) than inwarmer water (35 days at about 15°C). As a consequence,the potential reproductive rate (number of eggs brooded perday) of males was significantly higher in warm water. In females,however, potential reproductive rate, i.e., number of eggs producedper day given an unlimited access to mates, was not significantlydifferent between temperatures. In both sexes, potential reproductiverate was positively related to body size. At both temperatures,females had the potential to reproduce faster than males. Asa result, the operational sex ratio will become female biasedand sex-roles reversed, as is the case in this species. Sincetemperature differently influenced the potential reproductiverates of males and females, with the sexual difference largerat lower temperatures, more intense female-female competitionis predicted at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Many social behaviors are conditional, but behavioral comparisonsbetween populations do not normally distinguish genetic andenvironmental causation. As a result, the opportunity to testpredictions about the evolution of strategic conditionality(genotype x environment interaction) is lost. We apply theseconcepts in an examination of how interpopulation differencesin mean and variance of sex ratio have led to genetic differencesin the allocation of male effort to mate guarding versus nonguardingbetween genetically isolated populations of the soapberry bugin Oklahoma and Florida. We observed the mating behavior ofmales from the two populations at a series of experimental sexratios, and modeled their mating decisions as first-order Markovchains of independent mating states. Likelihood ratio testsof these behavioral sequences showed that the populations differedsignificantly in their response to sex ratio, and that onlymales from the variable environment (Oklahoma) altered theirbehavior in response to differences in female availability amongthe treatments. The flexible strategy of this population maybe adaptive and probably has evolved in response to sex ratiovariability.  相似文献   

Simmons  L. W. 《Behavioral ecology》1995,6(4):376-381
Sexual selection in field crickets (Gryllidae) is well documented.Several studies have identified male traits, such as age andbody size, that influence pairing success in the field. HereI show how these traits covary with male quality by examiningthe degree of fluctuating asymmetry in male Gryllus campestris.Older males were both larger and more symmetrical. Principalcomponents analysis suggests that these three variables wereessentially measures of the same trait, male quality. A comparisonof paired and calling males showed that males of high qualitywere more successful in obtaining mates; paired males were older,larger, and more symmetrical. The area of the harp covariedwith morphological traits and determined the carrier frequencyof the male's call. Information related to male quality wastherefore available for female discrimination.  相似文献   

Maternal expenditure in lactating Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalusgazella) was studied at Heard Island in the 1987 to 1988 summer/autumn.The mean birth mass, growth rate, and mass at 60 days of sonswere significantly greater than those of daughters. Maternalforaging trips lasted on average 5.9 days, and attendance boutslasted 1.5 days. Over the course of this study, foraging tripduration increased from 5.0 to 7.0 days, and attendance durationdeclined from 2.0 to 1.5 days. Pups lost 3.2% of their bodymass/day while their mothers foraged at sea, but gained massrapidly during periods of maternal attendance. Sons gained significantlymore body mass (1.9 kg) compared with daughters (1.3 kg) duringmaternal attendance, suggesting that sons consume more milk.Sex differences in mass gain were unrelated to pup age or bodymass. During 2-day maternal attendance bouts, sons gained mostof their mass (71%) during the first day, and daughters increasedmass at almost the same rate each day. The increase in massby sons during maternal attendance was significantly positivelyrelated to both the duration of their mothers' preceding andsubsequent foraging trips. In contrast, mass gained by daughterswas positively related to the duration of their mothers' attendance.Mass at 60 days age was negatively related to birth date insons, and positively related to birth mass in daughters. Thesedata indicate that (1) greater maternal resources are expendedon sons than on daughters, (2) sons receive greater maternalresources because they are male, and not because of their greaterbirth mass and body size, (3) different factors appear to beimportant in determining high postnatal growth in sons and daughters,and (4) demand for resources by sons can influence maternalbehavior and ultimately the level of resources received.  相似文献   

Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) arrive at breedingsites several months before nests are constructed. Males inthis highly polygynous species presumably return early to defenddesirable territories. Females, however, also begin to arrivealmost two months before nesting is attempted. Early returnto breeding sites could enhance reproductive success by increasinga female's social status and thereby allowing earlier nesting.I measured the effect of experimentally delayed arrival on thetiming of nesting, reproductive success, and social status offemales. Birds were captured as they arrived in early springand detained in an aviary. These experimental females were laterreleased at their capture sites before control females beganconstruction of nests; controls had arrived during the sameperiod as experimentals but were not detained. Experimentalfemales nested, on average, more than a week later than controls,although I could detect no effect of timing on reproductivesuccess during this study. By manipulating arrival date, butnot covariates of arrival time such as age or experience, thisresult indicates that timing of arrival directly influencedlaying date. Delayed females were subordinate to control femaleswith the same mate. This decline in social status may have beenresponsible for the delay in nesting and could have fitnessconsequences for females in some years, because the offspringof earlier nesting, dominant birds are more likely to receivemale parental care in this population.  相似文献   

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