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The dishevelled (Dvl) PDZ domain is believed to play an essential role in the canonical and noncanonical Wnt signaling pathways, which are involved in embryo development as well as in tumorigenesis. Also, it binds directly to frizzled (Fz) receptors. An organic molecule (NSC668036) from the National Cancer Institute small-molecule library has been identified to be able to bind to the Dvl PDZ domain. Molecular dynamics simulation was used to provide detailed analyses of the binding between them. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Dishevelled (Dvl) protein, which conveys signals from receptors to the downstream effectors, is a critical constituent of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Because the PDZ domain of Dvl protein functions through associations with a wide range of protein partners, Dvl protein involved in the Wnt signaling pathway has been considered to be therapeutic targets in cancers. In this study, we performed structure-based pharmacophore model of the Dvl PDZ domain to discover novel small-molecule binders and identified eight compounds with micromolar affinity. The most potent compound identified, BMD4702, efficiently bound to the Dvl PDZ domain with 11.2 μM affinity and had a 0.186 μM KD value according to surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively. Combining both structural–kinetic relationship analyses and docking studies, we fourmulated that the ligand-binding site is composed of three H-bonds and three hydrophobic features. Thus, our approach led to the identification of potent binders of the Dvl PDZ domain and the findings provide novel insights into structure-based approaches to design high-affinity binders for the Dvl PDZ domain.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an epithelial chloride channel mutated in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The most prevalent CFTR mutation, ΔF508, blocks folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Recent work has shown that some ΔF508-CFTR channel activity can be recovered by pharmaceutical modulators ("potentiators" and "correctors"), but ΔF508-CFTR can still be rapidly degraded via a lysosomal pathway involving the CFTR-associated ligand (CAL), which binds CFTR via a PDZ interaction domain. We present a study that goes from theory, to new structure-based computational design algorithms, to computational predictions, to biochemical testing and ultimately to epithelial-cell validation of novel, effective CAL PDZ inhibitors (called "stabilizers") that rescue ΔF508-CFTR activity. To design the "stabilizers", we extended our structural ensemble-based computational protein redesign algorithm K* to encompass protein-protein and protein-peptide interactions. The computational predictions achieved high accuracy: all of the top-predicted peptide inhibitors bound well to CAL. Furthermore, when compared to state-of-the-art CAL inhibitors, our design methodology achieved higher affinity and increased binding efficiency. The designed inhibitor with the highest affinity for CAL (kCAL01) binds six-fold more tightly than the previous best hexamer (iCAL35), and 170-fold more tightly than the CFTR C-terminus. We show that kCAL01 has physiological activity and can rescue chloride efflux in CF patient-derived airway epithelial cells. Since stabilizers address a different cellular CF defect from potentiators and correctors, our inhibitors provide an additional therapeutic pathway that can be used in conjunction with current methods.  相似文献   

The development of inhibitors of Dishevelled (Dvl) PDZ protein–protein interactions attracts attention due to a possible application in drug discovery and development. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we found that a tripeptide VVV binds to the PDZ domain of Dvl, which is a key component involved in Wnt signaling. Using a computational approach calculating the binding free energy of the complexes of the Dvl PDZ domain and each of the tripeptides VXV (X: any amino acid residue except Pro), we found that a tripeptide VWV had the highest binding affinity. Consistent with the computational result, experimental results showed that the binding of the tripeptide VWV to the Dvl PDZ domain was stronger than that of the tripeptide VVV. The binding affinity of the tripeptide VWV was comparable to that of the organic molecule NSC668036, which was the first identified Dvl PDZ inhibitor. The three-dimensional structure of the complex Dvl1 PDZ/VWV was determined to investigate the role of the energetically favorable W(?1) residue in binding. These interactions were also explored by using molecular dynamic simulation and the molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area method. Taken together, these two tripeptides may be used as modulators of Wnt signaling or as a scaffold to optimize an antagonist for targeting Dvl1 PDZ protein–protein interaction.  相似文献   

We report a structural comparison of the first PDZ domain of ZO-1 (ZO1-PDZ1) and the PDZ domain of Erbin (Erbin-PDZ). Although the binding profile of Erbin-PDZ is extremely specific ([D/E][T/S]WV(COOH)), that of ZO1-PDZ1 is similar ([R/K/S/T][T/S][W/Y][V/I/L](COOH)) but broadened by increased promiscuity for three of the last four ligand residues. Consequently, the biological function of ZO-1 is also broadened, as it interacts with both tight and adherens junction proteins, whereas Erbin is restricted to adherens junctions. Structural analyses reveal that the differences in specificity can be accounted for by two key differences in primary sequence. A reduction in the size of the hydrophobic residue at the base of the site(0) pocket enables ZO1-PDZ1 to accommodate larger C-terminal residues. A single additional difference alters the specificity of both site(-1) and site(-3). In ZO1-PDZ1, an Asp residue makes favorable interactions with both Tyr(-1) and Lys/Arg(-3). In contrast, Erbin-PDZ contains an Arg at the equivalent position, and this side chain cannot accommodate either Tyr(-1) or Lys/Arg(-3) but, instead, interacts favorably with Glu/Asp(-3). We propose a model for ligand recognition that accounts for interactions extending across the entire binding site but that highlights several key specificity switches within the PDZ domain fold.  相似文献   

TIP-15 was previously identified as a cellular protein that can bind to the C-terminal end of the HTLV-1 Tax protein via its two PDZ domains. The sequence of the N-terminal part of TIP-15 is identical to that of the synaptic protein PSD-95. Both proteins are likely to be produced from the same gene by alternative splicing. Whereas expression of the PSD-95 mRNA was detected only with brain RNAs, that of TIP-15 was detected with RNAs from thymus, brain, skeletal muscle and Jurkat cells. The TIP-15 protein exhibits an apparent molecular weight of 40 kD and is weakly expressed in T cell lines. A two-hybrid screen performed with TIP-15 as bait revealed the presence of a PDZ binding site (PDZ-BS) in the following proteins: Lysyl tRNA synthetase, 6-phosphogluconolactonase (6-GPL), Stress-activated protein kinase 3 (SAPK3), NET-1, Diacylglycerol kinase zeta, MTMR1, MCM7, and hSec8. The sequence at the C-terminal ends of these proteins matches the X-S/T-X-V-COOH consensus previously defined for PDZ-BSs, with the exception of 6-GPL and SAPK3 which include a leucine as the C-terminal residue. For Lysyl tRNA synthetase, NET1, MTMR1 and hSec8, binding to TIP-15 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments performed with the extracts of transfected COS7 cells. These results show the existence of functional PDZ-BSs in these proteins, but future studies will be necessary to establish whether or not TIP-15 represents a physiological partner. The significance of the presence of a PDZ-BS in these various proteins is discussed with respect to their function.  相似文献   

The LAP (leucine-rich repeat and PDZ-containing) family of proteins play a role in maintaining epithelial and neuronal cell size, and mutation of these proteins can have oncogenic consequences. The LAP protein Erbin has been implicated previously in a number of cellular activities by virtue of its PDZ domain-dependent association with the C termini of both ERB-B2 and the p120-catenins. The present work describes the NMR structure of Erbin PDZ in complex with a high affinity peptide ligand and includes a comprehensive energetic analysis of both the ligand and PDZ domain side chains responsible for binding. C-terminal phage display has been used to identify preferred ligands, whereas binding affinity measurements provide precise details of the energetic importance of each ligand side chain to binding. Alanine and homolog scanning mutagenesis (in a combinatorial phage display format) identifies Erbin side chains that make energetically important contacts with the ligand. The structure of a phage-optimized peptide (Ac-TGW(-4)ETW(-1)V; IC(50) = approximately 0.15 microm) in complex with Erbin PDZ provides a structural context to understand the binding energetics. In particular, the very favorable interactions with Trp(-1) are not Erbin side chain-mediated (and therefore may be generally applicable to many PDZ domains), whereas the beta2-beta3 loop provides a binding site for the Trp(-4) side chain (specific to Erbin because it has an unusually long loop). These results contribute to a growing appreciation for the importance of at least five ligand C-terminal side chains in determining PDZ domain binding energy and highlight the mechanisms of ligand discrimination among the several hundred PDZ domains present in the human genome.  相似文献   

PDZ domain proteins of synapses   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
PDZ domains are protein-interaction domains that are often found in multi-domain scaffolding proteins. PDZ-containing scaffolds assemble specific proteins into large molecular complexes at defined locations in the cell. In the postsynaptic density of neuronal excitatory synapses, PDZ proteins such as PSD-95 organize glutamate receptors and their associated signalling proteins and determine the size and strength of synapses. PDZ scaffolds also function in the dynamic trafficking of synaptic proteins by assembling cargo complexes for transport by molecular motors. As key organizers that control synaptic protein composition and structure, PDZ scaffolds are themselves highly regulated by synthesis and degradation, subcellular distribution and post-translational modification.  相似文献   

The folding pathways of some proteins include the population of partially structured species en route to the native state. Identification and characterization of these folding intermediates are particularly difficult as they are often only transiently populated and play different mechanistic roles, being either on-pathway productive species or off-pathway kinetic traps. To define the role of folding intermediates, a quantitative analysis of the folding and unfolding rate constants over a wide range of denaturant concentration is often required. Such a task is further complicated by the reversible nature of the folding reaction, which implies the observed kinetics to be governed by a complex combination of different microscopic rate constants. Here, we tackled this problem by measuring directly the folding rate constant under highly denaturing conditions, namely by inducing the folding of a PDZ domain through a quasi-irreversible binding reaction with a specific peptide. In analogy with previous works based on hydrogen exchange experiments, we present evidence that the folding pathway of the PDZ domain involves the formation of an obligatory on-pathway intermediate. The results presented exemplify a novel type of kinetic test to detect an on-pathway folding intermediate.  相似文献   

Intracellular signaling cascades induced by Wnt proteins play a key role in developmental processes and are implicated in cancerogenesis. It is still unclear how the cell determines which of the three possible Wnt response mechanisms should be activated, but the decision process is most likely dependent on Dishevelled proteins. Dishevelled family members interact with many diverse targets, however, molecular mechanisms underlying these binding events have not been comprehensively described so far. Here, we investigated the specificity of the PDZ domain from human Dishevelled-2 using C-terminal phage display, which led us to identification of a leucine-rich binding motif strongly resembling the consensus sequence of a nuclear export signal. PDZ interactions with several peptide and protein motifs (including the nuclear export signal sequence from Dishevelled-2 protein) were investigated in detail using fluorescence spectroscopy, mutational analysis and immunoenzymatic assays. The experiments showed that the PDZ domain can bind the nuclear export signal sequence of the Dishevelled-2 protein. Since the intracellular localization of Dishevelled is governed by nuclear localization and nuclear export signal sequences, it is possible that the intramolecular interaction between PDZ domain and the export signal could modulate the balance between nuclear and cytoplasmic pool of the Dishevelled protein. Such a regulatory mechanism would be of utmost importance for the differential activation of Wnt signaling cascades, leading to selective promotion of the nucleus-dependent Wnt β-catenin pathway at the expense of non-canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Specific protein associations define the wiring of protein interaction networks and thus control the organization and functioning of the cell as a whole. Peptide recognition by PDZ and other protein interaction domains represents one of the best-studied classes of specific protein associations. However, a mechanistic understanding of the relationship between selectivity and promiscuity commonly observed in the interactions mediated by peptide recognition modules as well as its functional meaning remain elusive. To address these questions in a comprehensive manner, two large populations of artificial and natural peptide ligands of six archetypal PDZ domains from the synaptic proteins PSD95 and SAP97 were generated by target-assisted iterative screening (TAIS) of combinatorial peptide libraries and by synthesis of proteomic fragments, correspondingly. A comparative statistical analysis of affinity-ranked artificial and natural ligands yielded a comprehensive picture of known and novel PDZ ligand specificity determinants, revealing a hitherto unappreciated combination of specificity and adaptive plasticity inherent to PDZ domain recognition. We propose a reconceptualization of the PDZ domain in terms of a complex adaptive system representing a flexible compromise between the rigid order of exquisite specificity and the chaos of unselective promiscuity, which has evolved to mediate two mutually contradictory properties required of such higher order sub-cellular organizations as synapses, cell junctions, and others--organizational structure and organizational plasticity/adaptability. The generalization of this reconceptualization in regard to other protein interaction modules and specific protein associations is consistent with the image of the cell as a complex adaptive macromolecular system as opposed to clockwork.  相似文献   

PDZ domains (PDZs), the most common interaction domain proteins, play critical roles in many cellular processes. PDZs perform their job by binding specific protein partners. However, they are very promiscuous, binding to more than one protein, yet selective at the same time. We examined the binding related dynamics of various PDZs to have insight about their specificity and promiscuity. We used full atomic normal mode analysis and a modified coarse‐grained elastic network model to compute the binding related dynamics. In the latter model, we introduced specificity for each single parameter constant and included the solvation effect implicitly. The modified model, referred to as specific‐Gaussian Network Model (s‐GNM), highlights some interesting differences in the conformational changes of PDZs upon binding to Class I or Class II type peptides. By clustering the residue fluctuation profiles of PDZs, we have shown: (i) binding selectivities can be discriminated from their dynamics, and (ii) the dynamics of different structural regions play critical roles for Class I and Class II specificity. s‐GNM is further tested on a dual‐specific PDZ which showed only Class I specificity when a point mutation exists on the βA‐βB loop. We observe that the binding dynamics change consistently in the mutated and wild type structures. In addition, we found that the binding induced fluctuation profiles can be used to discriminate the binding selectivity of homolog structures. These results indicate that s‐GNM can be a powerful method to study the changes in binding selectivities for mutant or homolog PDZs. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to identify proteins that bind to the PDZ domain of Erbin, we tested the C-termini of several proteins in a yeast two-hybrid assay. ErbB2, APC, beta-catenin, c-Rel and HTLV-1 Tax were identified as ligands of the PDZ domain of Erbin. The interactions were verified by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. These findings demonstrate the promiscuity of the PDZ domain of Erbin.  相似文献   

The frizzled gene is evolutionally conserved in a wide variety of organisms including mammals, and in Drosophila, frizzled is implicated in the development of planar polarity. We describe here the isolation and characterization of a Golgi protein, GOPC, as a frizzled interacting protein. GOPC comprises one PDZ domain, two coiled-coil motifs and two evolutionally conserved regions. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that a significant fraction of GOPC protein was localized in the Golgi apparatus. Using a series of deletion mutants, we show that both coiled-coil motifs and a C-terminal conserved region were required for its Golgi localization. Interestingly, deletion mutants that lack a N-terminal conserved region or coiled-coil motifs formed aggresome-like perinuclear structure. Interaction of GOPC and frizzled was observed both in vivo and in vitro, and the PDZ domain of GOPC and the C-terminal Ser/Thr-X-Val motif of frizzled were required for their interaction. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that, although frizzled was a membrane protein, it was localized at the Golgi apparatus as well, and colocalization of GOPC and frizzled at the Golgi apparatus was observed. Furthermore, when GOPC was coexpressed with frizzled, translocation of GOPC to the plasma membrane was observed. Importantly, brefeldin A interrupted not only the localization of GOPC to the Golgi apparatus but also the translocation of frizzled to the plasma membrane, indicating that the Golgi structure was required for the proper subcellular localization of frizzled. Taken together, these results indicate that GOPC may play a role in the vesicle transport of frizzled from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Allosteric communication is a fundamental process that proteins use to propagate signals from one site to functionally important distal sites. Although allostery is usually associated with multimeric proteins and enzymes, “long-range” communication may be a fundamental property of proteins. In some cases, communication occurs with minimal structural change. PDZ (post-synaptic density-95/discs large/zonula occludens-1) domains are small, protein-protein binding modules that can use multiple surfaces for docking diverse molecules. Furthermore, these domains have long-range energetic couplings that link the ligand-binding site to distal regions of the structure. Here, we show that allosteric behavior in a representative member of the PDZ domain family may be directly detected using side-chain methyl dynamics measurements. The changes in side-chain dynamics parameters in the second PDZ domain from the human tyrosine phosphatase 1E (hPTP1E) were determined upon binding a peptide target. Long-range dynamic effects were detected that correspond to previously observed pair-wise energetic couplings. These results provide one of the first experimental examples for the potential role of ps-ns timescale dynamics in propagating long-range signals within a protein, and reinforce the idea that dynamic fluctuations in proteins contribute to allosteric signal transduction.  相似文献   

PDZ domains are modular protein units that play important roles in organizing signal transduction complexes. PDZ domains mediate interactions with both C-terminal peptide ligands and other PDZ domains. Here, we used PDZ domains from neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD-95) to explore the mechanism for PDZ-dimer formation. The nNOS PDZ domain terminates with a approximately 30 residue amino acid beta-finger peptide that is shown to be required for nNOS/PSD-95 PDZ dimer formation. In addition, formation of the PDZ dimer requires this beta-finger peptide to be physically anchored to the main body of the canonical nNOS PDZ domain. A buried salt bridge between the beta-finger and the PDZ domain induces and stabilizes the beta-hairpin structure of the nNOS PDZ domain. In apo-nNOS, the beta-finger peptide is partially flexible and adopts a transient beta-strand like structure that is stabilized upon PDZ dimer formation. The flexibility of the NOS PDZ beta-finger is likely to play a critical role in supporting the formation of nNOS/PSD-95 complex. The experimental data also suggest that nNOS PDZ and the second PDZ domain of PSD-95 form a "head-to-tail" dimer similar to the nNOS/syntrophin complex characterized by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Substrate recognition through a PDZ domain in tail-specific protease   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Beebe KD  Shin J  Peng J  Chaudhury C  Khera J  Pei D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(11):3149-3155
Tail-specific protease (Tsp) is a periplasmic enzyme that selectively degrades proteins bearing a nonpolar C-terminus. Its substrate specificity suggests that Tsp may contain a substrate recognition domain, which selectively binds to the nonpolar C-termini of substrate proteins, separate from its catalytic site. In this work, we show that substrate recognition of Tsp is mediated by a PDZ domain, a small protein module that promotes protein-protein interactions by binding to internal or C-terminal sequences of their partner proteins. Partial proteolysis by V8 protease at a single peptide bond immediately N-terminal to the PDZ domain resulted in two distinct and relatively stable fragments and complete loss of catalytic activity. Photoaffinity labeling with a fluorescent nonpolar peptide caused the covalent attachment of the peptide to a single site on the Tsp protein. Systematic deletion mutagenesis of Tsp localized the binding site to amino acids 206-307, a region that completely encompasses the putative PDZ domain (217-301). The isolated PDZ domain (amino acids 206-334) is capable of folding into a well-behaved structure and binds to a nonpolar peptide with a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 1.9 microM, similar to that of the intact Tsp protein. Site-directed mutagenesis of a surface residue at the peptide binding site of the PDZ domain, valine 229, to Glu or Gln resulted in an increase in the K(M) value but had no effect on the k(cat) value. The use of a separate substrate recognition domain such as a PDZ domain may be a general mechanism for achieving selective protein degradation.  相似文献   

The folding pathway of the third domain of PDZ from the synaptic protein PSD-95 was characterized using kinetic and equilibrium methods by monitoring the fluorescence signal from a Trp residue that is incorporated at a near-surface position. Kinetic folding of this domain showed multiple exponential phases, whereas unfolding showed a single exponential phase. The slow kinetic phases were attributed to isomerization of proline residues, since there are five proline residues in this domain. We found that the logarithms of the rate constants for the fast phase of folding and unfolding are linearly dependent on the concentrations of denaturant. The unfolding free energy derived from these rate constants at zero denaturant was close to the value measured using the equilibrium method, suggesting the absence of detectable sub-millisecond folding intermediates. However, native-state hydrogen exchange experiments detected a partially unfolded intermediate under native conditions. It was further confirmed by a protein engineering study. These data suggest that a hidden intermediate exists after the rate-limiting step in the folding of the third domain of PDZ.  相似文献   

A series of multivalent peptides, with the ability to simultaneously bind two separate PDZ domain proteins, has been designed, synthesized, and tested by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The monomer sequences, linked with succinate, varied in length from five to nine residues. The thermodynamic binding parameters, in conjunction with results from mass spectrometry, indicate that a ternary complex is formed in which each peptide arm binds two equivalents of the third PDZ domain (PDZ3) of the neuronal protein PSD-95.  相似文献   

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