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Human interferon-stimulated gene 15 protein (ISG15), also called ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (UCRP), is the first identified ubiquitin-like protein containing two ubiquitin-like domains fused in tandem. The active form of ISG15 is conjugated to target proteins via the C-terminal glycine residue through an isopeptide bond in a manner similar to ubiquitin. The biological role of ISG15 is strongly associated with the modulation of cell immune function, and there is mounting evidence suggesting that many viral pathogens evade the host innate immune response by interfering with ISG15 conjugation to both host and viral proteins in a variety of ways. Here we report nearly complete backbone 1HN, 15N, 13C′, and 13Cα, as well as side chain 13Cβ, methyl (Ile-δ1, Leu, Val), amide (Asn, Gln), and indole N–H (Trp) NMR resonance assignments for the 157-residue human ISG15 protein. These resonance assignments provide the basis for future structural and functional solution NMR studies of the biologically important human ISG15 protein.  相似文献   

The genus Clusia is notable in that it contains arborescent crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants. As part of a study of CAM in Clusia, titratable acidities were measured in 25 species and 13C values were measured for 38 species from Panamá, including seven undescribed species, and 11 species from Colombia, Costa Rica and Honduras. CAM was detected in 12 species. Clusia flava, C. rosea and C. uvitana exhibited 13C values or diurnal fluctuations in acidity indicative of strong CAM. In C. croatii, C. cylindrica, C. fructiangusta, C. lineata, C. odorata, C. pratensis, C. quadrangula, C. valerioi and C. sp. D diurnal fluctuations in acidity were consistent with weak CAM but the 13C values were C3-like. All of the species that exhibited strong or weak CAM were in the C. flava or C. minor species groups. CAM was not detected in any member of the C. multiflora species group. Strong CAM species were not collected at altitudes above 680 m a.s.l. On the basis of 13C values, the expression of CAM was similar in terrestrial, hemi-epiphytic and epiphytic species and did not differ between individuals of the same species that exhibited different life-forms. This study indicates that phylogenetic affiliation may be a predictor of an ability to exhibit CAM in Clusia species from the Panamanian region, and that weak CAM is probably a common photosynthetic option in many Clusia species. 13C value is not a particularly good indicator of a potential of Clusia species growing in the field to exhibit CAM because it appears that the contribution in most species of CAM to carbon gain is generally rather small when integrated over the life-time of leaves.  相似文献   



Thymosin α1 (Tα1), a 28-amino acid N α -acetylated peptide, has a powerful general immunostimulating activity. Although biosynthesis is an attractive means of large-scale manufacture, to date, Tα1 can only be chemosynthesized because of two obstacles to its biosynthesis: the difficulties in expressing small peptides and obtaining N α -acetylation. In this study, we describe a novel production process for N α -acetylated Tα1 in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The lipase Lip2 of the edible basidiomycete, Pleurotus sapidus, is an extracellular enzyme capable of hydrolysing xanthophyll esters with high efficiency. The gene encoding Lip2 was expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10 using the gene III signal sequence to accumulate proteins in the periplasmatic space. The heterologous expression under control of the araBAD promoter led to the high level production of recombinant protein, mainly as inclusion bodies, but partially in a soluble and active form. A fusion with a C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection of the target protein. This is the first example of a heterologous expression and periplasmatic accumulation of a catalytically active lipase from a basidiomycete fungus.  相似文献   

“Mono-N-methyl scan” is a rational approach for the optimization of the peptide biological properties. N-Methylation of the –CONH– functionality is also a useful tool for discriminating solvent exposed from intramolecularly H-bonded secondary amide groups in peptides. We are currently extending this reaction to linear peptides based on Cα-tetrasubstituted α-amino acids. Following our study on the synthesis and conformation of the mono-N-methylated peptides from Cα-methylated residues, in this work we investigated the N-methylation reaction on homo-peptides to the pentamer level from the Cα-ethylated residue Cα,α-diethylglycine. Under the classical experimental conditions used, exclusively mono-N-methylation (on the N-terminal, acetylated residue) takes place, as unambiguously shown by mass spectrometry, 2D-NMR, and X-ray diffraction techniques. This backbone modification does not seem to involve any significant change in the peptide conformation in the crystalline state. Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Miroslav T. Leplawy (Technical University of Łodz, Poland), who performed the first synthesis of the extremely sterically demanding Cα,α-diethylglycine peptides.  相似文献   

Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) exhibits the S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility where the pollen-part determinant, pollen S, had long remained elusive. Recent identification of S locus F-box brothers (SFBB) in Japanese pear and apple suggested that the multiple F-box genes are the pollen S candidates as they exhibited pollen specific expression, S haplotype-specific polymorphisms and linkage to the S locus. In Japanese pear, three SFBBs were identified from a single S haplotype, and they were more homologous to other haplotype genes of the same group (i.e., α-, β- and γ-groups). In this study, we isolated new seven PpSFBB −γ genes from different S genotypes of Japanese pear. These genes showed S haplotype-specific polymorphisms, however, sequence similarities among them were very high. Based on the sequence polymorphisms of the PpSFBB −γ genes, we developed a CAPS/dCAPS system for S genotyping of the Japanese pear cultivars. This new S genotyping system was found to not only be able to discriminate the S 1S 9, but also be suitable for identification of the mutant S 4sm haplotype for the breeding of self-compatible cultivars, and detection of new S haplotypes such as S k.  相似文献   



The presence of β-lactamases in Y. enterocolitica has been reported to vary with serovars, biovars and geographical origin of the isolates. An understanding of the β-lactamases in other related species is important for an overall perception of antibiotic resistance in yersiniae. The objective of this work was to study the characteristics of β-lactamases and their genes in strains of Y. intermedia and Y. frederiksenii, isolated from clinical and non-clinical sources in India.  相似文献   

DsbD is a disulfide bond reductase present in the inner membrane of many Gamma-Proteobacteria. In the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, DsbD is required for viability and represents a potential target for the development of antibiotics. Here we report the chemical shift assignments (HN, N, Cα and Cβ) for the reduced and oxidized forms of the two periplasmic domains of N. meningitidis DsbD, n-NmDsbD and c-NmDsbD. The backbone amide resonances in all four forms were completely assigned, and the secondary structures for the core regions of the proteins were calculated using 13Cαβ shifts. The reduced and oxidized forms of each domain have similar secondary shifts suggesting they retain the same fold. We anticipate that these data will provide an important basis for studying the interaction between n-NmDsbD and c-NmDsbD, which is required for electron transfer across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Functional expression of heterologous Pseudozyma antarctica lipase B (PalB) in the periplasm of Escherichia coli was explored using four fusion tags, i.e. DsbC, DsbA, maltose-binding protein (MBP), and FLAG in the sequence of increasing expression efficacy. Amongst these fusion tags, FLAG and MBP appear to be the most effective ones in terms of boosting enzyme activity and enhancing solubility of PalB, respectively. Overexpression of these PalB fusions often resulted in concomitant formation of insoluble inclusion bodies. Coexpression of a selection of periplasmic folding factors, including DegP (and its mutant variant of DegPS210A), FkpA, DsbA, DsbC, and a cocktail of SurA, FkpA, DsbA, and DsbC, could improve the expression performance. Coexpression of DsbA appeared to be the most effective in reducing the formation of inclusion bodies for all the four PalB fusions, implying that functional expression of PalB could be limited by initial bridging of disulfide bonds. Culture performance was optimized by overexpressing FLAG-PalB with DsbA coexpression, resulting in a high volumetric PalB activity of 360 U/L.  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2008,63(2):175-176
The paper brings information on an isolated occurrence and morphological characters of Carex × involuta and C. juncella populations in the Vel’ká Fatra Mts. Their presence has been known neither from the territory of Slovakia nor from the whole Western Carpathians till now.  相似文献   

Erwinia carotovora subspecies betavasculorum, also known as E. betavasculorum and Pectobacterium betavasculorum, is a soil bacterium that has the capacity to cause root rot necrosis of sugarbeets. The qualitatively different pathogenicity exhibited by the virulent E. carotovora strain and two avirulent strains, a Citrobacter sp. and an Enterobacter cloacae, was examined using digital analysis of photographic evidence of necrosis as well as for carbohydrate, ethane, and ethylene release compared with uninoculated potato tuber slices. Visual scoring of necrosis was superior to digital analysis of photographs. The release of carbohydrates and ethane from potato tuber slices inoculated with the soft rot necrosis-causing Erwinia was significantly greater than that of potato tuber slices that had not been inoculated or that had been inoculated with the nonpathogenic E. cloacae and Citrobacter sp. strains. Interestingly, ethylene production from potato slices left uninoculated or inoculated with the nonpathogenic Citrobacter strain was 5- to 10-fold higher than with potato slices inoculated with the pathogenic Erwinia strain. These findings suggest that (1) carbohydrate release might be a useful measure of the degree of pathogenesis, or relative virulence; and that (2) bacterial suppression of ethylene formation may be a critical step in root rot disease formation.  相似文献   

Uncertainty about controls on long-term carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) balance, turnover, and isotopic composition currently limits our ability to predict ecosystem response to disturbance and landscape change. We used a two-century, postglacial chronosequence in Glacier Bay, Alaska, to explore the influence of C and N dynamics on soil and leaf stable isotopes. C dynamics were closely linked to soil hydrology, with increasing soil water retention during ecosystem development resulting in a linear decrease in foliar and soil δ13C, independent of shifts in vegetation cover and despite constant precipitation across sites. N dynamics responded to interactions among soil development, vegetation type, microbial activity, and topography. Contrary to the predictions of nutrient retention theory, potential nitrification and denitrification were high, relative to inorganic N stocks, from the beginning of the chronosequence, and gaseous and hydrological N losses were highest at mid-successional sites, 140–165 years since deglaciation. Though leaching of dissolved N is considered the predominant pathway of N loss at high latitudes, we found that gaseous N loss was more tightly correlated with δ15N enrichment. These results suggest that δ13C in leaves and soil can depend as much on soil development and associated water availability as on climate and that N availability and export depend on interactions between physical and biological state factors.  相似文献   

Recombinant Zantedeschia aethiopica agglutinin (ZAA) was expressed in Escherichia coli as N-terminal His-tagged fusion. After induction with isopropylthio-β-d-galactoside (IPTG), the recombinant ZAA was purified by metal-affinity chromatography. The purified ZAA protein was applied in anti-fungal assay and the result showed that recombinant ZAA had anti-fungal activity towards leaf mold (Fulvia fulva), one of the most serious phytopathogenic fungi causing significant yield loss of crops. This study suggests that ZAA could be an effective candidate in genetic engineering of plants for the control of leaf mold.  相似文献   

A gene encoding endochitinase from Trichoderma virens UKM-1 was cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). Both the endochitinase gene and its cDNA sequences were obtained. The endochitinase gene encodes 430 amino acids from an open reading frame comprising of 1,690 bp nucleotide sequence with three introns. The endochitinase was expressed as soluble and active enzyme at 20°C when induced with 1 mM IPTG. Maximum activity was observed at 4 h of post-induction time. SDS-PAGE showed that the purified endochitinase exhibited a single band with molecular weight of 42 kDa. Biochemical characterization of the enzyme displayed a near neutral pH characteristic with an optimum pH at 6.0 and optimum temperature at 50°C. The enzyme is stable between pH 3.0–7.0 and is able to retain its activity from 30 to 60°C. The presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions increased the enzyme activity up to 20%. The purified enzyme has a strong affinity towards colloidal chitin and low effect on ethyl cellulose and D-cellubiose which are non-chitin related substrates. HPLC analysis from the chitin hydrolysis showed the release of (GlcNAc)3, (GlcNAc)2 and GlcNAc, in which (GlcNAc)2 was the main product.  相似文献   

The agglutinin-like-sequence (ALS) family of adhesion proteins are a key virulence factor for C. albicans. These proteins have been implicated in several functions, notably adhesion and invasion of different cell types, as well as binding to peptides and proteins in the cell surface and extracellular matrix. In order to understand their binding mechanism and en route to a full structural determination by NMR, here we report the resonance assignments of backbone atoms plus Ile, Leu and Val methyls for residues 18–329 of ALS1, which comprises the 33.5 kDa binding domain.  相似文献   

We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.  相似文献   

Spirulina-acyl-lipid desaturases are membrane-bound enzymes found in thylakoid and plasma membranes. These enzymes carry out the fatty acid desaturation process of Spirulina to yield γ-linolenic acid (GLA) as the final desaturation product. In this study, Spirulina6 desaturase encoded by the desD gene was heterologously expressed and characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We then conducted site-directed mutagenesis of the histidine residues in the three histidine boxes to determine the role of these amino acid residues in the enzyme function. Our results showed that while four mutants showed complete loss of Δ6-desaturase activity and two mutants showed only trace of the activity, the enzyme activity could be partially restored by chemical rescue using exogenously provided imidazole. This study reveals that the histidine residues (which have imidazole as their functional group) in the conserved clusters play a critical role in Δ6-desaturase activity, possibly by providing a di-iron catalytic center. In our previous study, this enzyme was expressed in Escherichia coli. The results reveal that the enzyme can function only in the presence of an exogenous cofactor, ferredoxin, provided in vitro. This evidence suggests that baker’s yeast has a cofactor that can complement ferredoxin, thought to act as an electron donor for the Δ6 desaturation in cyanobacteria, including Spirulina. The electron donor of the Spirulina6 desaturation in yeast is more likely to be cytochrome b5, which is absent in E. coli. This means that the enzyme expressed in S. cerevisiae can catalyze the biosynthesis of the product, GLA, in vivo.  相似文献   

The resurrection flowering plant Ramonda serbica inhabits the shallow organo-mineral soil that develops in crevices on northern-facing carbonate rocks in the gorges in the Balkan Peninsula. This type of soil represents a complex substrate whose physical and chemical properties were found to be well suited to the most important requirements for the growth and development of R. serbica as well as for the plant’s survival in the state of anhydrobiosis in periods of drought stress. Considerable amount of organic matter (39.4%) in the soil resulted in the high field capacity (134 ml/100 g soil) as well as the slow changes in the amount of its available water. The suitable soil hydric status, based on the organic remains, supports the slow dehydration of this poikilohydric plant, which is extremely important in allowing the activation of the plant’s protective mechanisms. The pH of the soil solution was slighty alkaline (7.7) mostly due to carbonates in its crystallographic structure. The large amount of incompletely decomposed organic debris resulted in a marked difference between total and available nutrient concentration in the soil. Still, the adequate content of nutrients in the leaves points to efficient mineral consumption by the plant roots. The sufficient bioavailability of nutrients and water was also improved by vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhiza detected in R. serbica roots.  相似文献   

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