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We have previously established that IFN-gamma plus IL-2 induces murine macrophage tumoricidal activity. The purpose of this study was to identify the effector molecules that account for the IFN-gamma plus IL-2-induced macrophage cytotoxicity against P815 mastocytoma cells. ANA-1 macrophages and normal thioglycollate-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages produced little or no detectable nitrite (NO2-) after incubation with IFN-gamma alone or IL-2 alone; however, IL-2 synergized with IFN-gamma for the production of NO2-. IFN-gamma plus IL-2 did not induce NO2- production or tumoricidal activity in ANA-1 macrophages that were cultured in medium devoid of L-arginine or in ANA-1 macrophages that were incubated with NG-monomethyl-L-arginine. As observed previously with ANA-1 macrophage tumoricidal activity, IL-4 inhibited IFN-gamma plus IL-2-induced, but not IFN-gamma plus LPS-induced, NO2- production. IL-4 also selectively decreased the ability of IFN-gamma and/or IL-2 to augment TNF-alpha mRNA expression in ANA-1 macrophages. Lastly, incubation of ANA-1 macrophages with anti-TNF mAb selectively inhibited the ability of IFN-gamma plus IL-2 to induce NO2- production and tumoricidal activity. These results indicate that IFN-gamma plus IL-2-induced tumoricidal activity is dependent upon the metabolism of L-arginine to reactive nitrogen intermediates, and they establish a role for TNF-alpha as a required intermediate for IL-2-dependent NO2- production and tumoricidal activity.  相似文献   

Type I IL-1 receptor blockade exacerbates murine listeriosis.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
It was found that IL-1 is produced in livers and spleens of mice shortly after the i.v. injection of a sublethal or lethal Listeria monocytogenes inoculum. In sublethally infected mice, IL-1 was present in infected livers and spleens by the end of the first day of infection. Thereafter, the amounts of IL-1 in these organs increased and decreased in concordance with bacterial numbers. IL-1 was not present in the peripheral circulation of mice during sublethal listeriosis, but was present in the blood late in lethal infection. Evidence showing that IL-1 plays a role in antibacterial resistance early in listeriosis was obtained through the use of 35F5 mAb that binds to the murine type I IL-1R and functions to block IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta actions. Blockade of the type I IL-1R by the 35F5 mAb results in greatly enhanced bacterial growth in the livers and spleens of mice that had received a sublethal Listeria inoculum. Consistent with the exacerbation of listeriosis caused by 35F5 mAb, but in contrast to the effect of 35F5 mAb in other murine models, 35F5 mAb-treated mice exhibit markedly elevated levels of IL-6 in their circulation and infected organs.  相似文献   

Infection with Trichinella spiralis rarely leads to significant morbidity. In this study, we show that IL-10 knockout mice infected with this parasite develop extensive areas of coagulative necrosis in the liver, and newborn larvae are required for lesion formation. Histopathological examination revealed that the hepatic inflammatory infiltrate was mixed but dominated by eosinophils. Accordingly, infected IL-10 knockout mice displayed a marked eosinophilia. IL-10 was expressed during infection in mesenteric lymph node populations and liver tissue. Analysis of cytokine profiles revealed a codominant expression of type 1 and 2 mediators that was enhanced in the absence of IL-10. Additionally, CD11c(+) MHC class II(+) cells were increased in mesenteric lymph nodes of IL-10 knockout mice, suggesting a possible link between IL-10 and dendritic cell trafficking. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences in mortality or parasite burdens between the strains of mice, indicating that IL-10 is necessary to control the host's inflammatory response but does not impact establishment of the parasite. Expression of IL-10 appears to be an adaptation used by the liver to protect itself from damage caused by migrating newborn larvae.  相似文献   

《Bone and mineral》1994,24(2):109-126
We have previously shown that tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) acted synergistically to stimulate the production of IL-6 by bone marrow stromal and osteoblastic cells; and that an antibody to IL-6 inhibited TNF-induced osteoclast development in murine calvarial cell cultures. Prompted by this evidence, we have now examined whether TNF and/or IL-1 are produced by murine calvarial cells, and whether these cytokines are involved in IL-6 production and osteoclast formation. When cultured under basal conditions, calvarial cells produced TNF and IL-6, and were able to form bone resorbing osteoclasts. A neutralizing antibody against TNF suppressed both basal IL-6 production and the formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. The anti-TNF antibody also inhibited IL-6 production in response to exogenous IL-1 or parathyroid hormone (PTH). In contrast, a neutralizing anti-IL-1 receptor antibody had no effect on basal, TNF- or PTH-stimulated IL-6 production. These findings suggest that TNF, but not IL-1, is produced by murine bone cells and that endogenous TNF induces the IL-6 production, osteoclast formation, and bone resorption exhibited by these cultures under basal conditions. Furthermore, bone cell-derived TNF amplifies the stimulatory effect of exogenous IL-1 or PTH on IL-6 production by calvarial cells.  相似文献   

rIFN-gamma conferred remarkable resistance against acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii in T cell-deficient (athymic nude) mice. Mice that received an i.p. injection of rIFN-gamma every other day beginning 24 h before infection for a total of eight doses survived significantly longer than untreated control mice although all of the treated mice died after the lymphokine was discontinued. Mice that received 14 doses of rIFN-gamma survived significantly longer than those that received eight doses of the lymphokine although mice started dying soon after the final (14th) injection of rIFN-gamma and eventually all of the treated mice died. Histologic study revealed that the IFN-gamma treatment prevented proliferation of the organisms in all organs examined, including brain, lung, heart, liver, and spleen. The treatment was effective even when started 1 day after infection. Peritoneal macrophages obtained from mice injected with rIFN-gamma were activated and effectively killed tachyzoites of T. gondii in vitro. TNF activity could not be detected in sera of the infected mice during treatment with rIFN-gamma. Administration of anti-TNF antibody did not affect the protective effect of rIFN-gamma against T. gondii infection. These facts indicate that rIFN-gamma can confer resistance to acute infection with T. gondii without collaboration of lymphokines derived from T cells and TNF. This suggests that rIFN-gamma may be effective for therapy of toxoplasmosis in immunosuppressed patients who have impaired activity of T cell function, especially those with AIDS.  相似文献   

Cytokines are known to play a key role in the development of several hemopoietic lineages including lymphocytes. Two cytokines: IL-4 (in the presence of PMA) and IL-7 have been shown to induce immature fetal thymocyte proliferation. It has also been suggested that IL-2 plays an important role in fetal T cell development. In this report, we investigated the effects of several cytokines (known to be growth factors for T-lineage cells) on fetal thymocyte proliferation. Our results indicate that: 1) TNF-alpha and a newly described cytokine, P40, enhance fetal thymocyte proliferation stimulated by IL-2 (but not IL-4 or IL-7). 2) The enhancement induced by P40 is not mediated by TNF-alpha because blocking antibodies against this cytokine failed to inhibit this response. 3) IL-4 inhibits fetal thymocyte proliferation in response to TNF-alpha + IL-2 or to IL-7 but not to P40 + IL-2. Finally, 4) the proliferating cells to all cytokine combinations used were Thy-1+. These observations suggest that these cytokine combinations induce independent pathways of T cell proliferation in the developing thymus.  相似文献   

NK cells differentiate into either NK1 or NK2 cells that produce IFN-gamma or IL-5 and IL-13, respectively. Little is known, however, about the molecular mechanisms that control NK1 and NK2 cell differentiation. To address these questions, we established an in vitro mouse NK1/NK2 cell differentiation culture system. For NK1/NK2 cell differentiation, initial stimulation with PMA and ionomycin was required. The in vitro differentiated NK2 cells produced IL-5 and IL-13, but the levels were 20 times lower than those of Th2 or T cytotoxic (Tc)2 cells. No detectable IL-4 was produced. Freshly prepared NK cells express IL-2Rbeta, IL-2RgammaC, and IL-4Ralpha. After stimulation with PMA and ionomycin, NK cells expressed IL-2Ralpha. NK1 cells displayed higher cytotoxic activity against Yac-1 target cells. The levels of GATA3 protein in developing NK2 cells were approximately one-sixth of those in Th2 cells. Both NK1 and NK2 cells expressed large amounts of repressor of GATA, the levels of which were equivalent to CD8 Tc1 and Tc2 cells and significantly higher than those in Th2 cells. The levels of histone hyperacetylation of the IL-4 and IL-13 gene loci in NK2 cells were very low and equivalent to those in naive CD4 T cells. The production of IL-5 and IL-13 in NK2 cells was found to be STAT6 dependent. Thus, similar to Th2 cells, NK2 cell development is dependent on STAT6, and the low level expression of GATA3 and the high level expression of repressor of GATA may influence the unique type 2 cytokine production profiles of NK2 cells.  相似文献   

Astrocytes have the capacity to secrete or respond to a variety of cytokines including IL-1, IL-6, IL-3, and TNF-alpha. In this study, we have examined the capacity of astrocytes to secrete TNF-alpha in response to a variety of biologic stimuli, particularly cytokines such as IL-1 and IFN-gamma, which are known to be present in the central nervous system during neurologic diseases associated with inflammation. Rat astrocytes do not constitutively produce TNF-alpha, but have the ability to secrete TNF-alpha in response to LPS, and can be primed by IFN-gamma to respond to a suboptimal dose of LPS. IFN-gamma and IL-1 beta alone do not induce TNF-alpha production, however, the combined treatment of IFN-gamma and IL-1 beta results in a striking synergistic effect on astrocyte TNF-alpha production. Astrocyte TNF-alpha protein production induced by a combined treatment of either IFN-gamma/LPS or IFN-gamma/IL-1 beta occurs in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and appears to require a "priming signal" initiated by IFN-gamma, which then renders the astrocyte responsive to either a suboptimal dose of LPS or IL-1 beta. Astrocyte TNF-alpha production by IFN-gamma/LPS stimulation can be inhibited by the addition of anti-rat IFN-gamma antibody, whereas IFN-gamma/IL-1-induced TNF-alpha production is inhibited by antibody to either IFN-gamma or IL-1 beta. Polyclonal antisera reactive with mouse macrophage-derived TNF-alpha neutralized the cytotoxicity of IFN-gamma/LPS and IFN-gamma/IL-1 beta-induced astrocyte TNF-alpha, demonstrating similarities between these two sources of TNF-alpha. We propose that astrocyte-produced TNF-alpha may have a pivotal role in augmenting intracerebral immune responses and inflammatory demyelination due to its diverse functional effects on glial cells such as oligodendrocytes and astrocytes themselves.  相似文献   

Starting with a previously isolated cDNA clone encoding murine IL-6R, a stable transformed Chinese hamster ovary cell line constitutively expressing soluble murine IL-6R (smIL-6R) has been established. The smIL-6R was purified to homogeneity by sequential filtration and chromatography of culture medium. The smIL-6R augmented the sensitivity of M1 cells to IL-6 in their growth inhibition in a dose-response manner. Rat hybridomas producing mAb specific to murine IL-6R were also established. One of the clones, RS13, produced IgG2a isotype that was capable of inhibiting IL-6 activity. ELISA for the quantitation of smIL-6R was established, which could detect smIL-6R in a quantity as low as 1 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Fetal wound healing is characterized by minimal inflammation and scarless repair. IL-6 stimulates inflammation in postnatal wound healing. We hypothesized that fetal skin has a diminished IL-6 response and that exogenous IL-6 will result in scar formation. Human adult or fetal skin was placed subcutaneously in SCID mice and incisionally wounded. Wounds were excised after 4, 12, 24 or 72 h for IL-6 mRNA quantification by RT-PCR. In other grafts, 5 microgram of IL-6 was injected at wounding and then harvested at 7 days for analysis of scar formation. IL-6 production was examined in primary cultures of human fetal or adult dermal fibroblasts incubated for 8 h with 0, 0.1, 1 or 10 ng/ml of PDGF-BB. IL-6 mRNA was detected 4 h after wounding in fetal and adult wounds, but by 12 h there was no IL-6 mRNA in the fetal wounds. Adult wounds had IL-6 mRNA persisting to 72 h. IL-6 administration to fetal wounds resulted in scar formation. Fetal fibroblasts produced less IL-6 protein and mRNA at all points examined (P<0.01 vs adult). Diminished production of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 may be responsible for the lack of inflammation seen during fetal wound healing. Diminished inflammation may provide a permissive environment for scarless wound healing.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of hypoglycaemia on the production capacity of the proinflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) in subjects with and without diabetes. Hyperinsulinaemic (360 pmolm(-2) x min(-1)) stepped hypoglycaemic (5.0-3.5-2.5 mmoll(-1)) glucose clamps were performed in eight diabetic patients and in six non-diabetic subjects, and hyperinsulinaemic normoglycaemia (5.0 mmoll(-1)) control experiments were performed in four non-diabetic subjects. Circulating levels of cytokines and endotoxin-induced production of TNFalpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-10 were assessed. The effects of insulin and adrenaline were measured in separate in vitro experiments. In non-diabetic subjects, hypoglycaemia downregulated the production capacity of TNFalpha in a concentration-dependent fashion (P=0.007), but not of IL-1beta, IL-6, or IL-10. Compared to controls, the production capacity of TNFalpha in diabetic patients was already suppressed at normoglycaemia (P=0.02) and only fell in response to hypoglycaemic nadir (P=0.04). The downregulation of TNFalpha could not be explained by increased insulin or adrenaline levels. We conclude that hypoglycaemia specifically downregulates TNFalpha production capacity. Diabetic patients already have a suppressed TNFalpha production capacity at non-hypoglycaemic levels.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a macrophage derived peptide that has an antitumor action and modulates immune and inflammatory reactions. Dietary fatty acids may modulate TNF production as dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids suppress human monocyte TNF production, but enhance its secretion by murine peritoneal macrophages. Mice were maintained for 5 weeks on diets containing different amounts of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids. TNF, PGE2 and 6-keto PGF1 alpha production was monitored following in vitro stimulation of resident peritoneal macrophages with lipopolysaccharide. Macrophages from mice fed the high n-3 diet produced 8-fold more TNF and half the PGE2 produced by macrophages from mice on the other diets. Indomethacin caused an increase in the TNF production by macrophages from mice on all diets but macrophages from mice on the high n-3 diet produced more TNF than macrophages from mice on the other diets. Exogenous PGE2 (100 nM) greatly decreased TNF production by macrophages from mice on all diets, but macrophages from mice on the high n-3 diet secreted 70% more TNF than macrophages from mice fed the other diets, indicating that PGE2 is only partly responsible for the effects observed. The results show that feeding n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may cause enhanced TNF production by resident peritoneal macrophages and that PGE2 is partly responsible for the effect.  相似文献   

IL-1 stimulates IL-6 production in endothelial cells   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Leukocytes and vascular cells interact closely in inflammation and immunity and lymphokines are important mediators of this interaction. The present study was designed to define the possible role of IL-6 as a communication signal between vascular and immunocompetent cells. IL-6 was measured as hybridoma growth factor (HGF) on the 7TD1 cell line in the supernatants of human endothelial cells (HEC). HEC released appreciable levels of HGF activity in the absence of deliberate stimulation. In vitro exposure to recombinant IL-1 beta markedly increased (usually 10 to 15-fold) HGF production by HEC. Optimal stimulation was observed with 0.1 to 50 U/ml for 4 to 20 h of incubation. Human and murine rIL-1 alpha stimulated HGF production in HEC. Anti-IL-6 antibodies inhibited the HGF activity of the HEC supernatants, thus confirming, together with the cytokine specificity of the assay, the nature of HEC-produced cytokine. IL-1-treated HEC expressed high levels of IL-6 mRNA as detected by Northern blot analysis. Inasmuch as IL-1 elicits a complex series of changes in HEC, it was important to assess whether IL-6, produced after exposure to IL-1, modified HEC function. Natural or rIL-6 did not affect the functional status of HEC as assessed by proliferative capacity, production of procoagulant activity and prostacyclin, ability to induce adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The capacity to produce IL-6 may represent an important mechanism by which endothelial cells participate in inflammatory and immune reactions.  相似文献   

Summary Murine interleukin-6 (mIL-6) was expressed inEscherichia coli as human growth hormone (hGH) fusion protein. The products were cleaved by thrombin to liberate mIL-6. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific to mIL-6 were prepared by immunizing rats with mIL-6 thus obtained. ELISA for the quantitation of mIL-6 was also established, which could detect mIL-6 in a quantity as low as 2 ng/ml.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with Listeria monocytogenes induces a strong CD8+ T cell response, which is critical for the control of bacteria and for protection against re-infection. We analyzed the CD8+ T cell response in different intestinal tissues following oral and intravenous (i.v.) L. monocytogenes infection. After oral infection, bacterial titers in small intestine and large intestine, and the listeria-specific CD8+ T cell response in the mucosa of both parts of the intestine, were highly correlated. Oral infection of CD28-deficient mice revealed that this response was strictly dependent on CD28 costimulation. Significant listeria-specific CD8+ T cell responses also occurred in all intestinal tissues analyzed after i.v. infection or after DNA vaccination, indicating that the accumulation of listeria-specific CD8+ T cells in these tissues only partially depends on local antigen presentation and inflammation.  相似文献   

Infections by coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) have previously been shown to cause acute and chronic myocarditis characterized by a heavy mononuclear leukocyte infiltration and myocyte necrosis. Because clinical and experimental evidence suggested that cardiac damage may result from immunologic rather than viral mechanisms, we examined in this study the in vitro interaction of CVB3 with human monocytes. CVB3 was capable of infecting freshly harvested monocytes as revealed by immunofluorescence and release of infectious virus particles. Virus infection did not reduce monocyte viability but, on the contrary, enhanced spreading and adherence. In a dose-dependent manner, CVB3 stimulated the release of cytokines from monocytes. Whereas a potent production of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 was dependent on exposure to infectious CVB3, IFN release was also induced by UV-inactivated virus. On a molecular level, CVB3 stimulated cytokine gene expression as shown by a marked TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-6 mRNA accumulation. Supernatants of CVB3-infected monocytes displayed cytotoxic activity against Girardi heart cells which could be abrogated by an anti-TNF-alpha antiserum. These data suggest that CVB3-induced cytokine release from monocytes may participate in virus-induced organ damage such as myocarditis, which may either occur by a direct cytotoxicity of cytokines or by activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

IL-2 is a potent activator of effector and secretory activities of human monocytes. Since monocytes are an important source of IL-6, we investigated whether IL-2 can induce IL-6 production and whether regulatory circuits can modulate this process. We found that stimulation of monocytes with IL-2 induced expression of IL-6 mRNA and bioactivity in a dose-dependent manner. Production of IL-6 in monocytes can be induced by other cytokines such as IL-1 beta. By using mAb alpha-IL-1 beta we showed that IL-2-induced IL-6 production is not mediated by the autocrine stimulation of IL-1 beta elicited by IL-2. IL-6 induction by monocytes is not a common response to activating signals because IFN-gamma did not induce IL-6 expression under conditions in which it elicits tumoricidal activity. In contrast, IFN-gamma could completely abrogate the induction of IL-6 expression by IL-1 beta but did not affect the levels of mRNA and the secretion of IL-2-elicited IL-6. We have previously reported that transforming growth factor-beta inhibits IL-6 production in response to IL-1 beta. Studies on the inhibitory activity of transforming growth factor-beta demonstrated that this cytokine differs from IFN-gamma because it inhibited both IL-1- and IL-2-induced IL-6 expression. These data demonstrate that, in human monocytes, both IL-1 and IL-2 stimulate IL-6 expression by independent mechanisms that can be dissociated by the susceptibility to the inhibitory effect of IFN-gamma. IL-6 production is also down-regulated by TGF-beta, whose inhibitory activity is stimulus-unrelated.  相似文献   

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