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Free‐living marine nematode communities of the Larsen B embayment at the eastern Antarctic Peninsula were investigated to provide insights on their response and colonization rate after large‐scale ice‐shelf collapse. This study compares published data on the post‐collapse situation from 2007 with new material from 2011, focusing on two locations in the embayment that showed highly divergent communities in 2007 and that are characterized by a difference in timing of ice‐shelf breakup. Data from 2007 exposed a more diverse community at outer station B.South, dominated by the genus Microlaimus. On the contrary, station B.West in the inner part of Larsen B was poor in both numbers of individuals and genera, with dominance of a single Halomonhystera species. Re‐assessment of the situation in 2011 showed that communities at both stations diverged even more, due to a drastic increase in Halomonhystera at B.West compared to relatively little change at B.South. On a broader geographical scale, it seems that B.South gradually starts resembling other Antarctic shelf communities, although the absence of the genus Sabatieria and the high abundance of Microlaimus still set it apart nine years after the main Larsen B collapse. In contrast, thriving of Halomonhystera at B.West further separates its community from other Antarctic shelf areas.  相似文献   

Summer phytoplankton blooms on the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf result in episodic deposition of labile food material for benthic detritivores. This summer deposition is thought to enhance benthic recruitment of macro- and megafauna. To explore seasonality in benthic recruitment, juvenile invertebrates (>100 μm) were collected in a seasonal time series at three stations on the WAP continental shelf. 4,098 juveniles were collected (average densities 2,000–7,000 m−2), with polychaetes dominant (2,581 individuals). The majority of polychaetes showed evidence of enhanced recruitment prior to the summer bloom, although patterns varied across stations. Additional taxa showed recruitment peaks in summer, but again, patterns varied among stations. Based on observed patterns, polychaete taxa are classified as “seasonal”, “marginally seasonal”, and “non-seasonal” recruiters, with the latter two patterns predominating. The year-round presence of small juveniles in most taxa suggests that recruitment occurs continuously, with periodic enhancement. Year-round recruitment is consistent with the presence of a persistent “food bank” of labile organic material in WAP shelf sediments, allowing recruitment to be largely decoupled from seasonal bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to contribute to a general understanding of the response of the Antarctic macrobenthos to environmental variability and climate-induced changes. The change in population size of selected macrobenthic organisms was investigated in the Larsen A area east of the Antarctic Peninsula in 2007 and 2011 using ROV-based imaging methods. The results were complemented by data from the Larsen B collected in 2007 to allow a conceptual reconstruction of the environment-driven changes before the period of investigation. Both Larsen areas are characterised by ice-shelf disintegration in 1995 and 2002, respectively, as well as high inter-annual variability in sea-ice cover and oceanographic conditions. In 2007 one ascidian species, Molgula pedunculata, was abundant north and south of the stripe of remaining ice shelf between Larsen A and B. Population densities decreased drastically in the Larsen A between 2007 and 2011, coincident with the decrease in Corella eumyota, another ascidian. Among the ophiuroids, the population of deposit feeders increased, while suspension feeders halved their abundance. Current measurements indicated a northward flow between the Larsen B and Larsen A, suggesting that a major physical forcing on benthic population development comes from the South. The results demonstrate that Antarctic macrobenthic populations can exhibit dramatic population dynamics. Analyses of sea-ice dynamics, salinity, temperature and surprisingly ice-shelf disintegration history, however, did not provide any clear evidence for environmental drivers underlying the apparent changes.  相似文献   

In 2002, section B of the Larsen ice shelf, off of the Eastern Antarctic Peninsula, collapsed and created the opportunity to study whether the changes at the sea surface left evidence in the sedimentary record. Biogenic silica is major constituent of Antarctic marine sediment, and its presence in the sediment column is associated with diatom production in the euphotic zone. The abundance of diatom valves and the number of sponge spicules in the biogenic silica was analyzed to determine how the origin of the biogenic silica in the upper layers of the sediment column responded to recent environmental changes. Diatom valves were present only in the upper 2 cm of sediment, which roughly corresponds to the period after the collapse of the ice shelf. In contrast, sponge spicules, a more robust form of biogenic silica, were also found below the upper 2 cm layer of the sediment column. Our results indicate that in this region most of the biogenic silica in the sedimentary record originated from sponge spicules rather than diatoms during the time when the sea surface was covered by the Larsen ice shelf. Since the collapse of the ice shelf, the development of phytoplankton blooms and the consequent influx of diatom debris to the seabed have shifted the biogenic silica record to one dominated by diatom debris, as occurs in most of the Antarctic marine sediment. This shift provides further evidence of the anthropogenic changes to the benthic habitats of the Antarctic and will improve the interpretation of the sedimentary record in Polar Regions where these events occur.  相似文献   

To assess whether sea floor sediment reflects the characteristics of the upper water column, organic carbon (OC) and biogenic silica (bSi) were measured in seventeen 5-cm-long sediment cores recovered within a climatic gradient from the northwestern Weddell Sea (WS) to the Drake Passage (DP) across the Bransfield Strait (BS). Climate settings in the study area vary from dry and cold (polar) conditions with seasonal sea ice coverage in the WS to a more humid and warm (oceanic) environment where no seasonal sea ice develops in the DP, with the BS as transitional zone undergoing seasonal sea ice coverage. OC varied between 0.2 and 1.7 % and represented more than 90 % of the total carbon, and bSi varied between 2 and 13 %. The profiles of both variables along the sediment cores suggested that the surface mixed layer is at least 5 cm thick. The inventories of the upper 5 cm of the sediment column were calculated for both variables. Regional averages were significantly lower for OC in DP samples and higher for bSi in the BS. These results suggested relatively high bSi export to the seabed in the BS, higher degradation for OC in the DP and lower bSi export from the euphotic zone in the WS. The observations made evident that the biogenic matter contents in the sediment not necessarily replicate their production characteristics at the upper ocean even across strong climatic gradients. The results may provide a useful baseline for paleo-reconstructions in a rapidly changing environment.  相似文献   

In sediment slurry experiments with anoxic marine sediments collected in Cape Lookout Bight, NC, and a site in mid-Chesapeake Bay, the rates of sulfate reduction and ammonium production decrease with increasing dilution of sediment with oxygen-free sea-water. The effect of sediment dilution on the rates of these processes can be described by a simple mathematical relationship, and when these rates are corrected for sediment dilution they yield values which agree well with direct measurements of these processes.In sediment slurry studies of amino acid utilization in Cape Lookout Bight sediments, the fermentative decarboxylation of glutamic acid (to -aminobutyric acid) or aspartic acid (to alanine or -alanine) did not occur when either of these amino acids were added to Cape Lookout Bight slurries. The addition of glutamic acid did however lead to a small (1) transient build-up of -aminoglutaric acid. Measured rates of glutamic acid uptake in these slurries also decreased with increasing sediment dilution.Molybdate inhibition experiments demonstrated that dissolved free amino acids represent 1–3% of the carbon sources/electron donors used for sulfate reduction in Cape Lookout Bight sediments. The direct oxidation of amino acids by sulfate reducing bacteria also accounts for 13–20% of the total ammonium produced. Glutamic acid, alanine, -aminoglutaric acid, aspartic acid and asparagine are the major amino acids oxidized by sulfate reducing bacteria in Cape Lookout Bight sediments.  相似文献   

To investigate whether phytoplankton is the main factor determining mesozooplankton distribution in a continental shelf affected by upwelling, oceanographic surveys were conducted off NW Portugal in 2002 and 2003. During four different seasons, we investigated how the mesoscale relationship between these two communities was forced by environmental conditions across the shelf. The horizontal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton was shaped by wind stress over the water. Diatoms dominated mixed and upwelled waters, whereas dinoflagellates prevailed with thermal stratification. Mesozooplankton was less influenced by wind forcing and concentrated mostly at mid-shelf, on the outer margin of main phytoplankton patches. We found that this pattern, under strong thermal stratification conditions, can be associated with localized grazing “hot spots”. Copepods were dominant, contributing to the mesozooplankton community variability between cruises whereas phytoplankton presented a clearer seasonal pattern. Nevertheless, the distribution and abundance of mesozooplankton were directly correlated with all phytoplankton groups at the inner-mid-shelf, while no correlation was observed offshore the outer-shelf. The relative composition of mesozooplankton did not vary between depth strata, whereas a cross-shelf separation occurred between nearshore and widespread clusters of species. This reflected a dependence on phytoplankton and reflected the high variability of oceanographic conditions of the study area.  相似文献   

The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where foundational changes at the basis of the food web have been recorded; cryptophytes are gradually outgrowing diatoms together with a decreased size spectrum of the phytoplankton community. Based on a 11-year (2008–2018) in-situ dataset, we demonstrate a strong coupling between biomass accumulation of cryptophytes, summer upper ocean stability, and the mixed layer depth. Our results shed light on the environmental conditions favoring the cryptophyte success in coastal regions of the WAP, especially during situations of shallower mixed layers associated with lower diatom biomass, which evidences a clear competition or niche segregation between diatoms and cryptophytes. We also unravel the cryptophyte photo-physiological niche by exploring its capacity to thrive under high light stress normally found in confined stratified upper layers. Such conditions are becoming more frequent in the Antarctic coastal waters and will likely have significant future implications at various levels of the marine food web. The competitive advantage of cryptophytes in environments with significant light level fluctuations was supported by laboratory experiments that revealed a high flexibility of cryptophytes to grow in different light conditions driven by a fast photo-regulating response. All tested physiological parameters support the hypothesis that cryptophytes are highly flexible regarding their growing light conditions and extremely efficient in rapidly photo-regulating changes to environmental light levels. This plasticity would give them a competitive advantage in exploiting an ecological niche where light levels fluctuate quickly. These findings provide new insights on niche separation between diatoms and cryptophytes, which is vital for a thorough understanding of the WAP marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

During the BENTART 95 Expedition, 24 Agassiz trawls for macrozoobenthos sampling were carried out at depths of 40–850 m, from north of Livingston Island to the Antarctic Peninsula. The samples were analysed using a semi-quantitative method, and with the resulting numerical data, transformed into a six-point scale, we constructed a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix. A total of 74,624 specimens, belonging to 38 taxonomic groups, were collected. The most abundant group was Polychaeta Sedentaria, with 36% of the total, whereas the highest relative masses were from Ascidiacea (23%), Echinoidea Regularia (18%) and Ophiuroidea (16%). The maximum number of specimens recorded was 15,600 ind./50 l. Cluster analysis separated stations located in Foster Bay (Deception Island), characterised by low taxonomic richness and high relative mass (average: 26.7 kg). A zonation of ascidians, regular sea urchins and ophiuroids was observed at Deception Island, clearly related to depth and substratum type. The remaining stations were separated into two groups. The first one comprised the shallowest stations (40–130 m), dominated by sessile active filter-feeders, belonging to Ascidiacea, Demospongia and Bryozoa, and probably related to high primary production zones. The second group comprised deeper stations and was dominated by classes exhibiting a diversity of trophic strategies: Ophiuroidea and Asteroidea, to 400 m, and Polychaeta Sedentaria at greater depths. Received: 20 February 1997 / Accepted: 8 September 1997  相似文献   

Microbial methylation processes in sediment are an important source of toxic monomethylmercury (MMHg) to aquatic ecosystems. Although bioturbation activities (feeding, digging of galleries, excavations, bioirrigation) by benthic fauna are known to affect many biogeochemical processes, their influence on benthic MMHg production is poorly understood. We investigated the effect of benthic fauna on the microbial production of MMHg in sediments on the continental shelf of the northwest Atlantic Ocean in September 2009. Replicate cores of sieved (control) and unaltered sediment containing native macrofauna were incubated to examine the influence of benthic macrofauna on net MMHg production, potential gross rates of Hg methylation, sediment reworking, dissolved oxygen and organic carbon concentrations, and microbial metabolic activities. The presence of macrofauna stimulated aerobic microbial respiration and net MMHg production, but had no observed effect on short-term gross rates of Hg methylation. This suggests that bioturbation may promote net MMHg production by inhibiting demethylating microorganisms, although overall community metabolism was increased. Results from this work emphasize the need to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the interactions among benthic fauna, microorganisms, and geochemistry in affecting MMHg production.  相似文献   

A new component of the benthic Thioploca mat microbial ecosystem on the Chilean continental shelf was detected by epifluorescence microscopy: filamentous, bacterial endobionts of 4–5-μm filament diameter and length sometimes exceeding 1 mm. These filaments were identified as growing within Thioploca sheaths located between the sediment surface and c . 5 cm depth. Their location coincided with maximal biomass and biovolume of Thioploca filaments in surficial sediments, and with maximal abundance and activity of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations near the sediment/water interface. FISH and environmental characteristics support the working hypothesis that these endobiont populations are members of the filamentous, sulfate-reducing bacterial genus Desulfonema . Found at several sampling stations over a decade-long interval (1994–2006), these populations appear to be a stable component of the Chilean Thioploca mat ecosystem.  相似文献   

The marine microbiome is a complex and least-understood habitat, which play a significant role in global biogeochemical cycles. The present study reported the culture-independent assessment of microbial diversity from the Arabian Sea (AS) sediments (from Gujarat to Malabar; at 30 m depth) by using metagenome sequence analysis. Our results elucidated that bacterial communities in the Malabar coastal region are highly diverse than the Gujarat coast. Moreover, Statistical analysis (Spearman rank correlation) showed a significant correlation co-efficient value (r = P < 0.001) between microbial communities and physicochemical parameters (salinity and dissolved oxygen) in the water column. A total of 39 bacterial phyla were recorded from the eastern side of AS, of which six phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, and Planctomycetes were found to be the most dominant group. The most dominant genus from Valapad region (Malabar Coast) was found to be Halomonas sp., while other regions were dominated with Psychrobacter pulmonis. The subsequent Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) showed 99.53% variance, which suggests that, highly distinct microbial communities at Valapad (Malabar Coast) sampling location than other sites. Moreover, the microbial metabolic activity analysis revealed the important functions of microbial communities in the AS are hydrocarbon degradation, polymer degradation, nutrient oxidation and sulphate reduction (biodegradation process). Further extended studies are needed to be carried out for better understanding the functional diversity of microbial communities from the marine sediments.  相似文献   

Ascidians (Ascidiacea: Tunicata) are sessile suspension feeders that represent dominant epifaunal components of the Southern Ocean shelf benthos and play a significant role in the pelagic–benthic coupling. Here, we report the results of a first study on the relationship between the distribution patterns of eight common and/or abundant (putative) ascidian species, and environmental drivers in the waters off the northern Antarctic Peninsula. During RV Polarstern cruise XXIX/3 (PS81) in January–March 2013, we used seabed imaging surveys along 28 photographic transects of 2 km length each at water depths from 70 to 770 m in three regions (northwestern Weddell Sea, southern Bransfield Strait and southern Drake Passage), differing in their general environmental setting, primarily oceanographic characteristics and sea-ice dynamics, to comparatively analyze the spatial patterns in the abundance of the selected ascidians, reliably to be identified in the photographs, at three nested spatial scales. At a regional (100-km) scale, the ascidian assemblages of the Weddell Sea differed significantly from those of the other two regions, whereas at an intermediate 10-km scale no such differences were detected among habitat types (bank, upper slope, slope, deep/canyon) on the shelf and at the shelf break within each region. These spatial patterns were superimposed by a marked small-scale (10-m) patchiness of ascidian distribution within the 2-km-long transects. Among the environmental variables considered in our study, a combination of water-mass characteristics, sea-ice dynamics (approximated by 5-year averages in sea-ice cover in the region of or surrounding the photographic stations), as well as the seabed ruggedness, was identified as explaining best the distribution patterns of the ascidians.  相似文献   

B. D. Irwin 《Polar Biology》1990,10(4):247-254
Summary Ice algae samples were collected from the winter pack ice off Labrador during March 1984. The population was dominated by centric diatoms. Chlorophyll concentrations ranged from 40 to 190 mg m–3, and particulate organic carbon from 2 to 10 g m–3. Assimilation numbers for the ice algae ranged from 1.4 to 2.8 mg C (mg chl)–1 h–1 with a mean of 2.3, and were not significantly different from the assimilation numbers of the pelagic community beneath the ice. The ice algae were not photoinhibited at light intensities approaching surface light intensities. It is postulated that the dynamic nature of the ice field permits near-surface light intensities to reach the ice algae community at irregular intervals thereby suppressing photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Owing to large‐scale ice‐shelf disintegration events, the Antarctic Larsen A and B areas recently became ice‐free. During the ANT‐XXIII/8 Polarstern campaign, this region was sampled for the first time. Our study is the first to investigate benthic communities in this area and their response to the collapse of ice shelves in the Antarctic. The nematofauna appears to be strongly influenced by the sudden ice‐cover removal, although its response differs from that of the macro‐ and megabenthos. Our results indicate that precollapse, sub‐ice communities were impoverished and characterized by low densities, low diversity and high dominance of a few taxa. This might still be visible at a station located deep inside the Larsen B embayment, where Halomonhystera was dominant. Post‐collapse recolonization of the ‘inner’ stations, i.e. those located furthermost from the former ice‐shelf edge, is believed to be a long‐time process. At the time of sampling, community structure at the inner stations was not or only slightly influenced by colonization, and might be structured by local environmental conditions. Our results indicate that a locally increased food supply after ice‐cover removal could provoke a faster, local response of the nematode assemblages compared with the response due to recolonization. Thalassomonhystera is recognized as an opportunist, taking advantage of increased food supply at inner stations A_South and B_North. Communities living close to the former ice‐shelf edge are believed to be at an intermediate or late stage of succession, with a dominance of Microlaimus, a common Antarctic genus and quick colonizer. Densities here were comparable with those at other Antarctic stations, whereas they were considerably decreased at the inner stations. In general, the collapse of the Larsen ice shelves initially has a positive effect on the shelf nematode fauna in the area, both in terms of abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An amphiphilicity index of amino acid residues was developed for improving the method of transmembrane helix prediction. RESULTS: The transfer energy of a hydrocarbon stem group beyond the gamma-carbon was calculated from the accessible surface area, and used to index the amphiphilicity of the residue. Non-zero amphiphilicity index values were obtained for lysine, arginine, histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine, tyrosine and tryptophan. Those residues were found to be abundant in the end regions of transmembrane helices, indicating their preference for the membrane-water interface. The moving average of the amphiphilicity index actually showed significant peaks in the end regions of most transmembrane helices. A dispersion diagram of average amphiphilicity index versus average hydrophobicity index was devised to facilitate discrimination of transmembrane helices. AVAILABILITY: The amphiphilicity index has been incorporated into a system, SOSUI, for the discrimination of membrane proteins and the prdiction of tranmembrane helical regions (http://sosui.proteome.bio.tuat.ac.jp/sosuiframe0.html).  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(6):601-611
We recovered 195 fungal isolates from the sediments of different lakes in the Antarctic Peninsula, which were screened to detect bioactive compounds. Forty-two taxa belonging to the phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Mortierellomycota were identified. Thelebolus globosus, Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus, Pseudogymnoascus verrucosus, Vishniacozyma victoriae, and Phenoliferia sp. were found to be the most prevalent. The fungal assemblages showed high diversity and richness, but low dominance values. However, the diversity indices and fungal distribution ranged according to the different lake sediments. Sixty fungal extracts displayed at least one biological activity against the evaluated targets. Among them, Pseudogymnoascus destructans showed selective trypanocidal activity, Cladosporium sp. 1 and Trichoderma polysporum showed antifungal activity, and Pseudogymnoascus appendiculatus and Helotiales sp. showed high herbicidal activity. We detected a rich and diverse fungal community composed of cold cosmopolitan and psychrophilic endemic taxa recognized as decomposers, symbiotics, pathogens, and potential new species, in the sediments of Antarctic lakes. The dynamics and balance of this fungal community represents an interesting aquatic web model for further ecological and evolutionary studies under extreme conditions and potential climate changes in the regions. In addition, we detected fungal taxa and isolates able to produce bioactive compounds that may represent the source of prototype molecules for applications in medicine and agriculture.  相似文献   

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