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Architectonics of intraorganic arterial vessels in the cervical cortex, heart, kidneys and spleen have been investigated in 40 normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats, 6 months and 1 year old. In all the organs studied a direct dependence has been revealed between the degree of changes in the intraorganic arteries and relative content of the arterial vessels in the tissue organs. Functional changes of the arterial vessels in the organs studied observed during the hypertensive phase, transfer into the organic ones, as a result of prolonged adaptation, when the stage of a stable hypertension takes place.  相似文献   

Angioarchitectonics of 127 capsules of large joints in superior (brachial, ulnar, radiocarpal) and inferior (coxofemoral, genicular, talocrural) extremities have been studied using a complex of anatomical and histological techniques and morphometry. As demonstrate the investigations, in the fibrous and synovial membranes of the capsules in these joints, there are certain differences in the architectonics and in depth of the blood network arrangement. In accordance with the diameter of these vessels, density and character of distribution in the capsule membranes of the joints, it is possible to distinguish four circulatory networks. They have numerous anastomoses and form a united volumetric network of vessels. Certain general regularities are noted in the structure of the vascular networks of the capsule membrane in the extremity joints, as well as changes of their angioarchitectonics are revealed as adaptations to age morphofunctional changes in the connective tissue formations of the capsules.  相似文献   

Although most upper tract urothelial carcinomas are believed to be acquired, patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) may have more than 20 times the risk of the normal population for these cancers. Certain mismatch repair mutations are now known to be associated with the disease. Screening and surveillance regimens are still evolving, but urinalysis, urine cytology, cystoscopy, and periodic upper tract imaging are the mainstays. HNPCC should be considered in any patient who develops an upper tract urothelial cancer or has a suggestive family history.  相似文献   

Sex assignment in newborns depends on the anatomy of the external genitalia, despite this stage being the final in embryogenesis. According to the current view, the genital tubercle is the embryonic precursor of penis and clitoris. It originates from mesenchymal tissue, but mesenchymal cells are arranged across the embryonal body and do not have specific androgen receptors. The nature of the signal that initiates early derivation of the indifferent genital tubercle is unknown at present. The aims of this article are to improve surgical management of intersex disorders and investigate the development of the genital tubercle. Clinical examination of 114 females with various forms of DSD revealed ambiguous (bisexual) external genitalia in 73 patients, and 51 of them underwent feminizing surgery. Intersexuality (ambiguity) in 46,XY patients results from disruptors in the pathways of sex steroid hormones or receptors; in 46,XX females arises from excessive levels of androgens. Systematization of intersex disorders distinguishes the karyotype, gonadal morphology, and genital anatomy to provide a differential diagnosis and guide appropriate surgical management. Modified feminizing clitoroplasty with preservation of the dorsal and ventral neurovascular bundles to retain erogenous sensitivity was performed in females with severe virilization (Prader degree III-V). The outgrowth of the genital tubercle and the fusion of the urethral fold proceed in an ordered fashion; but in some cases of ambiguity, there was discordance due to different pathways. Speculation about the derivation of the genital tubercle have discussed with a literature review. The genital tubercle derives from the following 3 layers: the ectodermal glans of the tubercle, the mesodermal corpora cavernosa and the endodermal urogenital groove. According to the new hypothesis, during the indifferent stages, the 5 sacral somites have to recede from their segmentation and disintegrate: the sclerotomes form the pelvic bones, the fused myotomes follow with their genuine neurotomes and the angiotomes join to the corpora cavernosa of the genital tubercle. Sexual differentiation of external genitalia is final in gender embryogenesis, but surprisingly derivation of the indifferent genital tubercle from 5 somites occurs before gonadal and internal organs development.  相似文献   

Histotopography of colon endocrine cells in the mucosal epithelium of adult rabbits, white rats and man was studied by light microscopy. The number of endocrinocytes in rabbit and human colon was seen to increase towards the rectum, which reflects a general tendency in mammals. In the appendices of the investigated subjects, essential distinctions in endocrine cell contents were revealed. So, in rabbits, the maximum quantity of endocrine cells (135 +/- 15 cell/mm2) was observed in the appendix if compared to other parts of the colon (except rectum), whereas in the human appendix, the number of endocrine cells is minimal (13 +/- 3 cell/mm2). In all parts of rabbit and rat caeca endocrine cell contents are similar to those in the nearby part of the colon, which suggested that according to the given parameter the caecum shows no specifity.  相似文献   

In persons of mature, elderly and old age vascularization of the papillary muscles and tendinous chordae in the right and left cardiac ventricles has been studied depending on peculiarities of their structure and sources of their blood supply using injection, macro-microscopical, roentgenoangiographic methods, and silver nitrate impregnation. Certain data concerning the distribution zones in the papillary muscles of the coronary artery branches at various types of the cardiac blood supply are presented. Angioarchitectonics of the papillary muscles are described along their whole extention--in the basal area, in the middle part and at the apex. Architectonic peculiarities of the blood vessels in the muscular-tendinous part of the papillary muscles and in some tendinous chordae are described.  相似文献   

The spatial interrelationships of osteon canals were studied in corrosion preparations with the help of rastral electron microscopy. The structure of microvessels, their belonging to a definite link of the microcirculatory bed, the interaction of vessels and their position with respect to the osseous matrix were studied in bone sections impregnated with silver nitrate after V. V. Kuprijanov. Haversian canals in the compact substance of the bone are longitudinally oriented, can duplicate and form a single system of canals. The neighbouring canals of osteons might be bound by means of Volkmann's canals. The investigation of the Haversian canals in serial sections has shown that the diameter of the same canals of osteons can change at different levels, the diameter of the osteons themselves remaining unchanged. This seems to speak of uneven development of osteons in their different parts. In the Haversian canal there are one-two or occasionally three vessels having all three links of the morphocirculatory bed. The course and ramification of the vessel are identical to the shape of the osteon canal which includes them. The vessels are closely connected with the bony matrix by means of connective tissue bundles directed from the canal wall to the vessel wall. These bundles appear to serve as a peculiar anchor or amortizing apparatus and its elasticity might be a factor of a change of the shape and direction of the canal vessels in the bone development process.  相似文献   

When comparing structures of the ventral horns of the spinal cord in amphibia (Rana esculenta) and Carnivora (cat, dog), it has been stated that in the latter, together with increasing number of neurons their blood supply is improving. This is demonstrated as a growing density of the capillary network in the cerebral substance and increasing number of capillaries within 25 mcm around the neuronal bodies. Glial surrounding of the neurons changes considerably. Both in the amphibia and Carnivora astrocytes and oligodendrocytes play the role of neuronal satellites. But in the amphibia astrocytes as satellites occur much more often than oligodendrocytes. This is evidently connected with a low blood supply and with certain peculiarities of metabolic processes in the cerebral tissue.  相似文献   

In the present article the shape and extension of the nucleus striae terminalis in the human adult brain is described. By means of selective staining of intracellular lipofuscin granules with aldehydefuchsin it is possible to examine the three dimensional shape of the griseum in complete series of 800 micrometer thick slices. The cells of the necleus striae terminalis accompany the stria terminalis along its whole course between the anterior commissure and the corpus amygdaloideum. The paraseptal part of the nucleus is divided into a pars externa and a pars interna. Along the thalamic course of the stria fibers, however, a variably shaped pars medialis can be separated from a pars paracaudata reaching the corpus amygdaloideum as an unbroken cellular column. Possible connections between stria terminalis and its bednucleus are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analysed the binding of human IgM to fetal, normal adult and malignant colo-rectal tissues. Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique on sections of frozen tissues human IgM binds to all normal adult colo-rectal epithelia (n = 15) tested. By contrast, 9 out of 25 colo-rectal adenocarcinomas were negative, and in the remaining 16 the staining reaction varied from staining of all the cancer areas to focal staining of a few areas. Human IgM did not bind to 14 samples of fetal intestinal epithelium (gestational age of 6-14 weeks). The binding of IgM was found to be mediated by secretory component (SC) as anti-SC antibody (anti-SC) showed a similar staining pattern as IgM and the IgM binding could be blocked by anti-SC. SC was also demonstrated in glandular epithelia of sections of all normal breast epithelia but only in 10 out of 15 breast adenocarcinomas. The loss of IgM binding and SC could not be correlated to the morphology of the adenocarcinomas. The observations on fetal, normal adult and malignant tissue suggest that IgM binding and SC may be gradually lost during dedifferentiation of normal cells, to malignant colo-rectal or breast epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary We have analysed the binding of human IgM to fetal, normal adult and malignant colo-rectal tissues. Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique on sections of frozen tissues human IgM binds to all normal adult colo-rectal epithelia (n=15) tested. By contrast, 9 out of 25 colo-rectal adenocarcinomas were negative, and in the remaining 16 the staining reaction varied from staining of all the cancer areas to focal staining of a few areas. Human IgM did not bind to 14 samples of fetal intestinal epithelium (gestational age of 6–14 weeks). The binding of IgM was found to be mediated by secretory component (SC) as anti-SC antibody (anti-SC) showed a similar staining pattern as IgM and the IgM binding could be blocked by anti-SC. SC was also demonstrated in glandular epithelia of sections of all normal breast epithelia but only in 10 out of 15 breast adenocarcinomas. The loss of IgM binding and SC could not be correlated to the morphology of the adenocarcinomas. The observations on fetal, normal adult and malignant tissue suggest that IgM binding and SC may be gradually lost during dedifferentiation of normal cells, to malignant colo-rectal or breast epithelia.  相似文献   

The paraganglia of adult man were studied using the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF) method for histochemical characterization of biogenic monoamines. Microspectrofluorimetry was used to record the emission spectra and fluorescence intensities of the paraganglionic cells. The study of samples from six patients showed that well vascularized paraganglia were widely distributed throughout the retroperitoneal spaces. The paraganglia exhibited strong FIF with the spectral characteristics of monamines. Treatment with HC1 caused an increase in the fluorescence intensity of the paraganglia and a simultaneous shift of the emission maximum from 480--495 nm. This change suggests the presence of high concentrations of tryptophyl-containing peptides and is not due to monoamines. The possibility of a dual endocrine function for the paraganglia is discussed.  相似文献   

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