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Like those in mammals, heterotrimeric G protein complexes have been implicated in signal transduction pathways in plants; however, the subunits themselves have not been isolated. In this study, the rice heterotrimeric G protein subunits α (Gα) and β (Gβ) were purified by affinity chromatography using anti-Gα and -Gβ antibodies and SDS-PAGE. Six and seven peptides, respectively, were identified by mass spectrometry and identified as the translation products of the Gα gene RGA1 and Gβ gene RGB1. During purification, the subunits dissociated easily from the G protein complex.  相似文献   

Gilroy KL  Austin CA 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e14693


Type II DNA topoisomerases are essential, ubiquitous enzymes that act to relieve topological problems arising in DNA from normal cellular activity. Their mechanism of action involves the ATP-dependent transport of one DNA duplex through a transient break in a second DNA duplex; metal ions are essential for strand passage. Humans have two isoforms, topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ, that have distinct roles in the cell. The C-terminal domain has been linked to isoform specific differences in activity and DNA interaction.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have investigated the role of the C-terminal domain in the binding of human topoisomerase IIα and topoisomerase IIβ to DNA in fluorescence anisotropy assays using full length and C-terminally truncated enzymes. We find that the C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ but not topoisomerase IIα affects the binding of the enzyme to the DNA. The presence of metal ions has no effect on DNA binding. Additionally, we have examined strand passage of the full length and truncated enzymes in the presence of a number of supporting metal ions and find that there is no difference in relative decatenation between isoforms. We find that calcium and manganese, in addition to magnesium, can support strand passage by the human topoisomerase II enzymes.


The C-terminal domain of topoisomerase IIβ, but not that of topoisomerase IIα, alters the enzyme''s KD for DNA binding. This is consistent with previous data and may be related to the differential modes of action of the two isoforms in vivo. We also show strand passage with different supporting metal ions for human topoisomerase IIα or topoisomerase IIβ, either full length or C-terminally truncated. They all show the same preferences, whereby Mg > Ca > Mn.  相似文献   

Nanosecond laser flash-photolysis technique was used to study bimolecular and geminate molecular oxygen (O2) rebinding to α and β subunits within oxygenated human adult hemoglobin in solutions and porous wet sol–gel matrices. Plasticity associated with the tertiary structure within R-state hemoglobin is explored through measurements that focus on the functional properties of hemoglobin under conditions designed to tune the tertiary structure without inducing the R to T transition. Inequivalence in the O2 binding to the α and β hemes within the R quaternary structure is studied. The individual kinetic properties of the α and β subunits within the hemoglobin encapsulated in sol–gels and aged as the oxy derivative are shown to be independent of proton concentration over the pH range from 6.3 to 8.5. However, buffer effects on the subunits' properties are revealed in sol–gel-free mediums. Interestingly, the α and β subunits within the encapsulated hemoglobin possess the O2 rebinding properties which fall within the range of the ones for oxygenated hemoglobin in the buffer solutions. The combined results show a pattern in which there is a progression of functional properties that are ascribed to a family of conformational substates of R-state hemoglobin. O2 rebinding to the α and β subunits within the oxygenated R-state hemoglobin in both solutions and wet sol–gels is revealed to be modulated by tertiary structural changes in two quite different ways. The possible structural changes, which modify the O2 rebinding properties, are discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of post and simultaneous azocoupling procedures for β glucosidase localization on unfixed and fixed root tips ofZea mays. Using this object, more detailed studies of β glucosidase distribution were undertaken, concerning the time course of enzyme reaction, its pH dependence, the effect of various buffers, the comparison of several diazonium salts and the use of different naphtholic substrates. The indigogenic reaction was also applied. Attempts were made by means of azocoupling procedures to localize a and β glucosidase in root tips ofCucurbita pepo, Lupinus albus, Piswm sativum andVicia faba in comparison withZea mays. In addition to certain technical problems, the questions of constitutive and adaptive enzymes, sugar distribution and histogenesis versus function are discussed in relation to the presence and distribution of ß glucosidase in the studied objects.  相似文献   

Photodissociation of nitrosyl haemoglobin and nitrosyl hybrids, in which either the α or β subunit is in the nitrosyl form has been studied at liquid helium temperature (4.2°K) by electron spin resonance and optical absorption spectroscopy. In the presence of inositol hexaphosphate, the photodissociated form of nitrosyl haemoglobin showed an anomalous absorption spectrum in the near infrared region. The experiments with nitrosyl hybrids showed that the αNO subunit within the T state haemoglobin is predominantly responsible for the anomalous photodissociated form and the ESR spectrum with three distinct hyperfines. The ESR spectrum of α2NOβ2deoxy with inositol hexaphosphate appeared to be very similar to that of the 5-coordinated NO-haem complexes but the absorption spectrum of its photodissociated form was similar to none of protoporphyrin Fe(II) derivatives so far reported. This result suggests that the anomalous photodissociated form may be attributable to some structural distortion of porphyrin or a new electronic state of the haem with different spin state from that of deoxyhaemoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance of and subunits of skeletal tropomyosin in early myogenesis was studied histochemically using monoclonal antibody to tropomyosin and affinity-purified polyclonal antibody to tropomyosin. In muscle cells, in both somites and limb buds, the and subunits are simultaneously expressed and first appear in the somites at the 30–36 somites. The relatively greater amount of than tropomyosin found in early myogenesis is thus likely to result from a higher rate of tropomyosin synthesis.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical studies were performed to explore the distribution of S-100 protein and its α,β subunits in 76 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC) of the salivary glands. Histopathologically, ACC was divided into cribriform, tubular, basaloid and trabecular types which could be mixed in the same tumor. S-100 protein was usually positive in tumor cells forming cribriform structures; foci of strongly positive tumor cells were also distributed in the luminal layer of tubular structures, and in areas transitional between cribriform and tubular patterns. S-100 α staining was confined to some tumor cells in cribriform areas, to luminal tumor cells in tubular structures and to few tumor cells in basaloid structures. S-100β reaction was usually localized to luminal surfaces in a fine granular pattern in tubular and microtubular structures in a distribution somewhat similar to that in the normal salivary gland. Great heterogeneity in the immunohistochemical distribution of S-100, S-100 a and S-100β proteins was found in the various histologic types of ACC and the pattern was different from that seen in pleomorphic adenomas. It is possible that the ACC tumor cells positive for S-100 protein may be closely related to true or modified myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

Comamonas testosteroni Ni1 nitrile hydratase is a Fe-type nitrile hydratase whose native and recombinant forms are identical. Here, the iron of Ni1 nitrile hydratase was replaced by cobalt using a chaperone based Escherichia coli expression system. Cobalt (CoNi1) and iron (FeNi1) enzymes share identical Vmax (30 nmol min(-1) mg(-1)) and Km (200 microM) toward their substrate and identical Ki values for the known competitive inhibitors of FeNi1. However, nitrophenols used as inhibitors do display a different inhibition pattern on both enzymes. Furthermore, CoNi1 and FeNi1 are also different in their sensitivity to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, CO being selective of the cobalt enzyme. These differences are rationalized in relation to the nature of the catalytic metal center in the enzyme.  相似文献   

In a population survey in Liberia, West Africa, 12 major tribes were examined for the prevalence of Hb S, Hb C, and the beta thalassaemia (beta Thal) gene. Hb C is rare; Hb S and beta Thal occur in polymorphic frequencies. The distribution of both genes shows an inverse correlation. The beta Thal trait was diagnosed by quantitation of Hb A2 on DE 52-microchromatography. This method proved to be reliable and useful for mass screening.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical expression of the alpha and beta subunits of S-100 protein in reactive, modified and transformed of myoepithelial cells, salivary pleomorphic was investigated using monoclonal antibodies. With S-100 alpha, normal salivary glands showed strong staining in serous acinar cells and moderate to slight staining in ductal segments, and with S-100 beta staining was slight or negative in acinar cells, but strong in nerve fibres. In pleomorphic salivary adenomas, the immunohistochemical distribution of S-100 alpha and beta proteins indicated great variation in the tumour cells. Some neoplastic cells gave similar staining for both S-100 alpha and beta, others were strongly positive for S-100 alpha and stained only slightly for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Yet other cells were positive for S-100 alpha and negative for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Pleomorphic salivary adenomas were classified both by histopathological criteria and by their staining pattern for S-100 alpha and beta proteins. Great heterogeneity in S-100 alpha and beta protein expression was found in individual tumour cells of both ductal and myoepithelial origin, and no regular pattern was identified. The cellular origin of salivary pleomorphic adenomas is discussed in terms of S-100 alpha and beta protein immunohistochemistry. Pleomorphic adenoma cells may be transformed from reserve cells into tumour cells displaying biologic properties of myoepithelial cells, ductal cells, or a mixture of both.  相似文献   

Elicitins form a family of 10-kDa holoproteins secreted by various Phytophthora species. The large-scale purification of parasiticein, a novel elicitin secreted by P. parasitica, led to the determination of its sequence. We have compared the necrotic activities and the primary and secondary structures (determined through circular dichroism) of four elicitins. On tobacco plants, they could be classified into two classes: a, comprising capsicein and parasiticein (less necrotic), and , comprising cryptogein and cinnamomin (very toxic with a necrosis threshold of 0.1 g per leaf). The features of elicitin structure which might be involved in the interaction of elicitins with the leaf target cells and that could explain the different necrosis-inducing properties of the two proteins are investigated. About 75% sequence identity was observed between the four elicitins: only two short terminal regions are heterologous, while the central core is mainly conserved. The circular-dichroism spectra showed that the secondary structure of the elicitins was largely conserved. All of them consisted of approx. 50% -helix with little or no -structure. Comparisons of the complete sequences, amino-acid compositions, isoelectric points, hydropathy indices and the secondary-structure predictions correlated with the necrotic classification. Alpha elicitins corresponded to acidic molecules with a valine residue at position 13, while elicitins were basic with a lysine at this position, which appeared to be a putative active site responsible for necrosis induction.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - RPLC reversed-phase liquid chromatography - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis The authors are indebted to Dr. A. Van Dorrselaer (Laboratoire de Chimie Organique des Substances Naturelles, Strasbourg, France) for mass-spectrometry measurements. They are grateful to their staff in Versailles, more particularly to Marc Sallantin for electrophoreses, to Françoise Beauvais for biological-activity determinations and to Monique Mansion and Christian Ouali for their skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

The free volume in the active site of human HbA plays a crucial role in governing the bimolecular rates of O(2), CO, and NO binding, the fraction of geminate ligand recombination, and the rate of NO dioxygenation by the oxygenated complex. We have decreased the size of the distal pocket by mutating Leu(B10), Val(E11), and Leu(G8) to Phe and Trp and that of other more internal cavities by filling them with Xe at high gas pressures. Increasing the size of the B10 side chain reduces bimolecular rates of ligand binding nearly 5000-fold and inhibits CO geminate recombination due to both reduction of the capture volume in the distal pocket and direct steric hindrance of Fe-ligand bond formation. Phe and Trp(E11) mutations also cause a decrease in distal pocket volume but, at the same time, increase access to the Fe atom because of the loss of the γ2 CH(3) group of the native Val(E11) side chain. The net result of these E11 substitutions is a dramatic increase in the rate of geminate recombination because dissociated CO is sequestered close to the Fe atom and can rapidly rebind without steric resistance. However, the bimolecular rate constants for binding of ligand to the Phe and Trp(E11) mutants are decreased 5-30-fold, because of a smaller capture volume. Geminate and bimolecular kinetic parameters for Phe and Trp(G8) mutants are similar to those for the native HbA subunits because the aromatic rings at this position cause little change in distal pocket volume and because ligands do not move past this position into the globin interior of wild-type HbA subunits. The latter conclusion is verified by the observation that Xe binding to the α and β Hb subunits has little effect on either geminate or bimolecular ligand rebinding. All of these experimental results argue strongly against alternative ligand migration pathways that involve movements through the protein interior in HbA. Instead, ligands appear to enter through the His(E7) gate and are captured directly in the distal cavity.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between the expression of v, 1, 3, 5, and 6, integrin subunits and clinical parameters in ovarian cancers. Ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) from five donors and tumour samples from 39 patients with an epithelial ovarian cancer (39 primary tumours and 21 associated peritoneal metastases) were analysed using immunohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded or frozen tissue sections. The v and 5 integrin subunits were always present in normal OSE and in tumours. 1 and 3 subunit expression was significantly less frequent in grade 3 than in grade 1–2 tumours. The proportion of stage IV tumours expressing 3 was significantly lower as compared to other stages. The 6 subunit was undetectable in OSE but was expressed in about 40% of primary tumours. For all integrin, there was a strong relationship between the expression in primary tumours and in associated peritoneal metastases. Survival analyses restricted to patients receiving platinum-based chemotherapy did not reveal any relationship between integrin subunit expression and 3-year survival rate, in this limited series of patients. In conclusion, the expression of the various integrin subunits was differentially altered in ovarian carcinoma, evocative of complementary roles of v integrins during tumour development.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 α and β genes: linkage on chromosome 2 in the mouse   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two interleukin-1 polypeptides, and , are known, and cDNAs corresponding to each have been described. Genomic cloning and Southern blotting experiments suggest that in the mouse each is encoded by a gene present in one copy per haploid genome. Analysis of a panel of somatic cell hybrids carrying various mouse chromosomes on a constant Chinese hamster background indicates that both genes map to mouse chromosome 2. Further, analysis of the inheritance of DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms associated with each gene in recombinant inbred strains of mice shows the two loci to be tightly linked to one another, and to lie approximately 4.7 centimorgans distal to B2m (beta-2 microglobulin). We have named the locus encoding IL-1 Il-1 and the locus encoding IL-1 Il-1b.  相似文献   

The conversion routes of carbon monoxide (CO) at 55°C by full-scale grown anaerobic sludges treating paper mill and distillery wastewater were elucidated. Inhibition experiments with 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) and vancomycin showed that CO conversion was performed by a hydrogenogenic population and that its products, i.e. hydrogen and CO2, were subsequently used by methanogens, homo-acetogens or sulfate reducers depending on the sludge source and inhibitors supplied. Direct methanogenic CO conversion occurred only at low CO concentrations [partial pressure of CO (P CO) <0.5 bar (1 bar=105 Pa)] with the paper mill sludge. The presence of hydrogen decreased the CO conversion rates, but did not prevent the depletion of CO to undetectable levels (<400 ppm). Both sludges showed interesting potential for hydrogen production from CO, especially since after 30 min exposure to 95°C, the production of CH4 at 55°C was negligible. The paper mill sludge was capable of sulfate reduction with hydrogen, tolerating and using high CO concentrations (P CO>1.6 bar), indicating that CO-rich synthesis gas can be used efficiently as an electron donor for biological sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

The altered oxygen binding curves for various abnormal hemoglobins were analyzed according to a two-state allosteric model. Of three allosteric parameters computed for abnormal hemoglobins, K R was nearly constant, but K T and L varied with the correlation of log c=?0.4 log L, where c is K R/K T. This correlation indicates that the abnormal allosteric oxygen binding of hemoglobin is due to altered molecular properties of the deoxy-T state but not that of the deoxy-R state. To clarify the molecular basis of this idea, resonance Raman spectra in the low-frequency region of abnormal hemoglobins were measured under different solvent conditions. Varied frequencies of iron-histidine stretching Raman lines was found to correlate with varied oxygen affinities (K T) of deoxy-T states. The strength of the iron-histidine bond of deoxy-T states was changed, depending upon the magnitude of the strain imposed on hemes by globin, and this bond presumably comprises an important part of the regulation mechanisms for hemoglobin oxygen binding and structure changes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to the monomeric liver fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) hemoglobin have been studied. The ligand association rates are approximately 1 X 10(8) and approximately 3 X 10(8) M-1 s-1, respectively, for CO and O2 and show no pH dependence. On the contrary the ligand dissociation rates decrease by lowering the pH below 7, the pK of the transition being around 5.5. These findings, together with spectroscopic properties of the protein, are discussed in relation to the fact that, in this hemoglobin, the distal histidine is replaced by a glycine.  相似文献   

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