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The population burden of lung cancer due to environmental tobacco smoke is significant because a large fraction of the population is exposed. The risks are, of course, lower than those to smokers themselves; but smoking is self-inflicted, passive smoking is involuntary. Making various assumptions, the proportion of lung cancer cases among non-smokers that could reasonably be attributed to environmental tobacco smoke can be calculated to be about 20–30% in western countries. Thus, non-smokers in the society could benefit considerably from diminishing exposures to other people's smoke.  相似文献   



Lung growth in utero and lung function loss during adulthood can be affected by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The underlying mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. Both ETS exposure and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) Omega genes have been associated with the level of lung function. This study aimed to assess if GSTO SNPs interact with ETS exposure in utero and during adulthood on the level of lung function during adulthood.


We used cross-sectional data of 8,128 genotyped participants from the LifeLines cohort study. Linear regression models (adjusted for age, sex, height, weight, current smoking, ex-smoking and packyears smoked) were used to analyze the associations between in utero, daily and workplace ETS exposure, GSTO SNPs, the interaction between ETS and GSTOs, and level of lung function (FEV1, FEV1/FVC). Since the interactions between ETS and GSTOs may be modified by active tobacco smoking we additionally assessed associations in never and ever smokers separately. A second sample of 5,308 genotyped LifeLines participants was used to verify our initial findings.


Daily and workplace ETS exposure was associated with significantly lower FEV1 levels. GSTO SNPs (recessive model) interacted with in utero ETS and were associated with higher levels of FEV1, whereas the interactions with daily and workplace ETS exposure were associated with lower levels of FEV1, effects being more pronounced in never smokers. The interaction of GSTO2 SNP rs156697 with in utero ETS associated with a higher level of FEV1 was significantly replicated in the second sample. Overall, the directions of the interactions of in utero and workplace ETS exposure with the SNPs found in the second (verification) sample were in line with the first sample.


GSTO genotypes interact with in utero and adulthood ETS exposure on adult lung function level, but in opposite directions.  相似文献   

The available epidemiological studies of lung cancer and exposure to other people''s tobacco smoke, in which exposure was assessed by whether or not a person classified as a non-smoker lived with a smoker, were identified and the results combined. There were 10 case-control studies and three prospective studies. Overall, there was a highly significant 35% increase in the risk of lung cancer among non-smokers living with smokers compared with non-smokers living with non-smokers (relative risk 1.35, 95% confidence interval 1.19 to 1.54). Part of this increase was almost certainly caused by the misclassification of some smokers as non-smokers. As smokers, who are more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers, tend to live with smokers this misclassification probably exaggerated the estimated increase in risk. Adjustment for this error reduced the estimate to 30% (relative risk 1.30), but as people who live with non-smokers may still be exposed to other people''s smoke this estimate was revised again to allow for the fact that a truly unexposed reference group was not used. The increase in risk among non-smokers living with smokers compared with a completely unexposed group was thus estimated as 53% (relative risk of 1.53). This analysis, and the fact that non-smokers breathe environmental tobacco smoke, which contains carcinogens, into their lungs and that the generally accepted view is that there is no safe threshold for the effect of carcinogens, leads to the conclusion that breathing other people''s tobacco smoke is a cause of lung cancer. About a third of the cases of lung cancer in non-smokers who live with smokers, and about a quarter of the cases in non-smokers in general, may be attributed to such exposure.  相似文献   

Adsorption of the clinical lung surfactants (LS) Curosurf or Survanta from aqueous suspension to the air-water interface progresses from multi-bilayer aggregates through multilayer films to a coexistence between multilayer and monolayer domains. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) alters this progression as shown by Langmuir isotherms, fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). After 12 h of LS exposure to ETS, AFM images of Langmuir-Blodgett deposited films show that ETS reduces the amount of material near the interface and alters how surfactant is removed from the interface during compression. For Curosurf, ETS prevents refining of the film composition during cycling; this leads to higher minimum surface tensions. ETS also changes the morphology of the Curosurf film by reducing the size of condensed phase domains from 8-12 μm to ∼ 2 μm, suggesting a decrease in the line tension between the domains. The minimum surface tension and morphology of the Survanta film are less impacted by ETS exposure, although the amount of material associated with the film is reduced in a similar way to Curosurf. Fluorescence and mass spectra of Survanta dispersions containing native bovine SP-B treated with ETS indicate the oxidative degradation of protein aromatic amino acid residue side chains. Native bovine SP-C isolated from ETS exposed Survanta had changes in molecular mass consistent with deacylation of the lipoprotein. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) characterization of the hydrophobic proteins from ETS treated Survanta dispersions show significant changes in the conformation of SP-B and SP-C that correlate with the altered surface activity and morphology of the lipid-protein film.  相似文献   

Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), or second-hand smoke, is a widespread contaminant of indoor air in environments where smoking is not prohibited. It is a significant source of exposure to a large number of substances known to be hazardous to human health. Numerous expert panels have concluded that there is sufficient evidence to classify involuntary smoking (or passive smoking) as carcinogenic to humans. According to the recent evaluation by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, involuntary smoking causes lung cancer in never-smokers with an excess risk in the order of 20% for women and 30% for men. The present paper reviews studies on genotoxicity and related endpoints carried out on ETS since the mid-1980s. The evidence from in vitro studies demonstrates induction of DNA strand breaks, formation of DNA adducts, mutagenicity in bacterial assays and cytogenetic effects. In vivo experiments in rodents have shown that exposure to tobacco smoke, whole-body exposure to mainstream smoke (MS), sidestream smoke (SS), or their mixture, causes DNA single strand breaks, aromatic adducts and oxidative damage to DNA, chromosome aberrations and micronuclei. Genotoxicity of transplacental exposure to ETS has also been reported. Review of human biomarker studies conducted among non-smokers with involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke indicates presence of DNA adducts, urinary metabolites of carcinogens, urinary mutagenicity, SCEs and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene mutations (in newborns exposed through involuntary smoking of the mother). Studies on human lung cancer from smokers and never-smokers involuntarily exposed to tobacco smoke suggest occurrence of similar kinds of genetic alterations in both groups. In conclusion, these overwhelming data are compatible with the current knowledge on the mechanisms of carcinogenesis of tobacco-related cancers, occurring not only in smokers but with a high biological plausibility also in involuntary smokers.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity of tobacco smoke and tobacco smoke condensate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Non-invasive biomonitoring of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) by means of hair is attractive in children, although systematic evaluation is required in infants. The objective was to compare nicotine and cotinine concentrations in hair and plasma and parentally reported exposure to ETS in a birth cohort of 411 infants. Plasma was collected from 356 six-month-old infants and hair samples were collected from 368 one-year-old infants. Concentrations of nicotine and cotinine were measured by an optimized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS)-based method requiring 4 mg hair or 200 µl plasma. Information was obtained on the number of days with ETS exposure during the first year of life, the smoking habits of the parents, and the number of cigarettes smoked per day in the home. All three parentally reported indices of ETS exposure were significantly associated with the biomarkers, with clear dose-response relationships. There was a significant association between days with ETS exposure and nicotine in hair at relatively low exposure levels (10-99 days per year), whereas the other biomarkers only showed significant increases at higher exposure levels. In conclusion, nicotine in hair appears to be the biomarker most strongly associated with parental reports on exposure to ETS in infants.  相似文献   

Non-invasive biomonitoring of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) by means of hair is attractive in children, although systematic evaluation is required in infants. The objective was to compare nicotine and cotinine concentrations in hair and plasma and parentally reported exposure to ETS in a birth cohort of 411 infants. Plasma was collected from 356 six-month-old infants and hair samples were collected from 368 one-year-old infants. Concentrations of nicotine and cotinine were measured by an optimized gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS)-based method requiring 4 mg hair or 200 µl plasma. Information was obtained on the number of days with ETS exposure during the first year of life, the smoking habits of the parents, and the number of cigarettes smoked per day in the home. All three parentally reported indices of ETS exposure were significantly associated with the biomarkers, with clear dose–response relationships. There was a significant association between days with ETS exposure and nicotine in hair at relatively low exposure levels (10–99 days per year), whereas the other biomarkers only showed significant increases at higher exposure levels. In conclusion, nicotine in hair appears to be the biomarker most strongly associated with parental reports on exposure to ETS in infants.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate a relationship between indoor air pollution from heating and cooking with coal-burning stoves and from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), and the level of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OH-PY). 1-OH-PY was analysed in children living in three areas of Silesia, a province in Poland. Urine samples were collected in winter, (1) from children exposed to ETS and smoke resulting from indoor coal-burning and (2) from control children. Airborne particulates had been sampled by use of stationary samplers by the Regional Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Katowice throughout 12 months prior to the urine sampling. The urinary level of 1-OH-PY tended to increase in children exposed to ETS, but the increase was not significant. The concentrations of 1-OH-PY in urine of passive smokers were significantly elevated only in Bytom where an index of smoking parents of the studied children was highest as compared to other areas. Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) due to domestic heating and cooking with coal-burning stoves resulted in significantly increased levels of 1-OH-PY. The results of this study indicate that the uptake of PAH due to indoor air pollution strongly affected the level of 1-OH-PY and that the main source of PAH in indoor air was the household use of coal for heating and/or cooking. When the results associated with this kind of exposure were excluded, median 1-OH-PY levels from the three examined areas assumed a pattern more similar to that of the benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) concentrations in ambient air.  相似文献   

Recently, the National Research Council in the U.S.A. stated that laboratory studies of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) should be important in identifying ETS carcinogens, their concentrations in typical daily environments, and in understanding how these compounds contribute to ETS dose-response relationships. This paper demonstrates that integrated chemical and bacterial mutagenicity information can be used to identify ETS genotoxicants, monitor human exposure, and make comparative assessments. Approximately 1/3 of the ETS constituents for which there is quantitative analytical chemistry information also have associated genotoxicity information. For example, 11 of the quantitated compounds are animal carcinogens. Work presented in this paper demonstrates that both the nonparticle-bound semivolatile and the particulate-bound organic material contain bacterial mutagens. These ETS organics give an equivalent of approximately 86,000 revertants per cigarette. In addition, this article summarized efforts to estimate ETS bacterial mutagenicity, to use bacterial tests for the monitoring of ETS-impacted indoor environments, and to use bacterial assays for the direct monitoring of human exposure.  相似文献   

Indoor air pollution has now been recognized as a potentially important problem for public health, since people spend most of their day in closed environments. Incense burning is possibly associated with elevated risks of leukemia and brain tumor in children from the epidemiological studies. Thus, evaluation of the genotoxicity of smoke condensates from incense burning is needed. We examined the genotoxicity of incense smoke condensates (ISC) using the Ames test in S. typhimurium strains with different mutagenic specificity and level of metabolic enzyme, the SOS chromotest in E. coli PQ37, and sister chromatid exchange assay in Chinese hamster ovary cells (SCE/CHO). The genotoxicity of environmental tobacco smoke condensates (TSC) was also evaluated by the three assays to compare with the genotoxicity of ISC, ISC showed a positive response in TA98, but not in TA100. It suggested that ISC only contained frame shift mutagens. The mutagenicity of ISC in both strains of TA98NR with deficient nitroreductase and TA98/1,8-DNP6 with deficient O-acetyl-transferase was markedly decreased compared to that in TA98 strain. However, the mutagenicity was enhanced in YG1024 with overexpression of O-acetyltransferase activity. Thus, nitroarenes seemed to be responsible in part for the mutagenicity of ISC. Interestingly, all of the four ISC and two TSC samples showed a dose-dependent genotoxic response in the SOS chromotest with E. coli PQ37 but a low SCE induction of those samples were observed in CHO cells. When the genotoxicity was analyzed based on the condensates per one gram of original samples, the genotoxicity of two TSC condensates in prokaryotic cells was higher than that of four ISC samples except for the genotoxicity of TSC-2 in TA98 strain. However, the genotoxicity of certain ISC in eukaryotic cells based on the SCE/CHO assay was higher than that of TSC. To compare the covalent binding of DNA reactive intermediates of ISC and TSC to S. typhimurium TA98, the DNA adducts were evaluated by the 32P-postlabeling method with butanol extraction version. Similar diagonal radioactive zone (DRZ) was observed between ISC and CSC. However, DNA adduct levels induced by TSC were much greater than that of ISC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the risk of ischaemic heart disease caused by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and to explain why the associated excess risk is almost half that of smoking 20 cigarettes per day when the exposure is only about 1% that of smoking. DESIGN: Meta-analysis of all 19 acceptable published studies of risk of ischaemic heart disease in lifelong non-smokers who live with a smoker and in those who live with a non-smoker, five large prospective studies of smoking and ischaemic heart disease, and studies of platelet aggregation and studies of diet according to exposure to tobacco smoke. RESULTS: The relative risk of ischaemic heart disease associated with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was 1.30 (95% confidence interval 1.22 to 1.38) at age 65. At the same age the estimated relative risk associated with smoking one cigarette per day was similar (1.39 (1.18 to 1.64)), while for 20 per day it was 1.78 (1.31 to 2.44). Two separate analyses indicated that non-smokers who live with smokers eat a diet that places them at a 6% higher risk of ischaemic heart disease, so the direct effect of environmental tobacco smoke is to increase risk by 23% (14% to 33%), since 1.30/1.06 = 1.23. Platelet aggregation provides a plausible and quantitatively consistent mechanism for the low dose effect. The increase in platelet aggregation produced experimentally by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke would be expected to have acute effects increasing the risk of ischaemic heart disease by 34%. CONCLUSION: Breathing other people''s smoke is an important and avoidable cause of ischaemic heart disease, increasing a person''s risk by a quarter.  相似文献   

The exposure of individuals to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is of increasing public health concern because epidemiological studies have associated passive smoking with increased risk of a variety of adverse health effects among non-smokers including lung cancer. As a way to measure individual exposure to the mutagenic compounds in the complex mixture of ETS, we used a sensitive Salmonella/microsome micro pre-incubation (microsuspension) assay to detect mutagenicity of particulate matter collected on filters from low volume (1.7 1/min flow rate) personal sampling pumps. Airborne nicotine was collected concurrently as a marker for ETS exposure. In pilot-field studies, individual exposure to ETS was measured in two separate indoor environments in which smokers were present: a gambling casino and a bingo parlor. Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) was collected on filters worn near the breathing zone of non-smoking individuals. Sampling times ranged from 40 min to 6 h. All extracts of filters had detectable levels of mutagenic activity (TA98, +S9) resulting in airborne mutagenic activity concentrations of 500-5000 rev/m3. The mutagenic activity of the filters from the casino and bingo parlors was significantly correlated with total particulate matter per filters (n = 12; Rho = 0.85, p less than 0.01) and with airborne nicotine per filter (n = 12; Rho = 0.95, p less than 0.01). The microsuspension assay was sufficiently sensitive to detect the mutagens associated with extracts of particulate matter from low volume samples (0.2-0.6 m3) in these indoor environments over a relatively short sampling time, and could be useful in studies of personal exposure to the mutagens in environmental tobacco smoke. Further, airborne nicotine concentrations were highly correlated with airborne mutagenicity and the mutagenic activity associated with ETS could therefore be estimated by the concentrations of nicotine.  相似文献   

Zhou R  Li S  Zhou Y  Haug A 《Mutation research》2000,465(1-2):191-200
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major source for indoor air pollution. Although ETS-caused indoor air pollution has been well studied in the developed countries, few studies have examined ETS indoor air pollution in China, which currently has the largest population of tobacco smokers. In this study, respirable-particulate (RP) from ETS-contaminated (RP-ETS) indoor air was collected and measured in 5 different indoor environments during the winter in the northwestern Liaoning Province, China. The extractable portion of RP-ETS (ERP-ETS) was obtained by dichloromethane extraction and used in the Salmonella mutagenicity assay in the presence of S9 using strains TA98, TA100, and TA1538. The percentage of RP-ETS attributable to ETS (ETS-RP) and the percentage of ERP-ETS attributable to ETS (ETS-ERP) were estimated by measuring the concentration of solanesol, an ETS marker. Comparative results in 5 different indoor environments were: (1) the concentration of RP-ETS ranged from 197.3 to 1227.6 microg/m(3) and approximately 64.7 to 92. 0% of the RP-ETS originated from ETS; (2) the concentration of ERP-ETS ranged 88.8 to 601.5 microg/m(3) and approximately 83.1 to 95.4% of the ERP-ETS originated from ETS; (3) the mutagenic potency (revertants/m(3)) of ERP-ETS ranged from 60.4 to 595.5 for TA98, from 33.7 to 312.8 for TA100, and from 49.7 to 475.2 for TA1538. The data indicate that the extent of ETS pollution and the potential health hazards of ETS to humans in the five indoor environments are in the following increasing order: rural bedrooms, urban living rooms, office rooms, restaurants, and passenger cars in that area.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity of tobacco smoke and tobacco smoke condensate: a review   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
DeMarini DM 《Mutation research》2004,567(2-3):447-474
This report reviews the literature on the genotoxicity of mainstream tobacco smoke and cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) published since 1985. CSC is genotoxic in nearly all systems in which it has been tested, with the base/neutral fractions being the most mutagenic. In rodents, cigarette smoke induces sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and micronuclei in bone marrow and lung cells. In humans, newborns of smoking mothers have elevated frequencies of HPRT mutants, translocations, and DNA strand breaks. Sperm of smokers have elevated frequencies of aneuploidy, DNA adducts, strand breaks, and oxidative damage. Smoking also produces mutagenic cervical mucus, micronuclei in cervical epithelial cells, and genotoxic amniotic fluid. These data suggest that tobacco smoke may be a human germ-cell mutagen. Tobacco smoke produces mutagenic urine, and it is a human somatic-cell mutagen, producing HPRT mutations, SCEs, microsatellite instability, and DNA damage in a variety of tissues. Of the 11 organ sites at which smoking causes cancer in humans, smoking-associated genotoxic effects have been found in all eight that have been examined thus far: oral/nasal, esophagus, pharynx/larynx, lung, pancreas, myeoloid organs, bladder/ureter, uterine cervix. Lung tumors of smokers contain a high frequency and unique spectrum of TP53 and KRAS mutations, reflective of the PAH (and possibly other) compounds in the smoke. Further studies are needed to clarify the modulation of the genotoxicity of tobacco smoke by various genetic polymorphisms. These data support a model of tobacco smoke carcinogenesis in which the components of tobacco smoke induce mutations that accumulate in a field of tissue that, through selection, drive the carcinogenic process. Most of the data reviewed here are from studies of human smokers. Thus, their relevance to humans cannot be denied, and their explanatory powers not easily dismissed. Tobacco smoke is now the most extreme example of a systemic human mutagen.  相似文献   



Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) has adverse effects on the health of asthmatics, however the harmful consequences of ETS in relation to asthma severity are unknown.


In a multicenter study of severe asthma, we assessed the impact of ETS exposure on morbidity, health care utilization and lung functions; and activity of systemic superoxide dismutase (SOD), a potential oxidative target of ETS that is negatively associated with asthma severity.


From 2002–2006, 654 asthmatics (non-severe 366, severe 288) were enrolled, among whom 109 non-severe and 67 severe asthmatics were routinely exposed to ETS as ascertained by history and validated by urine cotinine levels. ETS-exposure was associated with lower quality of life scores; greater rescue inhaler use; lower lung function; greater bronchodilator responsiveness; and greater risk for emergency room visits, hospitalization and intensive care unit admission. ETS-exposure was associated with lower levels of serum SOD activity, particularly in asthmatic women of African heritage.


ETS-exposure of asthmatic individuals is associated with worse lung function, higher acuity of exacerbations, more health care utilization, and greater bronchial hyperreactivity. The association of diminished systemic SOD activity to ETS exposure provides for the first time a specific oxidant mechanism by which ETS may adversely affect patients with asthma.  相似文献   

Samples of indoor air were collected from an office room (88 m3) both before smoking and during experimental smoking of 96 cigarettes by 10 persons within 6 h. The particulates were collected on glass-fibre filters and the vapour-phase compounds on XAD-2 resin. The samples were extracted with acetone and analysed quantitatively for polycyclic aromatic compounds and qualitatively with GC-MS. The extracts of filters and XAD-2 resins were fractionated into neutral/acidic and 2 basic (strong and weak bases) fractions; all these fractions were tested with the sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) assay in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and with the Salmonella/microsome test (strain TA98). Total concentrations of PAC were 205 ng/m3 in the background sample and 1207 ng/m3 after contamination by cigarette smoking. The total PAC concentrations were 4-6 times higher in the vapour phase than in the particulate phase. The fractions of the particulate samples collected before smoking showed mainly marginal genotoxic activity, whereas after smoking their genotoxicity increased dramatically. The fractions of the vapour phase samples were not genotoxic before smoking, but after smoking the neutral/acidic and strong basic fractions induced responses in both assays. The SCE assay was more sensitive towards the vapour-phase mutagens of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The relative responses of the two basic fractions, whereas the fraction containing neutral and acidic compounds was the most potent in the SCE assay. In the Salmonella test, the mutagenic activity was mainly detected with metabolic activation, while the induction of SCE in CHO cells was also seen without an exogenous metabolic activation system.  相似文献   

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) during fetal development and early postnatal life is perhaps the most ubiquitous and hazardous of children's environmental exposures. The developing lung is highly susceptible to ETS. A large body of literature links both prenatal maternal smoking and children's ETS exposure to decreased lung growth. This review summarizes the state of the knowledge, including both human epidemiology and laboratory animal experiments, linking ETS, lung development, and respiratory outcomes. Important issues discussed include lung development and lung function and asthma in relation to ETS exposure during critical windows of growth. Prenatal exposure to ETS is associated with impaired lung function and increased risk of developing asthma, whereas postnatal exposure mainly acts to trigger respiratory symptoms and asthma attacks, but it also plays an important role in the occurrence of asthma in children. This review provides evidence that avoidance of ETS exposure both before and after birth is beneficial to long-term respiratory health, because airway function in later life is believed to be largely determined by lung development occurring in utero and in early infancy.  相似文献   

Twenty-five coupled relaxation sawtooth oscillators have been investigated for the occurrence of mutual synchronization, using digital computer simulation. It is shown that mutual synchronization occurs only for relatively strong coupling. Synchronization depends heavily upon the precise waveform of the oscillators in the uncoupled state. The results are compared with a number of biological phenomena.  相似文献   

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