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To estimate the rate of underreporting of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) to the Federal Centre for AIDS (FCA), in 1988 the initials, date of birth and place of residence of 66 patients with AIDS known to the Toronto Sexual Contact Study (TSCS), 65 patients with AIDS known to the Vancouver Lymphadenopathy-AIDS Study (VLAS) and other participants in both studies who did not have AIDS were sent to the Bureau of Epidemiology and Surveillance, FCA. The FCA conducted a manual record linkage to link these data to the national registry of reported cases. The rate of underreporting was 12% (8/65) for the VLAS and 18% (12/66) for the TSCS. The specific diagnosis was not related to the rate of underreporting. For the TSCS the rate of underreporting had increased from 0% in 1983-84 to 44% in 1987-88 (p = 0.001). Differences in the observed rates of underreporting between the two studies are likely the result of differences in the reporting responsibilities of physicians involved in the studies.  相似文献   

Relationships between migration and fertility are examined using data from the OPCS Longitudinal Study of England and Wales, including linked information from the 1971 and 1981 censuses and birth registration data for the period 1971-80. The results show that the proportion moving between the 1971 Census and the 1st subsequent birth was higher among tenants than owner occupiers, particularly for women in shared accommodation in 1971. The association between tenure and moving was more consistent than the relationship between moving and the husband's social class. Differences in the proportions moving between the censuses were positively associated with fertility in the same period particularly for women in potentially crowded accomodation in 1971. Moving in 1970-1971 was not associated with differences in parity progression ratios 1971-1981. There were however, differences in the timing of births, suggesting that long distance migration was associated with a postponement of the 1st or 2nd child, probably because both longer distance migration and fertility behavior are associated with other characteristics such as education.  相似文献   

The East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey (EFPTS), started in 1964, is unique among the 17 major European twin registers because it is population based, the twins (and higher order births) are ascertained at birth, basic perinatal data are collected, chorion type is established and, when appropriate, genetic markers including DNA fingerprints, are determined. The total number of sets is 5089 twin, 158 triplet and 14 of higher order. Zygosity has been diagnosed on the basis of sex, placental structure and genetic markers in more than 95% of pairs. The EFPTS is the only large register that includes placental data and allows differentiation of three subtypes of monozygotic twins based on the time of the initial zygotic division: the dichorionic-diamnionic pairs (early), the monochorionic-diamnionic pairs (intermediate), and the monochorionic-monoamnionic pairs (late). Methodology and basic results in twins are considered in this article; detailed studies will be reported later. The sex proportion in dizygotic (DZ) twins is the same as in singletons, whereas monozygotic (MZ) twins number more girls than boys. The difference in perinatal mortality between DZ and MZ twins is limited to the monochorionic MZ subgroup. Birth weight is highest in DZ twins and diminishes stepwise in MZ dichorionic and MZ monochorionic twins. Duration of pregnancy follows the same trend but is limited to a few days. Iatrogenic pregnancies are increasing to the point of representing almost 50% of the twin births in 1997.  相似文献   

Background. Australia's organized cervical screening program recommends two-yearly screening for women aged 18–69 years and reminder letters are sent at 27 months. Cervical screening registers hold comprehensive information on screening, but not country of birth. A linkage study was performed in order to assess cervical screening behavior in migrants. Methods. To assess screening participation, we linked year 2000 records for 12,541 Middle Eastern/Asian-born women 20–54 years of age, and an age and area matched random sample of 12,143 Australian-born women in the New South Wales (NSW) Midwives Data Collection (MDC), which records country of birth, to screening register records. Screening behavior after 2000 was assessed in women without a recorded prior cervical abnormality. Results. The odds ratios for being screened at least once within a 3 year period, with reference to Australian-born women and adjusted for age, parity, socioeconomic status and smoking, were 0.88 (95% CI: 0.81–0.97) and 0.74 (95% CI: 0.70–0.79) in women born in the Middle East and Asia, respectively. Screening increased with increasing socioeconomic status (SES), absence of smoking and greater parity in Australian-born women but little, if at all, in migrant women. In a sensitivity analysis in which hospital admitted patients were the source of population samples, some patterns were sufficiently different to suggest that selection for illness can affect the strength and direction of associations in linked data. Conclusion. Migrant women from Asian and Middle-eastern countries are less likely than Australian-born women to participate in cervical screening at the recommended interval. Their likelihood of screening is also less related to socioeconomic status, smoking and parity than that in Australian-born women.  相似文献   

[背景] 在陕西省的毛泡桐腐木桩上观察和采集到一株绒毛状真菌子实体,编号为HMNWAFU-CF-HS002。[目的] 为了确定该菌的分类地位,对其进行形态观察及分子鉴定。[方法] 获取宏观彩色图像并对显微结构进行测量、统计和绘图。此外,用PDA培养基分离纯化该菌的培养物,并结合最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法进行rDNA ITS分子系统学研究。[结果] HMNWAFU-CF-HS002的形态特征与Punctularia atropurpurascens高度相似。系统发育分析将HMNWAFU-CF-HS002聚在P.atropurpurascens的单系分支中。[结论] 结合形态学特征与系统发育结果,HMNWAFU-CF-HS002被鉴定紫黑点壳菌(Punctularia atropurpurascens),为中国的新记录种。此外,毛泡桐为其新记录寄主。至此,Punctularia属下的3个种,均在中国有分布记录。  相似文献   

Tardigrades are a phylum of microscopic invertebrates with a global distribution. Although our understanding of their systematic position and taxonomy has increased and continues to grow, their relationship with the other organisms that share their habitat remains poorly studied. One such organism is Propyxidium tardigradum, a peritrich ciliate which uses tardigrades for dispersion and as a substrate for reproduction. Here, we present the first Scottish record and tenth global occurrence of Propyxidium tardigradum, thereby expanding our knowledge of its poorly understood zoogeographic distribution. We also summarise the literature concerning P. tardigradum biology, proffer hypotheses regarding the Propyxidium-tardigrade relationship, and the apparent lack of heterotardigrade ciliate infestation. Additionally, we indicate a number of recommendations for the direction of future studies regarding the ciliate. Finally, we add a further three species, Milnesium variefidum, Hypsibius cf. scabropygus and Macrobiotus scoticus to the list of Propyxidium host species.  相似文献   

One hundred families with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) were analyzed for linkage with 27 genetic markers, including HLA, properdin factor B (BF), and glyoxalase 1(GLO) on chromosome 6, and Kidd blood group (Jk) on chromosome 2. The linkage analyses were performed under several different genetic models. An approximate correction for two-locus linkage analysis was developed and applied to four markers. Two different heterogeneity tests were implemented and applied to all the markers. One, the Predivided-Sample Test, utilizes various criteria thought to be relevant to genetic heterogeneity in IDDM. The other, the Admixture Test, looks for heterogeneity without specifying a prior how the sample should be divided. Results continued to support linkage of IDDM with three chromosome 6 markers: HLA, BF, and GLO. The total lod score for Kidd blood group, under the recessive model with 20% penetrance, is 1.63--down 1.2 from the 2.83 reported by us earlier. The only other marker whose lod score exceeded 1.0 under any model was pancreatic amylase (AMY2). The two-locus correction, which involved lowering the penetrance values used in the analysis, affected estimates of theta (recombination fraction) but did not markedly change the lod scores themselves. There was little evidence for heterogeneity within any of the lod scores, under either the Predivided-Sample Test or the Admixture Test.  相似文献   

Several investigators have reported an association between insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and an RFLP detected with a probe for the constant region of the beta chain (C beta) of the human T-cell receptor (TCR). A likely hypothesis is that the closely linked TCR variable (V beta) region genes contribute to IDDM susceptibility and that the association with the TCR C beta locus reflects this contribution, via linkage disequilibrium between V beta and C beta. The products of the beta-chain genes might be expected to be involved in the etiology of IDDM because of the autoimmune aspects of IDDM, the known involvement of HLA, and the necessity for TCR and HLA molecules to interact in an immune response. In order to investigate the hypothesis, we tested for linkage between IDDM and V genes encoded at either the TCR beta locus on chromosome 7 or the TCR alpha locus on chromosome 14, using 36 families with multiple affected sibs. No excess sharing of haplotypes defined by V alpha or V beta gene RFLPs was observed in affected sib pairs from IDDM families. We also studied unrelated IDDM patients (N = 73) and controls (N = 45) with the C beta RFLP but were unable to confirm the reported association even when the sample was stratified by HLA-DR type. Our results are incompatible with close linkage, in the majority of families, between either the TCR alpha or TCR beta locus and a gene making a major contribution to susceptibility to IDDM.  相似文献   

Two small estuaries, the Eden Estuary of eastern Scotland and the Ria de Foz of north west Spain, are compared. The former was glaciated during the Pleistocene, the latter was not. These water bodies are macrotidal, of similar size, entrance morphology and advanced state of sedimentary infill. There are, however, major differences in their sedimentary dynamics partly as a result of anthropogenic interference. A training wall partially confines the main channel of the Ria de Foz, whereas the Eden Estuary lacks comparable structures. Prior to the extension of the Foz wall, the rate of migration of a spit at the mouth of the ria was up to one order of magnitude greater than that of a similar spit in the Eden Estuary. Following completion of the wall, the rate of spit erosion in the Ria de Foz increased to two orders of magnitude greater than that of natural processes in the Eden. A beach nourishment scheme at Foz, relocating sediment deposited within the Ria, has succeeded in stabilising the spit and substantially reducing erosion. Relative stability of land and sea may have existed over the last 5,000 years at Foz but not at the mouth of the Eden, where isostatic uplift has exceeded sea level rise. The requisite stability for complete sedimentary infill at Foz may not exist owing to the predicted worldwide rise of sea level due to global warming. The rise of sea and land levels around the Eden Estuary are now believed to be counterbalanced, providing the necessary geological conditions for complete sedimentary infill.  相似文献   

On the basis of studies of seasonal changes in the infection levels of Sacculina carcini in Carcinus maenas a life history for Sacculina at Millport, Scotland is proposed. This life history differs from that proposed by Foxon (1940) in that the externa is considered only to live for one year, the interna subsequently regenerating a new externa. This life cycle receives support from observations on regenerating externa.  相似文献   

The components of the decline in mortality from ischaemic heart disease in Finland were studied by analysing the changes in incidence and prognosis between 1972 and 1981. Using personal identification numbers, hospital discharge records and death certificates were linked for all men and women aged 40-64. During this period mortality decreased 15.9% in men and 23.5% in women, incidence 14.2% in men and 19.3% in women, being greatest among 40-49 year olds living in urban areas, and case fatality 7.3% in men and 10.3% in women, owing primarily to a decrease in patients dying of ischaemic heart disease without being admitted to hospital; survival was also better among patients admitted to hospital. Factors explaining these changes remain unknown because data on risk factors and factors influencing prognosis are limited and largely ecological.  相似文献   

The degradation of freshwater environments, e.g.: eutrophication, drainage, water pollution, has led to the decline of lymnaeid species distribution. Some of them are recorded in the Red Book and Red List of species as rare, vulnerable or legally protected. The survey was carried out in Upper Silesia (Southern Poland), which is one of the biggest coal basins in the world. This region is devoid of natural water bodies; only reservoirs of an anthropogenic origin are common. Anthropogenic reservoirs, which are not very degraded, constitute important lentic habitats in Upper Silesia and they provide refuges for wildlife including rare and vulnerable molluscan species. This survey uncovered the first occurrence of Stagnicola turricula in the anthropogenic reservoirs in this area. S. turricula has been subdominant in molluscan communities. Sixteen molluscan species, including 11 gastropod and 5 bivalve species, were recorded at the sampling sites. Based on a redundancy analysis (RDA), the organic matter content in the bottom sediments and pH were the parameters most associated (statistically significant) with the distribution of molluscan species including S. turricula.  相似文献   

Hydrological conditions prevailing before, during and after the Messinian salinity crisis in Sicily have been approached using dinoflagellate cyst records. The synthetic sequence considered is based on five classical sections from the Caltanissetta Basin. Our interpretations are based on the recognition of autochthonous, allochthonous and reworked population among the dinocyst assemblages. For the first time, sea-surface temperatures and seasonal salinity contrasts were tentatively reconstructed using a “Mutual Climatic Range Method”. Sicilian late Tortonian deposits correspond to marine environment with significant terrestrial inputs favourable to eutrophic dinocyst species. Immediately after the beginning of the Messinian Stage, euryhaline assemblages took place, followed by meso-hyperhaline taxa, within a general trend to shallowing. At the end of the Tripoli diatomitic Formation, environment appears confined, with regular oceanic inflows. Such marine inflows remain persistent during the deposition of the salt Member, witnessing the probable persistence of nearby normal marine sea-surface water conditions in the Mediterranean Sea but with possible reduced hydrological circulation and/or low nutrient component. Such inflows are slightly decreasing up to the top of the Sicilian Upper Evaporites. At the same time, river inputs appear weak during the salt deposition, as the consequence of a rather dry climatic context. As shown by reworking activity, terrestrial inputs increase progressively from the base of the Upper Evaporites. During the Lago Mare period, while climate remains rather dry (absence of freshwater algae inputs, very low amount in trees requiring humid conditions), local deposition environment is confined with mesohaline to hypohaline sea-surface waters, in a context with relatively high seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast (up to 6‰). The very high reworking observed in the Arenazzolo silts, in addition to slightly increasing water depth, led us to consider the presence of a discontinuity between the Lago Mare and the Arenazzolo Fms. We consider the Arenazzolo Formation as a transgressive facies following a deep downcutting period. The Arenazzolo Formation presents a two-step development. The first one, correlative with the presence of a G. etrusca (a species with Paratethyan affinities), corresponds to a relative high-stand sea-level with oceanic influxes, low seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast and probable more humid context, as revealed by the important freshwater algal inputs. During the second step, salinity becomes much more variable, with a clear increase of seasonal sea-surface salinity contrast, a possible slight mean sea-surface temperature increase (only few degrees) and a clear weakening of the river inputs. Taking the proposed Zanclean position of the Arenazzolo Fm. into consideration, we state that mean sea-surface temperature did not change significantly from the base of the Messinian to the earliest Zanclean. At 5.33 Ma, the suddenly achieved flooding restored a fair, deep oceanic environment characterized, at the beginning, by a clear mean sea-surface temperature cooling (up to 6-7 °C) and a nutrient depletion, associated with the basins starvation. Sea-surface salinities were normal, with very low seasonal contrast. Hydrodynamics then nutrient supply became then quite normal from c.a. 5.08 Ma. The status of the Sicilian Caltanissetta Basin as a marginal basin although fastly deepening and the stratigraphical location of the Messinian discontinuity at the base of the Arenazzolo is the scenario that best matches our dinocyst record.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] was isolated from several donors and its apolipoprotein (a) [apo(a)] dissociated by a reductive treatment, generating the apo(a)-free form of Lp(a) [Lp(a--)] that contains apolipoprotein B (apo B) as its sole protein. Using anti-apo B monoclonal antibodies, the properties of apo B in Lp(a), Lp(a--), and autologous low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were compared. Marked differences in apo B immunoreactivity were found between these lipoproteins, due to the presence of apo(a) in Lp(a). Apo(a) enhanced the expression of two epitopes in the amino-terminal part of apo B while it diminished the immunoreactivity of three other epitopes in the LDL receptor binding domain. Accordingly, the binding of the lipoproteins to the LDL receptor was also decreased in the presence of apo(a). In a different experimental system, the incubation of antibodies that react with 27 distinct epitopes distributed along the whole length of apo B sequence with plastic-bound Lp(a) and Lp(a--) failed to reveal any epitope of apo B that is sterically hindered by the presence of apo(a). Our results demonstrate that the presence of apo(a) modified the organization and function of apo B in Lp(a) particles. The data presented indicate that most likely the modification is not due to a steric hindrance but that some more profound conformational changes are involved. We suggest that the formation of the disulfide bridge between apo B and apo(a) in Lp(a) alters the system of disulfide bonds present in apo B and thereby modifies apo B structure.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - In the last two decades, Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) NMR has created its own niche in studies involving photosynthetic membrane protein complexes, owing to its ability to...  相似文献   

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