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Highly active salt-washed ribosomes from Escherichia coli are isolated by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 in a buffer containing 1 m ammonium chloride and putrescine, spermidine, calcium, and magnesium ions. Up to several hundred grams of cells can be processed in less than 24 h. The ribosome solution made 30% (v/v) in methanol is best stored as a liquid at ?20°C. An improved poly(U)-dependent peptide synthesis assay is described in which phenylalanine polymerization is greatly enhanced while the misincorporation of leucine is kept at in vivo levels.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, frequently utilize tripartite efflux complexes belonging to the resistance-nodulation-division family to expel diverse toxic compounds from the cell. These systems contain a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) that is critical for substrate transport. We here present the x-ray structures of the CusB MFP from the copper/silver efflux system of E. coli. This is the first structure of any MFPs associated with heavy-metal efflux transporters. CusB bridges the inner-membrane efflux pump CusA and outer-membrane channel CusC to mediate resistance to Cu+ and Ag+ ions. Two distinct structures of the elongated molecules of CusB were found in the asymmetric unit of a single crystal, which suggests the flexible nature of this protein. Each protomer of CusB can be divided into four different domains, whereby the first three domains are mostly β-strands and the last domain adopts an entirely helical architecture. Unlike other known structures of MFPs, the α-helical domain of CusB is folded into a three-helix bundle. This three-helix bundle presumably interacts with the periplasmic domain of CusC. The N- and C-termini of CusB form the first β-strand domain, which is found to interact with the periplasmic domain of the CusA efflux pump. Atomic details of how this efflux protein binds Cu+ and Ag+ were revealed by the crystals of the CusB-Cu(I) and CusB-Ag(I) complexes. The structures indicate that CusB consists of multiple binding sites for these metal ions. These findings reveal novel structural features of an MFP in the resistance-nodulation-division efflux system and provide direct evidence that this protein specifically interacts with transported substrates.  相似文献   

Protein turnover in exponentially growing Escherichia coli was investigated in a chemostat where changes in medium composition and physical manipulation of cells were minimized. Growing cells were subjected to a sequential double-isotope labeling procedure. The soluble proteins were isolated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and the isotope ratios were calculated for each protein sampled. Differentially synthesized proteins previously reported were shown to be the result of changes in medium composition or physical manipulation. The previously reported turnover of certain proteins appears to be the result of change(s) in the medium. However, additional results support the conclusion that the turnover of other proteins can occur independent of such changes.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional locations have been determined for Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins L1, L17 and L27 by immune electron microscopy using antibodies directed against these proteins. From the positions of immunoglobulin G attachment, observed in two characteristic projections, it was determined that these three proteins are located at single sites in different regions on the surface of the large subunit. In the quasisymmetric projection, L1 maps on the side opposite the “L7L12 stalk,” named the L1 ridge; protein L17 maps at the base of the subunit opposite the “central protuberance” (toward the L7L12 side of the subunit); and protein L27 is found on the central protuberance (on the side distal to the L7L12 stalk). In the asymmetric projection, proteins L1 and L27 are found on the surface of the subunit contracting the small subunit and protein L17 is on the surface of the subunit distal to the small subunit; i.e. on the cytoplasmic surface of the large subunit. Antibody binding at all three sites was eliminated when the immunoglobulin G molecules were preabsorbed with their specific proteins.  相似文献   

The pentameric Escherichia coli enzyme 2-hydroxypentadienoic acid hydratase assembles to form a 20-nm-diameter particle comprising 60 protein subunits, arranged with 532 symmetry when crystallised at low pH in the presence of phosphate or sulphate ions. The particles form rapidly and are stable in solution during gel filtration at low pH. They are probably formed through trimers of pentamers, which are stabilised by the interaction of two phosphate ions with residues of the N-terminal domains of subunits at the 3-fold axis. Once the particles are formed at high concentrations of phosphate (or sulphate), they remain stable in solution at 20-fold lower concentrations of the anion. Guest molecules can be trapped within the hollow protein shell during assembly. The C-termini of the subunits are freely accessible on the surface of the protein cage and thus are ideal sites for addition of affinity tags or other modifications. These particles offer a convenient model system for studying the assembly of large symmetrical structures and a novel protein nanoparticle for encapsulation and cargo delivery.  相似文献   

The infrared spectrum of a structural lipoprotein from the Escherichia coli outer membrane indicated the lipoprotein had and α-helical conformation but no sign for the existence of β-structures. From circular dichroism spectra of the lipoprotein, the α-helical content of the protein was found to be as high as 88% in 0.01–0.03% sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of 10?5 M Mg2+ at pH 7.1 and 23° C. When sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration increased higher than 0.1%, the α-helical content of the lipoprotein decreased to about 57%. Divalent cations, such as Mg2+ and Mn2+, were found to increase the helical content of the lipoprotein. The high α-helical content of the lipoprotein was observed in a wide range of temperatures (23 to 55° C). The significance of the high α-helical content of the lipoprotein is discussed in light of the three-dimensional molecular models of the lipoprotein proposed previously.  相似文献   

A series of related hetero-bifunctional RNA-protein cross-linking reagents has been prepared, carrying an imidoester or N-hydroxysuccinimide ester function at one end of the molecule, and a phenylazido function at the other. These compounds have been applied to RNA-protein cross-linking studies with ribosomal subunits, and one of them, p-azido-phenylacetic imidoester, has proved to be a particularly useful reagent for this purpose. The reagent first reacts specifically with protein amino groups, and subsequent photolysis of the azide group leads to cross-linking to the RNA in yields of up to 8% of the total protein. The whole reaction takes place under very mild conditions in aqueous solution.The individual proteins concerned in the cross-links have been identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and the existence of a covalent cross-link was confirmed by the isolation by two different methods of protein-oligonucleotide complexes carrying a 32P label. Although most of the ribosomal proteins could be cross-linked to their corresponding ribosomal RNA within the individual subunits, RNA-protein cross-links at the ribosomal subunit interface were only detectable in vanishingly small amounts.The advantages of this type of genuine hetero-bifunctional reagent in RNA-protein cross-linking studies are discussed.  相似文献   

We report an analysis in vivo of the RNA degradosome assembly of Escherichia coli. Employing fluorescence microscopy imaging and fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) measurements, we present evidence for in vivo pairwise interactions between RNase E–PNPase (polynucleotide phosphorylase), and RNase E–Enolase. These interactions are absent in a mutant strain with genomically encoded RNase E that lacks the C-terminal half, supporting the role of the carboxy-end domain as the scaffold for the degradosome. We also present evidence for in vivo proximity of Enolase–PNPase and Enolase–RhlB. The data support a model for the RNA degradosome (RNAD), in which the RNase E carboxy-end is proximal to PNPase, more distant to Enolase, and more than 10 nm from RhlB helicase. Our measurements were made in strains with mono-copy chromosomal fusions of the RNAD enzymes with fluorescent proteins, allowing measurement of the expression of the different proteins under different growth and stress conditions.  相似文献   

Under certain growth conditions, some strains of Escherichia coli accumulate toxic levels of methylglyoxal. This report characterizes a strain which synthesizes a mutant cAMP receptor protein in an adenylate cyclase deletion background. When cultured in glucose 6-phosphate minimal medium, this strain (222) was prematurely growth arrested due to methylglyoxal production; growth inhibition did not occur when the strain was grown in glucose minimal medium. A comparison of a variety of enzyme and cofactor levels in the related strains 222 (mutant) and 225 (wild-type) grown on either glucose or glucose 6-phosphate medium was carried out. The only difference found that might explain an increase in methylglyoxal accumulation was an elevated level of phosphofructokinase in strain 222 grown on glucose 6-phosphate. Since this enzyme activity probably limits hexose phosphate metabolism, it is suggested that growth inhibition in strain 222 may be due to increased production of triose phosphate, some of which is converted to methylglyoxal.  相似文献   

Recent proteome studies on the Escherichia coli membrane proteins suggested that YhcB is a putative third subunit of cytochrome bd-type ubiquinol oxidase (CydAB) (F. Stenberg, P. Chovanec, S.L. Maslen, C.V. Robinson, L.L. Ilag, G. von Heijne, D.O. Daley, Protein complexes of the Escherichia coli cell envelope. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (2005) 34409-34419). We isolated and characterized cytochrome bd from the ΔyhcB strain, and found that the formation of the CydAB heterodimer, the spectroscopic properties of bound hemes, and kinetic parameters for the ubiquinol-1 oxidation were identical to those of cytochrome bd from the wild-type strain. Anion-exchange chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that YhcB was not associated with the cytochrome bd complex. We concluded that YhcB is dispensable for the assembly and function of cytochrome bd. YhcB, which is distributed only in γ-proteobacteria, may be a part of another membrane protein complex or may form a homo multimeric complex.  相似文献   

Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC has been purified to homogeneity from a 100-fold overproducing Escherichia coli strain carrying a hybrid pBR322 plasmid containing the pheS-pheT locus. The purified enzyme is identical to the phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase isolated from an haploid strain. The enzyme was found to dissociate in the presence of 0.5 M NaSCN and the α- and β-subunits composing the native α2β2 enzyme were separated by gel filtration. Neither isolated subunit showed significant catalytic activity. A complex indistinguishable from the native enzyme with full catalytic activity is recovered upon mixing the subunits. The N- and C-terminal sequences and the amino acid composition of each subunit were determined. They are compared to the available data concerning the primary structure of the subunits, as deduced from nucleotide sequencing of the pheS-pheT operon.  相似文献   

We describe two mutants (tabB-212 and tabB-127) of Escherichia coli K12 in which T-even phage production is temperature-sensitive. Both mutants are linked to purA and may identify a single new bacterial gene tabB. The uninfected bacterium is indistinguishable from wild type at both 30 °C and 42.4 °C. Sodium dodecyl sulphate—polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of labelled extracts of tabB mutants infected by T4 wild-type phage shows that the modification of viral head precursors (Laemmli, 1970) does not occur, indicating that capsid formation is blocked. The effect is reversible with at least one of the tabB mutants: a shift to 30 °C leads to the cleavage of a significant fraction of precursors synthesized at 42.4 °C.Two classes of T4 mutants are described: one (comB) which grows on tabB even at 42.4 °C, the other (kB) which fails to grow on tabB even at the permissive temperature. Both mutants map in T4 gene 31, suggesting an interaction between gene 31 and tabB products.Since gene 31 mutants lead to the random aggregation of head precursors (Laemmli, 1970), we argue that a host product is involved in the ordered polymerization of T4 proteins into capsids or capsid-related structures.  相似文献   

Protein obtained from several strains of Escherichia coli grown in the presence of [3,3′-14C]cystine contained the radiolabel in nearly all the other amino acids, suggesting catabolism of cysteine to pyruvic acid. Utilization in amino acid synthesis of the pyruvate thus generated can be blocked by growing the bacteria in a medium specifically enriched with most of the naturally occurring amino acids. Cysteine that is incorporated intact is diluted by de novo synthesis at low cystine concentrations; also, it was found that E. coli can use the sulfur of methionine for cysteine biosynthesis. Both of these latter two processes can be prevented by supplying an excess of exogenous cystine. This regiment leads to protein that is highly specifically labeled in the cysteine residues, with a minor amount (20–25%) of the label also appearing in alanine residues. Although this strategy was developed expressly for cysteine, it may be useful for incorporating other labeled amino acids that are also readily catabolized.  相似文献   

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