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The general secretory (Sec) pathway is the main mechanism for protein secretion and insertion into endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, the complete genome of the highly specialized microsporidian parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi appears to lack a gene for Sec61beta, one of three universally conserved proteins that form the core of the Sec translocon. We have identified a putative, highly divergent homologue of Sec61beta in the genome of another microsporidian, Antonospora locustae, and used this to identify a previously unrecognized Sec61beta in E. cuniculi. The identity of these genes is supported by evidence from secondary structure prediction and gene order conservation. Their functional conservation is confirmed by expressing both microsporidian homologues in yeast, where they are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and rescue a yeast Sec61beta deletion mutant.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a mouse testicular alpha-tubulin partial cDNA, pRD alpha TT1, reveals an isotype that differs from both the somatic and the predominant testicular alpha tubulins at approximately 30% of the 212 amino acid residues determined. Although this mouse testicular cDNA retains the highly conserved sequence, Glu-Gly-Glu-Glu, found in the carboxyl termini of many alpha tubulins, the protein extends substantially beyond this sequence and does not terminate with a C-terminal tyrosine. Using rabbit antiserum prepared to a novel synthetic peptide predicted from this mouse testis alpha-tubulin cDNA, we have have detected by immunoblot and indirect immunofluorescence an antigenic epitope present in testicular alpha tubulin that is not detectable in brain alpha tubulins. We find that the antiserum specifically binds to the manchettes and meiotic spindles of the mouse testis but not with neural fibers or tubulin extracts of the adult mouse brain. These results demonstrate that at least one of the multiple alpha-tubulin isotypes of the mammalian testis is expressed and used in male germ cells but not in the brain.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a beta tubulin gene of Physarum polycephalum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A beta tubulin gene of Physarum polycephalum has been isolated from a genomic library in the phage EMBL4. Southern-blot hybridization to genomic DNA indicates that the cloned DNA is derived from the betB1 locus of the beta tubulin gene family. A tubulin-specific subfragment of the phage DNA was used as a hybridization probe to construct a restriction map of the betB1 locus. The probe consisted of the almost complete coding region of the 5' half of the tubulin gene, interrupted by one intron. The derived amino acid sequence of this subclone deviates from the protein sequence for Physarum amoebal beta tubulin (amino acids 4-207) in two of 207 amino acids. We used both recA and recBC sbcB bacterial host strains, which have been recommended for cloning of instability-conferring sequences of the Physarum genome, but were unable to subclone the 3' part of the gene from the phage DNA. Primer-extension analysis indicates that the betB gene is expressed in the vegetatively proliferating amoebal and plasmodial stages of the life cycle as well as in differentiating (sporulating) plasmodia.  相似文献   

The pseudouridine (Psi) synthases Pus7p and TruD define a family of RNA-modifying enzymes with no sequence similarity to previously characterized Psi synthases. The 2.2 A resolution structure of Escherichia coli TruD reveals a U-shaped molecule with a catalytic domain that superimposes closely on that of other Psi synthases. A domain that appears to be unique to TruD/Pus7p family enzymes hinges over the catalytic domain, possibly serving to clasp the substrate RNAs. The active site comprises residues that are conserved in other Psi synthases, although at least one comes from a structurally distinct part of the protein. Remarkably, the connectivity of the structural elements of the TruD catalytic domain is a circular permutation of that of its paralogs. Because the sequence of the permuted segment, a beta-strand that bisects the catalytic domain, is conserved among orthologs from bacteria, archaea and eukarya, the permutation likely happened early in evolution.  相似文献   

L Bonen  S Bird 《Gene》1988,73(1):47-56
The nucleotide sequence of the wheat mitochondrial gene for subunit 6 (atp6) of the F1F0 ATPase complex has been determined. Unlike bacterial, chloroplast or animal/fungal mitochondrial atp6 counterparts, which encode proteins of about 230-270 amino acids, the wheat mitochondrial atp6 homologue comprises the latter part of an open reading frame (ORF) of 386 codons. The ATP6 protein may therefore by synthesized with a long N-terminal presequence. This is supported by the finding that the ORF is preceded by a conserved sequence block closely related to ones preceding several other actively transcribed wheat mitochondrial protein-coding genes. The fused upstream ORF is similar in length, but unrelated in sequence, to those preceding the maize and tobacco mitochondrial atp6 genes. In wheat, the atp6 gene is located on a recombinationally active repeated DNA element, whose length of 1.4 kb corresponds approximately to that of the atp6 mRNA. A comparison of the wheat and maize ATP6 sequences reveals unexpectedly high divergence in the region corresponding to the mature N-terminal domain and may reflect mitochondrial DNA rearrangements during atp6 gene evolution in monocotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

Incompatibility group P1 (IncP-1) plasmid diversity was evaluated based on replication initiator protein (TrfA) phylogeny. A new and highly divergent clade was identified. Replication assays indicated that TrfA of recently discovered IncP-1 plasmids from Xylella fastidiosa and Verminephrobacter eiseniae initiated plasmid replication using cognate or heterologous origins of replication.  相似文献   

In chicken, beta-tubulin is encoded by a family of seven genes. We have now isolated and sequenced overlapping cDNA clones corresponding to gene c beta 7 (previously designated c beta 4'), the only chicken beta-tubulin not previously characterized. The inferred amino acid sequence of c beta 7 tubulin is identical with the class I beta-tubulin isotype found in human, mouse and rat. Moreover, c beta 7 is highly expressed in almost all tissue and cell types in chicken, a pattern similar to those of the genes for class I beta-tubulin isotypes in other vertebrates. Comparison of the complete family of chicken beta-tubulin gene sequences reveals that the heterogeneity of beta-tubulin polypeptides encoded in a higher eukaryote is confined to six distinct beta-tubulin isotypes. Five of these are members of evolutionarily conserved isotypic classes (I to V), whereas the sixth represents a divergent erythroid-specific tubulin whose sequence has not been conserved.  相似文献   

Several, independent lutropin beta subunit cDNA clones have been isolated from a lambda gt-11 pituitary cDNA library. The complete nucleotide sequence of four clones was determined. A number of single nucleotide differences were detected including three changes within the coding sequence. One of these nucleotide changes resulted in a change in the predicted amino acid sequence, while two did not. These changes may reflect heterogeneity in the animals from which pituitaries were obtained, or they may reflect errors which occurred during the construction or cloning of the cDNA. Two other differences in nucleotide sequence suggest differences in the processing of precursor mRNAs. One difference involves the deletion of three nucleotides from the coding sequence of one of the clones. This probably reflects the use of alternate splicing sites at intron-exon boundaries. The other likely processing difference is reflected by the fact that one of the clones contains a much longer 3' untranslated region than the other clones. This difference probably arose due to a single nucleotide difference leading to selection of an alternate polyadenylation site.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids from an unidentified virus from ringed seals (Phoca hispida) were amplified using sequence-independent PCR, subcloned, and then sequenced. The full genome of a novel RNA virus was derived, identifying the first sequence-confirmed picornavirus in a marine mammal. The phylogenetic position of the tentatively named seal picornavirus 1 (SePV-1) as an outlier to the grouping of parechoviruses was found consistently in alignable regions of the genome. A mean protein sequence identity of only 19.3 to 30.0% was found between the 3D polymerase gene sequence of SePV-1 and those of other picornaviruses. The predicted secondary structure of the short 506-base 5'-untranslated region showed some attributes of a type IVB internal ribosome entry site, and the polyprotein lacked an apparent L peptide, both properties associated with the Parechovirus genus. The presence of two SePV-1 2A genes and of the canonical sequence required for cotranslational cleavage resembled the genetic organization of Ljungan virus. Minor genetic variants were detected in culture supernatants derived from 8 of 108 (7.4%) seals collected in 2000 to 2002, indicating a high prevalence of SePV-1 in this hunted seal population. The high level of genetic divergence of SePV-1 compared to other picornaviruses and its mix of characteristics relative to its closest relatives support the provisional classification of SePV-1 as the prototype for a new genus in the family Picornaviridae.  相似文献   

A novel class II beta chain gene is described. This gene, tentatively called DO beta, displays considerably less polymorphism than beta genes of the DP, DQ, and DR loci. The nucleotide sequence of the DO beta gene is strikingly similar to that of the previously identified murine A beta 2 gene. The DO beta gene displays the same exon/intron organization as other beta genes although the fifth exon and the translated portion of the sixth exon are longer than in other genes. A striking feature of the amino acid sequence deduced from the DO beta gene sequence is the pronounced hydrophobicity of the NH2-terminal region. This feature distinguishes the putative DO beta chain from other class II beta chains and raises the possibility that DO beta chains may interact with an alpha chain that is structurally different from those of the DP, DQ, and DR loci. It further suggests that the putative DO molecule may have a function different from those of other class II antigens.  相似文献   

Banerjee M  Roy D  Bhattacharyya B  Basu G 《FEBS letters》2007,581(26):5019-5023
Colchicine-tubulin interaction, responsible for the disruption of microtubule formation, has immense pharmacological importance but is poorly understood in terms of its biological significance. The interaction is characterized by a marked higher affinity of colchicine for animal tubulins compared to tubulins from plants, fungi and protists. From an analysis of tubulin sequences and colchicine-tubulin crystal structure, we propose that Pro268beta and Ala248beta (270beta and 250beta in the crystal structure 1SA0) in animal tubulin are crucial for the observed differential binding. We also suggest that mediated by the binding of endogenous molecules to the colchicine-binding site, microtubule assembly in eukaryotes may be modulated in a family specific manner.  相似文献   

Sequence heterogeneity of an mpb70 gene analogue in Mycobacterium kansasii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protein antigen MPB70 is a major component of culture supernatants of Mycobacterium bovis and is an active ingredient of bovine PPD used for skin-testing cattle for tuberculosis. We have shown that Mycobacterium kansasii possesses a similar gene that cross-reacts in a PCR test for M. bovis. Single strand conformational polymorphism analysis, and the DNA sequence of the PCR product, shows differences between M. kansasii strains, supporting the suggestion that M. kansasii is not a homogeneous species.  相似文献   

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