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 Biomass, production and heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton were determined for two weeks in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon, Fiji. Bacterial and Bacterial activities were distributed homogeneously throughout the water column (20 to 40 m deep) and varied little from site to site inside the lagoon. Bacterioplankton biomass and production also varied little over a diel period with coefficients of variation of 9 and 22%, respectively. On average, over the whole study, bacterial abundance was 0.77×109 cells l-1 and bacterial production averaged 0.36 μg-at. C l-1 d-1. Bacterial abundance and production were greater in the lagoon than in oceanic waters. Attachment to particles seems to provide an advantage for bacterioplankton growth because specific growth rates for attached bacterioplankton were, on average, significantly greater than that of the free community. Growth efficiency, determined by correlating the net increase of bacterial biomass and the net decrease of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in dilution cultures, was very low (average 6.6%). Using carbon growth efficiency and bacterial production rates, heterotrophic activity was estimated to average 5.4 μg-at. C l-1 d-1. The turn-over rate of DOC (average 114 μg-at. C l-1) due to bacterial consumption was estimated to be 0.048 d-1 during the period of study. Accepted: 25 July 1998  相似文献   

The abundance and productivity of benthic microalgae in coral reef sediments are poorly known compared with other, more conspicuous (e.g. coral zooxanthellae, macroalgae) primary producers of coral reef habitats. A survey of the distribution, biomass, and productivity of benthic microalgae on a platform reef flat and in a cross-shelf transect in the southern Great Barrier Reef indicated that benthic microalgae are ubiquitous, abundant (up to 995.0 mg chlorophyll (chl) a m–2), and productive (up to 110 mg O2 m–2 h–1) components of the reef ecosystem. Concentrations of benthic microalgae, expressed as chlorophyll a per surface area, were approximately 100-fold greater than the integrated water column concentrations of microalgae throughout the region. Benthic microalgal biomass was greater on the shallow water platform reef than in the deeper waters of the cross-shelf transect. In both areas the benthic microalgal communities had a similar composition, dominated by pennate diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Benthic microalgal populations were potentially nutrient-limited, based on responses to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichments in short-term (7-day) microcosm experiments. Benthic microalgal productivity, measured by O2 evolution, indicated productive communities responsive to light and nutrient availability. The benthic microalgal concentrations observed (92–995 mg chl a m–2) were high relative to other reports, particularly compared with temperate regions. This abundance of productive plants in both reef and shelf sediments in the southern Great Barrier Reef suggests that benthic microalgae are key components of coral reef ecosystems.Communicated by Environmental Editor, B.C. Hatcher  相似文献   

 Phytoplankton biomass, community structure and productivity of the Great Astrolabe lagoon and surrounding ocean were studied using measurements of chlorophyll concentration and carbon uptake. The contribution of picophytoplankton to biomass, productivity and community structure was estimated by size fractionation, 14C-incubation and flow cytometry analysis. Picoplankton red fluorescence was demonstrated to be a proxy for chlorophyll <3 μm. Consequently, the percentage contribution to chl a<3 μm from each picoplankton group could be calculated using regression estimated values of ψ i (fg chl a per unit of red fluorescence). In the lagoon, average chlorophyll concentration was 0.8 mg m-3 with 45% of phytoplankton <3 μm. Primary production reached 1.3 g C m-2 day-1 with 53% due to phytoplankton <3 μm. Synechococcus was the most abundant group at all stations, followed by Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes. At all stations, Prochlorococcus represented less than 4% of the chl a <3 μm, Synechococcus between 85 and 95%, and Picoeukaryotes between 5 and 10%. In the upper 40 m of surrounding oceanic waters, phytoplankton biomass was dominated by the >3 μm size fraction. In deeper water, the <1 μm size fraction dominated. Prochlorococcus was the most abundant picoplankton group and their contributions to the chlorophyll a<3 μm were close to that of the picoeukaryotes (50% each). Accepted: 27 May 1999  相似文献   

Patterns of spacing in the butterflyfish Chaetodon trifasciatus (Pisces, Chaetodontidae) were studied in two habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Pairs of fish were found to defend territories at reef slope and lagoon study sites. Territories were 2·7–3·7 times larger in the lagoon than on the reef slope, where population density and food abundance were greater. No significant changes occurred in the sizes of territories in either habitat over on year, but patterns of spacing were generally more variable in the lagoon habitat. This was interpreted as a response to low population density and poor habitat quality.  相似文献   

Fish larvae from horizontal plankton tows along a single transect near outer ribbon reefs of the Great Barrier Reef in spring 1979 and summer 1980 had persistent distributional patterns. Larvae were identified to family and divided into young (preflexion) and old (postflexion) larvae, thus giving 28 taxa abundant enough for analysis. Non-uniform larval distributions were found for 81% of the 16 reef fish taxa with non-pelagic eggs, but for only 17% of the six reef fish taxa with pelagic eggs. Most differences in larval concentration were between the lagoonal and seaward sides of the reef. Only tripterygiid larvae had highest concentration just seaward of the reef, while larvae of 12 reef and three oceanic fish taxa occurred in highest concentrations on the lagoonal side of the reef. In five taxa of reef fishes, higher larval concentrations were found in the lagoonal backreef compared with the mid-lagoon habitat; but the reverse was not found in any taxon. Eleven taxa had indeterminate distributions, (i.e. no difference in concentration between stations). Mechanisms responsible for the distribution remain unknown, but we suggest that the view which considers fish larvae to be passively-drifting particles is unjustified without more information on larval behaviour.  相似文献   

This study examined recruitment patterns and microhabitat associations for three carnivorous fishes, Plectropomus maculatus, Lutjanus carponotatus and Epinephelus quoyanus, at the Keppel Islands, southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Habitat selectivity was highest for recruits that were found mostly with corymbose Acropora, predominantly on patches of live coral located over loose substrates (sand). Adults were more commonly associated with tabular Acropora. The proportion of P. maculatus (72 %) found with live corals was higher than for L. carponotatus (68 %) and E. quoyanus (44 %). Densities of recruits were highly variable among locations, but this was only partly related to availability of preferred microhabitats. Our findings demonstrate that at least some carnivorous reef fishes, especially during early life-history stages, strongly associate with live corals. Such species will be highly sensitive to increasing degradation of coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

The conspicuous growth of a reef crest and the resulting differentiation of reef topography into a moat (shallow lagoon), crest and slope have long attracted the interest of scientists studying coral reefs. A geochemical model is here proposed for reef formation, taking into account diffusion-limited and light-enhanced calcification. First, to obtain data on net photosynthesis and calcification rates in the field, a typical coral community was cultured in situ on a reef flat. Using these data, equations including parameters for calcification were then developed and applied in computer simulations to model the development over time of reef profiles and the diffusion of carbon species. The reef topography simulated by the model was in general agreement with reef topography observed in nature. The process of reef growth as shown by the modeling was as follows. Increases in the shore-to-offshore gradients of the concentrations of carbonate species result from calcification by reef biota, giving a lower rate of growth on near-shore parts of the reef than on those further offshore. As a result, original topography is diversified into moat and reef crest for the first time. Reef growth on the reef crest is more rapid than in the inshore moat area, because more light is available at the crest. Reef growth on the near-shore side of the reef is further inhibited by damming of carbon-rich seawater on the seaward side of the reef by the reef crest. Over time, the topographic expression of the reef crest and moat becomes progressively more clearly defined by these geochemical processes.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef holds the richest array of marine life found anywhere in Australia, including a diverse and fascinating parasite fauna. Members of one group, the trematodes, occur as sexually mature adult worms in almost all Great Barrier Reef bony fish species. Although the first reports of these parasites were made 100 years ago, the fauna has been studied systematically for only the last 25 years. When the fauna was last reviewed in 1994 there were 94 species known from the Great Barrier Reef and it was predicted that there might be 2,270 in total. There are now 326 species reported for the region, suggesting that we are in a much improved position to make an accurate prediction of true trematode richness. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the fauna and the ways in which our understanding of this fascinating group is changing. Our best estimate of the true richness is now a range, 1,100–1,800 species. However there remains considerable scope for even these figures to be incorrect given that fewer than one-third of the fish species of the region have been examined for trematodes. Our goal is a comprehensive characterisation of this fauna, and we outline what work needs to be done to achieve this and discuss whether this goal is practically achievable or philosophically justifiable.  相似文献   

Coral disease is a major threat to the resilience of coral reefs; thus, understanding linkages between disease outbreaks and disturbances predicted to increase with climate change is becoming increasingly important. Coral disease surveys conducted twice yearly between 2008 and 2011 at a turbid inshore reef in the central Great Barrier Reef spanned two disturbance events, a coral bleaching event in 2009 and a severe cyclone (cyclone ‘Yasi’) in 2011. Surveys of coral cover, community structure and disease prevalence throughout this 4-yr study provide a unique opportunity to explore cumulative impacts of disturbance events and disease for inshore coral assemblages. The principal coral disease at the study site was atramentous necrosis (AtN), and it primarily affected the key inshore, reef-building coral Montipora aequituberculata. Other diseases detected were growth anomalies, white syndrome and brown band syndrome. Diseases affected eight coral genera, although Montipora was, by far, the genus mostly affected. The prevalence of AtN followed a clear seasonal pattern, with disease outbreaks occurring only in wet seasons. Mean prevalence of AtN on Montipora spp. (63.8 % ± 3.03) was three- to tenfold greater in the wet season of 2009, which coincided with the 2009 bleaching event, than in other years. Persistent wet season outbreaks of AtN combined with the impacts of bleaching and cyclone events resulted in a 50–80 % proportional decline in total coral cover. The greatest losses of branching and tabular acroporids occurred following the low-salinity-induced bleaching event of 2009, and the greatest losses of laminar montiporids occurred following AtN outbreaks in 2009 and in 2011 following cyclone Yasi. The shift to a less diverse coral assemblage and the concomitant loss of structural complexity are likely to have long-term consequences for associated vertebrate and invertebrate communities on Magnetic Island reefs.  相似文献   

This study compared the catch composition, catch per unit effort, and incidental impacts of spearfishers and linefishers engaged in a structured fishing program whereby fishing effort was standardized across time, space and skill level. It was found that (1) the catch composition of both groups of fishers overlapped considerably, (2) the numbers of target fish caught by spearfishers (156) and linefishers (168) were not significantly different, (3) the mean size of target fish caught by spearfishers (1.95 ± 0.1 kg, ±SE) was significantly larger than the mean size of target fish caught by linefishers (1.27 ± 0.06 kg), and (4) spearfishers retained 43% more biomass of target species than did linefishers (304 versus 213 kg, respectively). However, linefishers used ∼1 kg of bait for every 3 kg of target fish that were captured. Linefishers also caught far more undersized, undesirable, or protected fishes (i.e., bycatch) and caused far more pollution (i.e., lost gear) than did spearfishers. It is concluded that the overall impacts of recreational spearfishing and linefishing on fishery resources of the Great Barrier Reef are broadly equivalent (per unit of fishing effort), and that management regulations should be applied equitably across both fishing sectors. A management strategy of this type will simplify enforcement of fisheries regulations and avoid discrimination of particular fishers in local communities where both fishing methods are socially or culturally important.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal is the key process by which populations of most marine fishes and invertebrates are connected and replenished. Advances in larval tagging and genetics have enhanced our capacity to track larval dispersal, assess scales of population connectivity, and quantify larval exchange among no‐take marine reserves and fished areas. Recent studies have found that reserves can be a significant source of recruits for populations up to 40 km away, but the scale and direction of larval connectivity across larger seascapes remain unknown. Here, we apply genetic parentage analysis to investigate larval dispersal patterns for two exploited coral reef groupers (Plectropomus maculatus and Plectropomus leopardus) within and among three clusters of reefs separated by 60–220 km within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. A total of 69 juvenile P. maculatus and 17 juvenile P. leopardus (representing 6% and 9% of the total juveniles sampled, respectively) were genetically assigned to parent individuals on reefs within the study area. We identified both short‐distance larval dispersal within regions (200 m to 50 km) and long‐distance, multidirectional dispersal of up to ~250 km among regions. Dispersal strength declined significantly with distance, with best‐fit dispersal kernels estimating median dispersal distances of ~110 km for P. maculatus and ~190 km for P. leopardus. Larval exchange among reefs demonstrates that established reserves form a highly connected network and contribute larvae for the replenishment of fished reefs at multiple spatial scales. Our findings highlight the potential for long‐distance dispersal in an important group of reef fishes, and provide further evidence that effectively protected reserves can yield recruitment and sustainability benefits for exploited fish populations.  相似文献   

Body colour has played a significant role in the evolution of coral reef fishes, but the phylogenetic level at which colour variation is expressed and the evolutionary processes driving the development and persistence of different colour patterns are often poorly understood. The aim of this study was to examine the genetic relationships between multiple colour morphs of Pseudochromis fuscus (family Pseudochromidae), both within and among geographic locations. Pseudochromis fuscus is currently described as a single species, but exhibits at least six discrete colour morphs throughout its range. In this study, P. fuscus from Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, formed three genetically distinct clades based on mitochondrial DNA (control region) sequence data: (1) yellow and brown morphs from the GBR and southern PNG, as well as an orange morph from southern PNG; (2) a pink morph from southern PNG; and (3) all three morphs (pink, orange and grey) found in Kimbe Bay, northern PNG. The three groups showed deep levels of divergence (d=14.6–25.4%), suggesting that P. fuscus is a complex of polychromatic species, rather than a single widespread species with many different colour morphs. Population genetic analyses indicate that the three clades have experienced unique evolutionary histories, possibly from differential effects of sea level fluctuations, barriers to gene flow and historical biogeography.  相似文献   

 Recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, was examined over four years (September 1991–September 1995) to quantify spatio-temporal patterns at different scales and to assess post settlement mortality. Recruitment was dominated by pocilloporid corals which accounted for 80.1% of the 8627 spat counted, whereas non-isoporan acroporids represented only 16.4%. Poritids, faviids and isoporan acroporids rarely recruited to the plates (3.5%), despite their obvious abundance as adults on the reef. Recruitment patterns on the plates indicate strong space-time interactions as evidenced by patchy recruitment of both pocilloporid and acroporid spat. Interactions were found between space (on the scale of 102 m, i.e. sites within zones, and 101 m, i.e. racks within sites) and time (on the scale of years) for pocilloporids and between space (on the scale of 103 m, i.e. zones, and 102 m) and time (on the scale of years) for acroporids. Post-recruitment mortality of acroporid spat in the period 3–10 months after their major spawning was dependent on their initial recruitment density, but pocilloporid mortality was either independent of initial recruitment density or, more likely, obscured by additional recruitment of pocilloporids to plates between late February and September. High rates of recruitment and growth by other sessile organisms, particularly bryozoans and oysters, appear to result in increased post-recruitment mortality and limit recruitment of scleractinian corals on settlement plates. The work reinforces an emerging picture that coral recruitment patterns are determined by mechanisms that manifest over a large range of spatial scales. Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

Currents, sea levels and weather were measured for a 60 d period at a number of sites in and near Britomart reef, Great Barrier Reef. The tidal currents were primarily semi-diurnal in character. The lowfrequency currents were due to a simple balance, in the longshore direction, between the wind stress and the bottom frictional stress, and, in the cross-shelf direction, between the bottom frictional stress and the pressure gradient generated by the passage of wind-driven continental shelf waves. The bottom friction coefficient, for the nonlinear drag law, is estimated to be of the order of 0.02. By contrast, the currents over the surrounding continental shelf are primarily controlled by continental shelf wave dynamics and are not dominated by friction. It thus appears that the water bodies in, respectively, the reef matrix and the Lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef are relatively uncoupled. Tidal and low-frequency currents contributed roughly equally to the flushing of Britomart reef lagoon with an estimated flushing time of the order of 4 d.  相似文献   

Changes in the relative abundances of coral taxa during recovery from disturbance may cause shifts in essential ecological processes on coral reefs. Coral cover can return to pre-disturbance levels (coral recovery) without the assemblage returning to its previous composition (i.e., without reassembly). The processes underlying such changes are not well understood due to a scarcity of long-term studies with sufficient taxonomic resolution. We assessed the trajectories and time frames for coral recovery and reassembly of coral communities following disturbances, using modeled trajectories based on data from a broad spatial and temporal monitoring program. We studied coral communities at six reefs that suffered substantial coral loss and subsequently regained at least 50 % of their pre-disturbance coral cover. Five of the six communities regained their coral cover and the rates were remarkably consistent, taking 7–10 years. Four of the six communities reassembled to their pre-disturbance composition in 8–13 years. The coral communities at three of the reefs both regained coral cover and reassembled ten years. The trajectories of two communities suggested that they were unlikely to reassemble and the remaining community did not regain pre-disturbance coral cover. The communities that regained coral cover and reassembled had high relative abundance of tabulate Acropora spp. Coral communities of this composition appear likely to persist in a regime of pulse disturbances at intervals of ten years or more. Communities that failed to either regain coral cover or reassemble were in near-shore locations and had high relative abundance of Porites spp. and soft corals. Under current disturbance regimes, these communities are unlikely to re-establish their pre-disturbance community composition.  相似文献   

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