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A lac promoter with a changed distance between -10 and -35 regions.   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A lac promotor mutant was constructed by filling in the protruding ends of the HpaII site located within the lac promotor. The mutation, named M42, is a two base pair insertion that changes the distance between the -10 and -35 regions from 18 to 20 residues. The activity of the mutant promotor measured in vivo is 15% of the wild-type promotor. The M42 promotor is sensitive to the catabolite repression in the manner similar to that of the wild type. Sequences of several deletions within the lac promotor are also given.  相似文献   

The binding stoichiometries of the complexes formed when the E. coli cyclic AMP receptor protein (CAP) binds to 203 bp lac promoter-operator restriction fragments have been determined. Under quantitative binding conditions, a single dimer of CAP occupies each of two sites in the promoter. Different electrophoretic mobilities are observed for 1:1 complexes formed with L8-UV5 mutant, L305 mutant, and wild type promoter fragments, indicating sequence-specific structural differences between the complexes. The differences in gel mobility between L8-UV5 and wild type complexes disappear when the promoter fragments are cleaved with Hpa II restriction endonuclease. Models in which CAP alters DNA conformation or in which CAP forms a transient intramolecular bridge between two domains of a DNA molecule could account for these observations. The selective binding of RNA polymerase to CAP-promoter complexes is demonstrated: the binding of a single CAP dimer to the promoter is sufficient to stimulate subsequent polymerase binding. Functional CAP molecules are not released from the promoter on polymerase binding.  相似文献   

The investigation of Sso II DNA-methyltransferase (M.Sso II) interaction with the intergenic region of Sso II restriction-modification system was carried out. Seven guanine residues protected by M. Sso II from methylation with dimethylsulfate and thus probably involved in enzyme-DNA recognition were identified. Six of them are located symmetrically within the 15 bp inverted repeat inside the Sso II promoter region. The crosslinking of Sso II methyltransferase with DNA duplexes containing 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (br5dU) instead of thymidine was performed. The crosslinked products were obtained in all cases, thus proving that tested thymines were in proximity with enzyme. The ability to produce the crosslinked products in one case was 2-5-fold higher than in other ones. This allowed us to imply that thymine residue in this position of the inverted repeat could be in contact with M. Sso II. Based on the experimental data, two symmetrical 4 bp clusters (GGAC), which could be involved in the interaction with M. Sso II in the DNA-protein complex, were identified. The model of M. Sso II interaction with its own promoter region was proposed.  相似文献   

The energetics of LRP binding to a 104 bp lac promoter determined from ITC measurements were compared to the energetics of binding to a shorter 40 bp DNA duplex with the 21 bp promoter binding site sequence. The promoter binding affinity of 2.47 +/- 0.0 1x 10(7) M(-1) was higher than the DNA binding affinity of 1.81 +/- 0.67 x 10(7) M(-1) while the binding enthalpy of -804 +/- 41 kJ mol(-1) was lower than that of the DNA binding enthalpy of -145 +/- 16 kJ mol(-1) at 298.15 K. Both the promoter and DNA binding reactions were exothermic in phosphate buffer but endothermic in Tris buffer that showed the transfer of four protons to LRP in the former reaction but only two in the latter. A more complicated dependence of these parameters on temperature was observed for promoter binding. These energetic differences are attributable to additional LRP-promoter interactions from wrapping of the promoter around the LRP.  相似文献   

The nature of mutants in the lac promoter region   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The nuclear extracts of plasmacytomas producing antibodies were found to contain factors which formed complexes with the promoter fragment of the gene for immunoglobulin kappa-chains. The corresponding complexes found in the extracts of nonlymphoid cells had a different mobility. Two approaches were proposed for determining the boundaries of the region necessary for protein factors to be bound to DNA using nuclease Ba131. A 5'-ATTTGCAT-3' octanucleotide sequence was shown to be necessary for interaction with the protein nuclear factor in the studied plasmacytoma lines. The protein completely lost its affinity if at least one nucleotide was removed or substituted at the 5'- or 3'-end of this sequence. The procedures proposed for determining the precise boundaries of the sequence necessary for protein binding to DNA do not require a preliminary protein purification. The principles on which the procedures are based, set no limitations to their application to other systems used for studying the interaction of proteins with DNA.  相似文献   

Yudkin MD 《FEBS letters》1970,10(3):156-158
Experiments have been done to show whether the lac promoter delection L1, which partly alleviates catabolite repression, also affects transient repression of lac. In stain L1/F'M15 all of the beta-galactosidase is synthesized from a chromosomal gene cis to L1, whereas 98% of the thiogalactosidase transacetylase is synthesized from an episomal gene cis to an intact i-p-o region. The addition of glucose to induced cultures of strain L1/F'M15 growing in glycerol medium caused extensive transient repression of transacetylase but almost no transient repression of beta-galactosidase. In control experiments with a diploid stain of genotype p(+)z(+)a(-)/F'p(+)z(-)a(+) the two enzymes suffered equal transient repression. Thus L1 substantially relieves transient repression.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of the CAP protein to an 18 base pair lac promoter sequence comprising the core of the CAP recognition sequence. Specific binding of this sequence was established by competition binding assays and comparison of the relative affinities of a number of lac promoter, lac operator, and unspecific sequences of different lengths. The effect of the binding of CAP to the 18 base pair promoter sequence and, for comparison, to an 18 base pair symmetric operator and an oligonucleotide of unrelated sequence have been studied by 1H NMR. Binding of CAP does not bring about any changes in the chemical shift values of the imino proton resonances of the DNA, but causes the selective line broadening of two of the resonances. The comparison of these data with results of gel retardation assays published previously (1) allows the identification and localization of a kink induced in the DNA by the CAP binding to its specific site on the lac promoter.  相似文献   

Comparison of both the DNA and protein sequences of catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) with the sequences of lac and gal repressors shows significant homologies between a sequence that forms a two alpha-helix motif in CAP and sequences near the amino terminus of both repressors. This two-helix motif is thought to be involved in specific DNA sequence recognition by CAP. The region in lac repressor to which CAP is homologous contains many i-d mutations that are defective in DNA binding. Less significant sequence homologies between CAP and phage repressors and activators are also shown. The amino acid residues that are critical to the formation of the two-helix motif are conserved, while those residues expected to interact with DNA are variable. These observations suggest the lac and gal repressors also have a two alpha-helix structural motif which is involved in DNA binding and that this two helix motif may be generally found in many bacterial and phage repressors. We conclude that one major mechanism by which proteins can recognize specific base sequences in double stranded DNA is via the amino acid side chains of alpha-helices fitting into the major groove of B-DNA.  相似文献   

A Lambda phage was constructed in which the structural gene for beta galactosidase is fused to a DNA segment carrying the ribosomal promoter rrnB of E. coli. In this hybrid operon beta galactosidase synthesis in vitro is repressed by ppGpp. Repression of beta galactosidase synthesis by cAMP is reported.  相似文献   

Summary A point mutation in the -35 region of the promoter of the primer for initiation of DNA replication in the plasmid pMB1 was characterized. This base change causes a promoter up phenotype. The analysis of a second mutant obtained by site-directed mutagenesis allowed the exclusion of a role in the phenotype for the potential intrastrand secondary structure as well as for the methylation state of the DNA in the promoter region. The promoter up phenotype is concluded to be due to a change in the primary structure of the — 35 element with the consequent production of a better cluster of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors for the RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

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