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BACKGROUND: To develop a supplementary diagnostic method for endometrial cancer by measuring the reactivity of various endometrial lesions with two monoclonal antibodies. METHODS: We investigated the reactivity of various endometrial lesions with two monoclonal antibodies (MSN-1 and MSN-3) by flow cytometry (one-color and two-color methods). RESULTS: The two-color method appeared to be suitable for use in place of simultaneous performance of the one-color methods with MSN-1 and MSN-3. The positivity rate for normal endometrium was 16.0% with the two-color method, which was lower than the rate of 30.0% obtained with concomitant used of the one-color methods. The positivity rate for endometrial cancer was high, 84.0%, with the two-color method. The positivity rate was 85.7% for well-differentiated endometrial cancer, 71.4% for moderately differentiated cancer, and 100.0% for poorly differentiated cancer; thus, the rate was high irrespective of the cellular differentiation. CONCLUSIONS: The two-color method is more useful than the one-color method as a supplementary diagnostic procedure for endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to overcome the analytical problems encountered during the detection of protozoans by flow cytometry resulting from particle compaction. METHODS AND RESULTS: Malvern Mastersizer (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK) was used to characterize the particle distribution of four different water samples and/or particle concentrates incubated with (i) low ionic strength solution or sequestring agent, (ii) anionic or non-ionic surfactants (iii) industry detergent formulations and (iv) physical treatment. The recovery of oocysts and cysts in seeded and treated particle concentrates was estimated by cytometry and microscopy. The decrease in ionic strength of the aqueous solution was most efficient in particle dispersion for different types of water. Moreover, samples treated with deionized water or tetrasodium pyrophosphate showed the highest recovery with more than 80% of the oocysts and cysts recovered. CONCLUSIONS: Chemical treatments that act by altering the ionic strength of the medium are the most efficient for all water types tested here but the overall detergency performance cannot be predicted for all water types. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Flow cytometric detection has been replaced largely by immunomagnetic separation but the data recorded still have relevance in this technique as well as in molecular techniques requiring DNA or RNA extraction.  相似文献   

A preparative technique for the two-parameter flow cytometric study of nuclear antigen expression is reported. This method employs a brief sequential treatment of cells at 4 degrees C first with 0.5% paraformaldehyde and second with 0.1% Triton X-100 in phosphate-buffered saline followed by cellular staining with indirect immunofluorescence and propidium iodide. Using this technique, cellular morphology is preserved, cell clumping is minimized, and high-quality indirect immunofluorescence and DNA staining are obtained with a minimum of nonspecific labeling. Utilizing nuclear antigen-specific monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with this technique, the cell-cycle phase-dependent expression of such antigens is examined. From these data, the utility of two-parameter flow cytometry in the identification and quantification of cell-cycle-dependent modulation of nuclear antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum dot-conjugated antibodies were successfully developed to label Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia. This novel fluorescence system exhibited superior photostability, gave 1.5- to 9-fold-higher signal-to-noise ratios than traditional organic dyes in detecting C. parvum, and allowed dual-color detection for C. parvum and G. lamblia.  相似文献   

To transform the linear fluorescence intensity scale obtained with fluorescent microspheres to an antibody bound per cell (ABC) scale, a biological cell reference material is needed. Optimally, this material should have a reproducible and tight ABC value for the expression of a known clinical reference biomarker. In this study, we characterized commercially available cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and two lyophilized PBMC preparations, Cyto-Trol and PBMC-National Institute for Biological Standard and Control (NIBSC) relative to freshly prepared PBMC and whole blood samples. It was found that the ABC values for CD4 expression on cryopreserved PBMC were consistent with those of freshly obtained PBMC and whole blood samples. By comparison, the ABC value for CD4 expression on Cyto-Trol is lower and the value on PBMC-NIBSC is much lower than those of freshly prepared cell samples using both conventional flow cytometry and CyTOF? mass cytometry. By performing simultaneous surface and intracellular staining measurements on these two cell samples, we found that both cell membranes are mostly intact. Moreover, CD4(+) cell diameters from both lyophilized cell preparations are smaller than those of PBMC and whole blood. This could result in steric interference in antibody binding to the lyophilized cells. Further investigation of the fixation effect on the detected CD4 expression suggests that the very low ABC value obtained for CD4(+) cells from lyophilized PBMC-NIBSC is largely due to paraformaldehyde fixation; this significantly decreases available antibody binding sites. This study provides confirmation that the results obtained from the newly developed mass cytometry are directly comparable to the results from conventional flow cytometry when both methods are standardized using the same ABC approach.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry, combined with fluorescently labelled monoclonal antibodies, offers advantages of speed and sensitivity for the detection of specific pathogenic bacteria in foods. We investigated the detection of Salmonella typhimurium in eggs and milk. Using a sample clearing procedure, we determined that the detection limit was on the order of 10(3) cells per ml after a total analysis time of 40 min. After 6 h of nonselective enrichment, the detection limits were 10 cells per ml for milk and 1 cell per ml for eggs, even in the presence of a 10,000-fold excess of Escherichia coli cells.  相似文献   

A single sample of bone marrow includes the entire range of the developmental process, since cells of all stages and lineages are present. By selecting appropriate monoclonal antibodies, marrow cells of different lineages can be identified, even in their immature forms. Maturationally different bone marrow cells can be distinguished on the basis of their cell surface antigen expression and physical characteristics on a flow cytometer. Antigenic markers can be used within a lineage to trace the development from colony-forming cells to functional blood cells. Changes in cellular markers are observed as smooth, quantitative increases or decreases in cellular antigen expression. After defining the composition of normal marrow, it is possible to identify perturbations from the steady state and to monitor the return to homeostasis. Cells at various stages can be enumerated, then isolated for further study. In particular, these studies provide for the identification, purification and manipulation of the earliest hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Disseminated neoplasia (DN) is a disorder referred to as hemic neoplasia (HN) in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Traditionally, diagnosis is performed by hematocytology or histology. The intensity of the disease is generally given as the percentage of transformed neoplastic cells out of total number of hemocytes. Flow cytometry techniques have found a field of application in diagnosis of HN with analysis of ploidy. Hemocytes of the soft-shell clams with HN display tetraploid DNA content, as shown by propidium iodide staining. This feature makes difficult HN diagnosis in the soft-shell clam, especially for early stages of the condition, since the percentage of normal circulating cells undergoing mitosis, which also are tetraploid, remains unknown in molluscs. Use of specific monoclonal antibodies in a flow cytometry assay was foreseen as a way to overcome the difficulty. The purpose of this study was to develop a double staining protocol using propidium iodide for hemocyte cycle analysis and the MAb 1E10 for staining of HN cells. Our results showed a correlation between tetraploid and MAb 1E10-stained hemocytes in a single clam with moderate HN. This protocol offers some potential for further investigation of this cell disorder. However, a validation step will be necessary to confirm our preliminary results.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution of important chemotherapeutic antibiotics belonging to the anthracycline group (e.g. adriamycin) can be detected by laser flow cytometry. The indirect method is based on the interference of these compounds with the binding of propidium iodide to the nuclear DNA. While in the direct method, the intracellular fluorescence of these antibiotics is excited and detected with a laser beam in a flow system. The present report demonstrates the use of these two methods for intracellular detection and quantitation of a number of important anthracyclines.  相似文献   

Several techniques have been proposed for flow cytometric evaluation of intracellular antigens. This approach is particularly important for detection at the single cell level of proteins which correlate to tumour progression. Bcl-2 and p53 are two of the most relevant proteins. In the present study we have compared five different cell fixation-permeabilisation protocols and nine fluorochrome-conjugated (FITC or PE) monoclonal antibodies (mAb): four mAb directed against Bcl-2 and five against p53. For detection of Bcl-2 we have analysed three Bcl-2 positive cell lines (K562, Daudi and MCF-7), and peripheral blood samples obtained from nine healthy subjects. To distinguish internal positive (lymphocytes) and negative control cells (granulocytes), it was necessary to perform simultaneous detection of surface and intracellular antigens. For detection of p53 three cell lines, two p53 positive (Raji and CEM) and one p53 negative (HL-60), were analysed. Using these cells we have performed a combined analysis of the efficiency of monoclonal antibodies and sample preparation techniques. In conclusion, clones 124-FITC and Bcl-2/100-PE (Bcl-2), and clones BP53,12-FITC and G59-12-PE (p53) provided the highest specific fluorescence intensity of the respective markers independent of cell preparation protocols. Importantly, our results show that mAb background may depend on the specific fixation/permeabilisation kit and that mAb titration using negative and positive control cells is essential to determine the specificity and the sensitivity of the mAb used.  相似文献   

Classifying monoclonal antibodies, based on the similarity of their binding to the proteins (antigens) on the surface of blood cells, is essential for progress in immunology, hematology and clinical medicine. The collaborative efforts of researchers from many countries have led to the classification of thousands of antibodies into 247 clusters of differentiation (CD). Classification is based on flow cytometry and biochemical data. In preliminary classifications of antibodies based on flow cytometry data, the object requiring classification (an antibody) is described by a set of random samples from unknown densities of fluorescence intensity. An individual sample is collected in the experiment, where a population of cells of a certain type is stained by the identical fluorescently marked replicates of the antibody of interest. Samples are collected for multiple cell types. The classification problems of interest include identifying new CDs (class discovery or unsupervised learning) and assigning new antibodies to the known CD clusters (class prediction or supervised learning). These problems have attracted limited attention from statisticians. We recommend a novel approach to the classification process in which a computer algorithm suggests to the analyst the subset of the "most appropriate" classifications of an antibody in class prediction problems or the "most similar" pairs/ groups of antibodies in class discovery problems. The suggested algorithm speeds up the analysis of a flow cytometry data by a factor 10-20. This allows the analyst to focus on the interpretation of the automatically suggested preliminary classification solutions and on planning the subsequent biochemical experiments.  相似文献   

Clones coding for the mouse neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) were isolated from a cDNA library prepared in the expression vector lambda gt 11 from mRNA extracted from a mouse neuroblastoma cell line. This library was screened with two anti-N-CAM monoclonal antibodies directed against different sites on the molecule and with rabbit anti-N-CAM serum. Two clones were identified with the first monoclonal antibody, three with the second one, none reacted with both. The relevance of these cDNA clones to N-CAM was confirmed by several observations. First, cDNA sequences detected with one monoclonal antibody cross-hybridized with those identified by the other antibody. Second, the different fusion proteins all bound the rabbit serum in addition to one monoclonal antibody. Finally, the probes hybridized to discrete mRNA species of sufficient lengths to code for the very large N-CAM polypeptides in RNA preparations from N-CAM-expressing, but not from N-CAM-negative cells. An additional mRNA species not seen in embryonic brain was expressed in adult mouse brain. Genomic blot experiments indicated that sequences corresponding to one of our probes are present only a few times in the mouse genome.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against Atlantic salmon serum IgM (C7G7 and G2H3) and isolated peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) (E3D9, C4B6 and D8B3) were applied in this study. Using immunoenzymehistochemistry, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry, the distribution of mab+ cells in blood, spleen and head kidney from Atlantic salmon were studied. Immunostaining on cytospin preparations and flow cytometry of isolated PBL showed that the Ig+ cells recognised by C7G7 and G2H3 were mononuclear leucocytes (MNL). The cytospin preparations showed some Ig+ cells with strong cytoplasmic staining, most likely plasma cells. The salmon blood neutrophils were the only E3D9+ cells in cytospin preparations of PBL, and E3D9 recognised about 94% of the defined neutrophil fraction in flow cytometry. The reactivities of C4B6 and D8B3 were to a large degree similar in both immunoenzymehistochemistry and flow cytometry, recognising both MNL and blood neutrophils. Immunofluorescence double staining of PBL with C4B6 and D8B3 showed double staining of all mab+ cells and D8B3 was apparently not able to block the binding of C4B6 to PBL. Immunofluorescence double staining of PBL also revealed more E3D9+ than C4B6+ neutrophils. In immunostaining on cryostat sections of spleen and head kidney, staining of cells was observed with all the mabs, the head kidney generally containing more positive cells than the spleen. Some potential applications for immunological studies using these mabs are suggested.  相似文献   

R A White  N H Terry 《Cytometry》1992,13(5):490-495
A method is presented for analyzing data from bivariate analysis of cell populations exposed to bromodeoxyuridine and subsequently examined both for the presence of BrdUrd and for the cellular DNA content. It is shown that certain features may be defined in the bivariate data which are constant independent both of cell type and, within limits, experimental variability. These landmark features include the ratio of red, DNA, fluorescence of G2 + M cells to G1 cells, the ratio of green fluorescence corresponding to the non-specific binding of unlabeled G2 + M cells to unlabeled G1 cells, and the distribution of green fluorescence in unlabeled cells. The landmarks make it possible to standardize rules for establishing the separation line between-labeled and unlabeled cells as required in these experiments to obtain estimates of cytokinetic parameters. Values obtained for the DNA synthesis time and the potential doubling time which result from different decision rules for distinguishing labeled from unlabeled are compared in two murine tumor lines. The potential doubling time, but not the DNA synthesis time is shown to depend sensitively on the separation line. Suggestions are presented for analyzing clinical data with this procedure.  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum dot-conjugated antibodies were successfully developed to label Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia. This novel fluorescence system exhibited superior photostability, gave 1.5- to 9-fold-higher signal-to-noise ratios than traditional organic dyes in detecting C. parvum, and allowed dual-color detection for C. parvum and G. lamblia.  相似文献   

C Mandal  N Ali 《Steroids》1988,52(5-6):551-560
The preparation of high affinity and high specificity polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to estradiol is described. Monoclonal antibodies were derived from BALB/c mice hyperimmunized with estradiol-3-O-carboxymethyl ether conjugated to bovine serum albumin. Spleen cells were hybridized with mouse myeloma cells. Quite a few monoclonal antibodies showed very good affinity for estradiol. Extended immunization and hyperimmunization were essential for producing a greater number of positive clones secreting high affinity antibodies. Binding constants of the antisera and their cross-reactivities with related steroids were calculated. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies showed very high affinity for estradiol exhibiting little or no cross-reactivities with structurally related steroids indicating that this site of linkage is a good choice for discriminating between differences at the 16-17 position in the D-ring. This monoclonal antibody (44.28.6), having negligible cross-reactivity with estriol and estrone, can be used for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

The synthetic bovine parathyroid hormone (PTH) analog (Nle8, Nle18, Tyr34) bovine PTH(1-34)amide (bPTH(1-34)amide) was reacted with biotinyl-epsilon aminocaproic acid-N-hydroxysuccinimide under conditions which yielded five isoforms which were fractionated by a combination of reversed phase and ion-exchange chromatography. These reaction products were analyzed by automated Edman degradation in a manner which allowed us to specify the location and number of biotin residues on picomole quantities of hormone. The ability of each of these isoforms to induce a rise in intracellular cAMP in the ROS 17/2.8 cell line allowed us to evaluate the effect on function of biotinylation at different residues. Derivatized PTH molecules which contained a single biotin at either lysine 13, lysine 26, or lysine 27 possessed full biological activity. However, bioactivity was significantly reduced when position 13 plus either lysine 26 or 27 were biotinylated. Biological activity was lost when all 3 lysine residues were biotinylated. Biotinylation of the alpha-NH2 group of alanine at the NH2 terminus also resulted in a total loss of activity. Hence, unlike the effect of altering the alanine at position 1, modification of a single lysine residue at positions 13, 26, and 27 has a less critical effect on biological activity of the molecule. However, biotinylation of all three lysines results in a biologically inert PTH derivative and suggests that changes in isoelectric point, hydrophobicity, or tertiary structure may strongly influence hormone function. A fully bioactive-mixture of isoforms was used to detect receptors on ROS 17/2.8 cells by flow cytometry using fluorescein isothiocyanate-avidin as a fluorescent indicator. Binding to cell surface receptors was saturable and could be inhibited by native bPTH(1-34) but not by transforming growth factor beta, calcitonin or insulin. Moreover, PTH receptors could also be detected on primary cultures of human bone cells and human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry, using fluorescein-bound specific antibodies and propidium iodide, was shown to be effective in detecting Legionella spp. in cooling tower waters. The procedure was quicker and less labor intensive than fluorescent microscopy. The use of these procedures also identified qualitative differences, perhaps related to infectivity, in Legionella populations.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of Shewanella colwelliana (Aco1 to Aco6) and two (Aco22 to Aco23) to purified exopolysaccharide (EPS). Aco1, -4 to -6, -22, and -23 bound to both the cell surface and the purified EPS, while Aco2 and -3 bound to cells only. The EPS of S. colwelliana was antigenically unique from those of nine other species of marine bacteria that were tested. Mapping studies revealed that all of the EPS-specific monoclonal antibodies bound to the same epitope. This EPS epitope was sensitive to cleavage of ester bonds, but neither pyruvate, acetate, nor terminal nonreducing sugars were required for antigenicity. When S. colwelliana was grown on rich media, most of its EPS was loosely associated with the cell surface.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against Atlantic salmon serum IgM (C7G7 and G2H3) and isolated peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) (E3D9, C4B6 and D8B3) were applied in this study. Using immunoenzymehistochemistry, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry, the distribution of mab+ cells in blood, spleen and head kidney from Atlantic salmon were studied. Immunostaining on cytospin preparations and flow cytometry of isolated PBL showed that the Ig+ cells recognised by C7G7 and G2H3 were mononuclear leucocytes (MNL). The cytospin preparations showed some Ig+ cells with strong cytoplasmic staining, most likely plasma cells. The salmon blood neutrophils were the only E3D9+ cells in cytospin preparations of PBL, and E3D9 recognised about 94% of the defined neutrophil fraction in flow cytometry. The reactivities of C4B6 and D8B3 were to a large degree similar in both immunoenzymehistochemistry and flow cytometry, recognising both MNL and blood neutrophils. Immunofluorescence double staining of PBL with C4B6 and D8B3 showed double staining of all mab+ cells and D8B3 was apparently not able to block the binding of C4B6 to PBL. Immunofluorescence double staining of PBL also revealed more E3D9+ than C4B6+ neutrophils. In immunostaining on cryostat sections of spleen and head kidney, staining of cells was observed with all the mabs, the head kidney generally containing more positive cells than the spleen. Some potential applications for immunological studies using these mabs are suggested.  相似文献   

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