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模拟地球外层空间400—500km 处的空间节律(L:D=0.75h:0.75h)显著打乱灵长类原宗树鼩(Tupaia belangeri chinensis)固有的昼夜节律。其表现为晨间活动量的最高峰(0600—1200显著跌落,而在晚间(1800—2400)出现活动量显著增高的新峰,24h 活动总量(A)的显著降低和恢复缓慢。本研究又表明给予上述空间节律前两天和给予空间节律期间的每天清晨(0600)或傍晚(1800)注射纯 α 型内源性促眠神经肽 Asp~5-α-DSIP(30μg/kg,i.p.),虽固有节律被打乱,但未见 A 的显著降低,同时恢复也较快。  相似文献   

本文在对中国树qu的动脉系作系统解剖的基础上,记述了树qu动脉分支的主要特征。同时,还与其他有关种类作了比较研究。结果表明,中国树qu动脉系的主要特征与树qu科中的其他种类如笔尾树qu、普通树qu和地树qu等的动脉系极为相似,而与灵长类中的猿猴类有较大差异。  相似文献   

树qu(Tupaia belangeri chinesis)耳蜗毛细胞铺片的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张沧人 《动物学研究》1990,11(2):155-160
我们用树qu14只,取耳蜗铺片后进行毛细胞计数和长度测量。发现树qu毛细胞数及缺失率与人、猴、豚鼠不同,树qu毛细胞失数少且稳定,蜗尖弃用部少,不同种群间的个体差异小,利于用作生物学实验动物,可为研究耳的生理、病理及临床服务。  相似文献   

用25只树qu,从升主动脉灌注带色的橡胶乳液,在解剖显微镜下进行解剖观察,用目测微尺进行测量。大多数树qu(22只)有完整的脑底动脉环。由左、右大脑前动脉向内侧各发一前交通动脉组成大脑前总动脉。前交通动脉口径为大脑前动脉的75-85%。后交通动脉口径与大脑后动脉相近,连于颈内动脉与大脑后动脉(基底动脉的分支)之间。测量了组成脑底动脉环有关动脉的口径。由于后交通动脉足够粗大,只有中断左、右颈总动脉和左、右椎动脉,才能造成全脑缺血。  相似文献   

目的 筛选中缅树鼩微卫星分子标记,逐步填补中缅树鼩特异性遗传标记的空白.方法 建立中缅树鼩基因小片段插入文库,利用5’端地高辛标记的(CA)15探针从约1500个菌落中选出36个阳性克隆.对这些克隆进行测序,发现其中15个含有重复序列,其中1个为重复克隆,1个因两端序列太短而不能设计引物.结果 用Primer3软件设计...  相似文献   

Establishing non-human primate models of human diseases is an efficient way to narrow the large gap between basic studies and translational medicine. Multifold advantages such as simplicity of breeding, low cost of feeding and facility of operating make the tree shrew an ideal non-human primate model proxy. Additional features like vulnerability to stress and spontaneous diabetic characteristics also indicate that the tree shrew could be a potential new animal model of human diseases. However, basal physiological indexes of tree shrew, especially those related to human disease, have not been systematically reported. Accordingly, we established important basal physiological indexes of domesticated tree shrews including several factors: (1) body weight, (2) core body temperature and rhythm, (3) diet metabolism, (4) locomotor rhythm, (5) electroencephalogram, (6) glycometabolism and (7) serum and urinary hormone level and urinary cortisol rhythm. We compared the physiological parameters of domesticated tree shrew with that of rats and macaques. Results showed that (a) the core body temperature of the tree shrew was 39.59±0.05 °C, which was higher than that of rats and macaques; (b) Compared with wild tree shrews, with two activity peaks, domesticated tree shrews had only one activity peak from 17:30 to 19:30; (c) Compared with rats, tree shrews had poor carbohydrate metabolism ability; and (d) Urinary cortisol rhythm indicated there were two peaks at 8:00 and 17:00 in domesticated tree shrews, which matched activity peaks in wild tree shrews. These results provided basal physiological indexes for domesticated tree shrews and laid an important foundation for diabetes and stress-related disease models established on tree shrews.  相似文献   

Ping S  Wang F  Zhang Y  Wu C  Tang W  Luo Y  Yang S 《Theriogenology》2011,76(1):39-46
Cryopreservation of sperm from tree shrews, which are considered primitive primates, would enhance genetic management and breeding programs. Epididymal sperm were surgically harvested from male tree shrews, cryopreserved in two Tes-Tris-based cryodiluents, and used in four experiments. In Experiment 1, there were no significant differences in motility and acrosome integrity among five concentrations of egg yolk in TTE after cooling to 4 °C. However, sperm frozen in TTE containing 20% egg yolk at −172 °C/min had better (P < 0.05) post-thaw motility and acrosome integrity. In Experiment 2, sperm held for 10 min prior to storage in liquid nitrogen had greater motility than those held for 5 or 15 min (P < 0.05), but acrosome integrity was not different (P > 0.05) among treatments. In Experiment 3, sperm frozen in TTE diluent had higher (P < 0.05) motility and acrosome integrity than those in TEST diluent. In Experiment 4, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in the fertilization rate of oocytes and the proportion of tree shrews yielding fertilized oocytes, following AI with fresh versus frozen sperm. In conclusion, tree shrew epididymal sperm were successfully cryopreserved, as assessed by post-thaw motility, acrosome integrity, and fertilizing ability.  相似文献   

对栖息于滇中高原边缘地区的小型哺乳动物中缅树鼩夏季的代谢率、热传导、体温和蒸发失水等生理生态特征随环境温度的变化进行了测定,结果表明:中缅树鼩在夏季体温相对较高,受环境温度的影响较大;蒸发失水与环境温度显著正相关,在热中性区内基本维持相对稳定的水平,为2.82mgH2O/g·h;在37.5℃时达到高峰值,为3.88mgH2O/g·h,蒸发失水在体温调节中起着重要作用。结合同域分布的其他物种的生理生态学特征,提出中缅树鼩在热能代谢、体温调节及蒸发失水方面具有热带小型哺乳动物的特征,同时,又显示出某些适应于亚热带高原气候的特点。  相似文献   

Adenocarcinomas of the jugulo-sternal glands were observed in seven adult male tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) at biopsy or necrospy. Five of these tumors were classified as carcinomas of the sebaceous gland compartment; one was diagnosed as a papilliform adenoma of apocrine (monoptychic) sweat glands; and one was of a mixed sebaceous gland/apocrine sweat gland structure. Four sebaceous gland carcinomas had histologic evidence of vascular invasion; one had metastasized to the regional lymph nodes and lungs and had also invaded the thoracic muscles.  相似文献   

该文实验精子采自昆明地区经笼养驯化的树鼩(Tupaia belangeri),检测其冷冻前后运动度、顶体完整率以及检测部分冷冻精子的受精能力。实验一:选用8种已报道的冷冻稀释液TTE、TCG、TCF、TTG、BWW、BTS、DM、SR稀释鲜精,并添加0.4mol/LDMSO,4℃预冷平衡2h后,TTE、DM和SR稀释液的精子的运动度与鲜精无差别(P>0.05),其余处理组均显著下降(P<0.05)。冷冻复苏后,各组的运动度显著低于预冷平衡处理后的运动度(P<0.05);DM组的复苏运动度显著高于其他稀释液组(P<0.05),BWW组最低(P<0.05)。对于顶体完整率,与鲜精相比,4℃平衡2h后,TTE和DM组精子的顶体完整率显著高于BWW、BTS和SR组(P<0.05)。冷冻复苏后,DM组精子的顶体完整率显著高于其它(除了TTE)冷冻组(P<0.05)。实验二:在DM稀释液基础上分别添加4种浓度0.2、0.4、0.8和1.2mol/L的二甲基甲酰胺(DF)、甲酰胺(F)、二甲乙酰胺(DA)和乙酰胺(A)以及0.4mol/LDMSO,经过预冷平衡处理后,与鲜精相比,各防冻剂组的精子运动度没有下降(P>0.05);冷冻解冻后,各冷冻组精子的运动度显著低于预冷平衡处理后的精子运动度(P<0.05);0.8mol/LDF和0.4mol/LDMSO组精子的运动度显著高于其它冷冻组(P<0.05)。对于顶体完整率,预冷平衡处理后各高浓度组的比率显著下降;冷冻复苏后,0.4mol/LF和0.4mol/LDF组精子的顶体完整率相对较高。实验三,人工授精实验中,DM+0.8mol/LDF冷冻精子的受精率为16.7%,DM+0.4mol/LDMSO的受精率为50.0%。以上实验结果提示,含卵黄的非离子冷冻稀释液对树鼩精子冷冻保护效果好,但单胺类防冻剂的防冻效果还需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

自发性树鼩乳腺肿瘤的特性(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳腺癌是严重危害女性健康的常见恶性肿瘤,建立合适的乳腺癌动物模型对于研究人类乳腺癌的生物学机制及发展新的防治方法至关重要。相对于常用的啮齿类动物,树鼩(Tupaia belangeri chinensis,tree shrew)因在进化层次上更接近于人类而可用于建立更适合的乳腺癌模型。该文详细了介绍一例树鼩自发性乳头状良性乳腺肿瘤。免疫组化结果显示该例肿瘤孕激素受体阳性且Ki-67阳性细胞比例显著增加;而活化的Caspase3阳性细胞比例较低;且肿瘤的形态和病理与人导管内乳头状肿瘤非常接近。提示利用树鼩建立乳腺肿瘤模型的可行性。  相似文献   

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