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Phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP) is a cytosolic protein that catalyzes intermembrane transfer of phosphatidylcholines in vitro. We have cloned a cDNA encoding the human ortholog of PC-TP and have determined its tissue-specific expression as well as genomic organization. Radiation hybrid mapping localized the human gene, PCTP, to chromosome 17q21-22 and PCR-based single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of an interspecific backcross assigned mouse Pctp to the region of syntenic conservation on chromosome 11.  相似文献   

A human cDNA clone encoding the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase (CaMKK) was isolated by RT-PCR amplification of the fragment corresponding to the conserved kinase catalytic domain followed by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cDNA library screening. Compilation of nucleotide sequencing data yielded a consensus cDNA sequence of 1.9 kb with an open reading frame of 1,251 nucleotides in length which translates to a polypeptide of 417 amino acids (47 kd). It showed significant homology to the rat brain CaMKK isozymes. The human CaMKK, which was expressed as a Flag-tagged protein in human non-small cell lung cancer H-1299 cells followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-Flag antibody, was shown to phosphorylate recombinant human CaMK I in a calcium/CaM-dependent fashion. Northern blot analysis revealed that human CaMKK is ubiquitously expressed, with brain showing the highest level of expression. The CaMKK gene is localized to human chromosome 12. The presence of cDNA clones with divergent 3' terminal sequences suggests a family of CaMKK variants which may arise from alternative splicing.  相似文献   

The human BARX2 gene encodes a homeodomain-containing protein of 254 amino acids, which binds optimally to the DNA consensus sequence YYTAATGRTTTTY. BARX2 is highly expressed in adult salivary gland and is expressed at lower levels in other tissues, including mammary gland, kidney, and placenta. The BARX2 gene consists of four exons, and is located on human chromosome 11q25. This chromosomal location is within the minimal deletion region for Jacobsen syndrome, a syndrome including craniosynostosis and other developmental abnormalities. This chromosomal location, along with the reported expression of murine barx2 in craniofacial development, suggests that BARX2 may be causally involved in the craniofacial abnormalities in Jacobsen syndrome.  相似文献   

The p21 GTPases, Rho and Cdc42, regulate numerous cellular functions by binding to members of a serine/threonine protein kinase subfamily. These functions include the remodeling of the cell cytoskeleton that is a feature of cell growth and differentiation. Two of these p21 GTPase-regulated kinases, the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase-related Cdc42-binding kinases (MRCKalpha and beta), have been recently characterized in rat. Both of these proteins phosphorylate nonmuscle myosin light chain, a prerequisite for the activation of actin-myosin contractility. Here we report the cDNA cloning of the human homologue of MRCKbeta, CDC42BPB, which was found by Northern blot analysis to be expressed in a wide range of tissues. The human CDC42BPB gene maps to cytogenetic band 14q32.3 by FISH analysis.  相似文献   

Murine cDNA clones for three cyclin D genes that are normally expressed during the G1 phase of the cell cycle were used to clone the cognate human genes. Bacteriophage and cosmid clones encompassing five independent genomic loci were partially sequenced and chromosomally assigned by an analysis of somatic cell hybrids containing different human chromosomes and by fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase spreads from normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. The human cyclin D1 gene (approved gene symbol, CCND1) was assigned to chromosome band 11q13, cyclin D2 (CCND2) to chromosome band 12p13, and cyclin D3 (CCND3) to chromosome band 6p21. Pseudogenes containing sequences related to cyclin D2 and cyclin D3 mapped to chromosome bands 11q13 and 6p21, respectively. Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of exons within each gene revealed that the authentic human cyclin D genes are more related to their mouse counterparts than to each other. These genes are ubiquitously transcribed in human tumor cell lines derived from different cell lineages, but are independently and, in many cases, redundantly expressed. The complex patterns of expression of individual cyclin D genes and their evolutionary conservation across species suggest that each family member may play a distinct role in cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

We report here the full coding sequence of a novel mouse putative membrane-associated mucin containing three extracellular EGF-like motifs and a mucin-like domain consisting of at least 20 tandem repeats of 124-126 amino acids. Screening a cosmid and a BAC libraries allowed to isolate several genomic clones. Genomic and cDNA sequence comparisons showed that the gene consists of 25 exons and 24 introns covering a genomic region of approximately 52 kb. The first intron is approximately 16 kb in length and is followed by an unusually large exon (approximately 9.5 kb) encoding Ser/Thr-rich tandemly repeated sequences. Radiation hybrid mapping localized this new gene to a mouse region of chromosome 16, which is the orthologous region of human chromosome 3q29 encompassing the large membrane-anchored mucin MUC4. Contigs analysis of the Human Genome Project did not reveal any other mucin on chromosome 3q29 and, interestingly, our analysis allowed the determination of the genomic organization of the human MUC4 and showed that its exon/intron structure is identical to that of the mouse gene we cloned. Furthermore, the human MUC4 shares considerable homologies with the mouse gene. Based on these data, we concluded that we isolated the mouse ortholog of MUC4 we propose as Muc4. Expression studies showed that Muc4 is ubiquitous like SMC and MUC4, with highest levels of expression in trachea and intestinal tract.  相似文献   

N-Acetylation by hepatic arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT, EC is a major route in the metabolism and detoxification of numerous drugs and foreign chemicals. NAT is the target of a common genetic polymorphism of clinical relevance in human populations. We have used our recently isolated rabbit cDNA rnat to clone three human NAT genes from human leukocyte DNA. None of the three genomic coding sequences was interrupted by introns. Two genes, designated NAT1 and NAT2, each possessed open reading frames of 870 bp. Both genes have been assigned to human chromosome 8, pter-q11. Following transfection they were transiently expressed in monkey kidney COS-1 cells. NAT1 and NAT2 gave rise to functional NAT proteins, as judged by their NAT enzyme activity with the arylamine substrate sulfamethazine. Western blots with NAT-specific antisera detected proteins of apparent molecular weight of 33 and 31 kD in NAT1- and NAT2-transfected cultures, respectively. The product of NAT2 had an identical apparent molecular weight as that of NAT detected in human liver cytosol. The deduced amino acid sequence of NAT2 also contained 6 peptide sequences which had previously been determined from tryptic peptides of the polymorphic NAT purified from human liver. These data suggest that NAT2 encodes the polymorphic NAT protein. The third gene, NATP, had multiple deleterious mutations and did not encode a functional NAT protein; it most likely represents a pseudogene.  相似文献   

Type VI collagen is a heterotrimer composed of three polypeptide chains, alpha 1(VI), alpha 2(VI), and alpha 3(VI). By immunological screening of an expression cDNA library, human cDNAs specific for each chain were isolated and characterized. Major mRNA species encoding these chains have a size of 4.2 kb (alpha 1), 3.5 kb (alpha 2), and 8.5 kb (alpha 3). The cDNA clones were also used to map the genes on human chromosomes by somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ hybridization. The alpha 1 (VI) and alpha 2(VI) collagen genes were both located on chromosome 21, in band q223. This represents a third example of a possible physical proximity of two collagen loci. The alpha 3(VI) collagen gene was localized to chromosome 2, in the region 2q37. The alpha 3(VI) collagen gene is the fifth extracellular matrix gene to be localized to 2q, as four other extracellular matrix genes--i.e., the alpha 1(III) and alpha 2(V) collagen genes, the elastin gene, and the fibronectin gene--have been previously mapped to the distal region of the long arm of chromosome 2.  相似文献   

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