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Summary The derivatives of 110 mosaic genital discs of gynandromorphs have been analysed microscopically. It has been found that theanalia of both sexes are homologous and derive from a single primordium (see Fig. 1a). Whether male or female anal plates are formed depends on the genetic constitution of the cells. This is analogous to the development of male sex combs versus female transversal rows on the forelegs of gynandromorphs. In contrast, the data for thegenitalia (see Fig. 1 b) are best explained if it is assumed that there are two genital primordia in everyDrosophila embryo: a male primordium that will only develop into genitalia if populated by XY (or XO) nuclei, and a female primordium that will only do so if populated by XX nuclei. This model, as depicted in Figure 2, is compatible with all our gynandromorph data and also with observations onMusca andCalliphora where in fact two separate genital primordia are found.  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster, which form the adult epidermal structures, are a good experimental model for studying morphogenesis. The genital disc forms the terminalia, which are the most sexually dimorphic structures of the fly. Both sexes of Drosophila have a single genital disc formed by three primordia. The female genital primordium is derived from 8(th) abdominal segment and is located anteriorly, the anal primordium (10 and 11(th) abdominal segments) is located posteriorly, and the male genital primordium from the 9(th) abdominal segment lies between them. In both sexes, only two of these three primordia develop to form the adult terminalia. The anal primordium develops in both sexes but, depending on the genetic sex, will form either male or female analia. However, only one of the genital primordia develops in each sex, forming either the male or the female genitalia. This depends on the genetic sex of the fly. Therefore, the genital disc is a very good experimental model of how the sex-determination and homeotic genes - which determine cell identity - interact to direct the development of a population of cells into male or female terminalia. It has been proposed that the sexually dimorphic development of the genital disc is the result of an integrated genetic input, made up by the sex-determination gene doublesex and the homeotic gene Abdominal-B. This input acts by modulating the response to Hedgehog, Wingless, and Decapentaplegic morphogenetic signals.  相似文献   

engrailed has been postulated to be the “selector gene” involved in the establishment of the anterior-posterior compartment border in several imaginal discs and in at least the first two abdominal segments of Drosophila melanogaster. Our study of the effects of different mutant engrailed genotypes on genital disc development provided the following major results: All three terminal primordia (female and male genitalia, and analia) were affected. Different heteroallelic combinations showed different expressivities, and the three terminal primordia were differently affected by the same mutant genotype. The engrailed genotypes deleted specific elements of the adult terminalia without causing associated pattern duplications. The reduced morphology of the male engrailed genital disc was analogous to the pattern deletions observed in the adult terminalia. That the engrailed phenotype is stable was demonstrated by culturing in vivo intact and fragmented engrailed genital discs. Cell death was found in a significant number of mature male en2/en3 genital discs. The results are discussed in terms of the segmental organization of the genital disc and in terms of the “selector gene” function postulated for the engrailed locus. The interpretation that each terminal primordium has an anterior and a posterior compartment is presented and it is assumed that in the genital disc engrailed transforms posterior cells into anterior cells that do not develop, thereby causing the deficiency pattern of the engrailed phenotype.  相似文献   

 The genital disc of Drosophila, which gives rise to the genitalia and analia of adult flies, is formed by cells from different embryonic segments. To study the organization of this disc, the expressions of segment polarity and homeotic genes were investigated. The organization of the embryonic genital primordium and the requirement of the engrailed and invected genes in the adult terminalia were also analysed. The results show that the three primordia, the female and male genitalia plus the analia, are composed of an anterior and a posterior compartment. In some aspects, each of the three primordia resemble other discs: the expression of genes such as wingless and decapentaplegic in each anterior compartment is similar to that seen in leg discs, and the absence of engrailed and invected cause duplications of anterior regions, as occurs in wing discs. The absence of lineage restrictions in some regions of the terminalia and the expression of segment polarity genes in the embryonic genital disc suggest that this model of compartmental organization evolves, at least in part, as the disc grows. The expression of homeotic genes suggests a parasegmental organization of the genital disc, although these genes may also change their expression patterns during larval development. Received: 4 February 1997 / Accepted: 22 May 1997  相似文献   

The autosomal mutations transformer (tra) and transformer-2 (tra-2) of Drosophila convert chromosomal females (X/X) into phenotypical males. Our analysis aims at an understanding of the role which the transformer genes play in the development of the sexually dimorphic genital disc. In each Drosophila embryo, this disc starts development with a male and a female genital primordium, and an anal primordium. Our experiments involved the production of cell clones that were made homozygous for tra or tra-2 at different times of development. Homozygous clones were obtained by inducing mitotic recombination in three types of females heterozygous for tra or tra-2. The cells of the homozygous tra/tra or tra-2/tra-2 clones responded by changing from the female into the male pathway. Male genital structures developed if the clones were induced not later than 81 hr into development. In the analia, male clones appeared up to 120 hr. Our results show that the action of the wild-type alleles of tra+ and tra-2+ is required until late in larval development to repress the male genital primordium and to support development of the female primordium, as well as to maintain the anal primordium in the female pathway. Our data also suggest that the embryonic genital disc consists of two compartments, one containing the precursors for penis and analia, the other those of the male and female genitalia.  相似文献   

In both sexes, the Drosophila genital disc contains the female and male genital primordia. The sex determination gene doublesex controls which of these primordia will develop and which will be repressed. In females, the presence of Doublesex(F) product results in the development of the female genital primordium and repression of the male primordium. In males, the presence of Doublesex(M) product results in the development and repression of the male and female genital primordia, respectively. This report shows that Doublesex(F) prevents the induction of decapentaplegic by Hedgehog in the repressed male primordium of female genital discs, whereas Doublesex(M) blocks the Wingless pathway in the repressed female primordium of male genital discs. It is also shown that Doublesex(F) is continuously required during female larval development to prevent activation of decapentaplegic in the repressed male primordium, and during pupation for female genital cytodifferentiation. In males, however, it seems that Doublesex(M) is not continuously required during larval development for blocking the Wingless signaling pathway in the female genital primordium. Furthermore, Doublesex(M) does not appear to be needed during pupation for male genital cytodifferentiation. Using dachshund as a gene target for Decapentaplegic and Wingless signals, it was also found that Doublesex(M) and Doublesex(F) both positively and negatively control the response to these signals in male and female genitalia, respectively. A model is presented for the dimorphic sexual development of the genital primordium in which both Doublesex(M) and Doublesex(F) products play positive and negative roles.  相似文献   

Mutations of the transformer-2 (tra-2) locus of Drosophila melanogaster cause chromosomally female (XX) animals to develop as males, but have no effect on the development of chromosomally male (XY) animals. In the female genital disc, such mutations cause repression of growth and inhibition of differentiation in the female genital primordium, while allowing growth and differentiation of the otherwise repressed male genital primordium. We used a temperature-sensitive mutation of this locus (tra-2ts1) to switch development from one sexual pathway to the other. Following development at the male-determining temperature (29°C), subsequent culture of the XX;tra-2ts1 genital disc in vivo at the female-determining temperature (16°C) allowed the previously repressed female genital primordium to develop and form female genital structures, whereas the formation of male genital elements was grossly disturbed. Conversely, following development at the female-determining temperature, subsequent culture in vivo at the male-determining temperature allowed the formerly repressed male genital primordium to grow and produce male genital structures, and repressed the formation of female elements from the already fully developed female genital primordium. The experiments indicate that the tra-2 product has to operate during the culture period in order to maintain the female state of sex determination, i.e., to promote the development of female structures, as well as to repress that of male structures. The experimental treatments, as well as the results of temperature shifts on developing larvae, resulted in sexual transformation of the anal plates, and clarified the sexual homologies of these structures. In both genitalia and analia, a switch from the female to the male developmental pathway was accomplished more rapidly and effectively than the reverse change.  相似文献   

Each Drosophila genital imaginal disc contains primordia for both male and female genitalia and analia. The sexually dimorphic development of this disc is governed by the sex-specific expression of doublesex (dsx). We present data that substantially revises our understanding of how dsx controls growth and differentiation in the genital disc. The classical view of genital disc development is that in each sex, dsx autonomously "represses" the development of the inappropriate genital primordium while allowing the development of the appropriate primordium. Instead, we show that dsx regulates the A/P organizer to control growth of each genital primordium, and then directs each genital primordium to differentiate defined adult structures in both sexes.  相似文献   

Summary Two genetic operations have been combined in order to ascertain whether there are differential proliferation rates in the syncytial nuclei and the blastoderm cells prior to the formation of the imaginal disc anlagen. Early chromosome loss caused by the mutantca nd has been associated with the generation ofMinute (M/M +) genotypes in normal (M +/M +) zygotes or of non-Minute genotypes inMinute zygotes. The results indicate that there is no growth competition betweenMinute and non-Minute cells prior to the formation of the imaginal discs. Growth competition, however, leads later, during the proliferation phase of the discs, to the demarcation of compartment boundaries within imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Summary Diplo-X flies homozygous for the transform-er-2 ts (tra-2 ts) mutation develop into females at 16° C, while they develop into males at 29° C (Belote and Baker 1982). By means of this conditional mutation, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the development of the genital disc. Temperature shifts between 16 and 29° C, in both directions, and temperature pulses at 29° C, have been applied during the larval growth of tra-2 ts homozygous diplo-X flies, and the external derivatives of the genital disc have been analysed. Genital discs shifted from 16 to 29° C rapidly lose their capacity to differentiate female genital structures, while they become able to differentiate male genital structures whose inventory is more complete the earlier in larval development the temperature shift is carried out; moreover, duplicated male genital structures were observed. In the shift from 29 to 16° C, the genital disc loses its capacity to differentiate male genital structures, while it becomes able to differentiate female genital structures. The inventory of male structures is smaller, and the inventory of the female structures is more complete, the earlier in larval development the temperature is shifted. No duplicated female or male genital structures were observed in the downshift experiment. With respect to the analia, the shift from 16 to 29° C resulted in the quick formation of pure male anal plates, while in the opposite shift the formation of pure female anal plates occurred gradually. Moreover, the time course for the dorsal and ventral anal plates to show normal female phenotype was different: when the dorsal anal plates were completely normal, it was still possible to find incomplete ventral anal plates. In the pulse experiment at 29° C, the genital disc is able to differentiate both female and male genital structures, although the inventory of the latter ones was not complete. In addition, the capacity of the genital disc to differentiate male genital structures depended on the duration of the temperature pulse. The anal plates were always female, although they showed a reduction in their size, the ventral female anal plate being more affected than the dorsal one. No male anal plates were observed. The results have revealed that the genital disc follows a sequence in its capacity to differentiate female or male adult structures. We suggest that this sequence reflects the sequence of determination events occurring in the genital disc during its larval growth. In addition, results shown here provide evidence for the existence in the female genital primordium of a set of cells capable of giving rise either to female genital structures (ventral vaginal plates) or to male genital structures (hypandrium and penis apparatus). We also present evidence supporting the previous idea of two primordia for the anal plates.  相似文献   

The genus Stichillus in Japan is revised. Three species are recognized: S. japonicus (Matsumura), S. spinosus Liu and Chou and S. cylindratus sp. nov. Stichillus brunneicornis Beyer is excluded from the Japanese fauna. These Japanese species are described and keyed. The male genitalia and the female terminalia are illustrated. Some unique characters of the male genitalia in the genus are reported, and morphology of the male genitalia and the female terminalia is discussed.  相似文献   

The organization of the genital disc in XX;dsxD+ animals, which have elements of both male and female genitalia, has been analyzed. The intersexual disc contains three major regions, which were isolated by fragmentation. After metamorphosis in host larvae, these regions produced the male genitalia, the female genitalia, and the analia, respectively. Thus, in contrast to the wild-type male and female constitution, the intersexual genetic constitution of XX;dsxD+ animals allows both genital primordia to develop and to differentiate adult structures. A fate map of the intersexual disc is presented. Observations made on the morphology of the genital disc and its derivatives in XX;dsxD+ animals and other “intersexual” genetic constitutions are compared and discussed in terms of the development of the sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

A slow-migrating -esterase (S-esterase) is described which has been detected in Drosophila montana, Drosophila imeretensis, and some stocks of Drosophila virilis when mixtures of - and -naphthyl acetate are used as substrates in histochemical reactions after electrophoresis. Sexual dimorphism for S-esterase has been demonstrated. This esterase is contained in male genitalia only, predominantly in the ejaculatory bulb (waxy plug). It appears 3–4 days after emergence of flies. In hybrids between S+ and S0 species, the activity of the slow esterase is either decreased or inhibited. An autonomous synthesis of the S-esterase in the ejaculatory bulb was established by transplantation of imaginal genital discs into larvae of different Drosophila stocks. Based on analysis of physicochemical and immunochemical properties, S-esterase is suggested to be an independent fraction of esterase, possibly dimeric, which does not cross-react with -esterase antiserum.  相似文献   

The annual Mediterranean herbTheligonum cynocrambe shows a peculiar combination of morphological characters, e.g., switch from decussate to spiral phyllotaxis with 90–100° divergence, combined with a change from interpetiolar to lateral stipules, anemophily, lack of calyx, flowers often dimerous to trimerous, corolla fused in both male and female flowers, male flowers extra-axillary, with 2–19 stamens per flower, female flowers axillary, with inferior uniovulate ovary, basilateral style and perianth, nut-like fruits with elaiosome. In male flowers the androecium emerges as an (uneven) elliptical rim with a central depression. This common girdling primordium is divided up into several stamen primordia. In male flowers with low stamen number the stamen primordia may occupy the corners alternating with the corolla lobes. There are no epipetalous androecial primordia that secondarily divide into stamens. Male flowers occasionally show a hemispherical base that may be interpreted as remnant of the inferior ovary. In female flowers a ring primordium grows into a tube on which the petal lobes arise. The perianth and style become displaced adaxially by uneven growth of the inferior ovary. The ovary is basically bilocular. The lower region of the ovary is provided with a septum that is overtopped and hidden by the single curved ovule.Theligonum is referred to theRubiaceae-Rubioideae, with theAnthospermeae andPaederieae as most closely related tribes.  相似文献   

 The genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp) have been shown to play vital organising roles in the development and differentiation of thoracic imaginal discs. We have analysed the roles of these genes in organising the development and differentiation of the genital discs, which are bilaterally symmetrical and possess different primordia, namely, the male and female genital primordia and an anal primordium. Our results suggest that the organising activity of en in genital discs programs the normal development and differentiation of the genital disc by regulating the expression of hh. Hh in turn induces wg and dpp, the genes whose products act as secondary signalling molecules. Moreover, the complementary patterns of wg and dpp expression are essential for the bilateral symmetry and are maintained by mutual repression. Received: 20 April 1998 / Accepted 24 June 1998  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was twofold: 1 to learn whether rats transgenic for HLA-B27 and the human 2-microglobulin gene HB2M can mount B27-restricted cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to the male H-Y antigen, and 2 to learn whether such CTLs would recognize both rat and mouse H-Y in the context of HLA-B27. Female rats of the B27/HB2M transgenic line 21-4L were primed in vivo with cells from males of the same line. CTL effectors were generated from lymph node cells of these females following culture with irradiated antigen-presenting cells from either male 21-4L rats or male mice of the B27/HB2M transgenic 56-3 line. The CTLs showed male-specific, B27-specific lysis of both rat and mouse targets. Lysis of B27 targets was inhibitable by monoclonal antibodies specific for B27 or rat CD8. Specific lysis of male B27 rat and mouse targets was inhibitable equally by either rat or mouse male B27 cold targets, but not significantly by female or nontransgenic cold targets. The B27-restricted CTLs neither recognized nor were inhibited by B27+ or B27- male or female human targets. These results demonstrate that CD8+, B27-restricted, anti-H-Y CTLs recognize and evolutionarily conserved H-Y peptide antigen in both rats and mice. In addition, they establish the transgenic rat as a model system for examining the T-cell response to antigen presented by class I HLA molecules. Correspondence to: J. D. Taurog.  相似文献   

In both sexes, the Drosophila genital disc comprises three segmental primordia: the female genital primordium derived from segment A8, the male genital primordium derived from segment A9 and the anal primordium derived from segments A10-11. Each segmental primordium has an anterior (A) and a posterior (P) compartment, the P cells of the three segments being contiguous at the lateral edges of the disc. We show that Hedgehog (Hh) expressed in the P compartment differentially signals A cells at the AP compartment border and A cells at the segmental border. As in the wing imaginal disc, cell lineage restriction of the AP compartment border is defined by Hh signalling. There is also a lineage restriction barrier at the segmental borders, even though the P compartment cells of the three segments converge in the lateral areas of the disc. Lineage restriction between segments A9 and A10-11 depends on factors other than the Hh, En and Hox genes. The segmental borders, however, can be permeable to some morphogenetic signals. Furthermore, cell ablation experiments show that the presence of all primordia (either the anal or the genital primordium) during development are required for normal development of genital disc. Collectively, these findings suggest that interaction between segmental primordia is required for the normal development of the genital disc.  相似文献   

Volume-sensitive chloride and potassium currents were studied, using the whole-cell clamp technique, in cultured wild-type mouse proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) epithelial cells and compared with those measured in PCT cells from null mutant kcne1 –/– mice. In wild-type PCT cells in primary culture, a Cl conductance activated by cell swelling was identified. The initial current exhibited an outwardly rectifying current-voltage (I-V) relationship, whereas steady-state current showed decay at depolarized membrane potentials. The ion selectivity was I > Br > Cl >> gluconate. This conductance was sensitive to 1 mM 4,4-Diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS), 0.1 mM 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB) and 1 mM diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC). Osmotic stress also activated K+ currents. These currents are time-independent, activated at depolarized potentials, and inhibited by 0.5 mM quinidine, 5 mM barium, and 10 µM clofilium but are insensitive to 1 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA), 10 nM charybdotoxin (CTX), and 10 µM 293B. In contrast, the null mutation of kcne1 completely impaired volume-sensitive chloride and potassium currents in PCT. The transitory transfection of kcne1 restores both Cl and K+ swelling-activated currents, confirming the implication of KCNE1 protein in the cell-volume regulation in PCT cells in primary cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The water and potassium content and the relative vacuolar volume ( = Vvacuole/Vcell) of mesophyll cells of the needles of healthy 21-yearold spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were determined. In 5-year-old needles was 0.626 ± 0.178 (ovx ± SD). Potassium concentrations in the bulk tissue water ranged from about 65 to 105 mM. Simulations were made using this information and a simple two-compartmental model of the cell with the bulk cytoplasm and the vacuole and assuming that the minimum cytoplasmic and vacuolar K+ concentrations are 100–150 mM and 10–15 mM respectively. It is shown that a K+ content of needles below 50 mmol/1 tissue water would be precarious for maintenance of normal physiological and metabolic performance.  相似文献   

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