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PCNA is an essential factor for DNA replication, repair, chromatin metabolism, and effector of cell-cycle regulatory signals. The assignment of backbone 1HN, 13Cα, 13CO, and 15N, and sidechain 13Cβ resonances of the human PCNA homotrimeric ring (∼90 kDa, 261 residues) is reported here.  相似文献   

增殖细胞核抗原基因表达量与中肋骨条藻生长的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对中国近海常见的赤潮藻-中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)生长相关的分子标记进行了研究,通过RT-PCR和RACE技术获得了其PCNA基因的部分序列,首次克隆测序得到了714bp的中肋骨条藻细胞色素b(Cytochrome b,Cyt b)基因序列。根据得到的PCNA与Cyt b基因序列,分别建立了检测中肋骨条藻PCNA与Cyt b基因的实时荧光定量PCR的标准曲线,并通过对已知浓度样品的检测证明了所建立标准曲线的准确性。以上述建立的方法为基础,研究了中肋骨条藻生长率与增殖细胞核抗原基因表达量之间的关系。结果发现,平均单细胞中PCNA表达量在培养的不同阶段变化很大,且变化趋势与生长率表现出良好的一致性,说明PCNA表达量与细胞分裂密切相关,体现了其作为细胞增殖指标的潜能;而Cyt b基因表达稳定,表达量变化很小,说明Cyt b基因是一个潜在的良好的内参基因。基于此,提出以PCNA为目的基因、Cyt b为内参基因,将PCNA基因的相对表达量(REQ)作为中肋骨条藻生长率的一个指标,并建立了实验室条件下PCNA相对表达量与中肋骨条藻生长率之间的关系式。  相似文献   

A cDNA fragment encoding a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was isolated using rapid amplification of cDNA 3' end (3' RACE) method, cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of this clone contains an open reading frame of 798 nucleotides encoding a protein of 265 amino acids. Alignment of the common bean PCNA predicted sequence shows its high degree of identity with PCNA from other plant species. Analysis of PCNA content in the germinating embryos of common bean showed a decrease in the protein level after 60h of germination. Moreover, PCNA was not detected in the tested plant organs (root, stem, leaf and flower). The presence of PCNA in the germinating seeds and its absence from mature plants suggests that this protein plays a crucial role during early stages of plant development.  相似文献   

Ko R  Bennett SE 《DNA Repair》2005,4(12):239-1431
Uracil residues arise in DNA by the misincorporation of dUMP in place of dTMP during DNA replication or by the deamination of cytosine in DNA. Uracil-DNA glycosylase initiates DNA base excision repair of uracil residues by catalyzing the hydrolysis of the N-glycosylic bond linking the uracil base to deoxyribose. In human cells, the nuclear form of uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG2) contains a conserved PCNA-binding motif located at the N-terminus that has been implicated experimentally in binding PCNA. Here we use purified preparations of UNG2 and PCNA to demonstrate that UNG2 physically associates with PCNA. UNG2 co-eluted with PCNA during size exclusion chromatography and bound to a PCNA affinity column. Association of UNG2 with PCNA was abolished by the addition of 100 mM NaCl, and significantly decreased in the presence of 10 mM MgCl(2). The functional significance of the UNG2.PCNA association was demonstrated by UNG2 activity assays. Addition of PCNA (30-810 pmol) to standard uracil-DNA glycosylase reactions containing linear [uracil-(3)H]DNA stimulated UNG2 catalytic activity up to 2.6-fold. UNG2 activity was also stimulated by 7.5 mM MgCl(2). The stimulatory effect of PCNA was increased by the addition of MgCl(2); however, the dependence on PCNA concentration was the same, indicating that the effects of MgCl(2) and PCNA on UNG2 activity occurred by independent mechanisms. Loading of PCNA onto the DNA substrate was required for stimulation, as the activity of UNG2 on circular DNA substrates was not affected by the addition of PCNA. Addition of replication factor C and ATP to reactions containing 90 pmol of PCNA resulted in two-fold stimulation of UNG2 activity on circular DNA.  相似文献   

The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is now recognized as one of the key proteins in DNA metabolic events because of its direct interactions with many proteins involved in important cellular processes. We have determined the crystal structure of PCNA from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus (pfuPCNA), at 2.1 A resolution. pfuPCNA forms a toroidal, ring-shaped structure consisting of homotrimeric molecules, which is also observed in the PCNA crystals from human and yeast. The overall structure of pfuPCNA is highly conserved with other PCNA proteins, as well as with the bacterial ss clamp and the bacteriophage gp45. This result shows that the three-dimensional structure of the sliding clamp is conserved in the three domains of life. pfuPCNA has two remarkable features compared with the human and yeast PCNA molecules: it has more ion pairs and fewer intermolecular main chain hydrogen bonds. The former may contribute to the thermal stability of pfuPCNA, and the latter may be the cause of the stimulatory effect of pfuPCNA on the DNA synthesizing activity of P. furiosus DNA polymerases in the absence of the clamp loader replication factor C in vitro.  相似文献   

Thymine glycol (Tg) is one of predominant oxidative DNA lesions caused by ionizing radiation and other oxidative stresses. Human NTH1 is a bifunctional enzyme with DNA glycosylase and AP lyase activities and removes Tg as the first step of base excision repair (BER). We have searched for the factors interacting with NTH1 by using a pull-down assay and found that GST-NTH1 fusion protein precipitates proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and p53 as well as XPG from human cell-free extracts. GST-NTH1 also bound to recombinant FLAG-tagged XPG, PCNA, and (His)6-tagged p53 proteins, indicating direct protein-protein interaction between those proteins. Furthermore, His-p53 and FLAG-XPG, but not PCNA, stimulated the Tg DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity of GST-NTH1 or NTH1. These results provide an insight into the positive regulation of BER reaction and also suggest a possible linkage between BER of Tg and other cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing has revealed the existence of a second gene for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a key factor in a variety of DNA metabolic events. The alternate copy of PCNA (PfPCNA2) shows only 23% identity to an earlier reported P. falciparum PCNA homologue (PfPCNA1). Our analysis indicated structural conservation of PfPCNA2 compared to eukaryotic PCNAs. PfPCNA1 and 2 polypeptides showed differential expression in the intraerythrocytic cell cycle of the malaria parasite. PfPCNA1 expression slowly increases about threefold from the ring to the late schizont stage. In contrast PfPCNA2 showed robust expression in trophozoites and early schizonts with a sudden drop in expression in the late schizont stage, suggesting that the two PfPCNAs may function under different physiological conditions. Chemical cross-linking indicated the presence of a trimeric PfPCNA2 protein, indicating the possible existence of a functional ring-like PfPCNA2 structure.  相似文献   

Uchiyama Y  Suzuki Y  Sakaguchi K 《Planta》2008,227(6):1233-1241
In plants, there are no DNA polymerase β (Pol β) and DNA ligase III (Lig3) genes. Thus, the plant short-patch base excision repair (short-patch BER) pathway must differ considerably from that in mammals. We characterized the rice (Oryza Sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) homologue of the mammalian X-ray repair cross complementing 1 (XRCC1), a well-known BER protein. The plant XRCC1 lacks the N-terminal domain (NTD) which is required for Pol β binding and is essential for mammalian cell survival. The recombinant rice XRCC1 (OsXRCC1) protein binds single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) as well as double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and also interacts with rice proliferating cell nuclear antigen (OsPCNA) in a pull-down assay. Through immunoprecipitation, we demonstrated that OsXRCC1 forms a complex with PCNA in vivo. OsXRCC1 mRNA was expressed in all rice organs and was induced by application of bleomycin, but not of MMS, H2O2 or UV-B. Bleomycin also increased the fraction of OsXRCC1 associated with chromatin. These results suggest that OsXRCC1 contributes to DNA repair pathways that differ from the mammalian BER system.  相似文献   

During DNA replication and repair, many proteins bind to and dissociate in a highly specific and ordered manner from proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). We describe a combined approach of in silico searches at the genome level and combinatorial peptide synthesis to investigate the binding properties of hundreds of short PCNA-interacting peptides (PIP-peptides) to archaeal and eukaryal PCNAs. Biological relevance of our combined approach was demonstrated by identification an inactive complex of Pyrococcus abyssi ribonuclease HII with PCNA. Furthermore we show that PIP-peptides interact with PCNA largely in a sequence independent manner. Our experimental approach also identified many so far unidentified PCNA interacting peptides in a number of human proteins.  相似文献   

Exposure of a lung epithelial cell line to ionizing radiation (IR) arrests cell cycle progression through 48 h post-exposure. Coincidentally, IR differentially activates expression of the cell cycle inhibitor, p21/WAF1, and the DNA replication protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). p21/WAF1 mRNA levels remain elevated through 48 h post-exposure to IR, while PCNA mRNA levels increase transiently at early times. Since p21/WAF1 inhibits DNA replication by directly binding PCNA, the relative levels of the two proteins can determine cell cycle progression. The PCNA p53-binding site displayed reduced p53 binding affinity in vitro relative to the distal p21/WAF1 p53-binding site. Substitution of the p21/WAF1 site for the resident p53-binding site in the PCNA promoter altered the responses to increasing amounts of p53 or IR in transient expression assays. The p21/WAF1 p53-binding site sustained activation of the chimeric PCNA promoter under conditions (high p53 levels or high dose IR) that the PCNA p53-binding site did not. Binding site-specific regulation by wild-type p53 was not observed with mutant p53 harboring a serine to alanine change at amino acid 46. Limited activation of the PCNA promoter by p53 and its modified forms would restrict the amount of PCNA made available for DNA repair.  相似文献   

Within U.S. waters, blooms of the dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida, have been recorded on an almost regular basis in the Chesapeake Bay and surrounding mid‐Atlantic regions for the last two decades. Despite the apparent significance of such blooms to the environment and human health and the attendant economic consequences, little work has addressed the physiology and biochemistry, particularly that of sterol composition, of P. piscicida. GC‐MS characterization of trimethylsilyl ether derivatives of sterols from free sterol and sterol ester fractions was performed in an effort to determine whether P. piscicida produces unique sterols that may serve as potential biomarkers. This characterization revealed that like most dinoflagellates, the majority of sterols was present as free sterols. Furthermore, the profile of free sterols was found to resemble those of photosynthetic dinoflagellates, with the dominant compound being the previously reported dinoflagellate sterol, dinosterol. A number of other 4α‐methyl‐substituted sterols and steroidal ketones common to other dinoflagellates were also identified. No strong candidate(s) for a unique sterol biomarker was present.  相似文献   

The green dinoflagellate Gymnodinium chlorophorum (BAH ME 100, the type culture) was reexamined with emphasis on the structure of the flagellar apparatus and nuclear envelope. Like other Gymnodinium species, G. chlorophorum possessed a nuclear fibrous connective linking the flagellar apparatus and the nucleus, albeit in a very reduced and unique form. Microtubules nucleated from the R3 flagellar root associated with the nuclear fibrous connective and terminated at the nucleus, a novel arrangement not known in any other dinoflagellate. Although overlooked by previous researchers, nuclear chambers were present in G. chlorophorum similar to those reported in Gymnodinium aureolum and Gymnodinium nolleri. In contrast to the type species of Gymnodinium, Gymnodinium fuscum, only one nuclear pore was present per chamber. The presence of a feeding tube (peduncle) suggests that G. chlorophorum is mixotrophic. Although the fine structure of G. chlorophorum revealed its affiliation to the Gymnodinium group the above discrepancies set it apart, indicating that it might belong in a different genus.  相似文献   

Regulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen during the cell cycle   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), also known as cyclin and DNA polymerase delta auxiliary factor, is present in reduced amounts in nongrowing cells and is synthesized at a greater rate in the S phase of growing cells. The recently discovered involvement of PCNA in DNA replication suggested that this pattern of expression functions to regulate DNA synthesis. We have investigated this possibility further by examining the synthesis, stability, and accumulation of PCNA in HeLa cells fractionated by centrifugal elutriation into nearly synchronous populations of cells at various positions in the cell cycle. In these fractionated cells we found that there is an increase in the rate of PCNA synthesis with a peak in early S phase of the cell cycle, but the magnitude of the increase is only 2-3-fold. This change reflects similar changes in the amount of PCNA mRNA. The fluctuating synthesis of PCNA maintains this protein at a roughly constant proportion of the total cell protein, although the amount doubles/cell in the cell cycle. Consistent with this observation, the stability of PCNA does not differ significantly from that of total cellular protein in synchronized HeLa cells. We also observed that a maximum of one-third of the total PCNA is tightly associated with the nucleus, presumably in replication complexes, at the peak of S phase. We conclude that the cyclic synthesis of PCNA in cycling HeLa cells maintains PCNA in excess of the amount involved directly in DNA replication and the amount of the protein neither fluctuates significantly with the cell cycle nor is limiting for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) assumes an indispensable role in supporting cellular DNA replication and repair by organizing numerous protein components of these pathways via a common PCNA-interacting sequence motif called a PIP-box. Given the multifunctional nature of PCNA, the selective inhibition of PIP-box-mediated interactions may represent a new strategy for the chemosensitization of cancer cells to existing DNA-directed therapies; however, promiscuous blockage of these interactions may also be universally deleterious. To address these possibilities, we utilized a chemical strategy to irreversibly block PIP-box-mediated interactions. Initially, we identified and validated PCNA methionine 40 (M40) and histidine 44 (H44) as essential residues for PCNA/PIP-box interactions in general and, more specifically, for efficient PCNA loading onto chromatin within cells. Next, we created a novel small molecule incorporating an electrophilic di-chloro platinum moiety that preferentially alkylated M40 and H44 residues. The compound, designated T2Pt, covalently cross-linked wild-type but not M40A/H44A PCNA, irreversibly inhibited PCNA/PIP-box interactions, and mildly alkylated plasmid DNA in vitro. In cells, T2Pt persistently induced cell cycle arrest, activated ATR-Chk1 signaling and modestly induced DNA strand breaks, features typical of cellular replication stress. Despite sustained activation of the replication stress response by the compound and its modestly genotoxic nature, T2Pt demonstrated little activity in clonogenic survival assays as a single agent, yet sensitized cells to cisplatin. The discovery of T2Pt represents an original effort directed at the development of irreversible PCNA inhibitors and sets the stage for the discovery of analogues more selective for PCNA over other cellular nucleophiles.  相似文献   

Abstract Pasteurella piscicida strains were weakly or moderately adherent to cell lines, the levels of attachment being variable depending on the cells employed. All the isolates exhibited the highest binding capacity to CHSE-214 cells. Adhesive capacities were affected by heat and sugars but not by proteinase K or by treatment with antisera raised against the lipopolysaccharides of P. piscicida , implicating components of glycoprotein(s) as ligands in the adhesion process. The isolates showed a great binding capacity to intestines from the marine fish hosts gilthead sea bream, sea bass and turbot, with values ranging from 104 to 105 bacteria/g. Although the P. piscicida strains showed a weak invasiveness in the poikilothermic cell lines employed as in vitro model, the bacteria remained viable inside the infected cells at least for 2 days. The invasion process was inhibited by cytochalasin D indicating the active participation of the host cell cytoskeleton in the internalization of P. piscicida .  相似文献   

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