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We report a novel affinity‐based purification method for proteins expressed in Escherichia coli that uses the coordination of a heme tag to an L ‐histidine‐immobilized sepharose (HIS) resin. This approach provides an affinity purification tag visible to the eye, facilitating tracking of the protein. We show that azurin and maltose binding protein are readily purified from cell lysate using the heme tag and HIS resin. Mild conditions are used; heme‐tagged proteins are bound to the HIS resin in phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, and eluted by adding 200–500 mM imidazole or binding buffer at pH 5 or 8. The HIS resin exhibits a low level of nonspecific binding of untagged cellular proteins for the systems studied here. An additional advantage of the heme tag‐HIS method for purification is that the heme tag can be used for protein quantification by using the pyridine hemochrome absorbance method for heme concentration determination.  相似文献   

An effort is presented to create expression vectors which would allow expression of an inserted gene fragment in three reading frames in a single vector from a single promoter but with three separate ribosome binding sites (RBS). Each expression frame would generate an in-frame fusion with an affinity tag to allow efficient recovery of the produced fusion proteins. In the first generation vector, three identical polyhistidyl tags (His(6)) were used as affinity tags for the three expression frames. In the second generation vector, three different tags, an albumin binding domain derived from streptococcal protein G, an IgG binding Staphylococcus aureus protein A-derived domain (Z) and a His(6) tag, were employed to allow frame-specific affinity recovery. To evaluate the systems, model genes have been inserted in three different frames in both vectors. The first vector was demonstrated to produce fusion proteins in all three frames, whereas for the second, with a much wider spacing between the RBSs and affinity tags, expression could only be demonstrated from the first two translational start sites. For both systems, the first translation start was found to be significantly favored over the others. Nevertheless, we believe that the presented results represent the first successful attempt to create single-vector three-frame expression systems, a concept that could become valuable in future combined cloning-expression vectors.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) is a multifunctional protein that interacts directly with many host proteins. For example, HBx interacts with anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, through its BH3-like motif, which leads to elevated cytosolic calcium levels, efficient viral DNA replication and the induction of apoptosis. To facilitate sample preparation and perform detailed structural characterization of the complex between HBx and Bcl-xL, we designed and purified a recombinant HBx BH3-like motif-linker-Bcl-xL fusion protein produced in E. coli. The fusion protein was characterized by size exclusion chromatography, circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Our results show that the fusion protein is a monomer in aqueous solution, forms a stable intramolecular complex, and likely retains the native conformation of the complex between Bcl-xL and the HBx BH3-like motif. Furthermore, the HBx BH3-like motif of the intramolecular complex forms an α-helix. These observations indicate that the fusion protein should facilitate structural studies aimed at understanding the interaction between HBx and Bcl-xL at the atomic level.  相似文献   

Based on a series of mAbs against four frequently used tags—the human Ig Fc fragment, GST, maltose-binding protein, and thioredoxin—we developed corresponding sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect these tag fusion proteins. As a supplement for Western blot, the successfully established ELISA was specific, sensitive, quantitative, easy to perform, time-saving, and last but not least, suitable for high-throughput screening of tag fusion proteins. Determination of soluble tag fusion proteins expressed by various systems with the sandwich ELISA developed in the present study could be a valuable and promising tool for the wide application of tag-protein fusion systems in the rapidly growing field of proteomics research. Zhu-wei Xu, Tao Zhang, and Chao-jun Song Contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

A cloning method and plasmid vectors that permit fluorescence-anisotropy-based measurement of proteolysis are reported. The recombinant protein substrates produced by this method contain a tetracysteine motif that can be site-specifically labeled with bis-arsenical fluorophore [Science 281 (1998) 269]. Six protein substrates with an N-terminal fusion of the tetracysteine motif and different protease recognition sites were created and tested for reaction with commercial proteases commonly used to process recombinant fusion proteins. In each case, proteolysis of a single susceptible peptide bond could be monitored in real time and with sufficient data quality to allow numerical analysis of proteolysis reaction kinetics. Measurement of proteolysis extent using fluorescence anisotropy is shown to be comparable to densitometry measurements made on denaturing polyacrylamide gels but with the added advantages implicit in a time-resolved measurement, quantification by a spectroscopic measurement, and facile extensibility to high-throughput formats. The assay was also demonstrated as a general tool for monitoring proteolysis of multidomain fusion proteins containing an internal protease site such as are being created in structural genomics studies worldwide.  相似文献   

Despite reports of its susceptibility to various interfering factors, the Folin Phenol protein quantification method of O. H. Lowry, N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, and R. J. Randall (1951, J. Biol. Chem. 193, 265–275) remains the most convenient and accurate method for routine protein determinations. Our findings indicate that the Lowry assay is also photosensitive which can result in a discrepancy of up to 10% in estimated protein concentrations, unless appropriate precautions are taken.  相似文献   

The Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (HRSV) fusion protein (F) was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21A using the pET28a vector at 37 °C. The protein was purified from the soluble fraction using affinity resin. The structural quality of the recombinant fusion protein and the estimation of its secondary structure were obtained by circular dichroism. Structural models of the fusion protein presented 46% of the helices in agreement with the spectra by circular dichroism analysis. There are only few studies that succeeded in expressing the HRSV fusion protein in bacteria. This is a report on human fusion protein expression in E. coli and structure analysis, representing a step forward in the development of fusion protein F inhibitors and the production of antibodies.  相似文献   

Tau protein, the major constituent of paired helical filaments in Alzheimer's disease, belongs to the intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). IDPs are an emerging group in the protein kingdom characterized by the absence of a rigid three-dimensional structure. Disordered proteins usually acquire a "functional fold" upon binding to their interaction partner(s). This property of IDPs implies the need for innovative approaches to measure their binding affinity. We have mapped and measured the Alzheimer's-disease-associated epitope on intrinsically disordered tau protein with a novel two-step sandwich competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This approach allowed us to determine the binding affinity of disordered tau protein in liquid phase without any disturbance to the competitive equilibrium and without any need for covalent or noncovalent modification of tau protein. Furthermore, the global fitting method, used for the reconstruction of tau binding curves, significantly improved the assay readout. The proposed novel competitive ELISA allowed us to determine the changes in the standard Gibbs energy of binding, thus enabling measurement of tau protein conformation in the core of paired helical filaments. IDP competitive ELISA results showed, for the first time, that the tau protein C terminus of the Alzheimer's-disease-derived paired helical filaments core subunit adopts beta-turn type I' fold and is accessible from solution.  相似文献   

The expression of recombinant proteins is a well-accepted technology, but their detection and purification often require time-consuming and complicated processes. This paper describes the development of a novel double epitope tag (GEPGDDGPSGAEGPPGPQG) for rapid and accurate quantification of recombinant protein by a homogeneous immunoassay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. In our double epitope tagging system, recombinant proteins can be simply measured on a microtiter plate by addition of a pair of fluorophore-labeled monoclonal antibodies (their epitopes; GEPGDDGPS and GPPGPQG). The sensitivity of the immunoassay with an incubation time of only 5 min is almost equal to that of labor-intensive Western blotting. In addition, culture media and extracts of host cells generally used for protein expression have little effect on this immunoassay. To investigate the utility of our proposed tag for protein production, several different proteins containing this tag were practically expressed and purified. The data presented demonstrate that the double epitope tag is a reliable tool that can alleviate the laborious and troublesome processes of protein production.  相似文献   

Proteases are implicated in various diseases and several have been identified as potential drug targets or biomarkers. As a result, protease activity assays that can be performed in high throughput are essential for the screening of inhibitors in drug discovery programs. Here we describe the development of a simple, general method for the characterization of protease activity and its use for inhibitor screening. GFP was genetically fused to a comparatively unstable Tus protein through an interdomain linker containing a specially designed protease site, which can be proteolyzed. When this Tus–GFP fusion protein substrate is proteolyzed it releases GFP, which remains in solution after a short heat denaturation and centrifugation step used to eliminate uncleaved Tus–GFP. Thus, the increase in GFP fluorescence is directly proportional to protease activity. We validated the protease activity assay with three different proteases, i.e., trypsin, caspase 3, and neutrophil elastase, and demonstrated that it can be used to determine protease activity and the effect of inhibitors with small sample volumes in just a few simple steps using a fluorescence plate reader.  相似文献   

Different chimeric proteins combining the non-catalytic C-terminal putative cellulose binding domain of Clostridium cellulovorans endoglucanase-xylanase D (EngD) with its proline-threonine rich region PT-linker, PTCBD(EngD), cellulose binding domain of C. cellulovorans cellulose binding protein A, CBD(CbpA), cohesin domains Cip7, Coh6 and CipC1 from different clostridial species and recombinant antibody binding protein LG were constructed, expressed, purified and analyzed. The solubilities of chimeric proteins containing highly soluble domains Cip7, CipC1 and LG were not affected by fusion with PTCBD(EngD). Insoluble domain Coh6 was solubilized when fused with PTCBD(EngD). In contrast, fusion with CBD(CbpA) resulted in only a slight increase in solubility of Coh6 and even decreased solubility of CipC1 greatly. PTCBD(EngD) and Cip7-PTCBD(EngD) were shown to bind regenerated commercial amorphous cellulose Cuprophan. The purity of Cip7-PTCBD(EngD) eluted from Cuprophan was comparable to that purified by conventional ion exchange chromatography. The results demonstrated that PTCBD(EngD) can serve as a bi-functional fusion tag for solubilization of fusion partners and as a domain for the immobilization, enrichment and purification of molecules or cells on regenerated amorphous cellulose.  相似文献   

We describe the use of fluorophore-doped nanoparticles as reporters in a recently developed ArcDia TPX bioaffinity assay technique. The ArcDia TPX technique is based on the use of polymer microspheres as solid-phase reaction carrier, fluorescent bioaffinity reagents, and detection of two-photon excited fluorescence. This new assay technique enables multiplexed, separation-free bioaffinity assays from microvolumes with high sensitivity. As a model analyte we chose C-reactive protein (CRP). The assay of CRP was optimized for assessment of CRP baseline levels using a nanoparticulate fluorescent reporter, 75 nm in diameter, and the assay performance was compared to that of CRP assay based on a molecular reporter of the same fluorophore core. The results show that using fluorescent nanoparticles as the reporter provides two orders of magnitude better sensitivity (87 fM) than using the molecular label, while no difference between precision profiles of the different assay types was found. The new assay method was applied for assessment of baseline levels of CRP in sera of apparently healthy individuals.  相似文献   

To analyze a variety of protein phosphatases, we developed phosphorylated TandeMBP (P-TandeMBP), in which two different mouse myelin basic protein isoforms were fused in tandem, as a protein phosphatase substrate. P-TandeMBP was prepared efficiently in four steps: (1) phosphorylation of TandeMBP by a protein kinase mixture (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Iδ, casein kinase 1δ, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2); (2) precipitation of both P-TandeMBP and protein kinases to remove ATP, Pi, and ADP; (3) acid extraction of P-TandeMBP with HCl to remove protein kinases; and (4) neutralization of the solution that contains P-TandeMBP with Tris. In combination with the malachite green assay, P-TandeMBP can be used to detect protein phosphatase activity without using radioactive materials. Moreover, P-TandeMBP served as an efficient substrate for PPM family phosphatases (PPM1A, PPM1B, PPM1D, PPM1F, PPM1G, PPM1H, PPM1K, and PPM1M) and PPP family phosphatase PP5. Various phosphatase activities were also detected with high sensitivity in gel filtration fractions from mouse brain using P-TandeMBP. These results indicate that P-TandeMBP might be a powerful tool for the detection of protein phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

Bovine enterokinase is a serine protease that catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds and plays a key role in mammalian metabolism. Because of its high specificity towards the amino acid sequence (Asp)4-Lys, enterokinase is a potential tool for the cleavage of fusion proteins, which are gaining more importance in biopharmaceutical production. A candidate for adaptive cancer immunotherapy is mucin 1, which is produced recombinantly as a fusion protein in CHO cells. Here, we present the first repetitive application of immobilized enterokinase for the cleavage of the mucin fusion protein. The immobilization enables a facile biocatalytic process due to simplified separation of the biocatalyst and the target protein. Immobilized enterokinase was applied in a maximum of 18 repetitive reactions. The enzyme utilization (total turnover number) was increased significantly 419-fold compared to unbound enzyme by both immobilization and optimization of process conditions. Slight enzyme inactivation throughout the reaction cycles was observed, but was compensated by adjusting the process time accordingly. Thus, complete fusion protein cleavage was achieved. Furthermore, we obtained isolated mucin 1 with a purity of more than 90% by applying a simple and efficient purification process. The presented results demonstrate enterokinase to be an attractive tool for fusion protein cleavage.  相似文献   

用基因重组技术将截短的HIV-1 p24基因和gp41基因连接成嵌合基因,插入质粒pGEX-4T3,构建成重组表达质粒pGEX-F。将pGEX-F转化大肠杆菌BL21。经IPTG诱导表达,pGEX-F在大肠杆菌BL21中获得了高效表达。融合蛋白P24-gp41经Glutathione-Sepharose4B亲和层析纯化后,用间接ELISA和免疫印迹检测HIV抗体阳性血清和正常人血清,P24-gp41只与HIV抗体阳性血清反应,证明获得的融合蛋白P24-gp41有很强的抗原特异性和免疫反应性,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Peptide microarrays can be used for the high-throughput analysis of protein-peptide interactions. However, current peptide microarrays are rather costly to make and require cumbersome steps of introducing novel polymeric surfaces and/or chemical derivatization of peptides. Here, we report a novel method for manufacturing peptide microarrays by elevating the peptide on the layer of protein by a fusion protein approach. Using two protein kinases and their peptide substrates as examples, we show that elevating peptides on the layer of protein allows sensitive, specific, and efficient detection of peptide-protein interactions without the need for complicated chemical modification of solid supports and peptides. It was found that kinase activity could be detected with as low as 0.09 fmol of kemptide, which is about 1000-fold more sensitive than the 0.1 pmol obtained with other microarray systems. Furthermore, peptides can be produced as fusion proteins by fermentation of recombinant Escherichia coli and thus the expensive peptide synthesis process can be avoided. Therefore, this new strategy will not only be useful in high-throughput and cost-effective screening of kinase substrate peptides but also be generally applicable in studying various protein-peptide interactions.  相似文献   

Fusion tags add desirable properties to recombinant proteins, but they are not necessarily acceptable in the final products. Ideally, fusion tags should be removed releasing the intact native protein with no trace of the tag. Unique endoproteinases with the ability to cleave outside their own recognition sequence can potentially cleave at the boundary of any native protein. Chymosin was recently shown to cleave a pro‐chymosin derived fusion tag releasing native target proteins. In our hands, however, not all proteins are chymosin‐resistant under the acidic cleavage conditions (pH 4.5) used in this system. Here, we have modified the pro‐chymosin fusion tag and demonstrated that chymosin can remove this tag at more neutral pH (pH 6.2); conditions, that are less prone to compromise the integrity of target proteins. Chymosin was successfully used to produce intact native target protein both at the level of small and large‐scale preparations. Using short peptide substrates, we further examined the influence of P1′ amino acid (the N‐terminus of the native target protein) and found that chymosin accepts many different, although not all, amino acids. We conclude that chymosin has several appealing characteristics for the exact removal of fusion tags. It is readily available in highly purified recombinant versions approved by the FDA for preparation of food for human consumption. We suggest that one should consider extending the use of chymosin to the preparation of pharmaceutical proteins.  相似文献   

A semi-automated modification of the protein determination procedure of O. H. Lowry, N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, and R. J. Randall (1951, J. Biol. Chem. 193, 265-275) is described. The assay is well suited to the analysis of the protein of adherent cultured cells. The procedure is carried out in 96-well microtest plates on protein solutions of 50 microliter or less, and can detect less than 0.5 micrograms of protein (equivalent to about 10(3) cultured cells). Optical densities are read and printed by an automatic microplate reader capable of processing 96 samples in less than 2 min.  相似文献   

We present a method of labeling and immobilizing a low-molecular-weight protein, calmodulin (CaM), by fusion to a larger protein, maltose binding protein (MBP), for single-molecule fluorescence experiments. Immobilization in an agarose gel matrix eliminates potential interactions of the protein and the fluorophore(s) with a glass surface and allows prolonged monitoring of protein dynamics. The small size of CaM hinders its immobilization in low-weight-percentage agarose gels; however, fusion of CaM to MBP via a flexible linker provides sufficient restriction of translational mobility in 1% agarose gels. Cysteine residues were engineered into MBP.CaM (MBP-T34C,T110C-CaM) and labeled with donor and acceptor fluorescent probes yielding a construct (MBP.CaM-DA) which can be used for single-molecule single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer (spFRET) experiments. Mass spectrometry was used to verify the mass of MBP.CaM-DA. Assays measuring the activity of CaM reveal minimal activity differences between wild-type CaM and MBP.CaM-DA. Single-molecule fluorescence images of the donor and acceptor dyes were fit to a two-dimensional Gaussian function to demonstrate colocalization of donor and acceptor dyes. FRET is demonstrated both in bulk fluorescence spectra and in fluorescence trajectories of single MBP.CaM-DA molecules. The extension of this method to other biomolecules is also proposed.  相似文献   

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