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Semipermeable membranes of cells frequently pose an obstacle in metabolic engineering by limiting uptake of substrates, intermediates, or xenobiotics. Previous attempts to overcome this barrier relied on the promiscuous nature of peptide transport systems, but often suffered from low versatility or chemical instability. Here, we present an alternative strategy to transport cargo molecules across the inner membrane of Escherichia coli based on chemical synthesis of a stable cargo-peptide vector construct, transport through the peptide import system, and efficient intracellular release of the cargo by the promiscuous enzyme γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Retaining the otherwise periplasmic GGT in the cytoplasm was critical for the functionality of the system, as was fine-tuning its expression in order to minimize toxic effects associated to cytoplasmic GGT expression. Given the established protocols of peptide synthesis and the flexibility of peptide transport and GGT, the system is expected to be suitable for a broad range of cargoes.  相似文献   

Integrative analyses of multiple gene expression studies are frequently performed. In the setting of two studies, integrative correlation (IGC) can be used to assess the consistency of co-expression of a given gene. For three or more studies, an extension of IGC gives a global score per gene. We propose to extend IGC and use factor analysis to assess the study-specific consistency of co-expression of genes when there are three or more studies, possibly on different platforms. Our method is able to identify studies whose expression patterns are different from others. Filtering genes based on our score is shown to improve the concordance of association with phenotype across studies.  相似文献   

We developed multiple gene expression pipelines and assembled them into a web-based tool called Pop’s Pipes to facilitate preprocessing and analysis of substantial poplar gene expression data. The input data can be spatiotemporal microarray and RNA-seq data from comparable tissues, time points, or treatment-vs-control conditions. Pop’s Pipes can be used to identify differentially expressed genes between one or multiple paired tissues, time points, or treatment-vs-control conditions in a single in silico analysis. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) obtained for each comparison will be automatically analyzed by Pop’s Pipes for identifying significantly enriched gene ontologies and interpro protein domains. Also, significantly changed metabolic pathways across all input data sets will be identified. We also integrated a pipeline into Pop's Pipes for constructing any of three type gene ontology trees when a short list of gene ontologies from biological processes, molecular functions, or cellular components is used as an input. The resulting information from Pop’s Pipes enables scrutiny to create spatiotemporal models and hypotheses to understand how poplar develops and functions. Pop’s Pipes can analyze a microarray or RNA-seq data set with 10 time points in 4–10 h, with each time point containing three replicates of treatments and three controls. Such a data set usually takes a bioinformatician a few months to a year to analyze. Pop’s Pipes can thus save users tremendous amounts of research time when large numbers of comparative data need to be analyzed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Transient gene expression utilizing syringe mediated agro infiltration offers a simple yet efficient technique for various transgenic applications....  相似文献   

Standard and Consensus Clustering Analysis Tool for Microarray Data (SC2ATmd) is a MATLAB-implemented application specifically designed for the exploration of microarray gene expression data via clustering. Implementation of two versions of the clustering validation method figure of merit allows for performance comparisons between different clustering algorithms, and tailors the cluster analysis process to the varying characteristics of each dataset. Along with standard clustering algorithms this application also offers a consensus clustering method that can generate reproducible clusters across replicate experiments or different clustering algorithms. This application was designed specifically for the analysis of gene expression data, but may be used with any numerical data as long as it is in the right format. AVAILABILITY: SC2ATmd may be freely downloaded from http://www.compbiosci.wfu.edu/tools.htm.  相似文献   

Idiopathic scoliosis (IS) affects approximately 2%–3% of the population and has a heritable component. The genetics of this disorder are complex. Here, we describe a family in which a pericentric inversion of chromosome 8 co-segregates with IS. We have used fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify cloned DNAs that span the breakpoints on the two arms of the chromosome. We have identified a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) of 150 kb that crosses the q-arm breakpoint and a BAC of 120 kb that crosses the p-arm breakpoint. The complete genomic DNA sequence of these BACs has been analyzed to identify candidate genes and to localize further the precise breakpoints. This has revealed that the p-arm break does not interrupt any known gene and occurs in a region of highly repetitive sequence elements. On the q-arm, the break occurs between exons 10 and 11 of the -1 syntrophin (SNTG1) gene. Syntrophins are a group of cytoplasmic peripheral membrane proteins that associate directly with dystrophin, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene; 1-syntrophin has been shown to be a neuronal cell-specific protein. Mutational analysis of SNTG1 exons in 152 sporadic IS patients has revealed a 6-bp deletion in exon 10 of SNTG1 in one patient and a 2-bp insertion/deletion mutation occurring in a polypyrimidine tract of intronic sequence 20 bases upstream of the SNTG1 exon 5 splice site in two patients. These changes were not seen in a screen of 480 control chromosomes. Genomic DNAs from seven affected individuals within the family of a patient carrying the 6-bp deletion were typed to determine whether the alteration co-segregated with IS. The deletion was only observed in five out of these seven individuals. Thus, although genetic heterogeneity or multiple alleles cannot be ruled out, the 6-bp deletion does not consistently co-segregate with the disease in this family.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

Kashin–Beck disease (KBD) is a chronic osteochondropathy. In this study, we conducted the first genome-wide copy number variation study (GCNVS) of KBD totally involving 2,743 Chinese Han adults. GCNVS was first performed using Affymetrix Human SNP6.0 Arrays. The identified copy number variations (CNVs) were then replicated in an independent Chinese Han sample containing 1,026 subjects. SNP genotyping, CNV identification and quality control were implemented by Birdsuite. STRUCTURE and EIGENSTRAT were applied for controlling potential population stratification in the GCNVS. Association analysis was conducted using PLINK. Microarray and qRT-PCR were also conducted to compare the expression levels of the genes overlapping with identified CNVs between KBD patients and healthy controls. GCNVS found that CNV452 (P value = 7.78 × 10?5) overlapping with ABI3BP gene was significantly associated with KBD. Replication association study observed that rs9850273 (P value = 0.008) and rs7613610 (P value = 0.021) in ABI3BP gene were significantly associated with KBD. Gene expression analysis also found that ABI3BP was up-regulated in KBD patients compared to healthy controls. Our results suggest that ABI3BP was a novel susceptibility gene for KBD.  相似文献   

A new fluorometric assay was developed for the measurement of -glutamyl transpeptidase (-GTP). The assay utilizes as a substrate the synthetic compound 7--glutamylamido-4-methyl coumarin which is cleaved by -GTP to yield the highly fluorescent product 7-amino-4-methyl coumarin. Optimal excitation and emission wavelengths for the assay are 345 nm and 470 nm, respectively, and the sensitivity of the assay is greatly enhanced by the high-pressure liquid chromatographic separation of the product from the substrate. The assay is minimally 25 times more sensitive than the conventional spectrophotometric assay and permits analysis of as little as 5000 cultured cells of neuronal and glial origin. Analysis of a variety of cultured cells of neuronal and glial origin with this assay suggests that -GTP is largely present in glia and to a lesser extent in neurons.  相似文献   

Among the eight naturally occurring vitamin E analogs, γ-tocotrienol (GT3) is a particularly potent radioprophylactic agent in vivo. Moreover, GT3 protects endothelial cells from radiation injury not only by virtue of its antioxidant properties but also by inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase and by improving the availability of the nitric oxide synthase cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin. Nevertheless, the precise mechanisms underlying the superior radioprotective properties of GT3 compared with other tocols are not known. This study, therefore, examined the differences in gene expression profiles between GT3 and its tocopherol counterpart, γ-tocopherol, as well as between GT3 and α-tocopherol in human endothelial cells. Cells were treated with vehicle or the appropriate tocol for 24 h, after which total RNA was isolated and genome-wide gene expression profiles were obtained using the Illumina platform. GT3 was far more potent in inducing gene-expression changes than α-tocopherol or γ-tocopherol. In particular, GT3 induced multiple changes in pathways known to be of importance in the cellular response to radiation exposure. Affected GO functional clusters included response to oxidative stress, response to DNA damage stimuli, cell cycle phase, regulation of cell death, regulation of cell proliferation, hematopoiesis, and blood vessel development. These results form the basis for further studies to determine the exact importance of differentially affected GO functional clusters in endothelial radioprotection by GT3.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12263-011-0228-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

High mammalian gene expression was obtained for more than twenty different proteins in different cell types by just a few laboratory scale stable gene transfections for each protein. The stable expression vectors were constructed by inserting a naturally-occurring 1.006 kb or a synthetic 0.733 kb DNA fragment (including intron) of extremely GC-rich at the 5′ or/and 3′ flanking regions of these protein genes or their gene promoters. This experiment is the first experimental evidence showing that a non-coding extremely GC-rich DNA fragment is a super “chromatin opening element” and plays an important role in mammalian gene expression. This experiment has further indicated that chromatin-based regulation of mammalian gene expression is at least partially embedded in DNA primary structure, namely DNA GC-content.  相似文献   

Traditionally housekeeping genes have been employed as endogenous reference (internal control) genes for normalization in gene expression studies. Since the utilization of single housekeepers cannot assure an unbiased result, new normalization methods involving multiple housekeeping genes and normalizing using their mean expression have been recently proposed. Moreover, since a gold standard gene suitable for every experimental condition does not exist, it is also necessary to validate the expression stability of every putative control gene on the specific requirements of the planned experiment. As a consequence, finding a good set of reference genes is for sure a non-trivial problem requiring quite a lot of lab-based experimental testing. In this work we identified novel candidate barley reference genes suitable for normalization in gene expression studies. An advanced web search approach aimed to collect, from publicly available web resources, the most interesting information regarding the expression profiling of candidate housekeepers on a specific experimental basis has been set up and applied, as an example, on stress conditions. A complementary lab-based analysis has been carried out to verify the expression profile of the selected genes in different tissues and during heat shock response. This combined dry/wet approach can be applied to any species and physiological condition of interest and can be considered very helpful to identify putative reference genes to be shortlisted every time a new experimental design has to be set up.  相似文献   

In the current scenario, widespread multidrug resistivity in ESKAPE pathogens demands identification of novel drug targets to keep their infections at bay. For this purpose, we have identified a novel target Hpa2 of A. baumannii, a member of GNAT superfamily of HATs. But due to sequence identity of equal or less than 35%, the correct sequence alignment and construction of 3D monomeric and dimeric models of Hpa2 having optimal structural parameters is a troublesome task. To circumvent these problems, we have designed an easy and optimized protocol for Hpa2 monomer modeling, and for generation of dimeric Hpa2 model using data-driven protein–protein docking experiment. Improvement in the structural features of generated model is an onerous process and generally achieved by paying time and computational cost. Herein, it is achieved by reconciliation of FoldX commands which takes less time in execution. Evaluations performed to validate structural parameters and stability of monomeric and dimeric Hpa2 attests to its quality. Analysis of interfacial residues, energy terms and RMSD values indicated a clear correlation between experimental and theoretical interface properties of the dimers, corroborating to the regime used for Hpa2 dimer generation. Structural information from the refined models was used for virtual screening of substrate-derived library and polyamines to achieve a new platform for developing A. baumannii inhibitory molecules. Molecules showing preferential binding at the dimer interface could be used as allosteric inhibitors. Binding of polyamines with model illustrated the same binding pattern as described experimentally in case of yeast Hpa2.  相似文献   

Fibroblastic preadipocyte cells are recruited to differentiate into new adipocytes during the formation and hyperplastic growth of white adipose tissue. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), the master regulator of adipogenesis, is expressed at low levels in preadipocytes, and its levels increase dramatically and rapidly during the differentiation process. However, the mechanisms controlling the dynamic and selective expression of PPARγ in the adipocyte lineage remain largely unknown. We show here that the zinc finger protein Evi1 increases in preadipocytes at the onset of differentiation prior to increases in PPARγ levels. Evi1 expression converts nonadipogenic cells into adipocytes via an increase in the predifferentiation levels of PPARγ2, the adipose-selective isoform of PPARγ. Conversely, loss of Evi1 in preadipocytes blocks the induction of PPARγ2 and suppresses adipocyte differentiation. Evi1 binds with C/EBPβ to regulatory sites in the Pparγ locus at early stages of adipocyte differentiation, coincident with the induction of Pparγ2 expression. These results indicate that Evi1 is a key regulator of adipogenic competency.  相似文献   

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