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The control of crystal polymorphs was investigated using a WWDJ batch crystallizer and glycine as a model compound. The WWDJ batch crystallizer is a newly developed crystallizer, which is equipped with a slurry sprinkler named Wall Wetter fixed on the shaft of an impeller and a double‐deck jacket. When a conventional crystallizer was used, the unstable α‐form crystals were always obtained. However, when the WWDJ batch crystallizer was used, the stable γ‐form crystals were obtained. The appearance of different polymorphs depends on the cooling rate during the crystallization. The γ‐form crystals were obtained by slow cooling, while the α‐form was obtained by rapid cooling. It means that the solvent‐mediated transformation of glycine crystal polymorphs can be controlled by changing the cooling rate in the WWDJ crystallizer. These results were obtained due to the fact that the WWDJ batch crystallizer accelerates the dissolution of metastable crystals and the growth of stable crystals.  相似文献   

The occurrence of molecular motions in addition to those of the glass-transition region (alpha mechanism) were investigated in chitosan and a branched derivative substituted with alkyl chains having eight carbon atoms. Once hydrophobic interactions of the alkyl groups in aqueous solution were demonstrated, polymers were mixed with glucose syrup at high levels of solids. The real (G') and imaginary (G") components of the complex dynamic modulus in high-solid mixtures were measured between 0.1 and 100 rad s(-1) in the temperature range from -55 to 50 degrees C. The method of reduced variables gave superposed curves of G' and G", which unveiled an anomaly in the dispersion of the alkylated derivative both in terms of higher modulus values and dominant elastic component of the polymeric network, as compared with the glass-transition region of chitosan. It was proposed that the new mechanical feature was due to beta mechanism, and master curves of viscoelastic functions and relaxation processes were constructed to rationalize it.  相似文献   

A simple method of hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) combined with gas chromatography (GC) was developed for the analysis of four phenothiazine drugs (promethazine, promazine, chlorpromazine and trifluoperazine) in human urine samples. All variables affecting the extraction of target analytes including organic solvent type, stirring rate, extraction time, extraction temperature, pH of sample solution and ionic strength were carefully studied and optimized. Under the optimal conditions, the analytical performance of HF-LPME-GC-flame photometric detector (FPD) and HF-LPME-GC-flame ionization detector (FID) were evaluated and compared. The results showed that the HF-LPME-GC-FID was more sensitive than HF-LPME-GC-FPD for the determination of four target phenothiazine drugs, while the signal peak shape and resolution obtained by HF-LPME-GC-FPD was better than that obtained by HF-LPME-GC-FID. HF-LPME-GC-FPD/FID was successfully applied for the assay of the interested phenothiazine drugs in urine sample, and the excretion of the drugs was also investigated by monitoring the variation of the concentration of chlorpromazine in urine of a psychopath within 8 h after drug-taking. The proposed method provided an effective and fast way for the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of phenothiazine.  相似文献   

This work presents an investigation on the conformational preferences of α,α-trehalose in gas phase and aqueous solution. Eighty-one systematically selected structures were studied at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d) level, giving rise to 40 unique conformers. The 19 lower energy structures and some selected other were further re-optimized at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level. The main factors accounting for the conformer’s stability were pointed out and discussed. NBO and QTAIM analyses were performed in some selected conformers in order to address the anomeric and exo-anomeric effects as well as intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The effect of solvent water on the relative stability of the conformers was accounted for by applying the conductor-like polarizable continuum model, CPCM.  相似文献   

To understand how the alpha and beta 2 subunits of tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli interact to form an alpha 2 beta 2 complex and undergo mutual activation, we have investigated alpha subunits with single amino acid replacements at conserved proline residues. Although the activities of alpha 2 beta 2 complexes that contain wild type alpha subunit or alpha subunits substituted at positions 28, 62, 96, and 207 are similar, the activities of alpha 2 beta 2 complexes that contain alpha subunits substituted at positions 57 and 132 are remarkably altered. Whereas the latter enzymes have greatly reduced activities in the individual half-reactions, they have considerably higher activities in the overall reaction. These remarkable activity results are explained by a decrease in the affinity of these mutant alpha subunits for the beta 2 subunit and by an increase in the affinity in the combined presence of ligands of both the alpha subunit and the beta 2 subunit. Isothermal calorimetric titrations of wild type beta 2 subunit with wild type alpha subunit and a mutant alpha subunit containing a substitution of glycine for proline at position 132 show that both the affinity and the exothermic association enthalpy are greatly reduced in the mutant alpha subunit although the stoichiometry of association is unchanged. The affinity of the mutant alpha subunit for the beta 2 subunits is greatly increased in the presence of an alpha subunit ligand, alpha-glycerol phosphate. We conclude that proline 132 plays a critical role in subunit interaction and in mutual subunit activation.  相似文献   

ESIMS reveals that methanol solutions of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 mixtures of Zn(ClO4)2 · 6H2O and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) generate [Zn(phen)(OH)]+, [Zn(phen)(H2O)4(OH)]+, [Zn(phen)2(H2O)(OH)]+and [Zn(phen)2(H2O)4(OH)]+ ions in the gas phase. DFT calculations at the B3LYP/LanL2DZ level show that zinc is planar tricoordinate in [Zn(phen)(OH)]+ and the cis configuration is more stable than the trans one for the hexacoordinate ion [Zn(phen)2(H2O)(OH)]+. DFT calculations also show that the [Zn(phen)(H2O)4(OH)]+ and [Zn(phen)2(H2O)4(OH)]+ ions are actually [Zn(phen)(H2O)(OH)]+ · 3H2O and [Zn(phen)2(H2O)(OH)]+ · 3H2O containing extended motifs of H-bonded water clusters. The aqua species corresponding to the monohydroxo ions are acidic. Their acid dissociations are modeled collectively by equilibrium (see below) where other ligands around Zn are not specified. An attempt is then made to estimate Ka

A method for the determination of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons, namely dichloromethane (DCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), and perchloroethylene (PCE), in urine samples was developed using headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). HS-SPME was performed using a 75 microm Carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane fiber. Factors, which affect the HS-SPME process, such as adsorption and desorption times, stirring, salting-out effect, and temperature of sampling have been evaluated and optimized. The highest extraction efficiency was obtained when sampling was performed at room temperature (22 degrees C), from samples saturated with salt and under agitation. Linearity of the HS-SPME-GC-MS method was established over four orders of magnitude and the limit of detection was 0.005 microg/l for all the compounds. Precision, calculated as %R.S.D. at three different concentration levels, was within 1-8% for all intra- and inter-day determinations. The method was applied to the quantitative determination of TCE and PCE in human urine samples from exposed (TCE, n=5; median, 9.32 microg/l and PCE, n=39; median, 0.58 microg/l) and non-exposed individuals (n=120; median concentrations, 0.64, 0.22 and 0.11 microg/l for DCM, TCE and PCE, respectively. In addition, two cases of acute accidental exposure to DCM are reported, and the elimination kinetics in blood and urine was followed up. The calculated half-lives of urinary and blood DCM were, respectively, 7.5 and 8.1 h for one subject and 3.8 and 4.3 h for the other.  相似文献   

Refolding together the expressed alpha and beta subunits of the Rhodospirillum rubrum F(1)(RF(1))-ATPase led to assembly of only alpha(1)beta(1) dimers, showing a stable low MgATPase activity. When incubated in the presence of AlCl(3), NaF and either MgAD(T)P or CaAD(T)P, all dimers associated into closed alpha(3)beta(3) hexamers, which also gained a low CaATPase activity. Both hexamer ATPase activities exhibited identical rates and properties to the open dimer MgATPase. These results indicate that: a) the hexamer, as the dimer, has no catalytic cooperativity; b) aluminium fluoride does not inhibit their MgATPase activity; and c) it does enable the assembly of RrF(1)-alpha(3)beta(3) hexamers by stabilizing their noncatalytic alpha/beta interfaces. Refolding of the RrF(1)-alpha and beta subunits together with the spinach chloroplast F(1) (CF(1))-gamma enabled a simple one-step assembly of two different hybrid RrF(1)-alpha(3)beta(3)/CF(1)gamma complexes, containing either wild type RrF(1)-beta or the catalytic site mutant RrF(1)beta-T159S. They exhibited over 100-fold higher CaATPase and MgATPase activities than the stabilized hexamers and showed very different catalytic properties. The hybrid wild type MgATPase activity was, as that of RrF(1) and CF(1) and unlike its higher CaATPase activity, regulated by excess free Mg(2+) ions, stimulated by sulfite, and inhibited by azide. The hybrid mutant had on the other hand a low CaATPase but an exceptionally high MgATPase activity, which was much less sensitive to the specific MgATPase effectors. All these very different ATPase activities were regulated by thiol modulation of the hybrid unique CF(1)-gamma disulfide bond. These hybrid complexes can provide information on the as yet unknown factors that couple ATP binding and hydrolysis to both thiol modulation and rotational motion of their CF(1)-gamma subunit.  相似文献   

J. P. Allen 《Proteins》1994,20(3):283-286
The reaction center from the nonsulfur purple bacteriumRhodobacter sphaeroideshas been crystallized in a new form. The crystals grew in the presence of polyethylene glycol 4000, the detergent β-octyl glucoside, and the amphiphiles heptane triol and benzamidine hydrochloride, using the sitting drop method. The space group of these crystals is tetragonal, P41(43)212, and the cell constants are a = b = 141.5 Å and c = 276.7 Å with probably 2 proteins per asymmetric unit. A native data set has been set collected to a resolution of 2.8 Å consisting of 56,332 unique reflections (50,731 with F > 2σ) with anRsym of 9.5%. Analysis of the diffraction data is underway using molecular and isomorphous replacement. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yu W  Yuan B  Deng X  He L  Youyi Z  Qide H 《Analytical biochemistry》2005,339(2):198-205
As a novel bioaffinity chromatographic technique, cell membrane chromatography (CMC) originated in 1996. The cell membrane stationary phase (CMSP) consists of porous silica coated with active cell membranes. By immersing silica into a suspension of cell membranes, the whole surface of silica was covered by the cell membranes. The present study repeatedly investigated the interaction between ligands and receptors by employing the system of CMC and especially evaluated the accuracy and feasibility of the CMC model in the study of subtype receptors. The cDNA encoding alpha1A or alpha1B adrenergic receptors (ARs) was transfected into human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cell lines; cell lines stably overexpressing subtype receptors were obtained. HEK293 alpha1A or HEK293 alpha1B ARs CMSP were prepared by immobilizing relevant cell membranes on silica. In the described chromatography-based CMSP, the retention times of nine alpha1 adrenoceptor ligands and calculated capacity factors, as chromatographic parameters, were recorded carefully. These results showed a good correlation with the affinity of the same compounds for the corresponding cloned alpha1 adrenoceptor subtype. The rank order of capacity factors was consistent with the affinity rank order obtained from radioligand binding assays. The immobilized subtype-selective CMSP was stable and reproducible. The study demonstrates that the HEK293 alpha1A and HEK293 alpha1B CMSP can be utilized for initial screening of drug candidates.  相似文献   

The three major subunits (α, β and γ) of the coupling factor, F1 ATPase, of Escherichia coli were separated and purified by hydrophobic column chromatography after the enzyme was dissociated by cold inactivation. The ability to hydrolyze ATP was reconstituted by dialyzing the mixture of subunits against 0.05 M Tris-succinate, pH 6.0, containing 2 mM ATP and 2 mM MgCl2. A mixture containing α, β and γ regained ATP hydrolyzing activity. Individual subunits alone or mixtures of any two subunits did not develop ATPase activity, except for a low but significant activity with α plus β. The reconstituted ATPase had a Km of 0.23 mM for ATP and a molecular weight by sucrose gradient density centrifugation of about 280,000.  相似文献   

单配制和多配制动物社会行为有差异,这些差异可能与雌激素受体类型有关(ERs)。虽然多配制大鼠和小鼠中枢神经雌激素受体α(ERα)和β(ERβ)免疫反应在大脑的分布已有报道,单配制雄性草原田鼠中枢神经ERα的分布也有报道,但单配制田鼠ERα和(或)ERβ在雌性和雄性分布差异未见报道。本研究对雄性和雌性棕色田鼠前脑区域ERα和ERβ免疫反应(IR)细胞数量进行比较。研究结果表明:(1)免疫反应主要分布在细胞核中。 (2)ERα-IR和ERβ-IR细胞广泛分布于整个雌性和雄性前脑区域,在许多脑区表达有重叠。然而,不同受体在雌雄不同脑核中的分布数量是不同的。(3)ERα 和ERβ的分布存在性别差异。例如,雌性ERα在视前核中部(MPN),终纹床和(BNST)和杏仁内侧核(MeA)比雄性多,相反雄性ERβ在MPN和BNST比雌性多。这些研究结果可能为我们理解如何通过ERα和ERβ调节动物的社会行为,及雌性和雄性社会行为的差异提供一个重要的神经解剖学基础。  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1907-1921
A highly selective, amiloride-sensitive, epithelial sodium channel from rat colon (rENaC), composed of three homologous subunits termed alpha, beta, and gamma rENaC, has been cloned by functional expression and was proposed to mediate electrogenic sodium reabsorption in aldosterone- responsive epithelia. To determine whether rENaC could account for sodium absorption in vivo, we studied the cellular localization of the sodium channel messenger RNA subunits by in situ hybridization and their cellular and subcellular distribution by immunocytochemistry in the kidney, colon, salivary, and sweat glands of the rat. In the kidney, we show that the three subunit mRNAs are specifically co- expressed in the renal distal convoluted tubules (DCT), connecting tubules (CNT), cortical collecting ducts (CCD), and outer medullary collecting ducts (OMCD), but not in the inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD). We demonstrate co-localization of alpha, beta, and gamma subunit proteins in the apical membrane of a majority of cells of CCD and OMCD. Our data indicate that alpha, beta, and gamma subunit mRNAs and proteins are co-expressed in the distal nephron (excepting IMCD), a localization that correlates with the previously described physiological expression of amiloride-sensitive electrogenic sodium transport. Our data, however, suggest that another sodium transport protein mediates electrogenic amiloride-sensitive sodium reabsorption in IMCD. We also localized rENaC to the surface epithelial cells of the distal colon and to the secretory ducts of the salivary gland and sweat gland, providing further evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the highly selective, amiloride-sensitive sodium channel is physiologically expressed in aldosterone-responsive cells.  相似文献   

Mesophyll mitochondria from green leaves of the C(4) plants Zea mays (NADP-ME-type), Panicum miliaceum (NAD-ME-type) and Panicum maximum (PEP-CK-type) oxidized NADH, malate and succinate at relatively high rates with respiratory control, but glycine was not oxidized. Among the mitochondrial proteins involved in glycine oxidation, the L, P and T proteins of glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) were present, while the H protein of GDC was undetectable. In contrast, mesophyll mitochondria from etiolated leaves of Z. mays oxidized glycine at a slow rate and with no respiratory control, and contained the H protein as well as the other GDC proteins and SHMT. The T and P proteins and SHMT were present in the mitochondria from etiolated leaves at significantly higher levels than in those from green leaves of Z. mays. The content of the L protein was almost identical in all three C(4) plants examined and close to the value obtained for mesophyll mitochondria from the C(3) plant Pisum sativum, whereas the other GDC proteins and SHMT were less abundant than the L protein. We discuss possible reasons for the H protein's absence in mesophyll mitochondria of C(4) plants, as well as the role(s) the other GDC components could play in its absence.  相似文献   

目的:进行美国王鸽脑组织中GABAA受体α1亚基、β2亚基和γ2亚基的基因序列的克隆与分析。方法:从美国王鸽大脑中提取总RNA,应用通用引物逆转录获得基因组cDNA。设计GABAA受体三种亚基的特异引物,通过RT-PCR分别扩增出GABAA受体α1亚基、β2亚基和γ2亚基的基因序列,并对三段基因序列进行克隆、质粒鉴定及分析。结果:成功地测出GABAA受体α1亚基、β2亚基和γ2亚基的基因序列,长度依次为899bp、597bp和564bp,并得出其与Gallusgallus参考序列的同源率分别为94.99%、94.64%和96.28%。结论:鸽子脑组织中GABAA受体α1亚基、β2亚基和γ2亚基基因序列与已知原红鸡相应基因序列同源性较高,但也显示出一定的种属差别。  相似文献   

The role of integrins in leukocyte apoptosis is unclear, some studies suggest enhancement, others inhibition. We have found that beta(2)-integrin engagement on neutrophils can either inhibit or enhance apoptosis depending on the activation state of the integrin and the presence of proapoptotic stimuli. Both clustering and activation of alpha(M)beta(2) delays spontaneous, or unstimulated, apoptosis, maintains mitochondrial membrane potential, and prevents cytochrome c release. In contrast, in the presence of proapoptotic stimuli, such as Fas ligation, TNFalpha, or UV irradiation, ligation of active alpha(M)beta(2) resulted in enhanced mitochondrial changes and apoptosis. Clustering of inactive integrins did not show this proapoptotic effect and continued to inhibit apoptosis. This discrepancy was attributed to differential signaling in response to integrin clustering versus activation. Clustered, inactive alpha(M)beta(2) was capable of stimulating the kinases ERK and Akt. Activated alpha(M)beta(2) stimulated Akt, but not ERK. When proapoptotic stimuli were combined with either alpha(M)beta(2) clustering or activation, Akt activity was blocked, allowing integrin activation to enhance apoptosis. Clustered, inactive alpha(M)beta(2) continued to inhibit stimulated apoptosis due to maintained ERK activity. Therefore, beta(2)-integrin engagement can both delay and enhance apoptosis in the same cell, suggesting that integrins can play a dual role in the apoptotic progression of leukocytes.  相似文献   

Using site-directed mutagenesis, Glu-190 or Glu-201 of the beta subunit of the F1-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium PS3 were replaced with glutamine. It was possible to reconstitute complexes of the mutated beta subunits with alpha and gamma subunits, but the complexes did not have ATPase activity. It is concluded that carboxylic acid side chains of Glu-190 and Glu-201 of the beta subunit are essential for catalytic activity of F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

Because estrogen may be involved in maternal recognition of pregnancy and embryonic migration in llamas, expression of estrogen receptor subtypes alpha (ERalpha) and beta (ERbeta) was evaluated in corpus luteum (CL), endometrium, and uterus using relative RT-PCR. Tissues were recovered from sterile-mated (SM) and pregnant (PG) females during Days 7-11 and 7-13 (Day 0 = day of mating), respectively, and follicular phase and juvenile females. Luteal expression of ERalpha and beta was similar (P > 0.10) in SM and PG females and within Days 7-11, however, expression of ERalpha in ovarian tissue from follicular phase females was greater (P < 0.05) than Days 7 and 9 CL. Uterus expressed less ERalpha and beta compared to endometrium (P = 0.07 and P < 0.01, respectively). Expression of ERalpha was greater (P < 0.05) in Day 7 and follicular phase uteri than Days 9 and 11, Day 13 PG and juvenile uteri. Uterine ERbeta expression was greater (P = 0.09) in PG versus SM females and in mated compared to follicular phase females (P < 0.05). Endometrial expression of ERalpha and beta did not differ (P > 0.10) between SM and PG females or by day. The presence of luteal ER during this period may mean a role for estradiol in maternal recognition of pregnancy. Observed increases in uterine ER expression with no changes in endometrium suggest expression increased in myometrium and/or perimetrium. Upregulation of myometrial ERbeta in PG females may be involved in supporting uterine migration of the embryo.  相似文献   

Beta(2)-Microglobulin (beta(2)m) is one of over 20 proteins known to be involved in human amyloid disease. Peptides equivalent to each of the seven beta-strands of the native protein, together with an eighth peptide (corresponding to the most stable region in the amyloid precursor conformation formed at pH 3.6, that includes residues in the native strand E plus the eight succeeding residues (named peptide E')), were synthesised and their ability to form fibrils investigated. Surprisingly, only two sequences, both of which encompass the region that forms strand E in native beta(2)m, are capable of forming amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. These peptides correspond to residues 59-71 (peptide E) and 59-79 (peptide E') of intact beta(2)m. The peptides form fibrils under the acidic conditions shown previously to promote amyloid formation from the intact protein (pH <5 at low and high ionic strength), and also associate to form fibrils at neutral pH. Fibrils formed from these two peptides enhance fibrillogenesis of the intact protein. No correlation was found between secondary structure propensity, peptide length, pI or hydrophobicity and the ability of the peptides to associate into amyloid-like fibrils. However, the presence of a relatively high content of aromatic side-chains correlates with the ability of the peptides to form amyloid fibrils. On the basis of these results we propose that residues 59-71 may be important in the self-association of partially folded beta(2)m into amyloid fibrils and discuss the relevance of these results for the assembly mechanism of the intact protein in vitro.  相似文献   

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