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P F Szurek  E Floyd  P H Yuen    P K Wong 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5241-5249
ts1, a spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB, causes hind-limb paralysis in mice. A Val-25----Ile substitution in gPr80env is responsible for temperature sensitivity, inefficient processing of gPr80env, and neurovirulence. In this study, the Ile-25 in gPr80env was replaced with Thr, Ala, Leu, Gly, and Glu by site-directed mutagenesis of the codon for Ile-25 to generate a new set of mutant viruses, i.e., ts1-T, -A, -L, -G, and -E, respectively. The phenotypic characteristics of these mutant viruses differed from those of ts1. For each mutant, the degree of temperature sensitivity was correlated with the degree of inefficient processing of gPr80env, and the following rank order was observed for both parameters: ts1-E greater than ts1-G greater than ts1-L greater than ts1-A greater than ts1 greater than ts1-T. In FVB/N mice, mutant viruses of low and intermediate temperature sensitivity and inefficiency in processing of gPr80env were neurovirulent and consistently caused mutant-specific disease profiles: ts1-T caused severe whole-body tremor, ts1-A generally caused hind-limb paralysis, and ts1-L generally caused a delayed-onset paraparesis. By 150 days postinfection, FVB/N mice that were infected with ts1-G and -E, mutants of high temperature sensitivity and inefficiency in processing of gPr80env, had lymphoid leukemia instead of a neurological disease. These results suggest that the dynamics of gPr80env processing are important in determining the neurovirulent phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

ts1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB, induces hind-limb paralysis in mice. The DNA of both the ts1 and Moloney murine leukemia virus TB env genes has been sequenced, and the encoded amino acid sequences have been deduced from the DNA sequences. Four amino acids in the ts1 envelope protein have been identified which may be responsible for the ts1 phenotype, which includes temperature sensitivity, nonprocessing of Pr80env, and neurovirulence.  相似文献   

ts1 is a highly neuropathogenic and lymphocytopathic mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB (MoMuLV-TB). We previously reported that the primary neuropathogenic determinant of ts1 maps to a single amino acid substitution, Val-25-->Ile, in precursor envelope protein gPr80env. This Val-25-->Ile substitution apparently renders gPr80env inefficient for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. These findings suggest that the cytopathic effect of ts1 in neural cells might be due to the accumulation of gPr80env in the endoplasmic reticulum. Since endothelial and glial cells are targets of ts1 infection in the central nervous system, we established primary endothelial and astrocyte cultures to investigate the mechanism of cell killing caused by ts1. A continuous cell line, TB, was used as a control. Our results showed that both ts1 and MoMuLV-TB replicated and induced a cytopathic effect in astrocyte cultures, albeit to different degrees; ts1 appeared to be more lethal than MoMuLV-TB. On the other hand, ts1 and MoMuLV-TB infections of endothelial or TB cells were not cytopathic. The cytopathic effect in infected astrocytes correlated with the inefficiency of gPr80env transport and the intracellular accumulation of gPr80env as well as aberrant virus particles.  相似文献   

To better understand the molecular mechanism involved in retrovirus ts1-induced paralytic disease in mice, we constructed a panel of recombinant viruses between ts1 and the wild-type viruses Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) and MoMuLV-TB, a strain of MoMuLV. These recombinant viruses were constructed in an attempt to identify the sequence(s) in the genome of ts1 which contains the critical mutation(s) responsible for the neurovirulence of ts1. Two functionally distinct sequences in the genome of ts1 were found to be responsible for its paralytogenic ability. One of these sequences, the 0.77-kilobase-pair XbaI-BamHI (nucleotides 5765 to 6537) fragment which encodes the 5' half of gp70 and 11 base pairs upstream of the env gene coding sequence, determines the inability of ts1 to process Pr80env. The other sequence, the 2.30-kilobase-pair BamHI-PstI (nucleotides 538 to 8264 and 1 to 567) fragment, which comprises nearly two-thirds of the env gene, the long terminal repeat, and the 5' noncoding sequence, determines the enhanced neurotropism of ts1. Replacement of any one of these two regions with the homologous region from either one of the two wild-type viruses resulted in recombinant viruses which either totally failed to induce paralysis or induced a greatly attenuated form of paresis in some of the infected mice.  相似文献   

ts1 and ts7, the paralytogenic, temperature-sensitive mutants of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV), together with their wild-type parent, MoMuLV-TB, were molecularly cloned. ts1-19, ts7-22, and wt-25, the infectious viruses obtained on transfection to NIH/3T3 cells of the lambda Charon 21A recombinants of ts1, ts7, and wt, were found to have retained the characteristics of their non-molecularly cloned parents. In contrast to the wt virus, ts1-19 and ts7-22 are temperature-sensitive, inefficient in the intracellular processing of Pr80env at the restrictive temperature, and able to induce paralysis in CFW/D mice. Like the non-molecularly cloned ts7, the ts7-22 virion was also shown to be heat labile. The heat lability of the ts7 virion distinguishes it from ts1. Endonuclease restriction mapping with 11 endonucleases demonstrated that the base composition of MoMuLV-TB differs from that of the standard MoMuLV, but no difference was detected between the molecularly cloned ts1 and ts7 genomes. However, ts1 and ts7 differ from MoMuLV in the loss or acquisition of four different restriction sites, whereas they differ from MoMuLV-TB in the loss or acquisition of three different restriction sites.  相似文献   

ts1 and ts7, two temperature-sensitive mutants of Moloney murine leukemia virus strain TB induce hind-limb paralysis in 100% of CFW/D mice injected. These two paralytogenic mutants also share a defect in their inability to process the env precursor protein, Pr80env, at the restrictive temperature. To identify the mutation(s) in the genomes of the paralytogenic mutants which cause the inability to process Pr80env efficiently and confer the ability to cause hind-limb paralysis instead of lymphoma, we constructed chimeric genomes between ts1 and Moloney murine leukemia virus or the TB strain of the virus. We identified a 3.9-kilobase-pair HindIII-PstI sequence from nucleotides 4895 through 8264 and 1 through 567 of ts1, comprising the 3' end of the pol and all of the env genes, the long terminal repeat, and the 5' noncoding sequence, as being responsible for the temperature sensitivity, the inefficiency in processing Pr80env, and the induction of paralysis. We extended these findings by demonstrating that the 1.6-kilobase-pair pol-gp70 HindIII-BamHI DNA sequence from nucleotides 4895 through 6537 of ts1 within the 3.9-kilobase-pair HindIII-PstI fragment is necessary for ts1 to induce paralysis. In addition, we showed that this 1.6-kilobase-pair fragment also controls the processing of Pr80env and the temperature sensitivity of ts1.  相似文献   

K Saha  P K Wong 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):2639-2646
When neonatal FVB/N mice were inoculated with ts1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB, they developed a progressive bilateral hindlimb paralysis and immunodeficiency leading to death 4 to 6 weeks after inoculation. T lymphocytes have been shown to be primarily responsible for this ts1-induced syndrome. Here we compare the role played by each subset of T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, in disease development. Mice were depleted of a specific subset for the first 10 days of their lives by using either anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies in vivo. Disease development in these mice was then monitored. Depletion of CD4+ T cells significantly attenuated the ts1-induced syndrome: virus replication was decreased, disease latency was extended, and death was prevented in 60% of the mice. Similar treatment with anti-CD8 antibody had almost no effect on disease progression. However, when depletion was begun 2 weeks after neonatal ts1 inoculation, CD4+ T cell depletion did not affect disease development. ts1 infected CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes equally well in vivo, as shown by flow cytometric analysis, but virus replication was restricted primarily to the CD4+ subset of T cells, as found by in vitro assay. Hence, CD4+ T lymphocytes play an important role in the development of ts1-induced paralysis and immunodeficiency. The mechanism of this CD4+ T-cell-mediated disease production by ts1 is not clear; however, increased replication of ts1 in the CD4+ T cells, especially in the early stages of the disease, seems to play a crucial role.  相似文献   

ts1 is a neurovirulent spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB which causes hindlimb paralysis in mice. Previously, it had been shown that the temperature-sensitive defect resided in the env gene. At the restrictive temperature, the envelope precursor polyprotein, gPr80env, is inefficiently processed intracellularly into two cleavage products, gp70 and Prp15E. This inefficient processing of gPr80env is correlated with neurovirulence. In this study, it was shown that a single amino acid substitution, Val-25----Ile in gPr80env, is responsible for the temperature sensitivity, inefficient processing of gPr80env at the restrictive temperature, and neurovirulence of ts1. At the restrictive temperature, a steady-state level of nonprocessed, endoglycosidase H-sensitive gPr80env remained in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells infected by ts1, but no endoglycosidase H-resistant gPr80env and only trace amounts of gp70 were detected in the infected cells. Since the host cell-encoded processing protease resides in the cis cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, inefficient processing of gPr80env at the restrictive temperature is most likely due to inefficient transport of gPr80env from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cis cisternae of the Golgi apparatus rather than due to misfolded gPr80env being a poor substrate for the processing protease at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

P Besmer  H Fan  M Paskind    D Baltimore 《Journal of virology》1979,29(3):1023-1034
A culture of mouse cells containing a 1,000-nucleotide deletion mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus has been isolated. The deletion did not affect the size or function of the 21S mRNA that encodes the env gene products. Both the deleted RNA and the 21S mRNA were recovered in polyribosomes. Cells containing the deleted virus made no detectable Pr180gag-pol. Pr65gag synthesis with also absent, but a 45,000-molecular-weight gag gene product was found that might be encoded by the deleted genome. Biosynthesis of Pr80env proceeded normally in these cells; the intracellular precursor was cleaved and migrated to the cell surface as gp70. The cells could not be superinfected by homologous Moloney murine leukemia virus presumably because of surface restriction due to the gp70. Although the cells express the Moloney murine leukemia virus gp70 on their surface, they will not make pseudotypes after infection with vesicular stomatitis virus implying that Pr65gag may play a critical role in pseudotype formation. Induction of endogenous virus expression in the cells carrying the deletion mutant generated an N-tropic murine leukemia virus that can fuse XC cells. This may represent a recombinant between the deletion mutant and an endogenous virus.  相似文献   

Permanent, non-virus-producing cell lines have been established from a mouse embryo carrying an endogenous, genetically transmitted Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) genome. These cells carry the M-MuLV genome, as demonstrated by hybridization of cellular DNA to M-MuLV complementary DNA, but do not express it at the levels of virus production, accumulation of intracellular viral p30, or M-MuLV-specific RNA. Treatment with bromodeoxyuridine (50 microgram/ml for 24 h) resulted in induction of XC-positive NB-tropic virus, although only a small fraction of the cells released virus (less than 0.1% after 48 h). Immunofluorescent staining and flow microfluorometry indicated that a wave of p30 accumulation occurs in the induced cells, with a maximum at 24 to 48 h after the addition of bromodeoxyuridine. Furthermore, most, if not all, cells were induced to produce p30 protein. Similar kinetics were found for the accumulation of M-MuLV-specific RNA in the cytoplasm of induced cells. This rapid induction of virus expression in a majority of cells was dependent on the presence of the M-MuLV genome and probably represents primarily the expression of this endogenous virus since induction was not observed in cells similarly derived from a sibling embryo lacking the M-MuLV genome.  相似文献   

The A7 strain of Semliki Forest virus induces rapid fetal death in pregnant mice, whereas the ts22 mutant derived from it is teratogenic for a proportion of fetuses. Both A7 and ts22 induce viremia and infect the central nervous systems and fetuses of pregnant mice. Using immunogold-silver staining, a cDNA probe for a Semliki Forest virus nonstructural sequence, and a riboprobe derived from the same sequence, we showed that the skin and musculoskeletal systems of fetuses from mothers infected with ts22 were often heavily infected but the central nervous systems were not labeled before day 17 of pregnancy. Damage to the neural tube, including open-neural-tube defects, was detected in fetuses following infection of the mother at days 8 and 10 of pregnancy with both A7 and ts22. For ts22, neural tube damage induced by fetal infection before day 17 of pregnancy appeared to be indirect and caused by virus infection of mesenchymal cells surrounding the developing neural tube.  相似文献   

A 0.9-kilobase DNA fragment from the genome of Moloney murine leukemia virus, including the viral long terminal repeat, was covalently linked to the herpes simplex virus I thymidine kinase (tk) gene whose promoter was previously removed. The hybrid DNA structure was introduced into the chromosome of tk- mouse cells at single copy numbers, via transfection procedures. Cells expressing the newly introduced tk gene were identified by the HAT selection procedure and analyzed for tk- and moloney murine leukemia virus-specific DNA and RNA sequences by blot hybridization procedures. Expression of the tk gene is dependent on function(s) provided in cis by the viral DNA fragment. Vectors derived from this region are termed rGag (rG) vectors.  相似文献   

Several sarcoma-inducing viruses encode protein kinases that phosphorylate tyrosine residues. Such enzymatic activities can be detected within the detergent-insoluble matrix of transformed fibroblasts. We have analysed the protein kinase activities in two murine lymphoma cell lines ( MBL2 and LSTRA) induced by Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV). After incubation of the detergent-insoluble matrix of these cells with [gamma-32P]ATP, several alkali-resistant phosphoproteins, including a very heavily labelled 55 000 mol. wt. protein ( p55 ), have been detected in LSTRA, reflecting the activity of a protein kinase specific to this cell line. This protein kinase activity shares some of the distinctive properties of the protein kinases of transforming viruses, i.e., specificity for tyrosine residues, association with membranous and/or cytoskeletal structures, and inhibition by a synthetic peptide derived from the phosphorylation site of pp60src. In view of the absence of a transforming gene in MoMuLV , it is likely that the high level of protein kinase detected in the LSTRA cell line arises from the expression of a cellular gene.  相似文献   

Wild-type herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) multiplies, spreads, and rapidly destroys cells of the murine central nervous system (CNS). In contrast, mutants lacking both copies of the gamma(1)34.5- gene have been shown to be virtually lacking in virulence even after direct inoculation of high-titered virus into the CNS of susceptible mice (J. Chou, E. R. Kern, R. J. Whitley, and B. Roizman, Science 250:1262-1266, 1990). To investigate the host range and distribution of infected cells in the CNS of mice, 4- to 5-week-old mice were inoculated stereotaxically into the caudate/putamen with 3 x 10(5) PFU of the gamma(1)34.5- virus R3616. Four-micrometer-thick sections of mouse brains removed on day 3, 5, or 7 after infection were reacted with a polyclonal antibody directed primarily to structural proteins of the virus and with antibodies specific for neurons, astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes. This report shows the following: (i) most of the tissue damage caused by R3616 was at the site of injection, (ii) the virus spread by retrograde transport from the site of infection to neuronal cell nuclei at distant sites and to ependymal cells by cerebrospinal fluid, (iii) the virus infected neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells and hence did not discriminate among CNS cells, (iv) viral replication in some neurons could be deduced from the observation of infected astrocytes and oligodendrocytes at distant sites, and (v) infected cells were being efficiently cleared from the nervous system by day 7 after infection. We conclude that the gamma(1)34.5- attenuation phenotype is reflected in a gross reduction in the ability of the virus to replicate and spread from cell to cell and is not due to a restricted host range. The block in viral replication appears to be a late event in viral replication.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV) contains the upstream conserved region (UCR). The UCR core sequence, CGCCATTTT, binds a ubiquitous nuclear factor and mediates negative regulation of MuLV promoter activity. We have isolated murine cDNA clones encoding a protein, referred to as UCRBP, that binds specifically to the UCR core sequence. Gel mobility shift assays demonstrate that the UCRBP fusion protein expressed in bacteria binds the UCR core with specificity identical to that of the UCR-binding factor in the nucleus of murine and human cells. Analysis of full-length UCRBP cDNA reveals that it has a putative zinc finger domain composed of four C2H2 zinc fingers of the GLI subgroup and an N-terminal region containing alternating charges, including a stretch of 12 histidine residues. The 2.4-kb UCRBP message is expressed in all cell lines examined (teratocarcinoma, B- and T-cell, macrophage, fibroblast, and myocyte), consistent with the ubiquitous expression of the UCR-binding factor. Transient transfection of an expressible UCRBP cDNA into fibroblasts results in down-regulation of MuLV promoter activity, in agreement with previous functional analysis of the UCR. Recently three groups have independently isolated human and mouse UCRBP. These studies show that UCRBP binds to various target motifs that are distinct from the UCR motif: the adeno-associated virus P5 promoter and elements in the immunoglobulin light- and heavy-chain genes, as well as elements in ribosomal protein genes. These results indicate that UCRBP has unusually diverse DNA-binding specificity and as such is likely to regulate expression of many different genes.  相似文献   

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