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Highly purified ceruloplasmin (CP) was isolated from human bile using affinity chromatography. Biliary CP is represented by two molecular species. One of those is identical to oxidase CP from normal human serum while the other is analogous to oxidase-lacking CP specific for the serum of the carriers of Wilson's mutation with respect to immunological specificity, electrophoretical mobility and molecular mass of the large fragments from spontaneous proteolysis.  相似文献   

Iron homeostasis is essential for maintaining the physiological requirement for iron while preventing iron overload. Cell toxicity is caused by the generation of hydroxyl-free radicals that result from redox reactions involving Fe(II). Multicopper ferroxidases regulate the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III), circumventing the generation of these harmful by-products. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is the major multicopper ferroxidase in blood; however, hephaestin (Hp), a membrane-bound Cp homolog, was recently discovered and has been implicated in the export of iron from duodenal enterocytes into blood. In the intracellular milieu, it is likely that iron exists as reduced Fe(II), yet transferrin (Tf), the plasma iron transporter, is only capable of binding oxidized Fe(III). Due to the insoluble and reactive nature of free Fe(III), the oxidation of Fe(II) upon exiting the duodenal enterocyte may require an interaction between a ferroxidase and the iron transporter. As such, it has been suggested that as a means of preventing the release of unbound Fe(III), a direct protein-protein interaction may occur between Tf and Hp during intestinal iron export. In the present study, the putative interaction between Tf and both Cp and a soluble form of recombinant human Hp was investigated. Utilizing native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, covalent cross-linking and surface plasmon resonance (SPR), a stable interaction between the two proteins was not detected. We conclude that a stable complex between these ferroxidases and Tf does not occur under the experimental conditions used. We suggest alternative models for loading Tf with Fe(III) during intestinal iron export.  相似文献   

The comparison of protective effects of native ceruloplasmin (CP) and of preparation CP1 containing carbohydrate fragment GlcNAc(beta(1,4]GlcNAc which specifically binds on RBC (alpha(1,6)Fuc receptors showed that CP1 exhibits much more powerful protective effect on RBC in copper-induced lysis. It was found, however, that CP2 (native CP devoided of CP1) protected RBC as well as CP despite its inability of binding to RBC membrane. CP and CP1 in a similar way decrease copper concentration in RBC. It was shown that copper accumulation and GSH decrease in RBC are two independent and concurrent processes; the copper and GSH concentrations are not the factors determining RBC resistance to hemolysis. CP inhibits the reaction of superoxide radicals generation as a result of Cu interaction with -SH groups of RBC membrane; the effect is more pronounced than the effect of catalase or superoxide dismutase. CP and CP1 preparations equally inhibit this reaction. Apparently CP reception on RBC leads not only to membrane protection from superoxide and hydroxyl radicals but represents a more complex process.  相似文献   

It is known that human ceruloplasmin (CP) is made up of several isoforms which differ by the structure of their carbohydrate fragment. One of these isoforms, CP1, which makes up to approximately 40% of the native CP molecule and which contains a carbohydrate fragment, [formula: see text] is specifically bound to human erythrocyte (ER) receptors. This isoform was isolated by using lectin affinity chromatography. It was found that CP1 produces a much stronger protective effect on ER during Cu(2+)-induced lysis as compared with CP. A kinetic analysis of Cu2+ accumulation and reduced glutathione (GSH) decline in ER revealed that the lack of correlation between these two processes. It was found that in the presence of CP and CP1 the GSH concentration is not critical for the hemolytic resistance of ER. In the presence of CP1 ER hemolysis occurs at a slower rate whereas the GSH decline at a much faster rate than in the presence of CP.  相似文献   

Detection of multiple forms of human ceruloplasmin. A novel Mr 200,000 form   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three polypeptides with apparent Mr = 200,000, 135,000, and 115,000, reacting with antibody to human ceruloplasmin (Cp), were consistently found in sera of normal adult and newborn subjects, patients with Wilson's disease, as well as in the oxidase-active fraction of purified human Cp, resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The concentrations of the three Cp polypeptides were proportional to the total Cp oxidase activity measured in whole serum. Peptide mapping revealed that the three Cp polypeptides were closely related. Cross-linking of Cp135 resulted in dimers with electrophoretic mobility similar to that of Cp200. A common shift in electrophoretic mobility following N-glycanase treatment indicated that all three polypeptides were N-glycosylated, and that the apparent differences in molecular mass could not be related to the carbohydrate moiety. Immunoprecipitates of cell lysates of [35S]cysteine labeled HepG2 cells revealed the presence of two species of newly synthesized Cp polypeptides, Mr 200,000 and 135,000, which were secreted into the media. Secretion of Cp200 by the human liver appears to be physiologic and may be the result of posttranslational modification of Cp135.  相似文献   

The role of ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase in the blood, mediating the release of iron from cells and its subsequent incorporation into serum transferrin, has long been the subject of speculation and debate. However, a recent X-ray crystal structure determination of human ceruloplasmin at a resolution of around 3.0?Å, in conjunction with studies associating mutations in the ceruloplasmin gene with systemic haemosiderosis in humans, has added considerable weight to the argument in favour of a ferroxidase role for this enzyme. Further X-ray studies have now been undertaken involving the binding of the cations Co(II), Fe(II), Fe(III), and Cu(II) to ceruloplasmin. These results give insights into a mechanism for ferroxidase activity in ceruloplasmin. The residues and sites involved in ferroxidation are similar to those proposed for the heavy chains of human ferritin. The nature of the ferroxidase activity of human ceruloplasmin is described in terms of its three-dimensional molecular structure.  相似文献   

Chicken ceruloplasmin has been previously reported to display a number of key differences relative to human ceruloplasmin: a lower copper content and a lack of a type 2 copper signal by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. We have studied the copper sites of chicken ceruloplasmin in order to probe the origin of these differences, focusing on two forms of the enzyme: "resting" (as isolated by a fast, one-step procedure) and "peroxide-oxidized". From X-ray absorption, EPR, and UV/visible absorption spectroscopies, we have shown that all of the copper sites are oxidized in peroxide-oxidized chicken ceruloplasmin and that none of the type 1 copper sites display the EPR features typical for type 1 copper sites that lack an axial methionine. In the resting form, the type 2 copper center is reduced. Upon oxidation, it does not appear in the EPR spectrum at 77 K, but it can be observed by using magnetic susceptibility, EPR at approximately 8 K, and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. It displays unusually fast relaxation, indicative of coupling with the adjacent type 3 copper pair of the trinuclear copper cluster. From reductive titrations, we have found that the reduction potential of the type 2 center is higher than those of the other copper sites, thus explaining why it is reduced in the resting form. These results provide new insight into the nature of the additional type 1 copper sites and the redox distribution among copper sites in the different ceruloplasmins relative to other multicopper oxidases.  相似文献   

In this report, unpublished and recent findings concerning the structure and function of the ascidian egg coat are compiled in context with fertilization. In the initial stage of ascidian fertilization, sperm interact with a complex egg investment that consists of a layer of follicle cells attached to an acellular vitelline coat. Increasing evidence exists that ascidian sperm are activated at their encounter with the follicle cells. The molecular basis of sperm-follicle cell interactions is discussed in context with sperm binding, membrane proteins and sperm bound glycosidase. The model that suggests a block to polyspermy established by glycosidase released from the follicle cells on fertilization is evaluated and compared with assured facts. Although a number of questions remain to be answered, our recent findings that a cloned beta-hexosaminidase from P. mammillata binds exclusively to the follicle cells of unfertilized but not fertilized eggs, indicates that the follicle cells participate in the block to polyspermy. A dual function, mediating sperm activation and a block to polyspermy attributes to the ascidian follicle cells a key position in fertilization.  相似文献   

The reaction of human ceruloplasmin and anion treated ceruloplasmin with diethyldithiocarbamate was studied at pH 5.5. The analysis of optical and EPR spectra at 9 GHz showed that ceruloplasmin contains five paramagnetic copper ions, two of which, X and Y, not involved in enzymatic activity, are chelated by diethyldithiocarbamate; the complex thus formed is easily removed by high-speed centrifugation. However, the enzyme depleted of these two X and Y copper ions is able to compete with the Cu(II)-diethyldithiocarbamate complex, as time elapses, recovering both Cu(II) atoms. In addition diethyldithiocarbamate acts as a reducing agent for the two type-I copper atoms when added in large excess to the enzyme or the anion treated enzyme.  相似文献   

Expression of human T cell receptor-gamma delta structural forms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human TCR-gamma delta occurs in three biochemically distinct forms (forms 1, 2bc, and 2abc). A 40-kDa TCR gamma-chain is disulfide-linked to the TCR delta-chain in form 1, whereas 40-kDa or 55-kDa TCR-gamma polypeptides are noncovalently associated with the TCR delta-chain in forms 2bc and 2abc, respectively. Sequence analysis of TCR-gamma cDNA clones indicates that form 1 utilizes the C gamma 1 gene segment, whereas forms 2bc and 2abc appear to use allelic C gamma 2 gene segments containing either two copies (b and c) or three copies (a, b, and c) of the CII exon, respectively. We transfected TCR-gamma cDNA encoding form 1 or form 2abc into the MOLT-13 cell line that expresses form 2bc. The transfected TCR gamma-chains associate with the resident MOLT-13 TCR-delta, normally part of form 2bc, to yield CD3-associated TCR-gamma delta heterodimers identical to those seen on the donor cell lines (form 1 or 2abc). These transfection experiments show directly that, 1) when a single TCR-delta subunit is available, the presence or absence of disulfide linkage between TCR gamma- and TCR delta-chains is controlled by the TCR gamma-chain, and 2) the difference in the amount of N-linked carbohydrate attached to the transfected TCR-gamma proteins of form 2bc vs form 2abc is influenced by the presence or absence of CII exon copy "a" which appears to alter the secondary and/or tertiary structure of these TCR gamma-chain constant regions, thereby affecting the attachment of N-linked glycans. In contrast to the similar structure and usage of C beta 1 and C beta 2, TCR-gamma delta forms show striking differences in structure and are not equally represented in peripheral blood. Although the role of each form is unknown, it is possible that variable or joining-gene segment selection events or functional differences account for their unequal usage.  相似文献   

cDNA clones of human complement components C4A and C4B alleles were prepared from mRNA obtained from the liver of a donor heterozygous at both loci. cDNA from one C4A allele was sequenced to give the derived complete amino acid sequence of 1722 amino acid residues of the C4 single chain precursor molecule and the estimated sequences of the three peptide chains of secreted C4. Comparison with partial sequences of a second C4A allele and a C4B allele has led to the tentative identification of some class differences in nucleotide sequences between C4A and C4B and of allelic differences between C4A alleles in this highly polymorphic system.  相似文献   

In our previous report we first described a complex between lactoferrin (Lf) and ceruloplasmin (Cp) with K d ~ 1.8 μM. The presence of this complex in colostrum that never contains more than 0.3 μM Cp questions the reliability of K d value. We carefully studied Lf binding to Cp and investigated the enzymatic activity of the latter in the presence of Lf, which allowed obtaining a new value for K d of Cp–Lf complex. Lf interacting with Cp changes its oxidizing activity with various substrates, such as Fe2+, o-dianisidine (o-DA), p-phenylenediamine (p-PD) and dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA). The presence of at least two binding sites for Lf in Cp molecule is deduced from comparison of substrates’ oxidation kinetics with and without Lf. When Lf binds to the first site affinity of Cp to Fe2+ and to o-DA increases, but it decreases towards DOPA and remains unchanged towards p-PD. Oxidation rate of Fe2+ grows, while that of o-DA, p-PD and DOPA goes down. Subsequent Lf binding to the second center has no effect on iron oxidation, hampers DOPA and o-DA oxidation, and reduces affinity towards p-PD. Scatchard plot for Lf sorbing to Cp-Sepharose allowed estimating K d for Lf binding to high-affinity (~13.4 nM) and low-affinity (~211 nM) sites. The observed effect of Lf on ferroxidase activity of Cp is likely to have physiological implications.  相似文献   

Single-chain structure of human ceruloplasmin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Two molecular variants, of thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG), TBG-1 and TBG-2, were obtained from human retroplacental blood by fractionation of pure TBG on concanavalin A-Sepharose. It was found that both variants are immunologically identical, have similar molecular weights, amino acid composition and spectral properties, and possess the same affinity for thyroid hormones. However, TBG-1 and TBG-2 differed in charge upon isoelectrofocusing and had different monosaccharide composition. The existence of two molecular variants of TBG in pregnancy is probably due to the peculiarities of the polypeptide chain glycosylation during TBG biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Identification of different molecular forms of human airway lysozyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human airway lysozyme (HAL) was separated into fractions of distinct molecular forms using a Mono S cation-exchange column on a fast-protein liquid chromatography system. This new and rapid (30 min) purification procedure of human lysozyme enabled the preparation of fractions, highly enriched in different isoenzymes of HAL. Purified HAL from pathological purulent airway secretions, nonpurulent airway secretions, and normal tracheobronchial tissue culture medium was characterized by four, three, and only one enzymatically active molecular forms, respectively. All charge forms (separated or combined) recovered from either purulent or nonpurulent airway secretions or tracheobronchial culture medium exhibited the same apparent molecular weight of 15,000.  相似文献   

Human ceruloplasmin is a copper containing serum glycoprotein with multiple functions. The crystal structure shows that its six domains are arranged in three pairs with a pseudo-ternary axis. Both the holo and apo forms of human ceruloplasmin were studied by size exclusion chromatography and small angle x-ray scattering in solution. The experimental curve of the holo form displays conspicuous differences with the scattering pattern calculated from the crystal structure. Once the carbohydrate chains and flexible loops not visible in the crystal are accounted for, remaining discrepancies suggest that the central pair of domains may move as a whole with respect to the rest of the molecule. The quasisymmetrical crystal structure therefore appears to be stabilized by crystal packing forces. Upon copper removal, the scattering pattern of human ceruloplasmin exhibits very large differences with that of the holoprotein, which are interpreted in terms of essentially preserved domains freely moving in solution around flexible linkers and exploring an ensemble of open conformations. This model, which is supported by the analysis of domain interfaces, provides a structural explanation for the differences in copper reincorporation into the apoprotein and activity recovery between human ceruloplasmin and two other multicopper oxidases, ascorbate oxidase and laccase. Our results demonstrate that, beyond catalytic activity, the three-copper cluster at the N-terminal-C-terminal interface plays a crucial role in the structural stability of human ceruloplasmin.  相似文献   

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