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A melatonin-based photoperiod timing mechanism and a circannual rhythm-generating system interact to govern seasonal cycles in physiology and behavior in many vertebrates. This paper focuses on the pars tuberalis (PT) of the mammalian pituitary gland as a model melatonin-responsive tissue to investigate the molecular basis of these two basic long-term timing processes.  相似文献   

Gamma rhythms (30-100 Hz) are an extensively studied synchronous brain state responsible for a number of sensory, memory, and motor processes. Experimental evidence suggests that fast-spiking interneurons are responsible for carrying the high frequency components of the rhythm, while regular-spiking pyramidal neurons fire sparsely. We propose that a combination of spike frequency adaptation and global inhibition may be responsible for this behavior. Excitatory neurons form several clusters that fire every few cycles of the fast oscillation. This is first shown in a detailed biophysical network model and then analyzed thoroughly in an idealized model. We exploit the fact that the timescale of adaptation is much slower than that of the other variables. Singular perturbation theory is used to derive an approximate periodic solution for a single spiking unit. This is then used to predict the relationship between the number of clusters arising spontaneously in the network as it relates to the adaptation time constant. We compare this to a complementary analysis that employs a weak coupling assumption to predict the first Fourier mode to destabilize from the incoherent state of an associated phase model as the external noise is reduced. Both approaches predict the same scaling of cluster number with respect to the adaptation time constant, which is corroborated in numerical simulations of the full system. Thus, we develop several testable predictions regarding the formation and characteristics of gamma rhythms with sparsely firing excitatory neurons.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to provide an example of nonsocial and nonphotic entrainment in Syrian hamsters, together with a corresponding phase response curve (PRC). Fourteen male hamsters were given 2-hr bouts of induced activity (mostly wheel running) at 23.83-hr intervals in constant darkness (DD). The activity onsets of 10 hamsters entrained to this manipulation, with no anticipatory activity present. After entrainment, the rhythms resumed free-running from a time 0.66-3.91 hr after the onset of the last bout of induced activity. Postentrainment free-running periods were shorter than pre-entrainment values. The PRC for 2-hr pulses of induced activity in DD revealed phase advances induced in some animals between circadian time (CT) 4 and CT 11 (approximately the last half of the hamsters' rest period), and delays between CT 23 and CT 3 and between CT 17 and CT 20. The CTs for phase advances are compatible with the phase angle differences observed between rhythm and zeitgeber at the end of entrainment. Many features of the results (not all animals entraining, PRC characteristics, lack of observable anticipation to the daily stimuli, phase relationship between zeitgeber and activity rhythms) are similar to those from a previous study on social entrainment in this species (Mrosovsky, 1988). These similarities reinforce the idea that induced activity and social zeitgebers act on activity rhythms via a common mechanism.  相似文献   

To assess binocular interactions and possible ocular dominance in entrainment of circadian rhythms, Syrian hamsters maintained in LL were subjected for several weeks to schedules of eye occlusion with opaque contact lenses. In separate groups, the opaque lens was inserted into the left or right eye for 12 h at the same clock time each day. The left and right eyes of other groups were alternately occluded for 12 h each day, with initial occlusion of either the left or right eye for different groups. A majority of hamsters entrained their locomotor activity rhythm when 1 eye was occluded for 12 h. The modified visual input imposed by covering 1 eye is sufficient to induce entrainment. Locomotor rhythms of most animals in which the 2 eyes were alternately occluded for 12 h each day phasedelayed onset of activity during the 1st few days of the lensing procedure; activity onset then free ran with tau < 24 h for several weeks until entraining with tau of 24 h regardless of whether the left or right eye was initially occluded. Entrainment eventually occurred when activity onset coincided with occlusion of the eye contralateral to the one that was first lensed. Photic and nonphotic explanations for eventual entrainment of locomotor rhythms are discussed, and evidence for asymmetrical photic input from the 2 eyes to the SCN is considered.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms possess the ability to robustly entrain to the environmental cycles. This ability relies on the phase synchronization of circadian rhythm gene regulation to different environmental cues, of which light is the most obvious and important. The elucidation of the mechanism of circadian entrainment requires an understanding of circadian phase behavior. This article presents two phase analyses of oscillatory systems for infinitesimal and finite perturbations based on isochrons as a phase metric of a limit cycle. The phase response curve of circadian rhythm can be computed from the results of the analyses. The application to a mechanistic Drosophila circadian rhythm model gives experimentally testable hypotheses for the control mechanisms of circadian phase responses and evidence for the role of phase and period modulations in circadian photic entrainment.  相似文献   

The circadian clocks keeping time in many living organisms rely on self-sustained biochemical oscillations entrained by external cues, such as light, to the 24-h cycle induced by Earth's rotation. However, environmental cues are unreliable due to the variability of habitats, weather conditions, or cue-sensing mechanisms among individuals. A tempting hypothesis is that circadian clocks have evolved so as to be robust to fluctuations in the signal that entrains them. To support this hypothesis, we analyze the synchronization behavior of weakly and periodically forced oscillators in terms of their phase response curve (PRC), which measures phase changes induced by a perturbation applied at different times of the cycle. We establish a general relationship between the robustness of key entrainment properties, such as stability and oscillator phase, on the one hand, and the shape of the PRC as characterized by a specific curvature or the existence of a dead zone, on the other hand. The criteria obtained are applied to computational models of circadian clocks and account for the disparate robustness properties of various forcing schemes. Finally, the analysis of PRCs measured experimentally in several organisms strongly suggests a case of convergent evolution toward an optimal strategy for maintaining a clock that is accurate and robust to environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Locomotor activity of individual blowflies, Phormia (= Protophormia) terraenovae R.D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae) was recorded by means of running wheels. A few days after emergence, adult flies were placed in the wheels and exposed to at least two of four light-dark cycles (LD) differing in cycle duration T (LD 11:11, 12:12, 13:13 and 14:14 h). The intensity of illumination was 400 lux in L and 2 lux in D. From the actograms, phase-angle differences were read off between onset of activity and light-on (ψ/onset), and between end of activity and light-off (ψend)- Within the range of entrainment, ψ changed systematically from negative values in T =22 h to positive values in T =28 h: the mean change in ψ per hour change in T , expressed in degree of the full circadian cycles, was 20o. Standard deviations of ψ around its mean were computed for ten-cycle intervals; in ψonset and in ψend standard deviation was minimal when 4ψ was close to zero, and increased steadily with increasing negative or positive ψ -values.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in honeybees: entrainment by feeding cycles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT. Colonies of the South African honeybee race Apis mellifera capensis (Escholtz) were maintained under constant conditions of illumination (200 lux), temperature (25±lC) and relative humidity (65±3%). Activity was measured at the hive entrance. After ad libitum feeding for at least 5 days, food was presented for only 2 h/day either for 1 week (series 1) or for 2 weeks (series 2). In the last part of each experiment, food was again available all the time. Colonies which showed free-running circadian activity rhythms (with periods ranging from 22.6 to 24.8 h) during ad libitum feeding were submitted to feeding cycles with inter-feeding intervals (T) of 22, 23, 24 and 25 h. In most of these experiments the rhythms were synchronized by the feeding schedule, resulting in a stable phase-angle difference between onset of activity and onset of food availability. The duration of this anticipatory activity was positively correlated with T. When ad libitum feeding was resumed, the period of the rhythm induced by the feeding schedule persisted for a few days. Thereafter, the rhythm was free-running again with a period close to that observed in the first part of the experiment. The conclusion is drawn that, under the influence of periodic feeding, the activity of honeybee colonies has the characteristics of an entrained circadian system.  相似文献   

The population of a ciliate protozoan, Paramecium multimicronucleatum, exhibits a circadian rhythm as measured by the number of the cells traversing an observation point ("traverse frequency," or TF). The present study examined phase shifting of the TF rhythm by administering 2-hr light pulses at different phases of the circadian cycle to cultures free-running in constant darkness (DD). The results were summarized in a phase response curve (PRC), categorized as Type 1. This PRC indicated a relatively narrow phase zone insensitive to the light pulse ("dead zone"). Entrainment of the rhythm to light pulses repeated at 24-hr intervals was also examined, and it was found that the rhythm gradually reached a steady state, following several transient cycles, with the pulses falling at a phase corresponding to the narrow dead zone. Such a steady-state rhythm, with a minimum at approximately 3 hr after the pulse and a maximum at approximately 12 hr after the pulse, was mathematically simulated by superimposing a response function to the pulse on a sinusoidal function representative of the free-running rhythm in DD.  相似文献   

The efficacy of photoperiod as a zeitgeber for entrainment of circannual body weight and estrous rhythms was tested in female golden-mantled ground squirrels maintained for 3 or more years in either a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) or a fixed LD 14:10 photoperiod (FP). The role of the retinohypothalamic tract--suprachiasmatic nucleus (RHT-SCN) projection in photic entrainment was assessed in animals that sustained destruction of the SCN (SCNX). Circannual rhythms were lengthened by the SNP as compared to the FP. Mean periods (tau's) for neurologically intact animals in the third year of testing were 49.6 +/- 0.3 weeks and 43.1 +/- 1.2 weeks (p less than 0.001) for the SNP and FP groups, respectively; furthermore, 56% and 7% of animals in these groups had tau's not significantly different from 365 days (p less than 0.005), and within-group variability was lower for SNP than for FP squirrels (p less than 0.01). SCNX squirrels differed from animals with the SCN intact (SCNC), as evidenced by higher within-group variability (p less than 0.001); only 29% of SCNX squirrels had tau's not different from 365 days (p less than 0.03 compared to the SCNC group). The coupling between estrous and body weight rhythms that was evident in SCN-intact SNP and FP squirrels was disrupted in SCNX animals. The RHT-SCN pathway is implicated in entrainment and in maintenance of normal phase relations among the several circannual rhythms. In a second experiment, female squirrels were maintained for 2.5 years in an accelerated SNP that compressed two normal annual photocycles into each calendar year. Of 12 squirrels, 3 had tau's that did not differ significantly from 6 months; 6 had tau's equivalent to 12 months; and 3 had tau's significantly different from both 6 months and 12 months. The data suggest that photoperiod is a major zeitgeber for entrainment of golden-mantled ground squirrels circannual rhythms.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory has shown that daily injection of large doses of the pineal hormone melatonin entrains the free-running locomotor rhythms of rats held in constant darkness and synchronizes the disrupted patterns of rats maintained in constant bright light. The present experiments determined the dose-response characteristics of entrainment to daily melatonin injections and made preliminary biochemical estimates of blood melatonin levels and half-lives after two critical doses of the hormone. The data indicated that the median effective dose for melatonin as an entraining agent in free-running rats was 5.45 +/- 1.33 micrograms/kg, considerably lower than doses previously employed and lower than doses employed in reproductive and metabolic studies in rats and hamsters. The data further indicated that the response to melatonin was quantal; rats either entrained to melatonin or they did not. No "partial entrainment" was evident, nor were there differences in phase angle, activity, or period among all effective doses. Biochemical estimates of blood melatonin after either 1 mg/kg or 1 microgram/kg of melatonin indicated that all effective doses resulted in supraphysiological levels of blood melatonin, although doses of 1 microgram/kg resulted in blood levels that were within one order of magnitude of normal nighttime values. Together, the data suggest that the rat circadian system is sensitive to the pineal hormone melatonin at or below doses required to effect rodent reproduction. Whether this sensitivity reflects a role for the pineal gland in rat circadian organization, however, still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The range of entrainment of the circadian behavioral rhythm was compared between two groups of Sprague-Dawley rats (each n = 10) exposed to daily cycles of rectangular light-dark alternation (LD) and sinusoidal fluctuations of light intensity (SINE), respectively. The maximum illuminance (20 lx), the minimum illuminance (0.01 lx), and the total amount of light exposure per cycle were the same under the two lighting conditions. The periods (Ts) of both lighting cycles were lengthened stepwise from 24 through 25, 26, 26.5, 27, 27. 5, and 28 h to 28.5 h in experiment 1 and were shortened stepwise from 24 through 23.5, 23, and 22.5 h to 22 h in experiment 2. Each T cycle lasted for 30 cycles. In experiment 1, 60% of rats under the LD condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h, whereas 50% of rats under the SINE condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h. In experiment 2, no animal under the LD condition entrained to T < 23.5 h, whereas 40% of rats under the SINE condition entrained down to T = 23 h and 20% of rats remained to entrain down to T = 22 h cycles. The phase angle of entrainment was systematically changed, depending on T under both conditions. These results suggest that the lower limit of entrainment is expanded under the SINE condition compared with the LD condition.  相似文献   

Individual hamster pups were maintained in constant dim light from just prior to birth, and their circadian wheel-running activity rhythms were recorded beginning at 18 days of age. Records of the postweaning free-running activity rhythm were used to determine the phase of a pup's rhythm on the day of weaning. Two groups of pups (LD and DL) were born to mothers that had been entrained before birth to light-dark cycles 12 hr out of phase. Both groups of pups were raised in constant dim light by foster mothers that had been entrained to only one of the prenatal cycles (LD). Thus pups born to mothers from different cycles were exposed to identical rhythmic environments postnatally. Despite the similar postnatal treatment, the two groups of pups showed activity rhythms at weaning with very different phases. The LD pups, born to and raised by LD mothers, were approximately synchronous with one another and with their foster mothers. The DL pups, born to DL mothers, but raised by LD mothers, were not synchronous with one another or with their foster mothers. Half of the DL pups showed phases predicted by their prenatal treatment, but the other half showed scattered phases. The results demonstrate that phase at weaning is affected by prenatal rhythmicity, and suggest that the circadian pacemaker underlying the activity rhythm is already functional and entrained at, or before, birth.  相似文献   

B Rusak 《Federation proceedings》1979,38(12):2589-2595
The identification of a direct retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) terminating in the supra-chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) has focused attention on the role of these structures in the entrainment and generation of circadian rhythms in mammals. Light effects on circadian rhythms are mediated by both the RHT and portions of the classical visual system. The complex interactions of these systems are reflected both in their direct anatomical connections and in the functional changes in entrainment produced by interruption of either set of projections. Destruction of the RHT/SCN eliminated both normal entrainment and normal free-running circadian rhythms. No circadian rhythms has survived SCN ablation in rodents, but a variety of non-circadian cycles can be generated by lesioned animals. The complex behavioral patterns produced by SCN-lesioned hamsters suggest that circadian oscillators continue to function in these animals, but that their activity is no longer integrated into a single circadian framework. The available evidence indicates that the mammalian pacemaking system comprises a set of independent oscillators normally regulated by the SCN and by light information that is transmitted via several retinofugal pathways.  相似文献   

To elucidate how peripheral somatic afferents synchronize the respiratory rhythm to the exercise rhythm, the phrenic nerve activity in the vagotomized, paralyzed, and artificially ventilated cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethane was recorded during electrical stimulation of the superficial radial nerve afferents. At first, a single pulse train was given at various times of the respiratory cycle to obtain a phase-response curve (PRC). The stimulation given at mid to late expiration produced a phase advance, but the stimulation during inspiration produced no measurable phase shifts in most animals (8/10). The maximum phase advance changed depending on the stimulus intensity. The stronger the stimulus intensity, the greater became the maximum phase advance. Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced 1:1 entrainment of the respiratory frequency to the repetitive stimulation. Theoretical predictions on the stable entrainment phase and on the entrainment frequency range from the obtained PRC were close to the experimental results. The present study demonstrated the presence of a neuronal circuit synchronizing the respiratory rhythm to the periodic somatic afferents and the manner of how such entrainment occurs.  相似文献   

We recorded circadian locomotor activity rhythms of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) exposed to low-amplitude light-dark cycles (2∶1 lux) with periods of 22.5 or 24.5 h. Under these conditions the circadian rhythms of the majority of the birds were not synchronized by the light cycle but either free-ran or showed relative coordination. However, when melatonin was administered continuously via subcutaneous silastic implants the rhythms became synchronized. It is proposed that melatonin facilitates synchronization either by weakening the circadian oscillatory system thereby increasing its range of entrainment, or by enhancing circadian sensitivity to the light Zeitgeber. In general, the results suggest that melatonin, besides its well-known phasic effects on the circadian system also has important tonic effects modifying the ease with which circadian systems can be entrained.  相似文献   

The temporal organization of locomotor activity was investigated in nymphs of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. Approximately 40% of the animals examined between 1 and 50 days of age exhibited a circadian activity rhythm in constant darkness (n = 172) with an average free-running period of 23.7 +/- 0.68 hr. Twelve of 17 animals in which activity was recorded for most or all of the final instar also exhibited periods of rhythmic activity. The rhythms of the nymphs could be entrained by light-dark (LD) cycles with periods of 22, 24, or 26 hr. In contrast, neither maternal influences during embryogenesis nor hatching from the egg was effective in synchronizing the rhythms. Although adult cockroaches can be readily entrained by temperature cycles, in nymphs temperature appeared at best to be a weak zeitgeber. Embryonic exposure to an LD cycle until 6 days prior to egg hatch was effective in synchronizing the activity rhythms of the nymphs, indicating that differentiation of an entrainable pacemaking system occurs prior to hatching.  相似文献   

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