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Heat shock proteins of 110 kDa (Hsp110s), a unique class of molecular chaperones, are essential for maintaining protein homeostasis. Hsp110s exhibit a strong chaperone activity preventing protein aggregation (the “holdase” activity) and also function as the major nucleotide-exchange factor (NEF) for Hsp70 chaperones. Hsp110s contain two functional domains: a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) and substrate-binding domain (SBD). ATP binding is essential for Hsp110 function and results in close contacts between the NBD and SBD. However, the molecular mechanism of this ATP-induced allosteric coupling remains poorly defined. In this study, we carried out biochemical analysis on Msi3, the sole Hsp110 in Candida albicans, to dissect the unique allosteric coupling of Hsp110s using three mutations affecting the domain–domain interface. All the mutations abolished both the in vivo and in vitro functions of Msi3. While the ATP-bound state was disrupted in all mutants, only mutation of the NBD-SBDβ interfaces showed significant ATPase activity, suggesting that the full-length Hsp110s have an ATPase that is mainly suppressed by NBD-SBDβ contacts. Moreover, the high-affinity ATP-binding unexpectedly appears to require these NBD-SBD contacts. Remarkably, the “holdase” activity was largely intact for all mutants tested while NEF activity was mostly compromised, although both activities strictly depended on the ATP-bound state, indicating different requirements for these two activities. Stable peptide substrate binding to Msi3 led to dissociation of the NBD-SBD contacts and compromised interactions with Hsp70. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the exceptionally strong NBD-SBD contacts in Hsp110s dictate the unique allosteric coupling and biochemical activities.  相似文献   

Accumulation of aggregation‐prone misfolded proteins disrupts normal cellular function and promotes ageing and disease. Bacteria, fungi and plants counteract this by solubilizing and refolding aggregated proteins via a powerful cytosolic ATP‐dependent bichaperone system, comprising the AAA+ disaggregase Hsp100 and the Hsp70‐Hsp40 system. Metazoa, however, lack Hsp100 disaggregases. We show that instead the Hsp110 member of the Hsp70 superfamily remodels the human Hsp70‐Hsp40 system to efficiently disaggregate and refold aggregates of heat and chemically denatured proteins in vitro and in cell extracts. This Hsp110 effect relies on nucleotide exchange, not on ATPase activity, implying ATP‐driven chaperoning is not required. Knock‐down of nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Hsp110, but not an unrelated nucleotide exchange factor, compromises dissolution of heat‐induced protein aggregates and severely shortens lifespan after heat shock. We conclude that in metazoa, Hsp70‐Hsp40 powered by Hsp110 nucleotide exchange represents the crucial disaggregation machinery that reestablishes protein homeostasis to counteract protein unfolding stress.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone 70-kDa heat-shock proteins (Hsp70s) play essential roles in maintaining protein homeostasis. Hsp110, an Hsp70 homolog, is highly efficient in preventing protein aggregation but lacks the hallmark folding activity seen in Hsp70s. To understand the mechanistic differences between these two chaperones, we first characterized the distinct peptide substrate binding properties of Hsp110s. In contrast to Hsp70s, Hsp110s prefer aromatic residues in their substrates, and the substrate binding and release exhibit remarkably fast kinetics. Sequence and structure comparison revealed significant differences in the two peptide-binding loops: the length and properties are switched. When we swapped these two loops in an Hsp70, the peptide binding properties of this mutant Hsp70 were converted to Hsp110-like, and more impressively, it functionally behaved like an Hsp110. Thus, the peptide substrate binding properties implemented in the peptide-binding loops may determine the chaperone activity differences between Hsp70s and Hsp110s.  相似文献   

BiP is an Hsp70 homologue found in the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells. Like other Hsp70 chaperones, BiP interacts with its substrate proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. The functional analysis has so far been performed mainly with short, synthetic peptides. Here, we present an experimental system that allows to study the partial reactions of the BiP chaperone cycle for a natural substrate protein domain in its soluble, stably unfolded conformation. This unfolded antibody domain forms a binary complex with BiP in the absence of ATP. The dissociation of the BiP dimer seems to be the rate-limiting step in this reaction. The BiP-C(H)3 complexes dissociate rapidly in the presence of ATP. The affinity for BiP-binding peptides and the non-native antibody domain was determined to be similar, suggesting that only the peptide binding site is involved in these interactions. Furthermore, these results imply that, also in the context of the antibody domain, an extended peptide sequence is recognized. However, the accessibility of the BiP-binding site in the non-native protein seems to influence the kinetics of complex formation.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(3):555-569.e7
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As one of the most abundant and highly conserved molecular chaperones, the 70‐kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) play a key role in maintaining cellular protein homeostasis (proteostasis), one of the most fundamental tasks for every living organism. In this role, Hsp70s are inextricably linked to many human diseases, most notably cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, and are increasingly recognized as important drug targets for developing novel therapeutics for these diseases. Hsp40s are a class of essential and universal partners for Hsp70s in almost all aspects of proteostasis. Thus, Hsp70s and Hsp40s together constitute one of the most important chaperone systems across all kingdoms of life. In recent years, we have witnessed significant progress in understanding the molecular mechanism of this chaperone system through structural and functional analysis. This review will focus on this recent progress, mainly from a structural perspective.  相似文献   

The Hsp60 and Hsp70 chaperones contain a number of conserved inserts that are restricted to particular phyla of bacteria. A one aa insert in the E. coli GroEL and a 21–23 insert in the DnaK proteins are specific for most Gram-negative bacteria. Two other inserts in DnaK are limited to certain groups of proteobacteria. The requirement of these inserts for cellular growth was examined by carrying out complementation studies with temperature-sensitive (T s) mutants of E. coli groEL or dnaK. Our results demonstrate that deletion or most changes in these inserts completely abolished the complementation ability of the mutant proteins. Studies with GroEL and DnaK from some other species that either lacked or contained these inserts also indicated that these inserts are essential for growth of E. coli. The DnaK from some bacteria contains a two aa insert that is not found in E. coli. Introduction of this insert into the E. coli DnaK also led to its inactivation, indicating that these inserts are specific for different groups. We postulate that these conserved inserts that are localized in loop regions on protein surfaces, are involved in some ancillary functions that are essential for the groups of bacteria where they are found. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Raviol H  Bukau B  Mayer MP 《FEBS letters》2006,580(1):168-174
Hsp110 proteins constitute a heterogeneous family of abundant molecular chaperones, related to the Hsp70 proteins and exclusively found in the cytosol of eukaryotic organisms. Hsp110 family members are described as efficient holdases, preventing the aggregation and assisting the refolding of heat-denatured model substrates in the presence of Hsp70 chaperones and their co-chaperones. To gain more insights into the mode of action of this protein family we compared two homologues representing two subtypes of Hsp110 proteins, S. cerevisiae Sse1 and H. sapiens Apg-2, in their structural and functional properties in vitro. In contrast to previous publications both proteins exhibited intrinsic ATPase activities, which only in the case of Sse1 could be stimulated by the Hsp40 co-chaperone Sis1. Similar to Hsp70 proteins ATP binding and hydrolysis induced conformational rearrangements in both Hsp110 proteins as detected by tryptophane fluorescence. However, nucleotide induced changes in the proteolytic digestion pattern were detected only for Sse1. Sse1 and Apg-2 thus show significant differences in their biochemical properties, which may relate to differences in their functional roles in vivo.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) mediates essential functions for mitochondrial biogenesis, like import and folding of proteins. In these processes, the chaperone cooperates with cochaperones, the presequence translocase, and other chaperone systems. The chaperonin Hsp60, together with its cofactor Hsp10, catalyzes folding of a subset of mtHsp70 client proteins. Hsp60 forms heptameric ring structures that provide a cavity for protein folding. How the Hsp60 rings are assembled is poorly understood. In a comprehensive interaction study, we found that mtHsp70 associates with Hsp60 and Hsp10. Surprisingly, mtHsp70 interacts with Hsp10 independently of Hsp60. The mtHsp70-Hsp10 complex binds to the unassembled Hsp60 precursor to promote its assembly into mature Hsp60 complexes. We conclude that coupling to Hsp10 recruits mtHsp70 to mediate the biogenesis of the heptameric Hsp60 rings.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones assist protein folding by cycling between the ATP-bound T state with low affinity for substrates and the ADP-bound R state with high affinity for substrates. The transition from the T to R state is catalyzed by the synergistic action of the substrate and DnaJ cochaperones. The reverse transition from the R state to the T state is accelerated by the nucleotide exchange factor GrpE. These two processes, T-to-R and R-to-T conversion, are affected differently by temperature change. Here we modeled Hsp70-mediated protein folding under permanent and transient heat shock based on published experimental data. Our simulation results were in agreement with in vitro wild-type Escherichia coli chaperone experimental data at 25°C and reflected R-to-T ratio dynamics in response to temperature effects. Our simulation results suggested that the chaperone system evolved naturally to maintain the concentration of active protein as high as possible during heat shock, even at the cost of recovered activity after return to optimal growth conditions. They also revealed that the chaperone system evolved to suppress ATP consumption at non-optimal high growing temperatures.  相似文献   

The inability of cells to maintain protein folding homeostasis is implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, malignant transformation, and aging. We find that multiphoton fluorescence imaging of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) can be used to assess cellular responses to protein misfolding stresses. ANS is relatively nontoxic and enters live cells and cells or tissues fixed in formalin. In an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease, ANS fluorescence imaging of brain tissue sections reveals the binding of ANS to fibrillar deposits of amyloid peptide (Aβ) in amyloid plaques and in cerebrovascular amyloid. ANS imaging also highlights non-amyloid deposits of glial fibrillary acidic protein in brain tumors. Cultured cells under normal growth conditions possess a number of ANS-binding structures. High levels of ANS fluorescence are associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi, and lysosomes—regions of protein folding and degradation. Nuclei are virtually devoid of ANS binding sites. Additional ANS binding is triggered by hyperthermia, thermal lesioning, proteasome inhibition, and induction of ER stress. We also use multiphoton imaging of ANS binding to follow the in vivo recovery of cells from protein-damaging insults over time. We find that ANS fluorescence tracks with the binding of the molecular chaperone Hsp70 in compartments where Hsp70 is present. ANS highlights the sensitivity of specific cellular targets, including the nucleus and particularly the nucleolus, to thermal stress and proteasome inhibition. Multiphoton imaging of ANS binding should be a useful probe for monitoring protein misfolding stress in cells.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones of the Hsp70 family (bacterial DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) were shown to be strictly required for refolding of firefly luciferase from a denatured state and thus for effective restoration of its activity. At the same time the luciferase was found to be synthesized in an Escherichia coli cell-free translation system in a highly active state in the extract with no chaperone activity. The addition of the chaperones to the extract during translation did not raise the activity of the enzyme. The abrupt arrest of translation by the addition of a translational inhibitor led to immediate cessation of the enzyme activity accumulation, indicating the cotranslational character of luciferase folding. The results presented suggest that the chaperones of the Hsp70 family are not required for effective cotranslational folding of firefly luciferase.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 plays a central role in the clearance of aggregates after heat shock and the propagation of yeast prions. Hsp104's disaggregation activity and prion propagation have been linked to its ability to resolubilize or remodel protein aggregates. However, Hsp104 has also the capacity to catalyze protein aggregation of some substrates at specific conditions. Hence, it is a molecular chaperone with two opposing activities with respect to protein aggregation. In yeast models of Huntington's disease, Hsp104 is required for the aggregation and toxicity of polyglutamine (polyQ), but the expression of Hsp104 in cellular and animal models of Huntington's and Parkinson's disease protects against polyQ and α‐synuclein toxicity. Therefore, elucidating the molecular determinants and mechanisms underlying the ability of Hsp104 to switch between these two activities is of critical importance for understanding its function and could provide insight into novel strategies aimed at preventing or reversing the formation of toxic protein aggregation in systemic and neurodegenerative protein misfolding diseases. Here, we present an overview of the current molecular models and hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the role of Hsp104 in modulating protein aggregation and prion propagation. The experimental approaches and the evidences presented so far in relation to these models are examined. Our primary objective is to offer a critical review that will inspire the use of novel techniques and the design of new experiments to proceed towards a qualitative and quantitative understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the multifunctional properties of Hsp104 in vivo. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93:252–276, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones have been used for the improved expression of target proteins within heterologous systems; however, the chaperone and target protein have seldom been matched in terms of origin. We have developed a heterologous co-expression system that allows independent expression of the plasmodial chaperone, PfHsp70, and a plasmodial target protein. In this study, the target was Plasmodium falciparum GTP cyclohydrolase I (PfGCHI), the first enzyme in the plasmodial folate pathway. The sequential expression of the molecular chaperone followed by the target protein increased the expression of soluble functional PfGCHI. His-tagged PfGCHI was successfully purified using nickel affinity chromatography, and the specific activity was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with spectrofluorometeric detection to be 5.93nmol/h/mg. This is the first report of a heterologous co-expression system in which a plasmodial chaperone is harnessed for the improved production and purification of a plasmodial target protein.  相似文献   

Components of the Hsp70 chaperone machine have been implied in protection against polyglutamine (poly-Q) pathologies. Yet, little is known about specific mechanisms and the rate-limiting components that account for this protective effect. Here, we examined the effects of an Hsp70 chaperone family member (HspA1A) and its cofactors Hsp40 (DnaJB1), Bag-1 and CHIP on poly-Q protein inclusion formation and SDS-insolubilization. Overexpression of HspA1A alone did not suppress inclusion formation, while overexpression of DnaJB1 reduced poly-Q inclusion formation and insolubilization. The reducing effect of DnaJB1 on inclusion formation was enhanced by coexpressing HspA1A, and was dependent on the interaction of DnaJB1 with Hsp70/Hsc70 chaperones. Additionally, two factors connecting Hsp70 activity with protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system Bag-1 and CHIP slightly decreased the levels of soluble poly-Q protein, but the amount of aggregated protein and fraction of cells with inclusions remained unaltered. Our data suggest that the HspA1A chaperone machine can modulate poly-Q inclusion formation depending on the ratio of its components and that DnaJB1 is the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

Hsp70 and Hsp90 molecular chaperones play essential roles in protein expression and maturation, and while catalyzing protein folding they can "decide" to target mis-folded substrates for degradation. In this report, we show for the first time distinct but partially overlapping requirements for Hsp90, Hsp70, and an Hsp70 nucleotide exchange factor (NEF) at different steps during the biogenesis of a model substrate, firefly luciferase (FFLux), in yeast. By examining the inducible expression of FFLux in wild type cells and in specific yeast mutants, we find that the Fes1p NEF is required for efficient FFLux folding, whereas the Hsp70, Ssa1p, is required for both protein folding and stability, and to maintain maximal FFLux mRNA levels. In contrast, Hsp90 function was primarily necessary to express the FFLux-encoding gene from an inducible promoter. Together, these data indicate previously unknown roles for these proteins and point to the complexity with which chaperones and cochaperones function in the cell.  相似文献   

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