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多头绒泡菌核仁骨架的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从多头绒泡菌(Physarum polycephalum Schw)间期细胞核中分离出核仁,用DNase I、0.25mol/L(NH4)2SO4和2mol/LNaCl去除核仁DNA和大部分蛋白质,得到核仁骨架。核仁骨架是直径1030nm的纤维组成的网络结构,含有约20种多肽,其中包括与肌动蛋白电泳迁移率相当的43kD左右的多肽。免疫荧光检测结果表明,核仁骨架能与肌动蛋白抗体结合而发出明亮的荧光。免疫斑点印迹结果进一步证实,核仁骨架的蛋白质成分中存在肌动蛋白。免疫电镜结果指出,代表肌动蛋白的金颗粒分布在整个核仁中。  相似文献   

从多头绒泡菌中纯化了肌球蛋白,并对其亚基组成及ATP酶性质进行了研究。该肌球蛋白是由一种重链(225kD)和两种轻链(20kD,17.5kD)组成的大分子,其亚基之比为HC:LC1:LC2=2:4:2。兔肌F-肌动蛋白能较大激活粘菌肌球蛋白ATP酶活性,Ca^2+离子也能提高其活性,Mg^2+离子无明显影响,钒酸盐,碘乙酸,对氯汞苯甲酸对其ATP酶活性有显著抑制作用。  相似文献   

从多头绒泡菌中纯化了肌球蛋白,并对其亚基组成及ATP酶性质进行了研究。该肌球蛋白是由一种重链(225kD)和两种轻链(20kD,17.5kD)组成的大分子,其亚基之比为HC:LC1:LC2=2:4:2。兔肌F-肌动蛋白能较大激活粘菌肌球蛋白ATP酶活性,Ca~(2+)离子也能提高其活性,Mg~(2+)离子无明显影响。钒酸盐,碘乙酸,对氯汞苯甲酸对其ATP酶活性有显著抑制作用。  相似文献   

肌动蛋白是多头绒泡菌细胞核骨架和染色体骨架的组成成分   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
自多头绒泡菌(Physarum polycephalum Schw.)的原质团中分离细胞核和染色体,分别经DNaseⅠ消化和2 mol/L NaCl抽提后制备成细胞核骨架和染色体骨架。以抗肌动蛋白的抗体作一抗、FITC标记的羊抗兔IgG抗体作二抗进行的间接免疫荧光实验结果显示,细胞核骨架和染色体骨架都分别与抗体呈阳性反应。间接免疫斑点印迹实验结果进一步证实,细胞核骨架和染色体骨架的蛋白质成分中存在与肌动蛋白抗体呈阳性显色反应的抗原。以抗肌动蛋白的抗体作一抗、金颗粒标记的蛋白A作二抗的间接免疫电镜实验结果表明,在实验组间期细胞核的核仁、集缩染色质和核基质以及中期染色体上都有很多金颗粒分布。上述结果证明,肌动蛋白是多头绒泡菌细胞核和染色体及其骨架的组成成分。  相似文献   

动蛋白(kinesin)是一种微管系统的运动蛋白(motor protein),它能通过水解ATP将化学能转化为机械能,推动微管产生运动.微管系统作为一种主要的细胞骨架存在于所有真核细胞中,它们对于维持细胞形态,细胞的分裂,染色体的运动及细胞内的物质运输起着重要作用.细胞质力蛋白(dynein)和动蛋白是公认的推动这类运动的运动蛋白.自从1985年Vole首次在鱿鱼大轴突(squidgiant axon)中发现动蛋白以来,人们先后在许多种动物细胞中发现有动蛋白存在,甚至在低等真核生物棘状变形虫,盘基网柄茵和高等植物烟草花粉管中发现有动蛋白的存在.研究结果表明,动蛋白参与了真核细胞中的许多重要生命活动,如细胞中的细胞器及囊泡的运动,染色体排裂和分离等运动.动蛋白很可能是普通存在于所有真核细胞中的一种运动蛋白.多头绒泡菌(Physarum poly-cephalum)属于粘菌纲(Myxomycetes)的一种低等真核生物,它表现出许多显著的细胞运动特征如原生质团迁移,细胞质的穿梭运动(shuttle streaming)等,是研究非肌细胞运动和收缩蛋白的经典材料.在多头绒泡菌胞质中也具有微管系统,它们构成其纺锤丝等,参与染色体的运动及其它胞质运动,但至今国内外尚无人证明其中有与微管作用的运动蛋白——动蛋白的存在,作者利用抗牛脑动蛋白的单克隆抗体,  相似文献   

以同步化培养的多头绒泡菌(Physarum poldycephalum Schw.)原生质团为材料,应用整体银染技术,电镜下研究了核仁在细胞周期中的超微结构变化。结果变化:核仁成熟时比较大,位于细胞核中央,核仁内可区分出纤维中心、密集纤维成分和颗粒成分等。前期时,核仁向边缘移动,前期末在近核膜处解体,解体的核仁物质主要呈团块状散开。中期时,解体的核仁物质位于细胞核中央染色体区域的周围,染色体上没有特异的银染区域,染色体周边也看不到银染的“鞘”状结构,但在染色体中可见一些散在的银染大颗粒。末期时,核仁物质与染色体一起到达两极,在子细胞核中与正在解集缩的染色质共存一起,以后核仁物质逐渐汇合并与染色质分开。大约在有丝分裂结束120min后,在细胞核中形成一候 中央位置的大核仁,结果提示,低等真核生物的核仁结构和周期变化与高等真核生物的不完全相同。  相似文献   

胡波  邢苗 《遗传学报》2004,31(2):177-182
经抗SC35单克隆抗体标记后,在电子显微镜下观察到多头绒泡菌S、G2、前期、中期和后末期细胞核中存在大量金颗粒,说明多头绒泡菌细胞核含有SC35类蛋白。在G2期和前期时,SC35类蛋白主要分布在细胞核的核仁区域和非核仁区域的染色质间区域;中期和后-末期时,SC35类蛋白主要分布在细胞核内染色体间区域;说明染色质(体)间区域和核仁区域是富含SC35类蛋白的区域。对核仁的进一步观察指出,在核仁中金颗粒主要分布在DFC,FC中的金颗粒很少,说明在核仁中SC35类蛋白主要存在于DFC组分中。  相似文献   

多头绒泡菌细胞核周期的电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾宪录  赵骥民 《菌物系统》1997,16(3):212-215
多头绒泡菌Physarum polycephalum Schw的营养生长 没有细胞壁的原生质团(合胞体),内部众多的细胞核进行着同步的核内有丝分裂,本文电镜下研究了细胞核在有丝分裂周期中的结构变化。有丝分裂前期,染色质经松散改组和集缩形成染色体,核仁由中央移向边缘,并在近核膜处解体;中期核膜不消失,在核内形成纺锤体,核仁解体后的物质呈不规则状散在于核内;有丝分裂后核膜的破裂处重新愈合,染色体解集缩  相似文献   

王晓光  曾宪录 《菌物系统》1998,17(3):240-245
以进行自然同步核内有丝分裂的多头绒孢菌(Physarumpolycephalm)原生质团为材料,应用常规制片和整体银染后制片的电镜技术研究了有丝分裂后细胞核的形态构建过程,形成新核仁的前体物质在有丝分裂中期时莠在染色体区域的周围,末期时与染色体组一起到达两极,子细胞核刚形成时核仁物质与染色质混合,以后核仁物质相互汇合并同染色质逐渐分开,最后形成一个大核仁,染色质在有丝分裂后期开始解集缩,到两极后在  相似文献   

真核生物多头绒泡菌的原质团是研究细胞周期的好材料。但尚无合适的表达体系可供选择。本研究用多头绒泡菌ardC actin基因启动子和终止子分别替换哺乳动物细胞表达质粒pDsRed1-N1的CMVIE和SV40 polyA片段,构建了多头绒泡菌红色荧光蛋白(RFP)表达质粒pXM1;用PardC-MCS-DsRed1-TardC替换pTB38表达盒PardC-hph-TardC,构建了多头绒泡菌RFP表达质粒pXM2。将多头绒泡菌转录延伸因子类似蛋白(PELF1)基因与质粒pXM2重组,构建了PELF1红色荧光融合蛋白(PELF1-RFP)表达质粒pXM2-pelf1。通过荧光显微镜和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察RFP表达发现,电转参数为4kV/cm(电场)、1A(电流)、70μs(电击时间)时,质粒pXM1和pXM2电转多头绒泡菌微原质团(≤500μm)后24~48h内,RFP荧光最显著;而PELF1-RFP则主要聚集在多头绒泡菌细胞核,说明本试验建立的表达系统可以用于研究特定蛋白在多头绒泡菌内的瞬时表达。  相似文献   

Nucleoli were isolated from the interphase nuclei of Physarum polycephalum Schw. 'lhe nucleolar skeleton was obtained after DNA and most of the nucleolar proteins were extracted with DNase I 0.25 mol/L ( NH4)2SO4 and 2 mol/L NaC1. The nucleolar skeleton appeared as a fibrous network structure composed of fibres about 10 to 30 nm in diameter when observed under the electron microscope. SDS-PAGE analyses revealed about 20 polypeptides in the nucleolar skeleton, including a 43 kD pelypeptide which is equivalent to actin in molecular weight, lmmunofiuorescence observations upon slide preparations of the nueleolar skeleton labeled with anti-actin antibody showed that the nucleolar skeleton emanated bright fluorescence, indicating the existence of thc antigen, lmmunodotting assays further localized actin in the protein preparations of the nucleolar skeleton. Results of immuno-electron microscopy, with anti-actin antibody and protein A-gold as probes, indicated that gold particles were distributed all over the nucleolus of the interphase nucleus.  相似文献   

The nuclei and chromosomes were isolated from plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum.The nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold were obtained after the DNA and most of the proteins were extracted with DNase I and 2 M NaCl.SD-PAGE analyses revealed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold contained a 37 kD polypeptide which is equivalent to tropomyosin in molecular weight.Immunofluorescence observations upon slide preparations labeled with anti-tropomyosin antibody showed that the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold emanated bright fluorescence,suggesting the presence of the antigen in them.Immunodotting results confirmed the presence of tropomyosin in the nuclear matrix and chromosome scaffold.Immunoelectron microscopic observations further demonstrated that tropomyosin was dispersively distributed in the interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

The conversion of the uninucleate amoebal form of Physarum polycephalum to the multi-nucleate plasmodial form is under the control of a genetic region which contains matA (or mt), a determinant of mating specificity. The region is the site of most gad mutations, which give amoebae the ability to produce plasmodia in clones without mating (ie, to self). In the present study, nonselfing revertants were isolated from two matA2-derived gad mutants and two matA3-derived gad mutants. Some revertants were found to have regained exactly, or nearly, the same phenotype as the original matA2 or matA3 strain. Others expressed new mating types, having gained the ability to mate with strains of the parental matA type. The results are compatible with a model in which new mating types arise from forward mutations (gad) and back mutations (npf or no plasmodium formation) occurring successively in a single gene, matA.  相似文献   

细胞松弛素B对多头绒泡菌有丝分裂的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将细胞松弛素B(Cytochalasin B,CB)注入同步化的多头绒泡菌原质团,在光镜和电镜下跟踪观察有有丝分裂进程,发现多头绒泡菌进入有丝分裂的时间推迟,与未经CB处理的样品相比,在S期注入CB的样品进入有丝分裂的时间推迟35min,在G2早期注入CB的样品则推迟20min;在G2中期注入的推迟45min;在G2晚期注入的推迟60min,说明抑制肌动蛋白的功能则使有丝分裂受到明显影响。CB处理  相似文献   

The dynamic changes of nucleolar ultrastructure in the cell cycle of Physarum polycephalum Schw. were studied by an en bloc silver-staining method. The results showed that the nucleolus was large in size and situated in the center of the nucleus in late G2-phase, and the fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar components and granular components could be observed in the nucleolus. During prophase, the nucleolus moved towards the periphery of the nucleus and in late prophase disintegrated near the nuclear envelope. In metaphase, the disintegrated nucleolar components were dispersed in masses and located at the periphery of the chromosomal region of the nucleus. No specifically silver-stained area and argentophilic protein sheath were observed on the chromosomes, but there were some big dispersed silver particles within the chromosomes. During telophase the nucleolar components moved towards the two poles along with the chromosomes and co-existed with the decondensing chromatin in daughter nuclei. The nucleolar components then gradually converged with one another and separated from the chromatin. A big nucleolus was formed in the nucleus about 120 min after the completion of mitosis.  相似文献   

The effect of food supply on the onset of asexual and sexual plasmodium formation in Physarum polycephalum was studied. Asexual differentiation occurs readily in amoebae carrying the matAh mating type allele. The density at which these amoebae begin to differentiate is influenced by the ind locus, which controls the production of a diffusible inducer. The alleles ind-1 and ind-2 are known. Strains carring the ind-1 allele begin plasmodium formation at a low amoebal density (rapid differentiation), while strains carring the ind-2 allele differentiate at a higher amoebal density (slow differentiation). The onset of differentiation is characteristic of the strain and did not change with a 20-fold variation in the number of food bacteria available. Sexual differentiation occurs between compatible amoebal strains. For a given pair of amoebal strains the onset of plasmodium formation occurs at a characteristic cell density that is determined by the genetic backgrounds of the strains. The ind locus is one of the genes that influences this cell density. Plasmodia are formed at a lower cell density in crosses involving compatible amoebae carrying the ind-1 allele than they are in crosses with strains carrying the ind-2 allele. As was found for asexual differentiation, an approximate 20-fold variation in the food supply did not affect the initiation of sexual plasmodium formation. These results suggest that in most cases starvation does not trigger the differentiation of amoebae into plasmodia. The time of onset of plasmodium formation is determined largely by genetic factors.  相似文献   

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