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A new generation of PNAs, so-called pseudocomplementary PNAs (pcPNAs), which are able to target the designated sites on duplex DNA with mixed sequence of purines and pyrimidines via double-duplex invasion mode, has recently been introduced. It has been demonstrated that appropriate pairs of decameric pcPNAs block an access of RNA polymerase to the corresponding promoter. Here, we show that this type of PNAs protects selected DNA sites containing all four nucleobases from the action of restriction enzymes and DNA methyltransferases. We have found that pcPNAs as short as octamers form stable and sequence-specific complexes with duplex DNA in a very salt-dependent manner. In accord with a strand-invasion mode of complex formation, the pcPNA binding proceeds much faster with supercoiled than with linear plasmids. The double-duplex invasion complexes selectively shield specific DNA sites from BclI restriction endonuclease and dam methylase. The pcPNA-assisted protection against enzymatic methylation is more efficient when the PNA-binding site embodies the methylase-recognition site rather than overlaps it. We conclude that pcPNAs may provide the robust tools allowing to sequence-specifically manipulate DNA duplexes in a virtually sequence-unrestricted manner.  相似文献   

The type IIs restriction enzyme BfiI recognizes the non-palindromic nucleotide sequence 5'-ACTGGG-3' and cleaves complementary DNA strands 5/4 nucleotides downstream of the recognition sequence. The genes coding for the BfiI restriction-modification (R-M) system were cloned/sequenced and biochemical characterization of BfiI restriction enzyme was performed. The BfiI R-M system contained three proteins: two N4-methylcytosine methyltransferases and a restriction enzyme. Sequencing of bisulfite-treated methylated DNA indicated that each methyltransferase modifies cytosines on opposite strands of the recognition sequence. The N-terminal part of the BfiI restriction enzyme amino acid sequence revealed intriguing similarities to an EDTA-resistant nuclease of Salmonella typhimurium. Biochemical analyses demonstrated that BfiI, like the nuclease of S. typhimurium, cleaves DNA in the absence of Mg(2+) ions and hydrolyzes an artificial substrate bis(p-nitrophenyl) phosphate. However, unlike the nonspecific S. typhimurium nuclease, BfiI restriction enzyme cleaves DNA specifically. We propose that the DNA-binding specificity of BfiI stems from the C-terminal part of the protein. The catalytic N-terminal subdomain of BfiI radically differs from that of type II restriction enzymes and is presumably similar to the EDTA-resistant nonspecific nuclease of S. typhimurium; therefore, BfiI did not require metal ions for catalysis. We suggest that BfiI represents a novel subclass of type IIs restriction enzymes that differs from the archetypal FokI endonuclease by the fold of its cleavage domain, the domain location, and reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Type I DNA restriction enzymes are large, molecular machines possessing DNA methyltransferase, ATPase, DNA translocase and endonuclease activities. The ATPase, DNA translocase and endonuclease activities are specified by the restriction (R) subunit of the enzyme. We demonstrate that the R subunit of the Eco KI type I restriction enzyme comprises several different functional domains. An N-terminal domain contains an amino acid motif identical with that forming the catalytic site in simple restriction endonucleases, and changes within this motif lead to a loss of nuclease activity and abolish the restriction reaction. The central part of the R subunit contains amino acid sequences characteristic of DNA helicases. We demonstrate, using limited proteolysis of this subunit, that the helicase motifs are contained in two domains. Secondary structure prediction of these domains suggests a structure that is the same as the catalytic domains of DNA helicases of known structure. The C-terminal region of the R subunit can be removed by elastase treatment leaving a large fragment, stable in the presence of ATP, which can no longer bind to the other subunits of Eco KI suggesting that this domain is required for protein assembly. Considering these results and previous models of the methyltransferase part of these enzymes, a structural and operational model of a type I DNA restriction enzyme is presented.  相似文献   

DNA computing study is a new paradigm in computer science and biological computing fields. As one of DNA computing approaches, DNA automaton is composed of the hardware, input DNA molecule and state transition molecules. By now restriction enzymes are key hardware for DNA computing automaton. It has been found that DNA computing efficiency may be independent on DNA ligases when type IIS restriction enzymes like FokI are used as hardware. In this study, we compared FokI with four other distinct enzymes HgaI, BsmFI, BbsI, and BseMII, and found their differential independence on T4 DNA ligase when performing automaton reactions. Since DNA automaton is a potential powerful tool to tackle gene relationship in genomic network scale, the feasible ligase-free DNA automaton may set an initial base to develop functional DNA automata for various DNA technology development and implications in genetics study in the near future.  相似文献   

As a novel type of regulator molecule for DNA-recognizing proteins, a photo-cross-linked oligonucleotide duplex was designed and synthesized. The molecule regulated the activity of a restriction endonuclease by being recognized as a substrate. This type of regulating molecule is regarded as a decoy-DNA. 4,5',8-[4-Aminoethylaminomethyl]-trioxalen (aeAMT) was conjugated with an oligodeoxyribonucleotide (ODN) at the 5'-end and the aeAMT was cross-linked with the thymine residue of the complementary oligonucleotide upon UVA irradiation. The terminally cross-linked oligonucleotides, singly clipped (SC) decoy-DNA, acquired thermal stability. An oligonucleoside phosphorothioate (OPT) was also introduced as one or both components, yielding three types of decoy-DNAs, SC-ODN-ODN (SC.DD), SC-OPT-ODN (SC.SD), and SC-OPT-OPT (SC.SS). The SC decoy-DNAs inhibited the function of the restriction endonuclease, AatII, in a sequence-specific and concentration-dependent manner with an appreciable IC50 value (1.3 microM for SC.DD, 0.016 microM for SC.SD, 0.002 microM for SC.SS). The SC decoy-DNAs were found to be effective for regulating the DNA recognizing proteins.  相似文献   

Cleavage of DNA.RNA hybrids by type II restriction enzymes.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The action of a number of restriction enzymes on DNA.RNA hybrids has been examined using hybrids synthesised with RNAs of cucumber mosaic virus as templates. The enzymes EcoRI, HindII, SalI, MspI, HhaI, AluI, TaqI and HaeIII cleaved the DNA strand of the hybrids (and possible also the RNA strand) into specific fragments. For four of these enzymes, HhaI, AluI, TaqI and HaeIII, comparison of the restriction fragments produced with the known sequences of the viral RNAs confirmed that they were recognising and cleaving the DNA strand of the hybrids at their correct recognition sequences. It is likely that the ability to utilise DNA.RNA hybrids as substrates is a general property of Type II restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Type IIs endonucleases recognize asymmetric DNA sequences and cleave both strands at fixed positions downstream of the sequence. Many type IIs enzymes, including BspMI, cleave substrates with two sites more rapidly than those with one site. They usually act sequentially on DNA with two sites, but BspMI converted such a substrate directly to the final products cut at both sites. The BspMI endonuclease was found to be a tetramer, in contrast to the monomeric structures for many type IIs enzymes. No change in subunit association occurred during the BspMI reaction. Plasmids with two BspMI sites were cleaved in cis, in reactions spanning sites in the same DNA, even when the sites were separated by just 38 bp. Plasmids with one BspMI site were cleaved in trans, with the enzyme bridging sites in separate DNA molecules: these slow reactions could be accelerated by adding a second DNA with the recognition sequence. Thus, whereas many type IIs enzymes dimerize before cleaving DNA, a process facilitated by two recognition sites in cis, the BspMI tetramer binds two copies of its recognition sequence before cleaving the DNA in both strands at both sites.  相似文献   

EcoP15I is a type III restriction enzyme that requires two recognition sites in a defined orientation separated by up to 3.5 kbp to efficiently cleave DNA. The mechanism through which site-bound EcoP15I enzymes communicate between the two sites is unclear. Here, we use atomic force microscopy to study EcoP15I-DNA pre-cleavage complexes. From the number and size distribution of loops formed, we conclude that the loops observed do not result from translocation, but are instead formed by a contact between site-bound EcoP15I and a nonspecific region of DNA. This conclusion is confirmed by a theoretical polymer model. It is further shown that translocation must play some role, because when translocation is blocked by a Lac repressor protein, DNA cleavage is similarly blocked. On the basis of these results, we present a model for restriction by type III restriction enzymes and highlight the similarities between this and other classes of restriction enzymes.  相似文献   

Strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae possess numerous restriction-modification (R-M) systems. One of these systems, which has been found in all strains tested, encodes the S. NgoVIII specificity (5'TCACC 3') R-M system. We cloned two adjacent methyltransferase genes (dcmH and damH), each encoding proteins whose actions protect DNA from digestion by R.HphI or R.Ngo BI (5'TCACC 3'). The damH gene product is a N 6-methyladenine methyltransferase that recognizes this sequence. We constructed a plasmid containing multiple copies of the S.NgoVIII sequence, grew it in the presence of damH and used the HPLC to demonstrate the presence of N 6-methyladenine in the DNA. A second plasmid, containing overlapping damH and Escherichia coli dam recognition sequences in combination with various restriction digests, was used to identify which adenine in the recognition sequence was modified by damH. The predicted dcmH gene product is homologous to 5-methylcytosine methyltransferases. The products of both the dcmH and damH genes, as well as an open reading frame downstream of the damH gene are highly similar to the Haemophilus parahaemolyticus hphIMC , hphIMA and hphIR gene products, encoding the Hph I Type IIs R-M system. The S.NgoVIII R-M genes are flanked by a 97 bp direct repeat that may be involved in the mobility of this R-M system.  相似文献   

A new adsorbent for the selective binding of enzymes, in the form of microporous membranes carrying triazine dyes as pseudo-affinity ligand, has been implemented in the recovery of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from yeast. A detailed investigation of the process parameters has been performed. In the adsorption step, the contact time for binding G6PDH could be reduced down to 0.25 s without significant decrease of the capture efficiency. Hence, fast filtration allowed to isolate G6PDH from a dilute extract (1.6 mug G6PDH . mL(-1)), where the enzyme accounted for 1% of the proteins. The yield of the selective elution step using NADP was only 70% at best. It could be improved to near 100% by supplementing the eluent with ethylene glycol, without loss of selectivity. A Scale-up of the cross-section of the membrane by a factor of 40 allowed to purify 1140 U from 0.6 L extract from 1% to 57% purity with 82% yield, within 10 minutes. The case study presented here demonstrates the applicability of general-purpose membrane adsorbents for the purification of enzymes.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease EcoRV has been characterized in structural and functional terms in great detail. Based on this detailed information we employed a structure-guided approach to engineer variants of EcoRV that should be able to discriminate between differently flanked EcoRV recognition sites. In crystal structures of EcoRV complexed with d(CGGGATATCCC)(2) and d(AAAGATATCTT)(2), Lys104 and Ala181 closely approach the two base pairs flanking the GATATC recognition site and thus were proposed to be a reasonable starting point for the rational extension of site specificity in EcoRV [Horton,N.C. and Perona,J.J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem., 273, 21721-21729]. To test this proposal, several single (K104R, A181E, A181K) and double mutants of EcoRV (K104R/A181E, K104R/A181K) were generated. A detailed characterization of all variants examined shows that only the substitution of Ala181 by Glu leads to a considerably altered selectivity with both oligodeoxynucleotide and macromolecular DNA substrates, but not the predicted one, as these variants prefer cleavage of a TA flanked site over all other sites, under all conditions tested. The substitution of Lys104 by Arg, in contrast, which appeared to be very promising on the basis of the crystallographic analysis, does not lead to variants which differ very much from the EcoRV wild-type enzyme with respect to the flanking sequence preferences. The K104R/A181E and K104R/A181K double mutants show nearly the same preferences as the A181E and A181K single mutants. We conclude that even for the very well characterized restriction enzyme EcoRV, properties that determine specificity and selectivity are difficult to model on the basis of the available structural information.  相似文献   

Although the DNA cleavage mechanism of Type I restriction–modification enzymes has been extensively studied, the mode of cleavage remains elusive. In this work, DNA ends produced by EcoKI, EcoAI and EcoR124I, members of the Type IA, IB and IC families, respectively, have been characterized by cloning and sequencing restriction products from the reactions with a plasmid DNA substrate containing a single recognition site for each enzyme. Here, we show that all three enzymes cut this substrate randomly with no preference for a particular base composition surrounding the cleavage site, producing both 5′- and 3′-overhangs of varying lengths. EcoAI preferentially generated 3′-overhangs of 2–3 nt, whereas EcoKI and EcoR124I displayed some preference for the formation of 5′-overhangs of a length of ~6–7 and 3–5 nt, respectively. A mutant EcoAI endonuclease assembled from wild-type and nuclease-deficient restriction subunits generated a high proportion of nicked circular DNA, whereas the wild-type enzyme catalyzed efficient cleavage of both DNA strands. We conclude that Type I restriction enzymes require two restriction subunits to introduce DNA double-strand breaks, each providing one catalytic center for phosphodiester bond hydrolysis. Possible models for DNA cleavage are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the formation of a covalent enzyme-cleaved DNA complex is a prerequisite for the essential functions of topoisomerase II, this reaction intermediate has the potential to destabilize the genome. Consequently, all known eukaryotic type II enzymes maintain this complex at a low steady-state level. Recently, however, a novel topoisomerase II was discovered in Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1 (PBCV-1) that has an exceptionally high DNA cleavage activity [Fortune et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 24401-24408]. If robust DNA cleavage is critical to the physiological functions of chlorella virus topoisomerase II, then this remarkable characteristic should be conserved throughout the viral family. Therefore, topoisomerase II from Chlorella virus Marburg-1 (CVM-1), a distant family member, was expressed in yeast, isolated, and characterized. CVM-1 topoisomerase II is 1058 amino acids in length, making it the smallest known type II enzyme. The viral topoisomerase II displayed a high DNA strand passage activity and a DNA cleavage activity that was approximately 50-fold greater than that of human topoisomerase IIalpha. High DNA cleavage appeared to result from a greater rate of scission rather than promiscuous DNA site utilization, inordinately tight DNA binding, or diminished religation rates. Despite the fact that CVM-1 and PBCV-1 topoisomerase II share approximately 67% amino acid sequence identity, the two enzymes displayed clear differences in their DNA cleavage specificity/site utilization. These findings suggest that robust DNA cleavage is intrinsic to the viral enzyme and imply that chlorella virus topoisomerase II plays a physiological role beyond the control of DNA topology.  相似文献   

C Price  J C Shepherd    T A Bickle 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(5):1493-1497
The DNA sequences recognized by the allelic type I restriction enzymes EcoR124 and EcoR124/3 were determined. EcoR124 recognizes 5'-GAA(N6)RTCG-3' and EcoR124/3 recognizes 5'-GAA(N7)RTCG-3'. These are typical of sequences recognized by type I recognition enzymes in that they consist of two specific domains separated by a non-specific spacer sequence. For these two enzymes, the specific sequences are identical but the length of the non-specific spacer is different. The specific domains of EcoR124/3 are thus 3.4 A further apart than those of EcoR124 and rotated with respect to each other through a further 36 degrees.  相似文献   

The ability of DNA sequences to adopt unusual structures under the superhelical torsional stress has been studied. Sequences that are forced to adopt unusual conformation in topologically constrained pBR322 form V DNA (Lk = 0) were mapped using restriction enzymes as probes. Restriction enzymes such as BamHI, PstI, AvaI and HindIII could not cleave their recognition sequences. The removal of topological constraint relieved this inhibition. The influence of neighbouring sequences on the ability of a given sequence to adopt unusual DNA structure, presumably left handed Z conformation, was studied through single hit analysis. Using multiple cut restriction enzymes such as NarI and FspI, it could be shown that under identical topological strain, the extent of structural alteration is greatly influenced by the neighbouring sequences. In the light of the variety of sequences and locations that could be mapped to adopt non-B conformation in pBR322 form V DNA, restriction enzymes appear as potential structural probes for natural DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The effect of unusual polyamines, such as thermine, caldopentamine, caldohexamine, tris(3-aminopropyl)amine, or tetrakis(3-aminopropyl)ammonium, on the activities of various restriction endonucleases was investigated by using an Escherichia coli plasmid as a substrate, which contains a high GC content fragment from an extreme thermophile. Restriction enzymes used were SmaI, BanII, NaeI, RsaI, and TaqI. Most of the polyamines tested were inhibitory to the enzyme activities. The larger and more branched a polyamine was, the more the activities of nucleases were inhibited. The inhibition was positively correlated with the polyamine concentration. The sites protected by a polyamine were identical to those protected by other polyamines, and also identical to those which were less sensitive to the restriction enzyme in the absence of polyamines. No sequence specificity was seen among these sites.  相似文献   

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