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陕西肚倍蚜的生态要求及五倍子生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张子有  杨开谋 《昆虫知识》1993,30(4):220-223

【目的】研究肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi对不同光源的趋光行为及应用不同光源诱集效果,为研发肚倍蚜收集装置提供科学依据。【方法】通过室内行为学试验分析21种不同波长灯光对肚倍夏迁蚜的引诱效果,并测试生产应用上4种不同光源对肚倍夏迁蚜诱集效果。【结果】肚倍夏迁蚜对325-770 nm范围内的光(光强15 lx)具有趋性。肚倍夏迁蚜对670 nm单色光趋向性最强,极显著高于其他波段的单色光(除了460 nm以外)。其次是460、610和590 nm的单色光,显著高于除了670 nm以外其他波段的单色光。利用可移动式收集装置结合灯光收集肚倍夏迁蚜所需要的时间为3d。而且,4种光波的灯诱集规律存在较大的差异。橙色LED灯(600-610 nm)、红色LED灯(655-665 nm)和白色日光灯诱集规律相似,收集曲线都是"凸"形的。蓝色LED灯(450-460nm)诱集规律与前3种灯相反,收集曲线是"凹"形的。【结论】肚倍夏迁蚜的最敏感光谱是670、460、610和590 nm的单色光。LED灯可结合移动式收集装置用于肚倍夏迁蚜的迁飞收集,有助于提高收集效率。  相似文献   

李芒  王永  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2012,49(1):146-153
肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi是一种转寄主寄生昆虫,其虫瘿单宁含量较高为70%。为了解肚倍蚜适应复杂瘿内环境生化机制,根据已发布的基因保守区域设计引物,从肚倍蚜中克隆β-actin、sod-1、sod-2、cat、prx和gst6个结构基因的保守序列,并利用半定量RT-PCR方法检测了瘿内外不同时期肚倍蚜中肠中抗氧化相关基因的表达量。研究表明:与瘿外时期相比,肚倍蚜sod-1、sod-2、cat、prx和gst5个基因在表达量上存在一定差异;sod-1、cat、prx和gst基因在部分瘿内时期表达量显著高于瘿外时期。本研究为肚倍蚜抗氧化相关基因的克隆和肚倍蚜瘿内环境适应机制研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

肚倍蚜干母空间分布型与抽样技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李建军  张雅林 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):212-214
本文分析了肚倍蚜干母的空间分布型。结果表明肚倍蚜干母种群星聚集分布,同时符合奈曼分布和负二项分布。并分析了引起聚集分布的原因和提出了理论抽样方程。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究拟对肚倍蚜Kaburagia rhusicola瘿内种群动态与虫瘿生长发育关系进行研究,为深入研究肚倍蚜的生物学特性奠定基础。【方法】在2014年4月27日至7月16日期间,在湖北竹山田间每间隔10 d随机选择长势基本一致的青麸杨,分别采集健康肚倍蚜虫瘿,每次采集样本30个。采用排水法测量虫瘿体积,之后将虫瘿解剖,取出瘿内蚜虫,置于培养皿内,采用四分法统计数量。对虫瘿体积增长与瘿内蚜虫种群变化进行了相关性分析。【结果】虫瘿体积增长与蚜虫种群数量增长之间呈极显著正相关(r=0.960,P0.01)。虫瘿体积与蚜虫种群数量增长分别呈现3个峰,即5月6日至5月16日、5月26日至6月6日和6月26日至7月6日。肚倍蚜瘿内密度变化的主要趋势是先降后升,中间有一个小的起伏。【结论】本研究表明虫瘿大小和瘿内蚜虫种群数量有关,虫瘿体积可用于评价干母的环境适合度。  相似文献   

角倍蚜对盐肤木叶片物质代谢的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王健  吴振廷 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):363-366
角倍形成初期,倍子内游离氨基酸总量增加,以几种正常叶片中含量较少的必需氨基酸增长最为明显,而可溶性糖的含量减少,碳氮比下降,有利于角倍蚜的生长繁殖;角倍形成后期,虽然倍子内游离氨基酸总量仍在继续增加,但几种重要的必需氨基酸含量却明显下降,并且可溶性糖含量成倍增加、碳氮比低于叶片,不利于角倍蚜的生长繁殖。角倍中单宁的含量约占干重的56%,而角倍蚜体内单宁含量仅为其寄主的0.84%,角倍蚜的排泄物和蜕中单宁含量分别是虫体的37.5和4.8倍,因此这可能是角倍蚜克服寄主体内单宁伤害的重要途径。  相似文献   

肚倍生产的可持续发展有赖于蚜虫和寄主的协同共生,本文研究对肚倍蚜迁飞具有引诱效应的相关寄主植物挥发物组成状况。在湖北竹山县3处不同海拔高度分别采集春迁蚜主要迁飞阶段的冬寄主美灰藓和夏寄主青麸杨自然状态挥发物,并以全自动热脱附-气相色谱/质谱(ATD-GC/MS)联用法分析其化合物成分。结果表明,冬春交替时期,受相关寄主植物中挥发性次生代谢物释放诱导,肚倍蚜集中从冬寄主向夏寄主迁飞;各寄主挥发物样品中检出的萜烯类成分均在总含量中占最大比例,当迁飞进程由初期进入高峰期、末期时,α-蒎烯等较高含量萜类在夏寄主青麸杨挥发物中占比更为突出。在3个采样点,均是青麸杨挥发物中萜烯所占比例相对美灰藓更高,迁飞初期即超过50%,至高峰期及末期更扩大占比,成为主导类化合物。此外,由于气温原因,在相对较低海拔处,萜烯类的挥发优势效应更凸显,春迁蚜的迁飞进程可相对更早发生。  相似文献   

环境因子对角倍蚜秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了环境因子对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) 秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响。温、湿度单因子试验表明,秋迁蚜在26℃和80%RH条件下有最大生殖量;温、湿度对秋迁蚜生殖量的影响均符合开口向下的二次抛物线变化趋势,极端温、湿度会导致生殖量的下降。采用三元一次正交组合设计,研究了环境温度(X1)、湿度(X2)和光照强度(X3)三因子不同水平组合对雌性蚜发育的影响,表明温度是影响发育历期的主要因子,其次是光照强度,最后是湿度。因此,适当高温、强光照条件可以加快雌性蚜发育;而适当高湿条件可以降低雌性蚜的发育速率而延长其发育历期。在人工培育角倍蚜生产中,创造有利于秋迁蚜生殖的温、湿度条件可以使秋迁蚜产下较多的越冬侨蚜;在适当降低温度、增加湿度的阴暗条件下贮留雌性蚜可以适当延长其发育,以使角倍蚜与盐肤木在物候上达到最佳吻合。  相似文献   

邱明生  赵志模 《昆虫学报》1999,42(2):145-149
研究了环境因子对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) 秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响。温、湿度单因子试验表明,秋迁蚜在26℃和80%RH条件下有最大生殖量;温、湿度对秋迁蚜生殖量的影响均符合开口向下的二次抛物线变化趋势,极端温、湿度会导致生殖量的下降。采用三元一次正交组合设计,研究了环境温度(X1)、湿度(X2)和光照强度(X3)三因子不同水平组合对雌性蚜发育的影响,表明温度是影响发育历期的主要因子,其次是光照强度,最后是湿度。因此,适当高温、强光照条件可以加快雌性蚜发育;而适当高湿条件可以降低雌性蚜的发育速率而延长其发育历期。在人工培育角倍蚜生产中,创造有利于秋迁蚜生殖的温、湿度条件可以使秋迁蚜产下较多的越冬侨蚜;在适当降低温度、增加湿度的阴暗条件下贮留雌性蚜可以适当延长其发育,以使角倍蚜与盐肤木在物候上达到最佳吻合。  相似文献   

肚倍是一种商品化的五倍子,富含鞣质、没食子酸等重要成分,具有重要的药用价值及工业用途。研究不同生长发育时期五倍子主要成分的含量变化,探索变化规律对肚倍更深入的研究具有长远意义。本文以湖北省竹山县溢水镇东川苗圃、文峰乡肖家垭、德胜镇王家湾生产的肚倍为样品,每隔10天采摘一次,称重并测定其主要成分的含量,直至虫瘿成熟爆裂。经测定,3个产地的肚倍含有丰富的鞣质(约70.0%)、游离没食子酸(约5.0%)、1,2,3,4,6-五-O-没食子酰-β-葡萄糖(β-PGG,约6.0%)、可溶性总糖(约8.2%)、氨基酸(约7.5%)等,在不同的生长期,这些主要成分的含量无大的差异,而且主要的几种重金属元素铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)、钡(Ba)、铅(Pb)和砷(As)在生长过程中也不会累积,不影响采摘时间。综合考虑肚倍的生长情况和经济价值,肚倍适宜在其个头最大,即体积基本不再增长且未爆裂、无霉烂时采摘。  相似文献   

There is a possible role of reactive oxygen species (SROS) in the complication of implants although there is presently little information. The aim of this study was to investigate the alterations in lipid peroxidation (LP) and antioxidant enzyme activities in tissues surrounding implants in rabbits. Thirty New Zealand albino male rabbits were used. They were randomly divided into five groups. The first group (I) was used as control. Groups II, III, IV and V were implanted with stainless steel, ceramic, titanium and polyethylene, respectively. One month after the administration of implant, the tissues surrounding the implant were carefully removed for antioxidant enzyme analysis. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutases (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT) in tissues surrounding the implants in the groups II, III and IV were significantly (p<0.05-p<0.001) lower than in the control group although glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities and LP values were increased. CAT activity and LP level did not decrease in group V. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that there is an increase in lipid peroxidation in the tissues surrounding ceramic and titanium implants of animals whereas there is a decrease in antioxidant enzymes. Oxidative stress plays a very important role in the complications of ceramic and titanium implants. The polyethylene implant seems to be the best of the four implant materials tested.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue glutathione antioxidant system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats for a period of 15 weeks were examined. Total glutathione level was significantly increased in kidney tissue, but were slightly decreased and increased in liver and heart tissues, respectively. The small changes in total glutathione level in the liver and heart, though not statistically significant, were associated with reciprocal alterations in the activity Of -glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS). While the GCS activity was not changed in kidney tissue, the activity of -glutathione peroxidase was significantly increased in kidney tissue. Insulin treatment could completely or partly normalize almost all of these changes induced by diabetes. However, the decrease in hepatic glutathione S-transferases activity in diabetic rats was not reversed by the insulin treatment. The ensemble of results suggests that the diabetes-induced alterations in tissue glutathione antioxidant system may possibly reflect an inter-organ antioxidant response to a generalized increase in tissue oxidative stress associated with diabetes.Abbreviations AGES advanced glycosylation end-products - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - GCS -glutamylcysteine synthetase - GlyHb glycated hemoglobin - GPX Se-glutathione peroxidase - GRD glutathione reductase - GSH reduced glutathione - GSSG oxidized glutathione - GST glutathione S-transferases - SSA sulfosalicylic acid - STZ streptozotocin  相似文献   

The effect of magnesium deficiency on antioxidant defence system was studied in RBC of mice suffering from hypomagnesemia. The animals were kept for 8, 15 and 22 days on magnesium-deficient diet with consequent reduction of magnesium level in plasma by 38% at the first 8 days and by 64% after 22 days of experiment. The activities of the most important antioxidant enzymes, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase, glutahione S-transferase were assayed in hemolysates. The level of reduced glutathione in erythrocytes was measured as well. Apart from catalase, the activities of antioxidant enzymes were decreasing. The activity of superoxide dismutase decreased gradually during the experiment and on the 15th and 22nd day of experiment was significantly (P<0,05) lowered by 30 and 32% respectively. The catalase activity was increased on each point of the experiment with the peak value up to 149% on 15th day, and by 32% on 22nd day. Glutathione peroxidase activity was insignificantly reduced. The reduction of Glutatione reductase and Glutathione S-transferase activities by 24 and 21%, respectively, were observed after 8 days of the experiment with a further downward tendency. The reduced glutathione was significantly depleted after 8 days by 33% and was kept on that level in the course of the study. These findings support previous reports on the hypomagnesemia – induced alteration in endogenous enzyme antioxidant defences and glutathione redox cycle of mice.  相似文献   

To elucidate proline antioxidant properties in common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) plants, they were treated with paraquat (a producer of superoxide radical) and/or NaCl and also with paraquat and proline at the stage of 4–5 true leaves. The paraquat solution (1 ml containing 0.1 μmol of the agent) was applied to the leaf surface; NaCl (200 mM) and proline (the final concentration of 5 mM) were added to nutrient medium. Experimental plants were firstly kept in darkness for 12 h, then illuminated, and in 3, 6, and 12 h, leaves and roots were fixed for biochemical analyses. The results obtained are in agreement with the supposition of proline antioxidant properties. In particular, it was established that paraquat induced a slight increase in the proline level in the leaves during dark period of plant growth and also during subsequent 3 h after light switching on. This transient proline accumulation in the leaves was accompanied by its level decrease in the roots. Proline addition to the nutrient medium of paraquat-treated plants neutralized paraquat damaging action on the leaves. In the presence of paraquat, proline treatment reduced the accumulation in the roots of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde, the product of membrane lipid peroxidation. It also affected indirectly the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and free, covalently bound, and ionically bound peroxidases. Keeping in mind that, in the presence of paraquat, superoxide-induced changes in SOD activity in the roots were negatively correlated with the level of proline, which content was the highest during the last hours of experiments, we can conclude that proline antioxidant effects are manifested only after 12 h of stressor action, whereas antioxidant enzymes are involved in ROS scavenging during the earlier stage of damaging factor action.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is thought to contribute to the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. As glutathione peroxidase-1 (Gpx1) is an antioxidant enzyme that detoxifies lipid hydroperoxides, we tested the impact of Gpx1 deficiency on atherosclerotic processes and antioxidant enzyme expression in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD). After 12 weeks of HFD, atherosclerotic lesions at the aortic sinus were of similar size in control and Gpx1-deficient mice. However, after 20 weeks of HFD, lesion size increased further in control but not in Gpx1-deficient mice, even though plasma and aortic wall markers of oxidative damage did not differ between groups. In control mice, the expression of Gpx1 increased and that of Gpx3 decreased at the aortic sinus after 20 weeks of HFD, with no change in the expression of Gpx2, Gpx4, catalase, peroxiredoxin-6, glutaredoxin-1 and -2, or thioredoxin-1 and -2. By comparison, in Gpx1-deficient mice, the expression of antioxidant genes was unaltered except for a decrease in glutaredoxin-1 and an increase in glutaredoxin-2. These changes were associated with increased expression of the proinflammatory marker monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in control mice but not in Gpx1-deficient mice. In summary, a specific deficiency in Gpx1 was not accompanied by an increase in markers of oxidative damage or increased atherosclerosis in a murine model of HFD-induced atherogenesis.  相似文献   

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