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In this study we tested the often suggested claim that people are able to recognize their dogs by their barks. Earlier studies in other species indicated that reliable discrimination between individuals cannot be made by listening to chaotically noisy vocalizations. As barking is typically such a chaotic noisy vocalization, we have hypothesized that reliable discrimination between individuals is not possible by listening to barks. In this study, playback experiments were conducted to explore (1) how accurately humans discriminate between dogs by hearing only their barks, (2) the impact of the eliciting context of calls on these discrimination performances, and (3) how much such discrimination depends on acoustic parameters (tonality and frequency of barks, and the intervals between the individual barks). Our findings were consistent with the previous studies: human performances did not pass the empirical threshold of reliable discrimination in most cases. But a significant effect of tonality was found: discrimination between individuals was more successful when listeners were listening to low harmonic-to-noise ratio (HNR) barks. The contexts in which barks were recorded affected significantly the listeners' performances: if the dog barked at a stranger, listeners were able to discriminate the vocalizations better than if they were listening to sounds recorded when the dog was separated from its owner. It is rendered probable that the bark might be a more efficient communication system between humans and dogs for communicating the motivational state of an animal than for discrimination among strange individuals.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, we found that humans were able to categorize dog barks correctly, which were recorded in various situations. The acoustic parameters, like tonality, pitch and inter-bark time intervals, seemed to have a strong effect on how human listeners described the emotionality of these dog vocalisations. In this study, we investigated if the effect of the acoustic parameters of the dog bark is the same on the human listeners as we would expect it from studies in other mammalian species (for example, low, hoarse sounds indicating aggression; high pitched, tonal sounds indicating subordinance/fear). People with different experience with dogs were asked to describe the emotional content of several artificially assembled bark sequences on the basis of five emotional states (aggressiveness, fear, despair, playfulness, happiness). The selection of the barks was based on low, medium and high values of tonality and peak frequency. For assembling artificial bark sequences, we used short, middle or long inter-bark intervals. We found that humans with different levels of experience with dogs described the emotional content of the bark sequences quite similarly, and the extent of previous experience with the given breed (Mudi), or with dogs in general, did not cause characteristic differences in the emotionality scores. The scoring of the emotional content of the bark sequences was in accordance with the so-called Morton's structural–acoustic rules. Thus, low pitched barks were described as aggressive, and tonal and high pitched barks were scored as either fearful or desperate, but always without aggressiveness. In general, tonality of the bark sequence had much less effect than the pitch of the sounds. We found also that the inter-bark intervals had a strong effect on the emotionality of dog barks for the human listeners: bark sequences with short inter-bark intervals were scored as aggressive, but bark sequences with longer inter-bark intervals were scored with low values of aggression. High pitched bark sequences with long inter-bark intervals were considered happy and playful, independently from their tonality. These findings show that dog barks function as predicted by the structural–motivational rules developed for acoustic signals in other species, suggesting that dog barks may present a functional system for communication at least in the dog–human relationship. In sum it seems that many types of different emotions can be expressed with the variation of at least three acoustic parameters.  相似文献   

In the present study we explored whether dogs (Canis familiaris) are able to discriminate between conspecific barks emitted in different contexts recorded either from the same or different individuals. Playback experiments were conducted with dogs using barks as stimuli in a habituation–dishabituation paradigm. Barks were recorded in two contexts (stranger at the fence and when the dog was left alone) from different individuals. We found that dogs distinguished between barks emitted in these two contexts and were also able to discriminate between different individuals which were barking in the same context. These findings suggest that dog bark may carry context- and individual-specific information for the conspecifics.  相似文献   

Lateralization is considered to be a fundamental feature of vertebrate brains. The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of functional cerebral asymmetry on processing of auditory stimuli in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) during the orientation reaction. The experiment was conducted on 46 dogs (25 females and 21 males). Four types of auditory stimuli were used in the experiment (three meaningful stimuli: cat meowing, dog barking, the "sit" command ("siad" in Polish), and a neutral word ("wir", meaning "whirl" in Polish). It was predicted that the orientation reaction (turning the head towards the stimuli) would take place only in the case of meaningful sounds. It was also expected that dogs would show consistent lateralization. As predicted, all three meaningful stimuli elicited the orientation reaction. The response of the examined dogs to cat meowing showed significant lateralization with dominant leftwards movement, which hints towards activation of the right cerebral hemisphere and may be related to strong emotions evoked by this stimulus. Contrary to results of previous studies, dogs reacting to dog barking turned their heads leftwards more often, which suggests activation of the right cerebral hemisphere, probably related to the emotional meaning of the stimulus. The "sit" command consistently evoked the orientation reaction but there was no significant lateralization of this movement.  相似文献   

In this study we sought to determine whether dog barks could be divided into subtypes based on context. We recorded barking from 10 adult dogs, Canis familiaris, of six breeds in three different test situations: (1) a disturbance situation in which a stranger rang the doorbell, (2) an isolation situation in which the dog was locked outside or in a room isolated from its owner and (3) a play situation in which either two dogs or a human and a dog played together. We analysed spectrograms of 4672 barks using macros that took 60 sequential frequency measurements and 60 sequential amplitude measurements along the length of the call. Statistical analyses revealed that barks are graded vocalizations that range from harsh, low-frequency, unmodulated calls to harmonically rich, higher-frequency, modulated calls. The harsh, low-frequency, unmodulated barks were more commonly given in the disturbance situation, and the more tonal, higher-pitch, modulated barks were more commonly given in the isolation and play situations. Disturbance barks were also longer in duration with more rapid repetition than the barks given in other contexts. Discriminant analysis revealed that dog barks can be divided into different subtypes based on context even within individual dogs, and that dogs can be identified by their bark spectrograms despite the context of the bark.  相似文献   

The anti-predator behavior of gelada baboons has been observed to consist of simple flight (i.e. they flee to cliffs after becoming alarmed by potential predators). However, active antipredator behavior was observed in a recently found gelada population in Arsi, Ethiopia. This population showed frequent active counter-attacks and severe mobbing at predators. Males fought domestic dogs on the plain and exhibited a systematic mobbing behavior towards a leopard on the cliff face to chase it off. These active anti-predator behaviors are the first confirmed reports on gelada baboons and may provide a useful insight for the understanding of the process of evolutionary adaptation to highland habitats by gelada baboons, as well as for the origin of this small southern population.  相似文献   

Animals frequently interrupt their activity to look up and to scan their surrounding environment for potential predators (vigilance). As vigilance and other activities are often mutually exclusive, such behaviours are at the expense of feeding, sleeping or preening. Authors of many wildlife disturbance studies found that people with free-running dogs provoked the most pronounced disturbances (e.g. greater flushing distances and more birds affected). However, dogs on leash may also negatively affect wild animals, and barking dogs may lead to an increase in vigilance. In this study, I tested this hypothesis in coots (Fulica atra) using three different playback procedures: (1) dog barks, (2) conspecific coot alarm calls and (3) chaffinch song. The trials were conducted in spring and autumn 2005 at three study sites in southwestern Germany. During the dog playbacks, vigilance increased significantly from 17 to 28%. This increase in vigilance is comparable to the presence of a natural predator. As expected, vigilance also increased significantly during conspecific coot alarm calls but not during playbacks of the chaffinch song control. Two main findings result from the study: (1) coots respond to acoustic traits of dogs and may be able to acoustically recognise this predator and (2) this increase in vigilance might have implications for conservation, especially when considering buffer zones around sensitive areas.  相似文献   

State and federal actions to conserve northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat are largely initiated by establishing habitat occupancy. Northern spotted owl occupancy is typically assessed by eliciting their response to simulated conspecific vocalizations. However, proximity of barred owls (Strix varia)-a significant threat to northern spotted owls-can suppress northern spotted owl responsiveness to vocalization surveys and hence their probability of detection. We developed a survey method to simultaneously detect both species that does not require vocalization. Detection dogs (Canis familiaris) located owl pellets accumulated under roost sites, within search areas selected using habitat association maps. We compared success of detection dog surveys to vocalization surveys slightly modified from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Draft 2010 Survey Protocol. Seventeen 2 km ×2 km polygons were each surveyed multiple times in an area where northern spotted owls were known to nest prior to 1997 and barred owl density was thought to be low. Mitochondrial DNA was used to confirm species from pellets detected by dogs. Spotted owl and barred owl detection probabilities were significantly higher for dog than vocalization surveys. For spotted owls, this difference increased with number of site visits. Cumulative detection probabilities of northern spotted owls were 29% after session 1, 62% after session 2, and 87% after session 3 for dog surveys, compared to 25% after session 1, increasing to 59% by session 6 for vocalization surveys. Mean detection probability for barred owls was 20.1% for dog surveys and 7.3% for vocal surveys. Results suggest that detection dog surveys can complement vocalization surveys by providing a reliable method for establishing occupancy of both northern spotted and barred owl without requiring owl vocalization. This helps meet objectives of Recovery Actions 24 and 25 of the Revised Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a methodology that identifies acoustic units in Gunnison's prairie dog alarm calls and then uses those units to classify the alarm calls and bouts according to the species of predator that was present when the calls were vocalized. While traditional methods measure specific acoustic parameters in order to describe a vocalization, our method uses the variation in the internal structure of a vocalization to define possible information structures. Using a simple representation similar to that used in human speech to identify vowel sounds, a software system was developed that uses this representation to recognize acoustic units in prairie dog alarm calls. These acoustic units are then used to classify alarm calls and their associated bouts according to the species of predator that was present when the alarm calls were vocalized. Identification of bouts with up to 100% accuracy was obtained. This work represents a first step toward revealing the details of how information is encoded in a complex nonhuman communication system. Furthermore, the techniques discussed in this paper are not restricted to a database of prairie dog alarm calls. They could be applied to any animal whose vocalizations include multiple simultaneous frequencies.  相似文献   

The ‘move on’ hypothesis for avian mobbing proposes that mobbing induces stress in potential predators, thereby provoking them into moving elsewhere. We tested whether mobbing is stress inducing by subjecting captive owls, hawks, and falcons to the mobbing calls of four species of co‐occurring passerine birds that vary considerably in body size. Test subjects comprised 15 individuals of seven species of birds of prey that were housed at a wildlife rehabilitation center in northwestern Pennsylvania, USA. Playback treatments included mobbing calls of the black‐capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), blue‐headed vireo (Vireo solitarius), blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata), and American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), which vary in size from 12 g (chickadee) to 500 g (crow). A non‐mobbing vocalization (song of the black‐capped chickadee) was included in the playback treatments as a control. Playback treatment produced pronounced effects on three behavioral indicators of probable stress: head orientation toward the playback speaker, raising of feathers or spreading of wings, and changing of perch positions. Test subjects responded more vigorously to mobbing calls of the large passerines (jays and crows) than to those of the smaller passerines (chickadees and vireos). In addition, raptors that had entered the rehabilitation facility as adults generally responded more vigorously to the mobbing calls of jays and crows than did naive individuals that had entered the facility as fledglings or young juveniles. Our results are therefore consistent with the ‘move on’ hypothesis and suggest (1) that the mobbing calls of large passerines are more effective in provoking stress and altering the behavior of potential predators than are the mobbing calls of small passerines and (2) that a raptor's previous experience with mobbing in the wild can exaggerate the strength of its response, particularly to the mobbing calls of large passerines.  相似文献   

The majority of sheltered dogs are overlooked for purchase because they are considered undesirable by potential buyers. Many factors may determine a dog's appeal, although of interest here are the dog's behaviour and cage environment which can influence its desirability. People prefer dogs which are at the front rather than the back of the cage, quiet as opposed to barking, and alert rather than non-alert. Potential buyers also prefer dogs which are held in complex as opposed to barren environments. This study examined the behaviour of sheltered dogs in response to environmental change, to determine whether it influenced dog behaviour in ways that could be perceived as desirable to potential dog buyers, and/or had any effect upon the incidence of dogs purchased from the shelter. One hundred and twenty dogs sheltered by the Ulster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were studied over a 4-h period. The dogs' position in the cage, vocalisation, and activity were investigated in response to increased human social stimulation, moving the dog's bed to the front of the cage, or suspending a toy from the front of the dog's cage. Social stimulation resulted in dogs spending more time at the front of the enclosure, more time standing, and slightly more time barking. Moving the bed to the front of the cage encouraged dogs to this position, but did not influence activity or vocalisation. Suspending a toy at the front of the pen exerted no effect on dog behaviour, although its presence in the pen may help to promote more positive perceptions of dog desirability. The incidence of dogs purchased from the rescue shelter increased whenever the dogs' cages were fitted with a bed at the front of the pen, whenever the dogs were subjected to increased regular human contact, and whenever a toy was placed at the front of the enclosure. Findings highlight the important role that cage environment can play in shaping the behaviour of sheltered dogs and influencing whether or not an animal will become purchased.  相似文献   

Trained service dogs assist and also add pride, self-reliance, and personal satisfaction to an individual's daily life. However, well-bred, trained dogs are very expensive. To explore decreasing the cost of a service dog by increasing the number of dogs successfully completing training, the authors analyzed tasks that service dogs are expected to perform, measuring some of the inherent physical stresses the dogs encounter and considering training techniques to better prepare the dogs for more successful completion of tasks. Observing working dogs, the authors found that undue stress was placed on many of the dogs while performing tasks; that motivational gestures for performance were not fully extended; and that, many times, handlers did not instruct the dogs properly. The working dogs observed often were required to perform tasks that put them at risk of injury and performance failure. Important future considerations for training and handling working dogs will include proper training of handlers and a better understanding of the complexities of the instinctive and physical capabilities and limitation of dogs.  相似文献   

In roe deer, barking is a loud call commonly given by males and females during inter- or intraspecific interactions. The analysis of a set of 19 spectral variables computed on 560 calls revealed significant variation between sexes, individuals, and probably age classes. Discriminant analysis predicted the sex of an individual with a 93.5% probability from a small portion of the bark frequency range. Among six males, a linear combination of six variables predicted the identity of the barking individual with a 70% probability. These sexual and individual differences provide the potential for social recognition from vocalizations. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that barking in roe deer may allow remote signalling of presence, location and identity, and play an important role in the territorial system of this species.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that dogs, as well as primates, utilize a mental representation of the signaler after hearing its vocalization and can match this representation with other features provided by the visual modality. Recently it was found that a dogs' growl is context specific and contains information about the caller's body size. Whether dogs can use the encoded information is as yet unclear. In this experiment, we tested whether dogs can assess the size of another dog if they hear an agonistic growl paired with simultaneous video projection of two dog pictures. One of them matched the size of the growling dog, while the other one was either 30% larger or smaller. In control groups, noise, cat pictures or projections of geometric shapes (triangles) were used. The results showed that dogs look sooner and longer at the dog picture matching the size of the caller. No such preference was found with any of the control stimuli, suggesting that dogs have a mental representation of the caller when hearing its vocalization.  相似文献   

This study examined the prevalence of behaviour problems exhibited by dogs within 4 weeks of acquisition from a rescue shelter in Northern Ireland. One thousand five hundred and forty-seven people who had purchased a dog from a rescue shelter in Northern Ireland were sent a postal questionnaire designed to collect information on the behaviours exhibited by their dog within the first month of acquisition. Five hundred and fifty-six people responded to the survey, representing a response rate of 37%. The majority of respondents (68.3%) reported that their dog exhibited a behaviour problem, the most common being fearfulness. Most of those respondents (89.7%) who returned their dog to the shelter did so because the animal exhibited behaviour that they considered undesirable. Male dogs showed more unacceptable behaviours than females, specifically inter-male aggression, sexual problems and straying tendencies. More stray dogs displayed undesirable behaviour than unwanteds, specifically straying tendencies. Puppies were less likely to exhibit unacceptable behaviours than juveniles or adults, particularly fearfulness, sexual problems and straying tendencies. More juvenile dogs showed excessive activity and excessive barking than puppies or adults. More adult dogs displayed aggression towards other dogs than juveniles or puppies. Findings indicate that dogs purchased from rescue shelters do exhibit behaviour problems that may lead to their return. The number of dogs admitted or returned to rescue shelters with behaviour problems may be reduced by raising public awareness regarding the value of behaviour therapy and introducing behaviour therapy schemes to rescue shelters.  相似文献   


Many dog owners are faced with the problem of what to do with their dog when they go to work. Different solutions to the problem may affect dogs, owners, and employers. In this study, 204 working, Swedish dog owners and 90 employers were interviewed by telephone regarding practical issues and attitudes, in order to identify problems and possible solutions. Results show that leaving the dog at home was the most common solution (73%), followed by bringing the dog to work (16%) and using some form of dog day care (11%). Although dogs were rarely left alone at home for longer than 6 hours, 53% of dog owners preferred or would prefer to bring the dog to work, if possible. However, 81% of all employers had never noticed such a demand. Written dog policies at the workplace were unusual (18%), and there seemed to be great uncertainty among dog owners about the current rules. Studies support the beneficial effects of dogs on many human health aspects, and a majority of dog owners (76%) felt they were healthier because of the dog. There was also a widespread view among employers (59%) that dogs contribute positively to a more social and pleasant workplace, but many argued that allergies (68%) and fear of dogs (66%) could be a problem. Leaving the dog at home will probably remain the practical solution for many dog owners, while bringing the dog to work could be the option with the greatest potential for expansion.  相似文献   

An all-male band of 15 Hanuman langurs alarm barked and mobbed a leopard in Sariska Tiger Reserve, a forest in Rajasthan, India. After initially alarm calling and barking in response to the leopard's presence five animals persistently followed and watched the leopard for about an hour. During this time they were barking and tooth grinding. Both the initial alarm calling and the following mobbing can be interpreted as altruistic behaviour. However, unlike the situation in bisexual troops, Hanuman langur males may not be related to other members of the group and the evolution of such behaviour cannot necessarily be explained by kin selection.  相似文献   



A selective sweep containing the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene is associated with size variation in domestic dogs. Intron 2 of IGF1 contains a SINE element and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) found in all small dog breeds that is almost entirely absent from large breeds. In this study, we surveyed a large sample of grey wolf populations to better understand the ancestral pattern of variation at IGF1 with a particular focus on the distribution of the small dog haplotype and its relationship to the origin of the dog.


We present DNA sequence data that confirms the absence of the derived small SNP allele in the intron 2 region of IGF1 in a large sample of grey wolves and further establishes the absence of a small dog associated SINE element in all wild canids and most large dog breeds. Grey wolf haplotypes from the Middle East have higher nucleotide diversity suggesting an origin there. Additionally, PCA and phylogenetic analyses suggests a closer kinship of the small domestic dog IGF1 haplotype with those from Middle Eastern grey wolves.


The absence of both the SINE element and SNP allele in grey wolves suggests that the mutation for small body size post-dates the domestication of dogs. However, because all small dogs possess these diagnostic mutations, the mutations likely arose early in the history of domestic dogs. Our results show that the small dog haplotype is closely related to those in Middle Eastern wolves and is consistent with an ancient origin of the small dog haplotype there. Thus, in concordance with past archeological studies, our molecular analysis is consistent with the early evolution of small size in dogs from the Middle East.See associated opinion by Driscoll and Macdonald: http://jbiol.com/content/9/2/10

Biomechanical hypotheses are often invoked to explain the characteristic scaling of limb proportions. Patterns of static allometry and morphologic diversity, however, may also reflect the developmental mechanisms underlying morphologic change. In this study I document the importance of such developmental influences on the evolution of limb morphology in the extremely polymorphic domestic dog and in wild canid species. I use bivariate and discriminant function analyses to compare the limb morphology of adult dogs and wild canid species. I then compare ontogenetic allometry of four dog breeds with static allometry of domestic and wild canids. Results reveal, first, that there is considerable similarity between dogs and wild canid species; many wolf-like canids cannot be distinguished from domestic dogs of equivalent size. However, all dogs are consistently separated from fox-sized, wild canids by subtle but evolutionarily significant differences in olecranon, metapodial, and scapula morphology. Second, in domestic dogs the pattern of static allometry is nearly identical to that of ontogenetic allometry. This finding can be attributed to simple heterochronic alterations of postnatal growth rates. Apparently the diversity of limb proportions among adult domestic dogs and the observed difference between dogs and wild canids are somewhat predetermined, as they directly reflect the diversity of limb proportions evident during development of the domestic dog.  相似文献   

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